01-15-15 Site Development Review Committee MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, January 15, 2015 Lower Level Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Jeff Clawson, Building Official Dave Dedman, Fire Chief Chad Fincher, Parks & Rec. Director Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Rick Parker, Bldg. Dept. Inspector Wade Rademacher, Police Captain Rebekah Wargo, Asst. Civil Engineer P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Kathy Nelson, Recording Secretary GUESTS: James Freyholtz, Montana Department of Transportation HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: None. OLD BUSINESS: J2 Office Products Storage Building —115 West Wyoming — Parker stated there may be some ways for them to work around the fire sprinklering requirement. They have acquired Janitor's World and want to store some of the products from there. They will provide Parker with their inventory and quantities, and he will determine the sprinklering issue. NEW BUSINESS: Chick-Fil-A — Sorensen stated that the Planning & Building Dept. has received their architectural drawings and plans, and they are available for viewing. They will be coming in on January 22" d for Site Review, and on the 27th for Architectural Review. Construction is 12 months out. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Financial Drive Subdivision —three 4-plex units in the SE corner. This went through the Planning Board on Tuesday, and is going forward to the City Council in February. Flathead High School/Elrod Elementary School Residential Parking District — The neighborhood and the school district's proposed residential parking district was passed through the Planning Board and is moving forward to the City Council. Stillwood Farms —Two townhouse lots at North Riding Road and Three Mile Drive. North Riding had a landscape with no access. This is not necessary since North Riding is no longer a collector road. We had designed it so the access would come off of Vista Loop at the corner, but Mike Frasier had proposed an emergency fire access on North Riding, with a gate and a chain. Jentz told him we do not want to have a driveway that goes from North Riding through and past four houses onto Vista Loop, as that's a private drive. They asked if we could allow them to use all the access off North Riding and have nothing off Vista Loop. The Planning Board passed this as submitted. Dedman stated the Fire Dept. does not like "a pole with chains" access road. Jentz suggested they have two lots with access offNorth Riding and two lots with access off of Vista Loop, with landscape between the two. This will be on the agenda for next week. TKG Enterprises/Spring Prairie Development Phase IV — They will be asking for a Growth Policy Amendment, a Zone Change to Commercial PUD, and Subdivision approval. This is a 28-acre development with 14 lots. This is going to the Planning Board for a Work Session on February 1 Oth and it's going to the Planning Board on March loth for Public Hearing. Jentz distributed their submitted plans. They also submitted their Preliminary Utility Study. There will be a traffic light across from FVCC. MDT stormwater area is shown with two detention ponds. Their access will go behind Costco, with service access and hotel access. They will have right in, right out turning along Hwy 93. They are also proposing land berming with a tree screen behind their buildings. They are showing an entrance park between Kidsports and this development. Karen Blumenstein will be here February 9th. This will go to City Council on April 2. They hope to begin grading their lots April 3ra and have their pads ready by the first of July with a proposed opening date around Thanksgiving. Jentz suggested we gather our questions and concerns before February loth Earl Bennett Building II & County Shop Building (by Legends Field) — Sorensen stated these two projects will each be claiming Agency Exemption, which requires a hearing. They can exempt themselves from the Zoning Ordinance and from Site Review. They will not be exempt from non - zoning regulations such as building requirements, stormwater regulations, access, bathrooms, and landscaping requirements. They are proposing fire access with the alley, which could also be an issue as the alley is not up to our standards. Possible access could go through the City Shops. OTHER REPORTS: 200-Acre Project — Jentz mentioned that Mike Frasier has done a pre -application on this. He will need to build a water system that is compatible with ours but there will be wells and septic systems on '/2-acre lots in a Rural Subdivision. They will need to amend their Growth Policy at the County level. They will need to amend the Zoning, and also get a Subdivision approved through here. The Application will probably be coming within the next 30 days. The City does have some concerns. Our sewer interceptor stops at this property, along with other expenses for roads and Kidsports that have been put in. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m. cc: Police City Manager FCAOA MDOT Bldg Fire City Clerk City Airport Planning Parks Comm. Dev. Public Works