1998/09/11 AirportMEMO To: Glen Neier, Acting City Manger From: Gib Bissell, Chairman, Airport Advisory Board Date: September 11, 1998 Re.: Request Authority to Bid Budgeted Fencing at the City Airport The approved FY 98/99 budget includes funding in the Airport Tax Increment District of $15,000 for the purchase of fencing to be installed according to FAA specifications at the Kalispell City Airport. Per the request of the Airport Advisory Board at our last meeting of September 10, I am respectfully requesting authority for the City to advertise for bids. Please include this request in the City Council Agenda for Monday, October 5, 1998. Post Office Box 1997 • Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 Telephone (406) 758-7700 • FAX (406) 758-7758 MEMO To: Glen Neier, Acting City Manger From: Gib Bissell, Chairman, Kalispell Airport Advisory Board Date: September 18, 1998 Re.: September 28, 1998 Work Session Today, September 18, myself; Art Thompson, and Fred Liestiko met to discuss our recommendations for minimum qualifications for an Airport Manager. We will compile our information and submit a copy to you in the next few days. We would like to request that the airport issues be scheduled for the beginning of the -September 28te Work Session for the convenience of the people from the FAA and Morrison-Maierle. To assure timely completion of some items that were requested by the Authority, we would also like to request the following issues be addressed: 1. Master Plan 2. Airport Manager 3. Runway Protection Zone (RPZ) Ordinance 4. Fencing Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 09/19/1 e le l4 4@e-244-270 AFT DIAL THOM sON PAGE 01 City Alrpoft Manager —Job Desctiptions kk)ns 1. Anticipated ;:. Ust Revonue items: Tie -down _:Tc.. coordination °=e. Thmugh-fence, &_ 6= fen Loam:«= existing and develop new lease revenue Develop , » w potenVal: on -sits bushesses Operations Equipmeot and supplies Maintenance: paywrent, lighting, snow, weeds,;, Safety _». emergency., .._ and . Security4d„ *__,. Pilot:r.| e communications Public _°.z_ -- and event coordina Reports: City, FAA, MTAero , Development : Coordination: ., MT AsmaukDivision Hangar d =a.-: „ ground leases - , sites Informationon property.„, _ buildingairspace intrusions Fiscal: Budget, _ _ . and expense ms_ » Reports of T»Ja, activity statistim < „ applybgnuits It. Minimum .■ requirenvrits ,neRevant prior;_ `■■ priorsimilarotheraviationrelated) :e-time vAh dailyon-site#._ _■ »©A * ! _ „ i , © 6 . 0 - ; , f .Qt&f<