2006/01/17 Interlocal Agreement - City and Flathead County - City Airport Affected AreaCity of Kalispell Charles A, Harball Office City Attorney Tel 406-758,7708 City Attomy 312 First Avenue East Fax 4 6.7 .7771 P.O. Box 1997 cbarbala.lispell. . Kalispell, MT 99 3-1. 997 MEMORANDUM ayor Pamela B. Kennedy and Kalispell City Council FROM: Charles Har all, City Attorney Janes H. Patrick, City Manager SUBJECT: Interlocal Agreement with Flathead County Regarding the Land Use Planning for the Kalispell city Airport Affected Area MEETING DATE: Tuesday, January .' , 2006 — Regular Mooting BACKGROUND: one of the issues facing the City Airport is to ensure that i complies with the federal mandate to implement necessary land use planning in the "Airport Affected Area" [AAA] before for the end of April Zoo . The AAA consists of lands, not only within the city limits of Kalispell, but also lands outside those limits, within Flathead County. State lave contemplates eithe two -layered system of County/City implementation of zoning regulations or a more streamlined version in which one of the local governments defers to the other. The City presented the attached in.terlocal agreement to the County for its consideration and County legal staff has indicated that the Commissioners will .likely give it a favorable determination. This interlocal agreement re quires that the AAA Board be composed of five individuals, of which two are appointed by the County. This "Joint" board then makes recommendations to the Kalispell City Planning Board. The City Planning Board holds a public hearing regarding the proposed airport related zoning regulations for the AAA and then makes its recommendations to the Kalispell City Council. The i t rloca.l agreement states that the County agrees to defer to the decision of the Kalispell City Council. This interloca.l agreement is the first step to set up this process. if Council approves the agreeement, it will then go to the Flathead County Commissioners the following week for their consideration. If they approve the agreement, the process will go forward as set forth above, and should be completed sometime in the month f .April, as required. 1. ter ocal Agreement for the Kalispell City Airport Affected Area January 10, 2006 Page - RECOMMENDATION: That Council consider a motion to give the Mayor the authority to execute the Interlocal .Agreement and direct that it be forwarded on to the Flathead County Commissioners for their consideration. FISCAL EFFECTS: The ability of the Kalispell City Airport o meet 'AA standards and requirements depends upon the local governments of Flathead County and the City being able to establish airport related zoning regulations within the airport affected area. Significant funding decisions previously scheduled may well hinge upon the City'City's ability to meet this requirement. Re sp ecflly _,spb mie d, F Charles"' Harbll, City Attorney Yames H. Patrick, City Manager Office of City Attomey City of Kalispell INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT CITY OF KALISPELL FLATHEAD COUNTY, MONTANA for THE CITY OF IGILISPELL AIRPORT AFFECTED AREA WHEREAS, Title 7, Chapter 11, Part 1, M.C.A., known as the "Interlocal Cooperation Act,"" permits governmental units to make the most t efficient use of their powers by enabling then- to cooperate with other local governmental units on a basis of mutual advantage and thereby to provide services and facilities in a manner and pursuant to forms ofgovernn en.tai organization that will accord best with geographic 7 economic, population, and other factors influencing the needs and development of local communities; and WHEREAS, said Act provides that an interlocal agreement may be authorized and approved by the governing body of each party to said contract; and WHEREAS,, -Itle 67 Chapter 7, M.C. ,, known as the "Airport Compatibility Act' has, as its purpose, to promote the public health, safety, and general welfare by the delineation of an airport affected area and by the development of compatible noise, height, and land use regulations to control airport hazards; and WHEREAS, the Airport Compatibility Act contemplates that the affected area of an airport, such as the Kalispell City Airport, encompasses property within the unsdiction of more than one local government entity; and WHEREAS, the Airport Compatibility Act authorizes a joint airport affected area regulation board that may adopt, administer, and enforce airport affected area regulations as provided by FICA - - o l , subject to the provisions of MCA 7- -20 ; and WHEREAS it is in the hest interests of the City of Kalispell and Flathead County, as well as the citizens of both local jurisdictions, that these local govemments enter into this interlocal agreement to provide for the most efficient and effective development and enforcement of the airport affected area regulations. NOW THEREFORE, IT RESOLVED y the City Council of the City of Kalispell and the Commission of the County of Flathead, State of Montana, each a local government agency of the State of Montana, that: Pursuant to .MCA 7-11-104, the City of Kalispell and Flathead County agree it is to them- mutual advantage to adopt this Interlocal Agreement as `ollow : INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT CITY OF KALISPELL AIRPORT AFFECTED AREA Page - t of Section : Recitals The City of Kalispell is a municipality of the State of Montana located within Flathead County and organized pursuant to Title 7 Chapter.Fart 43. The City owns, maintains and manages the Kalispell City Airport, which is a N'PIAS General Aviation airport. The City of Kalispell, as a municipality, has statutory authority to place zoning designations and land use regulations upon real property located with.in its city limits Flathead County is a duly formed County go emme, t of the State of Montana created by the a thority of the Montana Mate Legislature. Flathead County possesses the statutory authority to place zoning designations and land use regulations upon real property located witbin the county and outside of city Jurisdictions. The proposed airport affected area of the Kalispell City Airport is located within both the City of Kalispell and Flathead County Jurisdictions. pursuant to MCA 67-7-202, Flathead County may provide members to the Airport affected Area Regulation Board and defer to the zoning regulations proposed by that board and enacted by the City. Section : Pyrposn. t is the purpose of this agreement to provide for an efficient means of regulating the airport affected area of the Kalispell City airport that rneets the standards set. forth Title 67, Chapter 7, M.C.A, Section 3: Creation and Administration of Land Use Controls 3.01. to separate legal entity is established by this Interlocal Agreement. 3.02. The City and the County agree to work cooperatively to provide and implement reasonable zoning regulations for the airport affected area of the Kalispell City Airport. 3.03. Pursuant to MCA - -2o , Flathead County and the City of Kalispell shall create and participate in the Kalispell City Airport Affected Area Regulation Board. 3.04. The Kalispell City Airport Affected Area Regrulation Board shall propose zoning regulations for the entire airport affected area, including that land in the City of Kalispell, as well as that land in Flathead County and outside the City of Kalispell. The proposed zoning regulations shall comply with Title 67, Chapter 7, M.C.A. 3.05. The Kalispell City airport Affected Area Regulation Board shall present the proposed zoning regulations to the C-xty of Kalispell Planning Board, which shall hold the required public hearing. All properties affected by the proposed zoning INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT CITY OF KALISPELL AIRPORT AFFECTED AREA Page - 2 of regulations shall receive the statutory mail notification of the proposed regulations as well as the date and time of the public heafing. 3.06. Following public hearing the City of Kalispell planning Board shall pass its recommendations on to the Kalispell City Council along with the minutes of the public hear'ng. Based upon the evidence provided, the Kalispell City Council shall consider and determine the zoning ordinance for the Kalispell City Airport Affected Area. The Flathead County Commission, by this agreement, ratifies the determination of the Kalispell City Council. Section : Termination or Changes 4.01. This Agreement shall become effective upon approval by the Council of the City of Kalispell and the County Commission of Flathead County. This Agreement shall remain in full force and effect as stated -unless terminated according to the provisions of this Section.. .02. This agreement may be changed with additions and/or deletions upon mutual writtcn consent nt of the parties hereto. Section 5: Term of Agreement This Agreement will be effective from . signature date by both parties and will be, effective for a period of 30 years, IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the local govemments have caused this instrument to be duly executed by their proper officers as follows: CITY OF KALISPELL APPROVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF KALISPELL o the day of January, 2006, authorizing the Mayor r to execute the :lnterioeal Agreement. ATTEST: Theresa White City Clerk (SEAL) INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT CITY OF KALISPELL AIRPORT AFFECTED AREA Pamela B. Kennedy Mayor Page - 3 of County, Flathead, State of Montana APPROVED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSION of FLATHEAD COUNTY, STATE of MONTANA on the day of January, 2006. B: Bob Wa, Chairman Commissioner Gary Hall Commissioner Joe Brenneman Commissioner IN TERLO AL AGREEMENT CITY OF KALISPELL AIRPORT AFFECTED AREA Page - 4 of 4