09-09-14 Street Tree MinutesKALISPELL STREET TREE COMMISSION MEETING HELD Sept 9, 2014 Present: Members: Bette Albright, David Jones, Andrea Davidson, Brock Anderson, Lance Isaak and Larry Roberts Staff. Lisa Simmer, Fred Bicha and Chad Fincher The meeting was officially called to order at 4:02 pm by David Jones. Agenda Topics: Introductions Approval May 2014 Minutes Trees To Paper To Trees Recycling Drive, September 20, 2014 G. Zahller — Removal Request Cody, WY Conference Miscellaneous New Business David Jones provided introductions and a brief background of both the new board member Larry Roberts and Parks Superintendent Fred Bicha. Members approved the May 2014 minutes unanimously. Current Business Trees To Paper To Trees Recycling The group reviewed preparations for the upcoming recycling drive September 20t', 9 — 3 p.m. (weather permitting) at the north end of the fairgrounds. Bette reviewed tasks she has completed: pictures to Daily Interlake, arrangements with fairgrounds, Pacific Recycling, and volunteers from the middle school. Bette noted there is a function in the big building next to the drive, however everyone should have access to the bathrooms. Bette and Lisa both stated that all advertisements and public service announcements, flyers, etc., now state "weather permitting" following the time. Lisa reviewed preparations completed by staff and to be completed. Lisa presented an email from Evergreen Disposal seeking participation and partnering with the board on the drive. It was noted that Evergreen Disposal stated they did not want to step on Pacific Recyclings "toes", however can help in any way we would like. Evergreen Disposal had suggested they could bring a plastics container. The subject of plastics recycling and all it entails was discussed at length. It was decided by all members to continue to not advertise plastics; however they would continue to take them on a small level. Bette stated she would discuss this subject with Dale at Pacific Recycling to see if it causes him any problems, as the group agreed it's vital not to damage the long term partnership. Lisa mentioned the possibility of Montana Conservation Corp volunteers showing up. Miscellaneous Business Genevieve Zahller Removal Request Staff presented a request by Genevieve Zahller to remove a boulevard tree at her own expense. Staff provided recent photos of the tree and the reasoning behind the request. Staff explained that Ms. Zahller had in fact planted the fir tree, which is not an approved boulevard species, quite a number of years ago. Staff explained that at this time Ms. Zahller feels the fir creates a hardship as she is elderly and causes issues with her handicap ramp in the way of pine cones and sap. Fred has estimated the value of the tree at approximately $2,000 and staff could not find any issues with the health of the tree or a reason to condemn it. Chad explained that he would not give approval for removal without the guarantee of a replacement tree planted on or near Ms. Zahller's adjacent boulevard and all costs related to removal, stumping and replanting would be at Ms. Zahller's expense. Staff and board members held a lengthy discussion regarding both the pros and cons of approving the removal request. The board noted that they are aware that they are just an advisory board and will only be suggesting to Chad what his final decision is. The value and benefits of the mature tree weighed heavy in the discussion with members noting that a new tree of an approved species will take substantial years before it equals the value of the existing tree. It was noted that should Ms. Zahller not like the options she has the option of appealing to the council and mayor. Chad thanked the group for their input, stated he would encourage Ms. Zallher to keep the tree, or give her the opportunity to (at her cost) remove, stump and replant on or near her property. Chad assured the board he would let them know the final outcome of this request. Northern Rockies Tree School - Cody Wyoming Both Dave and Fred briefed the group on the upcoming Northern Rockies Tree School, October 8th - 9th, 2014 in Cody Wyoming. Lisa offered to email the board the link to the website for their review and Dave said he would bring back information from the conference for the boards review. Fred explained two staff people (Lisa Simmer and Lisa Major) from Kalispell Parks & Recreation will be attending through a grant provided by DNRC. Tree Ordinance Draft and New Permit Form Fred explained to the group that as the new Parks Superintendent and Forester he is reviewing the final draft of the Tree Ordinance and has a few suggestions and minor changes he would like the board to review. The board was asked to submit their comments back to Lisa by September 19�'. The group agreed it was appropriate for Fred to do so before the ordinance goes to the city attorney for final review and before being presented to council. Staff explained that council would like to see a 50150 plan implemented for replacement. The group discussed that the language incorporated into the draft stating a percentage for replacement would work for both a 50150 plan and possibly a different percentage amount should that need to change in future years. Additionally, Fred distributed a draft of a permit he has been working on with Lisa that will be the permit form used after the revised ordinance is approved. Fred asked members to take the form home and review and get back to Lisa with any comments. American Sentinel Insurance Tree Reimbursement Fred presented handouts regarding a tree that was hit by a vehicle at 1001 South Main, resulting in a 4' wound to the tree's bark and cambium tissue. Fred explained that long term it is expected that this tree will slowly decline due to the damage and therefore he sought compensation for the value of the tree. The tree value prior to the accident was $8,285, which the insurance company paid. Staff explained that although this money was received into the tree fund, there is not council authorization to immediately spend it. Board suggested this money be utilized quickly in some manner to improve the overall health of the urban forest. Chad explained that at this time he would not push to plant in that South Main location until there is a definitive highway relocation plan in place. Chad said that at this time they will just monitor the damaged tree and remove it should it become a hazard. David mentioned the importance of Kalispell developing an Urban Forestry plan that would be supportive of utilizing these types of funds. Grants Fred and Lisa stated they will be reviewing and possibly submitting for two grants funded through DNRC. As time was limited, very brief discussion was held and staff told the group they would bring grant information to the next meeting. The meeting adjourned at 5:10 p.m. Minutes approved by the Street Tree Committee October 14, 2014.