10-14-14 Street Tree MinutesKALISPELL STREET TREE COMMISSION MEETING HELD October 14, 2014 Present: Members: Bette Albright, David Jones, Andrea Davidson, Brock Anderson, Lance Isaak and Larry Roberts Staff. Lisa Simmer and Fred Bicha The meeting was officially called to order at 3:58 pm by David Jones. Agenda Topics: Approval — September minutes Recycing Drive Review Geneview Zahler update Ordinance — Fred's input Northern Rockies Tree School Montana Tree City of the Year Grants New Business Members approved the September 2014 minutes unanimously. Old Business Recycling Drive: The group reviewed the amounts of recyclables gathered at the fall drive and the proceeds. The group agreed that the group of student volunteers and supporting advisors (teachers and/or parents) were exceptional. David mentioned the DNRC School ReLeaf Grant program and the fact that he had promoted it through talking with the teachers working the drive, with the hopes that Kalispell schools would apply. The group discussed the pros and cons of applying for this, with Brock noting the struggles they have at FHS with landscaping, maintenance and trees. Members noted that it would be a good fit with the Kalispell Middle School, since they won and planted an orchard. The following recycling drive amounts were recorded: Newspaper 11,075lbs Cardboard 1,525 lbs Cans 198 lbs TOTAL 12,798 lbs $210.78 in revenue Staff brought to the member's attention that the recycling spreadsheet report includes recent recycling by KPR crew members who have been cleaning up the shop. It was noted this recycling of over 2100 lbs of old metals has contributed $501.40 to the funds. Members stated their desire to allocate funds from these proceeds (approximately $500 per year) directly towards educating crew members in the urban forestry field. Lisa stated she will add a note to the FY 15/16 budget prep file for this consideration when preparing the next budget in the next year. G 7nhler tree - Staff briefed board members on the status of the request by Genevieve Zahler to remove a fir tree on the city right-of-way adjoining her residence at 1145 6t' Ave East. Staff explained that since the last meeting of the board, they had presented Ms. Zahler with the options of removal of the tree at her own cost, with the person responsible for the tree removal meeting city insurance and other criteria and paying for a replacement planting on city property in the vicinity of her home. Fred explained that we will be sending KPR crew over to raise the tree canopy up, however it appears that the tree will not be removed at this time. Current Business (lydinnnne- David asked members if they had reviewed the emails Fred provided with his input and suggestions on the revision of the Tree Ordinance. It was clarified that the ordinance draft has been sent to Charlie Harball for review, however staff has not moved forward with the approval of the draft because Fred joined our staff and it was felt his input, based on his background and knowledge is important. Staff and members reviewed the suggested changes and approved the majority of the housekeeping changes. Members complimented Fred on changes and clarifications he is suggesting regarding spacing, tree size minimums, etc. Andrea stated that including the language "be punished by a fine not exceeding ISA appraisal value of tree" under the criminal penalty section could result in numerous appeals to the city manager and/or council, if the city were to attempt to enforce a violation and recoup the appraised value of a tree. Andrea said she felt the intent may be really good, however the final outcome may not work as well and that as a board member she would prefer not to be put in an adversarial with the public. Members discussed the values of trees and the importance of citizens knowing the appraised value. Members held lengthy discussion regarding Fred's suggestion that the city require property owners to remove at their own expense private diseased, nuisance and/or hazardous trees. Fred explained this suggestion is to prevent liability issues and the spread of diseases such as Dutch Elm Disease and Emerald Ash Borer. Fred noted EAB has spread as far west as Colorado and is expected to hit Montana in the next few years. Fred stated that other cities in Montana have taken this course of action and successfully slowed down DED and saved elms in the process. Members expressed concern that this could result in financial hardship to property owners and that it would be unfair to require a property owner to accomplish a task that the city is struggling with and cannot complete in a timely manner. It was decided and recommended that language be included in the tree ordinance draft regarding the removal of private trees by property owners, for council review and recommendation. Northern Rockies Tree School: David summarized the Northern Rockies Tree School which was held in Cody Wyoming and provided information and materials he received there. David noted that Emerald Ash Borer is a number one topic and concern and should be addressed proactively by having management plans and ordinances in place to deal with it when it arrives. Montana Tree City of the Year: Fred briefed the group on the recent grant application submittal and partial grant funding through DNRC's Montana Tree City of the Year program. Fred explained that Kalispell had put in for $10,000 in grant funding to address a pruning, removal and planting of trees at Courthouse Parks. The grant proposal included an expanded Arbor Day celebration, which proposed a community bike ride to notable trees. Fred stated that due to only being granted half of the requested funds, staff would be forced to review the project application, prioritize and eliminate components. Miscellaneous Business Grant -,- Fred and Lisa briefly discussed the DNRC program development grant application they will be submitting by October 31, 2014. They informed members they would be bringing additional information regarding the submittal to a future meeting. Arborist Tree Breakfast: Fred informed and invited members to the next Arborist tree breakfast he is hosting Tuesday, October 21, 2014, 7 am at Perkins. The meeting adjourned at 5:04 p.m. Minutes approved by the Street Tree Committee November 18, 2014.