10. Enterprise FundsENTERPRISE FUNDS Page Fund Dept 1-2 5160 Airport $ 165,996 3-10 5210 Water $ 4,833,976 11-16 5310 454 Sewer Operations & Billing $ 3,391,705 17-20 5310 455 Waste Water Treatment Plant $ 5,615,003 21-25 5349 Storm Sewer $ 2,023,306 26-28 5510 Solid Waste $ 1,571,450 Total $ 17,601,436 AIRPORT ACCOUNT # 5160-430 PURPOSE OF THIS DEPARTMENT: Why does this deparment exist? The Kalispell City Airport is part of the overall transportation system for the City of Kalispell, serving both recreational and commercial interests with an optional mode of transportation. DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: GOALS OF THIS DEPARTMENT: What are the departmental goals that support the purpose? The primary goal for the management of the Kalispell Airport is to maintain the airfield in a manner that provides for the ability to effectively accommodate the air traffic using the facility. INTENDED OUTCOMES FROM BUDGET EXPENDITURES Last fall, municipal voters rejected a ballot issue to move forward with improvements to the airport as identified in the adopted airport master plan. That action has initiated an effort to update the Urban Renewal Plan from which the improvments were originally identified. The outcome of this plan will likely guide future decisions related to airport maintenance and development efforts. The FY2015 budget does represent a change in the management of the airport as we have engaged the services of Red Eagle Aviation as the airport manager. This is projected to generate savings within the airport fund. AIRPORT ENTERPRISE FUND -operations FUND: 5160-43 0-43 0310 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY estimated proposed ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY12/13 FY13/14 FY13/14 FY14/15 BEGINNING CASH 10100 Cash- Operations $90,171 $93,088 $93,088 $75,878 10120 Cash: Reserve - Capital Improvements $45,000 $18,262 $18,262 $23,262 10130 Cash: Previous Land Sales $28,979 $0 $0 $0 $164,150 $111,350 $111,350 $99,140 REVENUES 343062 Commercial Fees $ 10,065 $ 9,400 $ 12,500 $ 10,000 343063 Tie down fees $ 1,741 $ 2,500 $ 770 $ - 343069 Hangar Leases $ 12,150 $ 12,000 $ 11,500 $ 11,000 343071 Hangar Site Leases (3%) $ 16,998 $ 17,510 $ 17,508 $ 17,510 343101 FBO Lease - Red Eagle Aviation (2%) $ 17,385 $ 17,734 $ 17,734 $ 17,734 343102 Ground Leases (Hilton)(3%) $ 11,727 $ 12,078 $ 12,078 $ 12,078 343620 Fuel Tax $ 5,746 $ 6,000 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 371010 Investment Earnings $ 1,315 $ 2,000 $ 700 $ 500 change in A/R, comp abs. Total Revenue $ 77,127 $ 79,222 $ 77,790 $ 73,822 Total Available $241,277 $190,572 $189,140 $172,962 EXPENDITURES Airport Operations $69,210 $77,295 $90;000 $68,078 Capital Improvements $60,717 $23,262 $0 $0 Depreciation $100,832 $100,832 $100,832 $97,918 Total Expenses $230,759 $201,389 $190,832 $165,996 add back unfunded depreciation $100,832 $100,832 $100,832 $97,918 ENDING CASH 10100 Cash: Operating $93,088 $90,015 $75,878 $76,622 10120 Cash: Designated Capital Improvements $18,262 $0 $23,262 $28,262 10130 Cash: land sales $0 $0 $0 $0 Total Cash $111,350 $90,015 $99,140 $104,884 ($5,000 designated annually from Operating cash account to Designated -Capital Improvements account.) AIRPORT ENTERPRISE FUND -operations FUND: 5160-430-430310 Personal Services: FTE's 110 Salaries 121 Seasonal salary 153 Health hisurance 155 Retirement Subtotal Maintenance & Operations: 210 Supplies, postage, small equip 341 Electricity 345 Telephone/ cell 354 Contract Services - Airport Management 356 Contract Services - Other 362 Repair & Maintenance - Equip/Lights, etc 373 Dues & Training 390 Equipment Rental 510 Property & Liability Ins. 522 Administrative Transfer 528 Information Tech Transfer Subtotal Improvements from Capital Imp. $: 357 Contract Services - Legal 950 Construction Projects EXPENSE DETAIL proposed ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY11/12 FY12/13 FY13/14 FY14/15 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.00 $ 33,710 $ 32,421 $ 20,898 $ $ 2,514 $ 2,075 $ 3,420 $ $ 4,849 $ 7,289 $ 7,308 $ $ 2,360 $ 2,179 $ 2,591 $ $ 43,433 $ 43,965 $ 34,216 $ $ 633 $ 851 $ 3,000 $ 1,000 $ 1,606 $ 1,741 $ 1,500 $ 1,500 $ 806 $ 842 $ 800 $ 180 $ 7,181 $ 3,865 $ 18,780 $ 36,000 $ 1,600 $ 1,710 $ 5,000 $ 5,000 $ 1,703 $ 2,472 $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 701 $ 200 $ 500 $ - $ 2,560 $ 2,048 $ 2,500 $ 2,500 $ 3,816 $ 4,134 $ 1,023 $ 13,000 $ 2,823 $ 4,398 $ 4,326 $ 5,469 $ 2,672 $ 2,985 $ 3,650 $ 1,429 $ 26,101 $ 25,246 $ 43,079 $ 68,078 $ 14,031 $ 56,060 $ - $ $ 30,000 $ 4,657 $ 23,262 $ $ 44,031 $ 60,717 $ 23,262 $ - 820 Depreciation (unfunded) $ 100,832 $ 100,832 $ 100,832 $ 97,918 Total $ 214,397 $ 230,759 $ 201,389 $ 165,996 2 WATER ACCOUNT # 5210-447 PURPOSE OF THIS DEPARTMENT: Why does this department exist? To provide safe, potable and palatable water for the needs of the domestic, commercial and industrial consumers. DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: (14.80 FTE) .20 Public Works Director/City Engineer .25 Senior Civil Engineer .15 Budget Resource Manager .25 Construction Manager .20 Administrative Coordinator .20 Project Manager .05 Road and Fleet Superintendent .20 Administrative Assistant .10 General Laborer .60 Utility Management Superintendent .40 Assistant Civil Engineer .25 Engineering Tech/GlS/IT Support 1 Water Meter Maintenance Supervisor 1 Water Meter Maintenance Technician 1 Water Maintenance Supervisor 4 Water Maintenance Operators 1 Water Production Supervisor 2 Water Production Operators .50 Meter Reader 1 Utility Billing Clerk .25 Finance Director .15 City Accountant .05 Assessment Coordinator GOALS OF THIS DEPARTMENT: What are the departmental goals that support the purpose? 1. To operate the distribution and production facilities to meet Public Drinking Water Standards. Provide drinking water that is safe to drink and palatable. Maintain the system to achieve adequate pressure, minimize leaks, and flows for fire emergencies. INTENDED OUTCOMES FROM BUDGET EXPENDITURES: This years budget presents a plan to maintain the water system that meets the city's current demands through routine and specialized system improvements. The budget also addresses several larger improvements and replacements to the water system infrastructure needed to improve reliability and ensure proper non wasteful delivery of safe water. Equipment will be purchased to improve mixing and prevent stratification at sheepherder tank in order to promote proper usage and palatable water for consumers. WATER FUND (Operations & Billing) FUND: 5210-447-4305 5 0 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 Operating Cash 10120 Impact Fee Cash 10125 Meter Replacement Cash 10127 Capital & Emergency Reserve -target $400,000 10130 Bond Reserves (restricted cash) Adj. to Cash/ A/R/Comp. Abs. REVENUES 343210 Metered Water Sales (billed) (10100) 343230 Meter Replacement Fee (10125) 343225 Impact Fees (10120) (adj for receivable- $4,094) 343365 Impact fee Admin (10100) 343260 Misc.-Installation/Reconnect/Tag fees (10100) 371010 Interest Earnings (10100) Interest Earnings - Impact Fee Cash (10120) Total Revenue Total Available EXPENSES EXPENSES FROM RATES Expenses from Meter cash (10125) Capital Outlay - from Impact Fees (10120) Debt Service -from Impact Fees (10120) Depreciation Total All Departments add back depreciation ENDING CASH 10100 Operating Cash 10120 Impact Fee Cash 10125 Meter Replacement Cash 10127 Capital & Emergency Reserve -target $400,000 10130 Bond Reserves (restricted cash) Total cash estimated proposed ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY12/13 FY13/14 FY13/14 FY14/15 $2,694,679 $2,837,396 $2,837,396 $3,662,544 $472,801 $584,601 $584,601 $715,231 $263,273 $227,709 $227,709 $162,709 $370,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $460,119 $411,258 $411,258 $411,258 $4,260,872 $4,460,964 $4,460,965 $5,351,744 $2,593,314 $2,800,000 $2,800,000 $2,800,000 $97,486 $95,000 $95,000 $95,000 $251,221 $190,000 $266,000 $266,000 $13,845 $10,000 $14,000 $14,000 $49,712 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 $30,502 $27,000 $27,000 $22,500 $4,129 $3,000 $3,000 $2,500 $3,040,209 $3,165,000 $3,245,000 $3,240,000 $7,301,081 $7,625,964 $7,705,965 $8,591,744 $2,563,517 $3,790,303 $2,061,352 $3,563,376 $133,050 $160,000 $160,000 $120,000 $43,550 $153,600 $32,870 $110,600 $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 $200,000 $840,000 $840,000 $840,000 $840,000 $3,680,117 $5,043,903 $3,194,222 $4,833,976 $840,000 $840,000 $840,000 $840,000 $2,837,396 $1,924,093 $3,662,544 $2,975,668 $584,601 $524,001 $715,231 $673,131 $227,709 $162,709 $162,709 $137,709 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $411,258 $411,258 $411,258 $411,258 $4,460,964 $3,422,061 $5,351,742 $4,597,766 3 WATER FUND SUMMARY FUND: 5310-454-430620-630/455-430640 EXPENDITURE SUMMARY Personal Services Water billing Water Operations Subtotal Maintenance & Operations Water Billing services Water Operations Subtotal Capital Outlay from rates: Water Operations Subtotal Debt Service from rates: Water Subtotal Total Capital Outlay - Meter Replacement funds:(10125) Capital Outlay - from Impact Fee funds: (10120) Debt Service -from Impact Fees: (10120) Depreciation (non -cash item) Total proposed ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY11/12 FY12/13 FY13/14 FY14/15 $130,425 $101,568 $110,564 $119,675 $820,990 $812,102 $909,144 $909,632 $951,415 $913,670 $1,019,708 $1,029,306 $73,577 $73,590 $87,992 $80,233 $600,968 $645,971 $731,743 $730,473 $674,545 $719,561 $819,735 $810,706 $186,353 $552,114 $1,616,915 $1,490,814 $186,353 $552,114 $1,616,915 $1,490,814 $315,486 $378,172 $333,945 $232,550 $315,486 $378,172 $333,945 $232,550 $2,127,799 $2,563,517 $3,790,303 $3,563,376 $99,546 $77,884 $100,000 $825,000 $133,050 $43,550 $100,000 $840,000 $160,000 $153,600 $100,000 $840,000 $120,000 $110,600 $200,000 $840,000 $3,230,229 $3,680,117 $5,043,903 $4,833,976 4 WATER OPERATIONS FUND: 5210-447-4305 50 EXPENSE DETAIL Personal Services: FTE's proposed ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY11/12 FY12/13 FY13/14 FY14/15 13.25 12.90 12.80 12.80 110 Salaries & Wages $601,033 $609,755 $658,470 $692,001 111 Seasonal Salaries $1,712 $3,849 $5,000 $5,000 112 Severance $17,545 $3,665 $33,000 $0 121 Overtime/Call Outs $20,927 $15,371 $20,000 $20,000 153 Health Insurance $139,939 $140,364 $151,732 $143,485 155 Retirement - PERD $39,835 $39,097 $40,940 $49,146 Subtotal $820,990 $812,101 $909,143 $909,632 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supphes/Equip/Computers/ GIS $6,718 $9,025 $10,000 $11,000 218 Equip. (non-capital)/Safety Equip & Supplies $16,274 $9,691 $8,500 $8,500 226 Chlorine & Chemical $29,438 $35,851 $38,000 $38,000 229 Other Supplies/janitorial/consumable tools $2,832 $3,896 $4,500 $4,500 231 Gas & Oil $31,624 $30,532 $36,000 $36,000 312 Postage & printing $3,660 $364 $4,000 $4,000 336 Public Water Supply Fee $15,206 $16,470 $18,000 $18,000 341 Electricity $126,393 $126,194 $139,000 $139,000 344 Natural Gas $11,691 $10,516 $13,000 $13,000 345 Communications $8,464 $8,291 $8,000 $9,000 349 Lab Services $11,480 $16,383 $22,000 $22,000 353 Auditing $2,500 $3,000 $5,000 $5,000 354 Contract Services $59,953 $39,585 $55,000 $55,000 356 Consultants-Wtr Rights Acquisition/Wtr Modeling $17,992 $26,100 $25,000 $25,000 357 Facility Plan /Rate Study /Impact Review $0 $8,407 $0 $0 362 Repair & Maint./Equip. maint./radios/equip rental $11,723 $15,404 $15,000 $15,000 366 Building Maintenance $7,049 $4,683 $12,000 $12,000 373 Dues & Training $7,467 $5,882 $9,000 $9,000 388 Medical/Drug Testing $755 $549 $700 $800 410 Construction Materials $29,612 $35,131 $32,000 $35,000 422 Hydrants $9,037 $6,097 $9,000 $6,000 423 Materials - Mains $8,770 $4,685 $10,000 $10,000 424 Materials - Service lines $11,639 $11,400 $14,000 $14,000 425 Materials - Wells/Pumps $7,302 $46,462 $40,000 $45,000 510 Property & Liability Ins. $33,193 $33,367 $38,234 $30,000 512 Uninsured Loss -Deductible & Goodwill Expenditures $3,132 $0 $24,000 $15,000 5 WATER OPERATIONS 5210-447-430550 EXPENSE DETAIL proposed ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY11/12 FY12/13 FY13/14 FY14/15 Maintenance & Operations -continued: 521 Central Garage Transfer 522 Administrative Transfer 528 Information Tech. Transfer 532 Office Rent/Lease Pymnt (Silverbrook Well) Subtotal 490200 Debt Service- ALL BONDS & LOANS: 610/620 Principal, Interest, fiscal fees Capital Outlay: Capital Outlay: Operating funds (RATES) 935 At-oryGeneratorFY13; Sheepherders Tank Mixer 936 NolIsinger Spring Generator CARRYOVER 937 Sheepherder Backup Power CARRYOVER 938 Lower Zone Reservoir Imprvmnts CARRYOVER 940 Machinery & Equipment 941 Utility Asset Management Program 944 Water Maintenance Vehicle 947 US 93 N. Utility Relocate CARRYOVER 950 4th Ave EN Wtr Main Replc CARRYOVER 951 SCADA Upgrades 956 Zone Interconnect 958 Loop Projects FY13; 2nd Ave. E. Main Upsize 962 S. Woodland Dr. System Imprvmnts 963 Abandon 2" water line 964 2nd Ave WN Waterline Replacement 965 E. Arizona Pipe Up -Size 967 2nd Ave WN Main Replc from MT to WA St. 968 Depot Well Revitalization Subtotal 430555 Capital Outlay -Impact Fee Funds (010120) 941 Meters 930 Contract Main Upsize (Impact fee Acct) 953 Develop Wtr Supply Section 36 Well Subtotal capital from Impact Investment fees $8,000 $8,000 $12,398 $14,248 $91,185 $96,825 $90,775 $104,561 $20,041 $24,365 $29,798 $22,864 $7,838 $8,816 $8,838 $9,000 $600,968 $645,971 $731,743 $730,473 $415,486 $478,172 $433,945 $432,550 $6,473 $62,058 $0 $20,000 $0 $0 $90,000 $90,000 $0 $0 $16,000 $15,851 $0 $0 $120,000 $60,000 $33,948 $66,744 $16,375 $0 $0 $25,201 $0 $0 $24,156 $0 $30,000 $0 $75,390 $0 $77,000 $27,343 $0 $0 $800,000 $798,620 $14,139 $0 $25,861 $15,000 $32,247 $0 $0 $0 $0 $214,890 $0 $174,000 $0 $942 $310,958 $0 $0 $0 $45,000 $0 $0 $162,279 $85,721 $0 $0 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $275,000 $0 $0 $0 $15,000 $186,353 $552,114 $1,616,915 $1,490,814 $65,000 $43,550 $35,600 $35,600 $0 $0 $75,000 $75,000 $12,884 $0 $43,000 $0 $77,884 $43,550 $153,600 $110,600 WATER OPERATIONS 5210-447-430550 Capital Outlay: 430550 Capital Outlay -Meter Funds (010125) 411 Meter Pit - Materials 944 Meter Maintenance Vehicle 948 Meters -Replacement $ subtotal Subtotal 510400 Depreciation 831 Depreciation expense Total Water Facilities 430560 Water Billing: Personal Services: FTE's 110 Salaries & Wages 112 Severance 153 Health Insurance 155 PERD Subtotal Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies/computers 353 Auditing 354 Contract Services 355 Postage/Other Billing Costs 373 Dues & Training 522 Administrative Transfer 528 Information Tech. Transfer 532 Office rent Subtotal Total Grand Total Water Fund EXPENSE DETAIL proposed ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY11/12 FY12/13 FY13/14 FY14/15 $0 $4,095 $0 $0 $24,156 $0 $0 $0 $75,390 $128,955 $160,000 $120,000 $99,546 $133,050 $160,000 $120,000 $825,000 $840,000 $840,000 $840,000 $3,026,227 $3,504,958 $4,845,346 $4,634,069 2 2 2 2 $87,680 $78,133 $86,192 $88,558 $12,000 $0 $0 $0 $24,597 $18,368 $18,796 $24,590 $6,148 $5,067 $5,577 $6,527 $130,425 $101,568 $110,565 $119,675 $1,435 $143 $2,500 $2,000 $1,500 $1,500 $2,020 $2,020 $2,292 $1,073 $2,000 $1,500 $30,098 $30,998 $35,000 $35,000 $1,412 $570 $1,500 $1,500 $6,961 $7,103 $7,336 $7,511 $22,041 $24,365 $29,798 $22,864 $7,838 $7,838 $7,838 $7,838 $73,577 $73,590 $87,992 $80,233 $204,002 $175,158 $198,557 $199,908 $3,230,229 $3,680,117 $5,043,903 $4,833,976 WATER OPERATIONS FUND: 5210-447-4305 50/560 FY 2015 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Line Item Detail: Water Fund 354 Contract Services - $55,000 This line item covers the cost of annual contracts, i.e., U-dig fees, generator testing and maintenance, coveralls, and estimated electrical and system repairs. 425 Materials - Wells/Pumps - $45,000 This line item increase is attributed to the rising costs of pump and well materials during failures. Last year's increase to materials was estimated at 20% due to new no lead requirements through the Environmental Protection Agency. Capital Outlay: Operating Funds (Rates) 935 Sheepherders Tank Mixer - $20,000 Low water turnover and thermal stratification lead to low chlorine residuals at this site. Complete mixture of the 2MG structure would improve palatable quality and allow operators more options for water system configurations (W-EX-166). 936 Noffsinger Spring Emergency Generator Replacement - CARRYOVER $90,000 Replace the old emergency generator which is currently inside the shop area, with a new emergency generator located outside and above flood stage elevation. During our 2010 safety/building/fire audit many deficiencies were pointed out about the generator being at its current location, with no containment area for either the generator or the fuel system, proper venting is a large problem, no seismic bracing to prevent roll over, fire protection and accessibility. The age of the generator make it more and more difficult to find replacement parts. By replacing this generator it reduces chances of fire and safety of workers from inside the shop area and meets the Fire Department safety audit requirements. A new generator also increases efficiency and reliability. A Grant application has been submitted to supplement the funding of the replacement generator. The Emergency Backup Grant, if received, will contribute 75% of the replacement cost (W-EX-160). 937 Sheepherder Tank Backup Power - CARRYOVER $16,000 Provide backup power for the SCADA system at Sheepherder Reservoir. Currently there is no backup power at Sheepherder Reservoir. Power frequently goes out at this location, when the power is out the water level in the tank is unknown and signals are not being sent to activate pumps. A Grant application has been submitted to supplement the funding of the replacement generator. The Emergency Backup Grant, if received, will contribute 75% of the replacement cost (W-EX-161). 938 Lower Zone Reservoir Improvements - CARRYOVER $60,000 An inspection of the lower zone reservoirs identified structural and potential water quality risk inadequacies. The structural improvements include pressure epoxy injection for the vertical cracking in perimeter walls. Surface concrete improvements involve replacing and sealing areas of extreme spalling, chipping, and voids/gaps to the outside. Eaves and screen venting will be improved to meet DEQ Standards and prevent degradation of the roof structure (W-EX-158). g WATER OPERATIONS FUND: 5210-447-4305 50/560 FY 2015 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS - con't. Line Item Detail: continued Capital Outlay: Operating Funds (Rates) Cont. 947 US 93 North Utility Relocate Design & Construction - CARRYOVER $27,343 This project replaces approximately 1,600 feet of 12" PVC water main with a combination of 12" PVC and 16" HDPE water main. Currently, this main is the only major water transmission main connecting the areas west of the proposed bypass to the rest of the City water distribution system. This project was necessitated by the revision of Three Mile Drive as it relates to the proposed Highway 93 Bypass. MDT placed this new intersection as a top priority and plans on constructing it with their next round of available funding, requiring design to be completed and ready for 2013 construction. All water main relocated under the proposed bypass will be replaced with 16" HDPE. 16" HDPE has the same inside diameter as 12" PVC, so it will function the same as the existing main. The overall project also includes the replacement of a sanitary sewer force main. Costs associated with the sewer main are not included in this line item. Project will be completed by June 30, 2014, carryover is for unanticipated change orders. 100% of this project will be paid for by water rates (W-EX-162). 950 4th Avenue East North Water Main Replacement - CARRYOVER $798,620 This project replaces approximately 2,000 feet of 12" CIP water main with 12" PVC water main. The new main will provide reliability for system stresses associated with fire flows, and limit liability associated with claims from private properties and transportation system right-of-ways arising from main breaks. The existing 12" cast iron water main within the limits of this project was installed in 1925 and has had 8 recorded water main breaks/repairs resulting in an estimated $32,700 in time and materials for the repair. The project includes installation of 24" steel bore and jack pipe casing under the railroad north of center street and 12" HDPE under Highway 2 (Idaho Street). This project will be paid for by water rates. 951 SCADA System Upgrade/Improvements - $15,000 System improvements to include installing programmable logic controllers which monitor and control individual well sites in conjunction with the SCADA system. City operators will be able to review the recorded well activities and corresponding daily water level data, and perform long term trend analysis essential to the City's water operations. Project also includes replacement of the windows XP computer and the wonderware operating system. 958 2nd Ave East Main Replacement & Upsize - $174,000 This project replaces an undersized 2" dead end water main with approximately 800' of 8" PVC water main. The proposed water main will continue from the dead-end and loop to 3rd Ave E. providing added fire hydrants and increase fire flows to the area (W-EX-40). 967 2nd Ave WN Water Main Replacement Montana to Washington - $275,000 This project replaces approximately 750 feet of 8" CIP water main with 8" PVC water main. The new water main will provide reliability for system stresses associated with fire flows, and limit liability associated with claims from private properties and transportation system right-of-way arising from main breaks. The existing 8" cast iron water main within the limits of this project was installed in 1926 and has had 4 recorded water main ruptures in 4 years. The project includes installation of 10" HDPE under Highway 2 (Idaho Street) (W-EX-164). 9 WATER OPERATIONS FUND: 5210-447-4305 50/560 FY 2015 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS - con't. Line Item Detail: continued Capital Outlay: Operating Funds (Rates) Cont. 968 Depot Well Revitalization Project - $15,000 Depot Well control and pipe revitalization project includes installation of new pump control equipment, meter, and interior piping. No replacement kit is available for the operation valve and it is showing signs of wear. This project replaces the operation valve and aligns the strainer, meter, piping and Chlorine injector in the proper sequence for efficient operation of this pumping facility (W-EX-167). Capital Outlay - Impact Fee funds (10120) 930 Contract Main Upsize - $75,000 $75,000 - Funds required for small city requested upsizing of private development infrastructure (W-EX-119). 941 Meters - $35,600 New Services Capital Outlay - Meter funds (010125) 948 Meters - $120,000 Replacement Meters 10 SEWER DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT # 5310 PURPOSE OF THIS DEPARTMENT: Why does this department exist? To maintain and operate the wastewater collection and treatment facility to have a minimum impact on the environment and enhance the quality of life for the community. WWTP DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: (7.55 FTE) .20 Public Works Director/City Engineer 1 WWTP Manager .10 Senior Civil Engineer 4 WWTP Operators .15 Budget Resource Manager 2 WWTP Chemists .10 Administrative Coordinator SEWER DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: 15 Public Works Director/City Engineer 15 Senior Civil Engineer 15 Budget Resource Manager 25 Construction Manager 20 Administrative Coordinator 20 Project Manager 20 Administrative Assistance 05 Road and Fleet Superintendent (6.05 FTE & 1 Unfunded FTE) .25 Engineering Tech/GIS/IT Support 2.5 Sewer Maintenance Technician 1 Vacant/Unfunded Swr Maint. Technician .50 Storm/Sewer Maintenance Supervisor .05 Assessment Coordinator .50 Meter Reader .50 Utility Billing Clerk .25 Finance Director .15 City Accountant GOALS OF THIS DEPARTMENT: What are the departmental goals that support the purpose? WWTP 1. To protect the health of the community by discharging wastewater that meets state and federal regulations. 2. Economically maintain facilities to ensure maximum operational functions and equipment longevity. 3. Maximize secondary use of treatment biosolids. SEWER COLLECTION To ensure conveyance of wastewater in the community to the WWTP Economically maintain facilities for maximum operational functions and equipment longevity. Preform preventative maintenance on sewer conveyance and facilities to ensure optimum system INTENDED OUTCOMES FROM BUDGET EXPENDITURES The FYI wastewater budget provides for routine maintenance and replacement of equipment within the collection system and treatment plant. The budget also provides for several improvements to the collection system infrastructure needed to improve lift station communications and data logging, collection system reliability, and increase capacity to meet future growth demands. SEWER- SANITARY OPERATIONS, BILLING, WASTEWATER TREATMENT FUND: 5310 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 Operating 10123 SANITARY Sewer Impact Fee Inv. Account 10124 W WTP Impact Fee Inv. Account 10125 W WTP Equipment Repl/Evergreen 1013x Bond Reserves/ Operating reserve Adjmts to Cash (comp abs., receivables, bond reserve) REVENUES 343310 SEWER SERVICE -billed (10100) 343360 Misc. ; (10100) 343330 hnpact Fee/Hookup-Sanitary(10123) 343330 Admin Impact Fees Sanitary (10100) 343335 Impact Fee/Hookup-W WTP (10124) 343335 Admin Impact Fees WWTP (10100) Bonded Debt 371010 Interest -operations (10100) Interest-WWTP/Evergreen (10125) Interest-WWTP Impact Fee Acct. (10124) Interest -Sanitary Impact Fee Invest. Acct. (10123) Total Revenue Total Available EXPENSES EXPENSES FROM RATES Capital Outlay City/Evergreen Funds (10125) Capital Outlay / Bonded Debt Capital Outlay - from Impact Fee funds: Capital from impact fee funds Sanitary (10123) Debt Service From Impact fees: Portion of debt from impact Sanitary (10123) Portion of debt from impact W WTP (10124) Depreciation (non cash expense) Total Expenses Add depreciation to cash Add cash distribution to Evergreen/City 10125 from 10100 ENDING CASH 10100 Operating 10123 SANITARY Impact Fee hiv. Account 10124 W WTP Impact Fee hiv. Account 10125 W WTP Equipment Replacement/Evergreen 1013x Bond Reserves (restricted funds) ACTUAL FY12/13 BUDGET FY13/14 estimated ACTUAL FY13/14 proposed BUDGET FY14/15 $353,471 $809,505 $809,505 $1,288,489 $1,862,927 $1,998,140 $1,998,140 $2,134,193 $334,230 $314,166 $314,166 $323,960 $969,880 $1,252,082 $1,252,082 $1,577,965 $1,522,469 $1,299,313 $1,299,313 $1,384,603 $0 $0 $0 $0 $5,042,977 $5,673,206 $5,673,206 $6,709,210 $4,143,222 $4,200,000 $4,200,000 $4,200,000 $8,531 $5,000 $12,000 $5,000 $145,754 $142,500 $142,500 $152,000 $7,671 $7,500 $7,500 $8,000 $201,741 $190,000 $190,000 $209,000 $10,618 $10,000 $10,000 $11,000 $132,483 $1,138,517 $1,138,517 $0 $14,352 $16,000 $14,000 $14,000 $9,470 $7,000 $5,000 $5,000 $3,195 $1,000 $500 $500 $14,459 $16,000 $14,000 $14,000 $4,691,496 $5,733,517 $5,734,017 $4,618,500 $9,734,473 $11,406,723 $11,407,223 $11,327,710 $3,837,519 $4,009,992 $3,735,347 $4,412,403 $138,867 $966,716 $90,716 $978,664 $246,480 $1,024,520 $1,024,520 $45,000 $0 $479,400 $9,029 $1,005,640 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $95,000 $225,000 $225,000 $225,000 $225,000 $2,245,000 $2,245,000 $2,245,000 $2,245,000 $6,717,866 $8,975,628 $7,354,612 $9,006,707 $2,245,000 $2,245,000 $2,245,000 $2,245,000 $411,599 $411,599 $411,599 $411,599 $809,505 $1,066,720 $1,288,489 $1,069,086 $1,998,140 $1,652,240 $2,134,193 $1,199,553 $314,166 $280,166 $323,960 $308,460 $1,252,082 $703,965 $1,577,965 $1,015,900 $1,299,313 $1,384,603 $1,384,603 $1,384,603 $5,673,206 $5,087,694 $6,709,210 $4,977,602 SEWER - WWTP - BILLING FUND SUMMARY FUND: 5310-454-430620-630/455-430640 Personal Services: Sewer billing Sanitary Sewer WWTP & LAB Subtotal Maintenance & Operations Sewer Billing services Sanitary Sewer WWTP & Lab Subtotal Capital Outlay from rates: Sanitary Sewer Operation WWTP & Lab Subtotal Debt Service from rates: Sanitary Sewer WWTP Subtotal City/Evergreen Replacement funded from rates Total Capital Outlay - Other funds: WWTP Bonded Debt WWTP (10125) City/Evergreen account Capital Outlay - from Impact Fee funds: Sanitary Sewer (10123) Debt Service -from Impact Fees Sanitary Sewer (10123) WWTP (10124) Depreciation (non -cash item) Sanitary WWTP Total EXPENSE SUMMARY proposed ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY11/12 FY12/13 FY13/14 FY14/15 $106,551 $83,496 $87,734 $96,642 $249,577 $283,294 $329,081 $329,883 $562,860 $587,285 $620,276 $648,549 $918,988 $954,075 $1,037,091 $1,075,075 $71,041 $72,408 $88,400 $80,729 $357,500 $406,011 $385,501 $398,054 $656,624 $668,593 $824,087 $890,625 $1,085,165 $1,147,012 $1,297,988 $1,369,408 $0 $13,239 $253,475 $563,567 $30,420 $65,786 $65,214 $119,000 $30,420 $79,025 $318,689 $682,567 $80,994 $73,767 $71,910 $2,189 $1,021,735 $1,172,041 $872,715 $871,565 $1,102,729 $411,599 $1,245,808 $411,599 $944,625 $411,599 $873,754 $411,599 $3,548,901 $3,837,519 $4,009,992 $4,412,403 $0 $246,480 $1,024,520 $45,000 $115,617 $138,867 $966,716 $978,664 $0 $0 $479,400 $1,005,640 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $95,000 $225,000 $225,000 $225,000 $225,000 $815,000 $820,000 $820,000 $820,000 $1,425,000 $1,425,000 $1,425,000 $1,425,000 $6,154,518 $6,717,866 $8,975,628 $9,006,707 12 SEWER - OPERATIONS FUND: 5310-454430630 EXPENDITURE DETAIL proposed ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY11/12 FY12/13 FY13/14 FY14/15 Personal Services: FTE's 6.05 5.50 5.55 5.55 110 Salaries & Wages $181,096 $211,935 $244,316 $249,754 112 Severance $10,558 $1,038 $2,500 $0 121 Overtime $1,976 $802 $7,500 $5,500 153 Health Insurance $43,908 $56,086 $59,434 $56,777 155 Retirement -PERD $12,039 $13,433 $15,332 $17,852 Subtotal $249,577 $283,294 $329,081 $329,883 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies/equip/ computer supplies/GIS $4,079 $5,909 $7,200 $9,200 218 Equipment (Non Capital)/Safety equip & supplies $2,934 $6,385 $6,500 $6,500 229 Other Supplies/Janitorial/consumable tools $1,313 $942 $2,000 $2,000 231 Gas & Oil $9,395 $9,651 $10,000 $11,500 312 Postage & Shipping/Printing $114 $360 $300 $400 341 Electricity $45,197 $45,777 $54,500 $54,500 344 Natural Gas $12,482 $12,770 $13,500 $14,500 345 Telephone & Comm., alarms $23,108 $20,886 $20,000 $23,000 353 Auditing $2,000 $2,000 $3,000 $3,000 354 Contract Services $28,788 $18,584 $21,000 $24,000 356 Consultants $3,928 $7,858 $11,500 $8,000 357 Impact Fee Study/Review Impact Fees $0 $8,407 $9,600 $0 362 Equipment Maintenance/buildings & radios $3,250 $1,401 $5,000 $5,000 373 Dues & Training, licenses $2,264 $1,401 $3,000 $3,000 388 Medical Services $508 $305 $800 $800 410 Construction Materials $2,099 $3,569 $9,000 $9,000 425 Materials - Pumps/Lift Stations $20,154 $30,831 $35,000 $50,000 510 Property & Liability his $65,059 $82,706 $37,848 $67,891 512 $5,000 Uninsured loss/$15,000 goodwill expenditures $15,602 $30,320 $20,000 $20,000 521 Central Garage Transfer $2,500 $2,500 $6,259 $7,288 522 Administrative Transfer $63,571 $61,533 $53,670 $29,205 528 Information Tech. Transfer $14,697 $16,751 $20,486 $11,432 532 Office Rent $7,838 $7,838 $7,838 $7,838 535 Usage charge for 100,000 gallons-TrumbleCreek $26,620 $27,327 $27,500 $30,000 Subtotal $357,500 $406,011 $385,501 $398,054 Capital Outlay: from rates (10100) 920 Install Lift Station Enclosure $0 $4,850 $23,000 $23,000 940 Machinery & Equipment $0 $0 $24,875 $0 947 Hwy 93 N Bypass Utility Relocate CARRY $0 $0 $33,600 $2,067 13 SEWER - OPERATIONS & Billing FUND: 5310-454-430630 EXPENDITURE DETAIL Capital Outlay: from rates (10100) 950 Back Up Generator for L.S. 11 CARRYOVER 951 1 st Alley EN Pipe Upsize (34 % rate 66% impact fees)CARRY 952 Peterson School Alley Replacement 953 By -Pass Pump Grandview Lift Station 954 Sanitary Liquid Disposal Site FYI 956 Lift Station Communication Upgrade 959 2nd Alley E Replacement 960 Manhole Rehabilitation /Sewer Main Repairs Total Capital Outlay 430635 Capital Outlay-hnpact Fee funds (10123) 951 1st Alley EN Pipe Upsize (34%rate 66% impact fees)CARRY 955 Main & Lift Station Upsize 957 Three Mile Drive Interceptor Design 958 Spring Creek Interceptor Design Total Capital from hnpact fee funds 610 Debt Service -Principal, Interest, fiscal agent fees 510400 831 Depreciation expense Total Sanitary Sewer Operating Budget 430620 Sewer Billing FTE's 110 Salaries & Wages 112 Severance 153 Health Insurance 155 Retirement - PERD Subtotal Materials and Services: 215 Office supplies/computers 353 Auditing and other contract services 355 Billing Costs/postage 373 Dues & Training 522 Administrative transfer 528 Information Tech. Transfer 532 Office Rent Subtotal Total Sanitary Sewer Billing Budget proposed ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY11/12 FY12/13 FY13/14 FY14/15 $0 $0 $40,000 $40,000 $0 $0 $107,000 $107,000 $0 $0 $0 $119,000 $0 $0 $0 $62,500 $0 $8,389 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,000 $0 $0 $0 $140,000 $0 $0 $25,000 $50,000 $0 $13,239 $253,475 $563,567 $0 $0 $208,000 $208,000 $0 $0 $271,400 $247,640 $0 $0 $0 $145,000 $0 $0 $0 $405,000 $0 $0 $479,400 $1,005,640 $105,994 $98,767 $96,910 $97,189 $815,000 $820,000 $820,000 $820,000 $1,528,071 $1,621,311 $2,3647367 $3,214,333 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 $72,337 $65,819 $70,490 $72,402 $12,000 $0 $0 $0 $17,067 $13,418 $12,707 $18,916 $5,147 $4,259 $4,537 $5,324 $106,551 $83,496 $87,734 $96,642 $1,379 $141 $2,500 $2,000 $2,500 $1,500 $5,350 $4,850 $30,954 $31,878 $35,000 $35,000 $526 $313 $1,500 $1,500 $5,803 $6,373 $6,414 $6,677 $22,041 $24,365 $29,798 $22,864 $7,838 $7,838 $7,838 $7,838 $71,041 $72,408 $88,400 $80,729 $177,592 $155,904 $176,134 $177,371 14 SEWER - OPERATIONS FUND: 5310-454430630 FY 2015 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Line Item Detail: SANITARY SEWER 354 Contract Services-$24,000 Covers the cost of annual contracts, i.e., U-dig fees, generator testing and maintenance, coveralls, and estimated system repairs. 425 Materials - Pumps/Lift Stations - $50,000 The City maintains 40 sewer lift stations which contain 80 pumps and motors, numerous drives, check valves and controls. During FY 13/14 staff endured unexpected repairs to 5 different lift stations. In addition to routine maintenance, repairs were mostly associated with pump and motor failures, or level transmission and control malfunctions. Many of our pumps have reached the end of their service life cycle. This project budgets an additional $15,000 to accommodate 5-6 major pump replacements a year. Capital Outlay: from rates (10100) 920 Sanitary Lift Station Enclosure - $23,000 Three (3) lift station building structures to protect lift station equipment. Enclosures provide weather protection and covering during winter maintenance activities, as well as reduces heating costs. Covered lift stations protect the equipment and allows maintenance to be performed efficiently and in a safer environment (SEW-63). 947 Hwy 93 N Bypass Utility Relocate (3 Mile Dr) - CARRYOVER $33,600 This project replaces approximately 900 feet of existing 6" PVC force main with approximately 800 feet of 8" HDPE force main and 100 feet of 12" PVC gravity main. This project was necessitated by the revision of Three Mile Road as it relates to the proposed Highway 93 Bypass. MDT placed this new intersection as a top priority and plans on constructing it with their next round of available funding, requiring design to be completed and ready for 2013 construction. All of the existing 6" PVC sewer force main relocated under the proposed bypass will be upsized to 8" HDPE to allow additional flow capacity and reduced head losses. The overall project also includes the replacement of a water main. Costs associated with the water main are not included in this item. The new 8" HDPE force main enables 44% more flow capacity. This project will be paid for by sewer rates (56%) and impact fees (44%). Total project cost $60,000. 950 Back Up Generator for E. Nicklaus Dr. Lift Station (#11) - $40,000 CARRYOVER Currently no emergency back-up power exists at the East Nicklaus Lift Station (911), that serves 37 homes. Back-up power would facilitate the sustainability of facilities during power outages. 952 Peterson School Alley Pipe Replacement - $119,000 This project replaces approximately 600 feet of 4", 6" and 8" concrete sewer pipe with 8" PVC gravity sewer main. Root intrusion in the existing sewer main requires constant maintenance to reduce sewer back up incidents. This project improves service to approximately 20 different properties (SEW-15). 953 By -Pass Pump Grandview Lift Station - $62,500 Lift Station bypass pumps are necessary at facilities during times of pump failures and maintenance. As Grandview Lift Station is the City's largest conveyor of sanitary sewer, it is necessary to have redundant systems to maintain service in this collection area (SEW-54). 956 Lift Station Communication Upgrade - $20,000 This multi -year project replaces lift station landline based alarm systems with cell phone web based alarm and data collection. Currently, operators are alerted of lift station failures through landline phones. The proposed Mission Communication System collects necessary facility data that is published through a web based program reviewed daily by operators. 4 mission units are currently installed and additional units will be purchased and phased into the operational system over the next 7 years (SEW-72). 15 SEWER - OPERATIONS FUND: 5310-454430630 FY 2015 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Line Item Detail: SANITARY SEWER Capital Outlay: from rates (10100) Cont. 959 2nd Alley E. Pipe Replacement from 5th St. East to 7th St. East - $140,000 This project replaces approximately 700 feet of 1930's era 8" clay sewer with 8" PVC gravity sewer main. The existing sewer main was found to be cracked and could pose a serious problem if pipe conditions continue to deteriorate. This project would improve services to approximately 30 different residences (SEW-14). 960 Manhole & Sewer Main Rehabilitation & Replacement - $50,000 This project would allow for the reconstruction or replacement of sanitary sewer manholes and mains that have deteriorated and are approaching a potential failure. The sewer crews review and record the function of manholes and mains. During this review, the crews prioritize the potential projects according to the severity of the deterioration (SEW-33). Capital Outlay - Impact Fee funds (10123) 955 Main & Lift Station Upsize-$247,640 $45,000 Misc. sewer contract main upsize, and or facility enlargements. $200,000 Regional Lift Station (SEW-52). $2,640 - CARRYOVER Funds to upsize sewer main for US 93 North Bypass (SEW-66) Capital Outlay - $107,000 from rates (10100) and $208,000 from impact fee funds (10123) 951 1st Alley EN Pipe Upsize - CARRYOVER $315,000 This project replaces 1,110 It of 8" gravity sewer main with a 12" sewer main from E Nevada St to E Washington. The pipe increase will eliminate the current surcharging and main backage created from upstream development's increase flow to the down gradient sewer conveyance system. The existing 8" gravity sewer main is downstream of the large sewage flow basin associated with the Buffalo Bill Lift Station (LS 9). The force main from LS 9 was upsized from an 8" to a 10" diameter pipe in 2007. The force main upsize allows more wastewater flow when the pumps are running. The force main outlets into the gravity conveyance system approximately 4 blocks north of the beginning of 1st Ave E Alley Sewer Replacement project. The project cost will be paid for by sewer rates and impact fees. The new 12" pipe enables 66 % more wastewater flow through the upsized conveyance section. (SEW-47) 957 Three Mile Drive Interceptor Design - $145,000 This item is for the design engineering for a project to install approximately 5,500 feet of large sanitary sewer main, continuing construction of the West Side Interceptor from the point where the Spring Creek Interceptor is proposed to connect at Three Mile Drive. The design for the project will include growth forecasts, sanitary sewer modeling; topographic, property, and utility surveys; development and negotiations for easements and land acquisition, development of project design plans and specifications; and bidding and negotiation services. 958 Spring Creek Interceptor Design - $405,000 This item is for the design engineering for a project to install a large sanitary sewer lift station, approximately 2,000 lineal feet of sanitary force main, approximately 12,500 lineal feet of sanitary gravity main, a railroad crossing, a highway crossing, and other related items. This is the proposed first phase of the West Side Interceptor, extending new main from a connection at loth Street West and 5th Avenue West, west and then north to Three Mile Drive. The design for the project will include growth forecasts; sanitary sewer modeling, topographic, property, and utility surveys, development and negotiations for easements and land acquisition, development of project design plans and specifications, and bidding and negotiation services. W WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FUND: 5310-45 5-430640 EXPENSE DETAIL Personal Services: 110 Salaries & Wages III Seasonal Salaries 112 Severance 121 Overtime 153 Health Insurance 155 Retirement - PERD Subtotal Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies/equip/computers 218 Safety Equipment & Supply 225 Alum 226 Chemicals 229 Other Supplies/janitorial/consumable tools/equip rental 231 Gas & Oil 312 Postage & Shipping 336 Licenses and Fees 341 Electricity 342 Water 344 Natural Gas 345 Telephone & Alarms 353 Auditing 354 Contract Services -Glacier Gold 355 Other Contract Services proposed ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY11/12 FY12/13 FY13/14 FY14/15 FTE's 5.90 5.55 5.55 5.55 $324,306 $332,184 $354,909 $367,571 $1,712 $3,562 $5,000 $5,000 $1,078 $0 $0 $0 $18,522 $20,672 $21,000 $21,500 $56,929 $64,742 $64,629 $65,237 $21,584 $22,212 $22,025 $26,065 $424,131 $443,372 $467,563 $485,373 356 Consult-Elec Eng/Permit Asst /Optimization & Bio Solid Studies 357 Impact Fee Study/Review Impact Fees 358 Consultant - TMDL 360 Maintenance Service -misc. 366 Building Maintenance 373 Dues, Training & Training Materials 388 Medical Services 510 Property & Liability Insurance 521 Central Garage Transfer 522 Administrative Transfer 528 Information Tech. Transfer Subtotal $4,283 $4,067 $5,000 $10,000 $2,797 $1,372 $2,500 $2,700 $3,283 $0 $20,000 $20,000 $9,717 $9,390 $13,000 $16,000 $5,908 $4,448 $7,000 $7,000 $14,731 $13,421 $15,500 $18,500 $298 $308 $350 $350 $7,325 $12,630 $11,000 $11,000 $158,225 $158,951 $170,000 $172,000 $5,603 $6,115 $6,000 $6,150 $50,405 $44,483 $55,000 $55,000 $4,851 $4,469 $5,000 $5,000 $2,750 $2,500 $4,000 $4,000 $114,009 $123,871 $115,000 $124,000 $31,296 $27,211 $30,000 $30,000 $5,820 $3,976 $65,000 $95,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $15,000 $15,000 $14,373 $15,571 $30,000 $30,000 $1,973 $1,980 $3,000 $30,000 $5,243 $4,246 $7,500 $7,500 $196 $586 $600 $600 $41,680 $43,575 $40,625 $38,320 $4,000 $5,500 $19,161 $17,519 $122,598 $126,734 $117,592 $116,638 $18,705 $20,899 $25,559 $17,148 $630,069 $636,303 $783,387 $849,425 17 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FUND: 5310-455-430640 EXPENSE DETAIL proposed ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY11/12 FY12/13 FY13/14 FY14/15 430640 Capital Outlay: Operating Funds 920 Main/Digester roof FY13&14; Headworks roof & Main Bld Ligb $0 $65,786 $65,214 $59,000 940 Nitrogen Removal tmpr-WY12; Coat Equalization Basin FY15 $30,420 $0 $0 $60,000 Total Outlay Funds $30,420 $65,786 $65,214 $119,000 430644 Capital Outlay: BONDED PROJECT 935 Plant inspect.FY 09/10; Constr Digester Lid $0 $246,480 $1,024,520 $45,000 Total WWTPCONSTRUCTION $0 $246,480 $1,024,520 $45,000 430645 WWTP Replacement Funds:Evg (10125) 362 Equipment Maintenance $44,065 $42,635 $70,000 $100,000 933 Solids Dewatering Design & Construction CARRYOVEF $0 $1,204 $668,796 $640,664 940 Machinery & Equipment $71,552 $95,028 $227,920 $238,000 Total Replacement Funds $115,617 $138,867 $966,716 $978,664 490210 610/620 Debt Service (see debt page) $1,246,735 $1,397,041 $1,097,715 $1,096,565 831 Replacement Reserve -Evergreen $411,599 $411,599 $411,599 $411,599 Depreciation expense (non cash) $1,425,000 $1,425,000 $1,425,000 $1,425,000 Subtotal WWTP $4,283,571 $4,764,448 $6,241,714 $5,410,626 430646 Labatory Operations FTErs 2.0 2.0 2.0 2.0 Personal Services: 110 Salaries & Wages $113,605 $116,258 $125,146 $126,177 153 Health Insurance $18,035 $20,378 $19,851 $28,108 155 Retirement - PERD $7,089 $7,277 $7,716 $8,891 Subtotal $138,729 $143,913 $152,713 $163,177 430646 Laboratory Maint. & Operations: 210 Office Supplies/Computers/other supplies/shipping $466 $7,227 $4,500 $4,500 218 Equipment $1,696 $906 $2,500 $2,500 222 Lab Supplies $7,940 $7,697 $7,500 $7,500 349 Lab services/Newly Mandated Pretreatment Testing $11,264 $12,445 $20,000 $20,000 362 Equipment Maintenance $4,197 $2,074 $3,500 $4,000 373 Dues & Training, licenses $992 $1,941 $2,700 $2,700 Subtotal $26,555 $32,290 $40,700 $41,200 Total $4,448,855 $4,940,651 $6,435,127 $5,615,003 18 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FUND: 5310-45 5-430640 FY 2015 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Line Item Detail - Wastewater Treatment Plant 210 Computer & Office Supplies - $10,000 Increase of $5,000 is for replacement of the W WTP server. 226 Chemicals - $16,000 Changing plant conditions have dictated the use of "DAF Poly" to produce dryer cake. The $3,000 increase is for extra polymer use for the diffused air flocculation tanks. 355 Other Contract Services - $30,000 Rag /grit and landfill biosolids disposal fees and other contract services. 356 Consultant - Electrical Engineer, Permit Assistance & Optimization Study - $95,000 $20,000 Electrical Engineer - Continue to update the 1992 antiquated computer control programming for operations of the modernized equipment in the current plant. Ongoing trouble shooting when failures occur in communications and the computer control program. $15,000 - Permit Assistance - Discharge permit renewal work and negotiation assistance with DEQ. $30,000 - Optimization Study - The fixture implementation of numeric water quality standards and Flathead Lake TMDL by MDEQ, will limit the amount of nutrients discharged from the W WTP. There is a high potential Kalispell will not be able to meet the required nutrient limits, and will have to apply for a general nutrient standard variance as outline in SB 367. The bill requires dischargers receiving a variance to perform an optimizing study. The optimization study requires evaluation of the current facility operation to optimize nutrient reduction with existing infrastructure and shall analyzes cost-effective methods of reducing nutrient loading, including but not limited to nutrient trading without substantial investment in new infrastructure. The analysis is to include cost-effective methods of reducing nutrient loading without substantial investment in new infrastructure, there should not be structural changes, and there should not be an increase in rates. MDEQ's expectation is the study be performed by a third party professional engineer specializing in wastewater nutrient removal processes, and includes modeling of alternative plant configuration and operation scenarios to determine if operational modification could be made to achieve better nutrient removal performance. The study must also explore the feasibly of nutrient trading within the watershed. $30,000 - Bin Solids Disposal Study - As the City approaches the capacity of the Glacier Gold Composting facility of 600 dry/tons per year we need to explore alternative means of sludge disposal. These funds would be used to research alternative disposal opti 358 Consultants - Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) / Permit - $15,000 The State of Montana is under Federal Court order to develop a TMDL for pollutants flowing from the Flathead basin into Flathead lake. TMDL restrictions will have some consequences for the City's historical ability to drain storm waters to Flathead tributaries and its community wastewater to Ashley creek. A TMDL that is restrictive could impair the City's ability to grow and would raise the cost of treating community wastewater and storm water discharges. We have engaged an experienced consultant to provide assistance to the City for working with MDEQ to develop a satisfactory TMDL. This budget item also includes funds for potential legal costs related to the TMDL issue. 366 Building Maintenance - $30,000 $26,000 - Main Office Building Exterior Painting - The main office building has not been repainted since original construction in 1992 and is in need of a fresh coat of paint. 19 WASTEWATER TREATMENT PLANT FUND: 5310-455-430640 FY 2015 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Line Item Detail - Wastewater Treatment Plant 430640 Capital Outlay -Operating Funds (rates) 920 Building - $59,000 $44,000 - Headworks and Lift Station Roof Liner Replacement Both of these 20 plus year old roof liners are leaking and in need of replacement. $15,000 - Main Building Lower Level Lighting Improvements The original lighting installed in 1992 utilized "High Pressure Sodium" lights. They provide inadequate lighting for the area, are costly to maintain, & they have low hour life. The installation of LED lighting will pay for its self in 6 yrs, & receive a $3,800 in rebate from FEC. 940 Coat Equalization Basin - $60,000 The walls of the EQ Basin are showing signs of concrete spalding. The original concrete was not protected by any form of coating and over the last 22 yrs the wastewater is causing the breakdown of the concrete. The application of an approved coating will provide long term protection of the walls and will stop the destruction of the concrete. 430644 CapitalOutlay-Bonded 935 Digester Lid Construction - CARRYOVER $45,000 This project is to replace the failing Primary Digester Lid and mixing equipment. The Primary Digester Lid is bulging in cracked areas which indicate methane gases are being released. The unstable condition of the lid creates safety hazards for the W WTP Operation Staff and for surrounding facility. A consultant engineer was hired in 2011 to perform an analysis and complete the design and bid documents for the replacement lid and mixing equipment. Construction is complete and carryover is to perform one year inspection of lid and coating components. 430645 Capital Outlay - Replacement Funds 362 Equipment Maintenance - $100,000 -The W WT plant maintains along list of equipment some of which includes 76 pumps, 210 valves, air compressors, gas boilers, sand filters, air blowers, fans, motors etc. The original 1992 plant is reaching the expected life span of 25 years and therefore increases in equipment replacement, rehabilitation, and maintenance is expected. Most of the smaller pump replacement costs range in $12,000 - $15,000 range. The larger digester mixer pumps cost $50,000 and an air blower replacement costs would exceed the lions $125,000 range. 933 Solids Dewatering Design & Construction - CARRYOVER $640,664 The 2008 Facility Plan Update included $1.9 million to update the Solids Dewatering in Phase 3 of the AW WTP Expansion. The installation of 1 new screw press is a portion of the suggested improvements to replace 1 of 2 belt filter press. 940 Machinery & Equipment Replacement Fund - CARRYOVER $221,000, New Appropriation $17,000 $100,000-CARRYOVER Digester Gas Room Piping (Bid award in May, construction by August) $41,000 - CARRYOVER Replace Fermenter Recirculation Piping $80,000 - CARRYOVER Replace Odor Control Filter Bed Bark $17,000 - NEW APPROPRIATION Heat Trace and Insulate Foam Separator and Gas Piping. The new Foam Separator and assoc. gas recovery system was installed new last year, but this winter the equipment froze and did not function properly. The installation of heat trace and the insulation of the foam separator will ensure proper function of this new equipment during cold weather operations. 20 STORM SEWER ACCOUNT 9 5349-453 PURPOSE OF THIS DEPARTMENT: Why does this department exist? The purpose of this department is to provide for a means of conveyance of storm water to designated storm water management areas and outfalls, thus reducing the localized and undesirable occurrence of storm water ponding. DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: (6.20 FTE) 10 Public Works Director/City Engineer .25 Senior Civil Engineer .15 Budget Resource Manager .25 Construction Manager 10 Administrative Coordinator .20 Project Manager .05 Road and Fleet Superintendent .20 Assessment Coordinator .60 Assistant Civil Engineer .25 Engineering Tech/GIS/IT Support .20 Administrative Assistance .50 Storm/Sewer Maintenance Supervisor 2.5 Storm Maintenance .25 Special Street Maintenance Operator .20 General Laborer .40 Utility Management Superintendent GOALS OF THIS DEPARTMENT: What are the departmental goals that support the purpose? 1. To maintain and operate the storm water collection, detention, and treatment facilities for the conveyance of storm water. 2. hnplement requirements of the Municipal Separate Storm Water Discharge Permit. INTENDED OUTCOMES FROM BUDGET EXPENDITURES The FY 15 budget for Storm Sewer recommends purchase of maintenance equipment to aid in maintaining and providing a reliable and efficient conveyance system within the city. The budget also provides for several improvements for storm water conveyance systems within the community and supports the development and implementation of the new 2015-2019 MS4 Storm Water Management Program. STORM SEWER FUND: 5349-453-430246 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 CASH: Operating 10120 Cash, Impact Fees 10122 Cash, Capital Reserve 10127 Cash, Emergency Reserve 10190 Cash, Designated for Equipment Replacement 10193 Cash, Designated Capital Projects Adjustments to Cash - A/R, Comp Abs. Total Cash REVENUES 343370 Storm Assessments -billed (10100) Assessments -designated for equipment (10190) Assessments -designated for capital projects (10193) 334040 Petro Tank/Monitory Reimbursement (10100) 343035 Permit fees & other Charges for Service (10100) 363040 Penalty & Interest (10100) 371010 Interest (10100) 343033 Impact Fees (10120) Impact Fee 5% Admin (10100) S/T Advance to SID 345 Total Revenue Total Available EXPENSES EXPENSES FROM RATES (10100) Capital Outlay -impact fee (10120) Capital Equipment -replacement (10190) Depreciation (non -cash expense) Total Expenses add back depreciation ENDING CASH 10100 Cash, Operating 10120 Cash, Impact Fees 10122 Cash, Capital Reserve (target $140,000) 10127 Cash, Emergency Reserve (target $25,000) 10190 Cash, Designated Equipment Replacement 10193 Cash, Designated Capital Projects estimated proposed ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY12/13 FY13/14 FY13/14 FY14/15 $1,390,822 $838,677 $838,677 $830,893 $671,921 $865,725 $865,725 $1,012,225 $140,000 $140,000 $140,000 $140,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $198,316 $238,102 $238,102 $51,941 $415,844 $432,835 $432,835 $515,844 $2,841,903 $2,540,339 $2,540,339 $2,575,903 $752,104 $730,000 $740,000 $740,000 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 $40,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 $8,354 $2,500 $7,097 $2,500 $1,420 $1,000 $9,355 $1,000 $3,826 $3,500 $2,000 $2,000 $11,858 $15,000 $11,000 $8,000 $193,804 $71,250 $209,000 $142,500 $9,788 $3,750 $11,000 $7,500 ($33,009) $33,009 $33,009 $0 $1,038,145 $950,009 $1,112,461 $993,500 $3,880,048 $3,490,348 $3,652,800 $3,569,403 $1,339,495 $1,553,506 $782,736 $1,602,806 $0 $174,000 $68,000 $130,000 $214 $226,161 $226,161 $5,500 $285,000 $285,000 $285,000 $285,000 $1,624,709 $2,238,667 $1,361,897 $2,023,306 $285,000 $285,000 $285,000 $285,000 $838,677 $540,921 $830,893 $489,087 $865,725 $762,975 $1,012,225 $1,024,725 $140,000 $140,000 $140,000 $140,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $25,000 $238,102 $51,941 $51,941 $86,441 $432,835 $15,844 $515,844 $65,844 $2,540,339 $1,536,681 $2,575,903 $1,831,097 21 STORM SEWER FUND: 5349-453-430246 EXPENSE DETAIL proposed ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY11/12 FY12/13 FY13/14 FY14/15 Personal Services: 6.45 6.20 6.20 6.20 110 Salaries & Wages $281,344 $298,070 $340,360 $350,378 112 Severance $12,539 $1,038 $0 $0 121 Overtime $1,934 $1,072 $5,000 $4,000 153 Health Insurance $59,118 $72,321 $77,282 $71,561 155 Retirement $18,458 $18,937 $21,382 $25,139 Subtotal $373,393 $391,438 $444,024 $451,079 Maintenance & Operations: 210 Office Supplies/Equip./computer/GIS $9,746 $6,476 $9,100 $10,100 218 Equipment (non capital)/ Safety Equip & Supplies $2,321 $1,601 $3,500 $3,500 229 Other Supplies/Consumable tools $2,621 $175 $2,200 $2,200 231 Gas & Oil $9,320 $9,694 $11,500 $11,500 345 Telephone & Communication $885 $426 $800 $800 353 Auditing $550 $600 $2,340 $2,340 354 Contract Services $2,162 $610 $6,000 $6,000 356 Storm water Reg Compliance Program/Permit $5,853 $5,342 $30,000 $25,000 357 Impact Fee Update $0 $0 $7,500 $7,500 358 Consultants $0 $0 $7,000 $7,000 359 Consultants/TMDL/permit $5,169 $7,893 $15,000 $15,000 360 Repair & Maint. Services $1,117 $587 $2,500 $2,500 362 Groundwater Monitoring $6,677 $7,568 $15,000 $10,000 371 Curb & Gutter $510 $6,108 $5,000 $7,000 373 Dues & Training $2,464 $947 $3,500 $3,500 388 Medical Services $0 $0 $100 $100 410 Construction materials $2,470 $1,236 $10,000 $10,000 510 Liability Ins. $8,000; $5,500 uninsured loss) $12,307 $17,008 $8,000 $7,982 521 Central Garage Transfer $2,500 $3,000 $6,259 $7,287 522 Administrative Transfer $30,376 $32,704 $28,416 $34,352 528 Information Tech. Transfer $5,344 $5,969 $7,301 $8,574 530 Lease Payments/BNSF $4,902 $5,066 $5,500 $5,700 532 Office rent $7,838 $7,838 $7,838 $7,838 Subtotal $115,132 $120,848 $194,354 $195,773 22 STORM SEWER FUND: 5349-453-430246 EXPENSE DETAIL-Con't. proposed ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY11/12 FY12/13 FY13/14 FY14/15 430246 Capital Outlay: from rates (10100) 840 MACI Grant Match CARRYOVER $0 $0 $42,264 $42,264 941 Utility Asset Management Program $0 $24,626 $0 $0 944 Vacuum Jet Truck - 38% $0 $0 $123,500 $0 951 9th St. E. Stonmwater Impry CARRYOVER $0 $0 $200,000 $200,000 952 Stonn Drain Correction funds $2,563 $86,646 $100,000 $100,000 953 Willows Stonnwater Improvement Pi) CARRYOVER $0 $6,636 $149,364 $127,690 954 S. Meadows Phase 1-Fy12; Phase2-FY13,Phase3-FY14 CARRYOVEI $98,575 $709,301 $300,000 $300,000 955 Sylvan Drive Stormwater Repair $0 $0 $0 $186,000 Subtotal $101,138 $827,209 $915,128 $955,954 430248 Capital Outlay: Impact Fee $ (10120) 953 Willows Stonmwater Improvement Prj 960 Stormwater Facility Upsizing Subtotal 430249 Capital Outlay: from replacement $ (10190) 940 Machinery & Equipment 944 Vacuum Jet Truck - 62% Subtotal 510400 Depreciation: 831 Depreciation: Total $0 $0 $44,000 $0 $0 $0 $130,000 $130,000 $0 $0 $174,000 $130,000 $0 $0 $24,875 $5,500 $41,684 $214 $201,286 $0 $41,684 $214 $226,161 $5,500 $260,000 $285,000 $285,000 $285,000 $891,347 $1,624,709 $2,238,667 $2,023,306 23 STORM SEWER FUND: 5349-453-430246 FY 2015 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Line Item Detail: STORM SEWER FUND 356 Storm Water Regulatory Compliance Program/Permit Fees - $25,000 (reduced $5,000) The Stormwater MS4 Permit requires the City to implement a Stormwater Management Program (SWMP). The SWMP outlines and defines Best Management Practice (BMPs) and Programs the City will implement and maintain to meet the regulatory requirements. Programs to implement and/or maintain are outlined and require yearly funding, these include 1) Erosion and sediment control annual training, 2) Public education and participation handouts and advertising, 3) Storm drain ID decals, 4) Car wash equipment, 5) Good housekeeping BMPs, 6) Site inspection and enforcement for post construction structural BMPs, 7) Illicit discharge monitoring and removal, 8) Redevelopment Water Quality Implementation Assistance policy to be developed to provide financial assistance to businesses for smaller redevelopment projects. 430246 Capital Outlay: from rates (10100) 840 MACI Grant Match - CARRYOVER $42,264 - operating transfer to MACI grant The State is once again proposing to provide local governments the opportunity to purchase air quality management equipment, like street sweepers, through the Montana Air & Congestion Initiative (MAGI). The City is proposing to purchase a new street sweeper (replacing a 1991 model) in order to continue to support the City's Stormwater Management Program. As a permitted Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4), the City of Kalispell is required to develop controls in order to reduce or eliminate the discharge of pollutants from streets, roads, highways, municipal parking lots, maintenance and storage yards, vehicle fleet or maintenance shops with outdoor storage areas, salt/sand storage locations, and snow disposal areas operated by the permittee. As part of the Stormwater Management Program, a Street Sweeping Program has been developed to meet permit requirements. By implementing the Street Sweeping Program and performing routine street sweeping, the City is able to meet permit requirements by collecting sediments, metals, organics, and oil and grease wastes that would otherwise be transported by stormwater runoff to surface waters. 951 9th Street East between 4th and 6th Avenue East Storm Drain Improvements -CARRYOVER $200,000 This project includes new construction of approximately 1,200 feet of 12" storm main, 230 square yards of valley gutter, 3 manholes, reconstruction of 2 blocks of street surfacing, and other associated project costs. Construction of the new storm drainage system will eliminate the historical ponding problems at street intersections within the project. Mitigation of the ponding areas reduces the negative impacts to the structural integrity of the street surfacing. The project also increases pedestrian safety at street intersection crossings in the vicinity of Hedges Elementary School by keeping crosswalks visible and available for pedestrian use. This project will be paid for with storm water assessment funds. (STX-37) 952 Storm Drain Correction - $100,000 The goal of this project is to provide design and construction for areas in the City that are in need of storm drainage systems and storm drainage system upgrades. Projects include: Areas in sections of the City that have extensive ponding at the intersection caused from minor rain events. Improve curb and gutter flow to eliminate ponding and deterioration of pavement. 24 STORM SEWER FUND: 5349-453-430246 FY 2015 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS 430246 Capital Outlay: from rates (10100) Cont. 953 Willows Stormwater Improvement Project - $127,690 CARRYOVER This project includes improvements to the stormwater conveyance system including flood control and water quality treatment for the Willows Subdivision. The project includes the installation of a hydromechanical stormwater treatment system; capacity increase for approximately 1,250 feet of storm main; and installation of erosion control measures for the outfall into the Stillwater River. Completion of this project will help mitigate main surcharges during major storm events, reduce the likelihood of associated property damage, and size the downstream main(s) to appropriately convey contributing flows. Project is at substantial completion; outfall erosion requires more stabilization - will mitigate in 2014. Total Project costs $428,000 - $228,000 funded through an SID. 954 South Meadows Phase 3 - CARRYOVER $300.000 The purpose of this project is to relieve compounding drainage issues due to drainage areas (ditches, swales, outfalls) being eliminated by residential use. This is phase III of a three phase project that when completed will relieve the flooding and ponding in the subdivision. Engineering and partial construction of the project have were completed in 2012. A total of 1,515 L.F. of 12" pipe as well as 1,410 L.F. of ditch regrading is left to be completed for the three remaining additive alternates no previously awarded. The project will be bid and constructed in the spring/summer of 2014. 955 Sylvan Drive Stormwater Repair - $186,000 This project is necessitated due to severe corrosion of the invert section of 750' of corrugated metal pipe. Proposed repair includes installation of a CIPP liner through the pipes entire length. The existing storm water main was installed in 1981 and has reached the end of its expected life cycle. This is a large sub -drainage area, serving east Kalispell (STX-39). Capital Outlay from Replacement (10190) 940 Machinery & Equipment - $5,500 $5,500 Small Diameter Chain Cutter 430248 Capital Outlay: from impact fees (10120) 960 Stormwater Facility Upsizing - $130,000 $130,000 - Misc. Stormwater contract main upsize, and or facility enlargements. Increase due to new development in Section 36 and Highway 93 South. 25 SOLID WASTE ACCOUNT # 5510-460 PURPOSE OF THIS DEPARTMENT: Why does this department exist? The Solid Waste Department collects and disposes of solid waste material from residential and commercial entities to provide a cleaner and healthier condition for the City of Kalispell. DEPARTMENT PERSONNEL: (7.40 FTE) .10 Public Works Director/City Engineer .15 Budget Resource Manager .20 Assessments Coordinator .20 Administrative Coordinator .30 Road and Fleet Superintendent .20 Administrative Assistant .15 Project Manager 5 Solid Waste Operators 1 Solid Waste Supervisor .10 General Laborer GOALS OF THIS DEPARTMENT: What are the departmental goals that support the purpose? Collect, handle, and transport solid waste in a safe and effective manner. 2. Provide solid waste services to the community of Kalispell in a respectable and reliable manner. INTENDED OUTCOMES FROM BUDGET EXPENDITURES The FYI recommends the routine replacement of equipment for the collection, transport, and disposal of refuse accumulated within the City. Part of this replacement includes the trial of a new refurbishment program that is intended to extend the life of the Sidearm Garbage Trucks by 4 years, resulting in definable savings to the City of Kalispell. SOLID WASTE FUND: 5510-460-430840;430845 PROJECTED REVENUE AND FUND SUMMARY BEGINNING CASH 10100 Cash: operating 10120 Replacement Account Total Cash REVENUES 343410 Assessments 343420 garbage collections billed (part year) 363040 Penalty & Interest 371010 Interest Earnings BOI - Inception of Loan Misc. Total Revenue Total Available EXPENSES Total Expenses from Rates (10100) CapitalOutlay-replacement (10120) *Depreciation/Replacement Fund Total Expenses add back transfer to replacement account ENDING CASH 10100 Operating 10120 Replacement Account Total Cash estimated proposed ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET FY12/13 FY13/14 FY13/14 FY14/15 $573,376 $130,241 $660,849 $245,547 $660,849 $245,547 $711,304 $392,868 $703,617 $906,396 $906,396 $1,104,172 $876,114 $868,000 $922,694 $920,000 $28,672 $18,000 $23,944 $20,000 $4,798 $4,500 $2,500 $2,500 $5,199 $4,000 $4,000 $3,000 $0 $200,000 $0 $200,000 $0 $0 $1,873 $0 $914,783 $1,094,500 $955,011 $1,145,500 $1,618,400 $2,000,896 $1,861,407 $2,249,672 $677,310 $980,431 $754,556 $1,047,150 $34,694 $293,275 $2,679 $374,300 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $862,004 $1,423,706 $907,235 $1,571,450 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $660,849 $624,919 $711,304 $659,655 $245,547 $102,272 $392,868 $168,568 $906,396 $727,191 $1,104,172 $828,223 26 SOLID WASTE FUND: 5510-460-430840;430845 EXPENSE DETAIL proposed ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET FY11/12 FY12/13 FY13/14 FY14/15 Personal Services: FTE's 7.25 7.35 7.40 7.40 110 Salaries & Wages $303,309 $343,176 $382,573 $401,583 112 Severance $5,940 $18,689 $0 $0 121 Overtime/Call outs $2,059 $4,235 $5,000 $5,500 153 Health Insurance $58,483 $82,534 $88,081 $85,694 155 Retirement - PERD $19,339 $22,033 $23,856 $28,541 Subtotal $389,131 $470,667 $499,510 $521,318 Materials and Services: 213 Office Equip/ computer equip & supplies $2,566 $3,124 $5,500 $9,500 218 Non Capital Equip.- Garbage Containers $33,082 $34,285 $35,000 $35,000 229 Other Supplies/Safety equip/Consumable tool $1,614 $3,543 $5,500 $5,500 231 Gas and Oil $48,953 $47,049 $52,000 $59,000 341 Electricity $1,328 $1,511 $1,850 $1,900 344 Natural Gas $3,570 $2,871 $4,000 $4,200 345 Telephone $678 $840 $700 $850 354 Contract Services $7,531 $6,805 $9,000 $9,000 362 Equipment Maint. & Supplies/radios $4,188 $6,618 $5,700 $5,700 366 Building Maintenance $3,099 $331 $2,500 $2,500 373 Dues & Training $3,338 $2,273 $3,500 $3,500 388 Medical services $591 $604 $600 $650 510 Property & Liability Ins. $10,036 $13,666 $15,246 $10,600 512 Uninsured Loss - Deductible $230 $0 $6,500 $6,500 521 Central Garage Transfer $26,000 $28,500 $47,140 $59,786 522 Administrative Transfer $29,835 $27,753 $27,760 $33,484 528 Information Tech. Transfer $9,353 $7,614 $9,312 $8,574 532 Office Rent $7,838 $7,838 $7,838 $7,838 600 Debt Service $25,875 $22,000 Subtotal $193,829 $195,225 $265,521 $286,082 430845 Wash bay/Materials & Services 224 Janitorial Supplies $201 $200 $250 341 Electricity $3,366 $3,511 $3,700 $4,000 342 Water $759 $412 $500 $500 344 Natural Gas $8,911 $3,395 $7,500 $6,500 360 Repair & Maint Services/building maint $1,837 $3,899 $3,500 $3,500 Subtotal $14,873 $11,418 $15,400 $14,750 27 SOLID WASTE FUND: 5510-460-430840;430845 EXPENSE DETAIL ACTUAL FY11/12 ACTUAL FY12/13 BUDGET FY13/14 proposed BUDGET FY14/15 430840 Capital Outlay: (Financed 5 yr) 944 Garbage Truck CARRYOVER $0 $0 $200,000 $200,000 $0 $0 $200,000 $200,000 430840 Capital Outlay: 820 Alley Paving - transfer to Gas Tax $0 $0 $0 $25,000 $0 $0 $0 $25,000 430840 Capital Outlay: Replacement funds (10120) 940 Machinery & Equipment $0 $34,694 $3,275 $0 944 Garbage Truck CARRYOVER/NEW $230,384 $0 $290,000 $374,300 Subtotal $230,384 $34,694 $293,275 $374,300 510400 Depreciation (fund Replacement account $150,000) 831 Depreciation expense $125,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 Total $953,217 $862,004 $1,423,706 $1,571,450 FY 2015 BUDGET HIGHLIGHTS Line Item Detail : Solid Waste Fund 231 Gas & Oil - $59,000 Increased $7,000 due to additional service areas added to routes which also increases the trips to the landfill. Capital Outlay: 944 Machinery & Equipment - CARRYOVER $200,000 25 Yard Rear Loader Garbage Truck - Replacing a 1997 rear loader, newer units have more capacity, reducing trips to the landfill and enabling us to continue to improve on our efficiency and time savings. The rear loader is used primarily for alley clean-up and commercial steel bin containers. 957 Alley Paving - $25,000 Pave approximately seven alleys. Paved alleys enable garbage trucks better access to containers, the alleys are easier to maintain in the winter months, improving operation efficiency. Capital Outlay: Replacement funds (10120) 944 Machinery & Equipment - CARRYOVER $290,000 New Appropriation $84,300 Carry -$290,000 - 27 yard Sidearm Garbage Truck - Replacing a 2002 Sidearm that has reached the end of its life cycle and has had repeated mechanical failures. New $84,300 - Refurbish 2010 Sidearm Garbage Truck (#329) 28