03-27-14 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, March 27, 2014 Lower Level Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Keith Haskins, Senior Civil Engineer Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Kevin LeClair, Senior Planner Rick Parker, Bldg. Dept. Inspector Rebekah Wargo, Asst. Civil Engineer P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Kathy Nelson, Recording Secretary GUESTS: James Freyholtz, Montana Department of Transportation HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: None. OLD BUSINESS: Faith Free Lutheran Church — 405 Liberty; sanctuary addition to existing church. Parks and Public Works are still waiting to hear back from them. This will be on the agenda for next week. Three Rivers Bank — 223 East Idaho — preliminary review of bank addition. This went through Architecture Review. They are about two weeks out before submitting a full set of plans. This will be on the agenda for next meeting. The Rock — 350 Heritage Way; 2,800 sq. ft., 2-story medical office with a basement. They have adjusted their design and are not doing the convention center or the 100+ parking lot to the north. This went through Architecture Review. They are about 2-3 weeks out before submitting a full set of plans. Haskins noted they have a construction fence going across the sidewalks with no ADA access. They may build a crossing across the street pending the go ahead from the hospital. Otherwise, they will take the fence down. They obstructed the sidewalk without a right-of-way permit. This will be on the agenda for next meeting. Starbuck's — 10 N Main; new coffee shop with drive-thru. This will be a 1,900 sq. ft. building located on the corner of the Kalispell Center Mall property. This was approved through Architecture Review pending submission of the final plans. They still have the drive-thru that comes around on three sides, but they have a raised walkway protected by bollards in two pedestrian crossing areas. There will be some changes to the building design that will not impact their site plan. They will make a connection to the sidewalk at the northwest area, with a possible concrete walk that would function as a crosswalk across the asphalt. Haskins spoke with David Peterson today about the Traffic Impact Study. LeClair stated they will still need to file a Final Plat. They will need a Stormwater Permit for both the mall remediation work and for Starbuck's. This will be on the agenda for next meeting. NEW BUSINESS: None. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: They are taking the Pentelute Property annexation to the City Council on Monday, April 7th, for their review and hopefully their approval. They have two projects set for the Planning Board Agenda on April 8: Ray of Hope Homeless Shelter — 5th Ave W and 1st St W. This is for a Conditional Use Permit. There is currently an old house at this location that will be demolished. The new building will be for women and children only. Their present building will then be for men only. Rail Industrial Park — near the old McElroy & Wilken gravel pit site. Annexation and initial zoning. We have an application for their subdivision on these properties. LeClair has some large sets of those plans if anyone wants to look at them. A special meeting will take place on April 22nd for the Planning Board to handle the subdivision before the TIGR Grant Application goes out, so the application can state that it has received some approval from the City for the subdivision. Shreiner's Property — Highway 93 South, fronting on 3rd Ave E. We received an application yesterday for annexation of the Shreiner property. It has City property on three sides of it. They were told they had City services when they bought the property, but it turns out they are on a septic system. They would like to connect to the City sewer, which is out in front of the property. They paid their sewer impact fee yesterday. This will be going to the Planning Board May 13th. This will be zoned B-2. OTHER BUSINESS: Shrimp Farm — There will be an application coming in for an indoor shrimp farm going in the old Merganthaler building owned by Michael Blend, where Misfits was located. They may purchase the building, and are aware of the paving requirements. There are some ongoing issues with things they should have been doing to upgrade both the building and the property as they were developing and adding tenants into the building. Sorensen spoke with them about potentially bonding to address some of this to keep things moving forward. They will get together with Blend to discuss how to make some of these improvements happen. The improvements would be a prerequisite to getting any type of permit to continue work on the project. There is also a computer repair business presently in the building. Sorensen requested that our committee think about what improvements you might want to see done. Bloomstone — They are ready to proceed with Phase 1 a and do apartment complexes at the entrance way up against the bypass. Starling will be letting their Preliminary Plat lapse. Aspen and Grossweiler are splitting their assets up there, so Aspen will walk away with 140 acres and Grossweiler will keep the remainder. Their PUD will stay in place. Jentz noted they want to work together, but realize where the market is and want to keep their options open. Army/Navy Building — on Main Street. This building will be developed for retail on the main floor, offices on the mezzanine and top floor, and storage in the basement. They would need to sprinkler 2 the building. They have some environmental issues in the building. Parker stated there is an existing freight elevator in there that they may convert to a passenger elevator. Bikology — has been purchased by Moose's to demolish the building and put in a parking lot. They will need to speak with Public Works on their access points, and would need to verify with MDT what they will be doing. Siderius Property — LeClair will be meeting with Dave Stone. The school district has acquired some property from him. LeClair will verify with him which piece of property it is. The meeting was adjourned at 10:32 a.m.