02-11-14 Street Tree MinutesKALISPELL STREET TREE COMMISSION MEETING HELD February 11, 2014 Present: Members: David Jones, Bette Albright, Andrea Davidson, and Brock Anderson Staff. Lisa Simmer and Chad Fincher The meeting was officially called to order at 4:04 pm by David Jones. Agenda Topics: Approval of January minutes Daily Interlake article New Project Possibilities Miscellaneous Old Business There were no omissions or corrections to the January minutes. All members voted in favor of accepting the January minutes. Daily Inter Lake Article Each member had been given a copy of the Daily Inter Lake article drafted by Andrea Davidson. It was decided that members would take the article and read it. All members agreed they would like DNRC Forester Jamie Kirby to review it and make necessary changes before it is sent to the Daily Inter Lake. Lisa stated she would review it and make small changes, such as verifying the percentage of maples in city, before sending it to Jamie. New Project Possibilities New Tree Survival Rate: David mentioned that through a conference call earlier in the week he was made aware of a project where group members in a Utah town inventoried trees planted within the last five years. This group found 85% of the trees were dead. David asked the group if they thought they could do a similar project with the 77 trees that were planted through the ARRA/DED grant project and possibly the new subdivision plantings. Members voiced that this project would make sense to do, to gather information on homeowner buy in and care and other issues that might be affecting survival rates of new trees. Brief discussion was held regarding the new Trimble data collectors which have been ordered and will be arriving shortly. Staff hopes to have Dave Jones demonstrate the Trimbles at an upcoming meeting by inventorying the tree located in the back of the parks building. Members didn't feel they would necessarily use the Trimbles if they were going to inventory trees just to determine if they had survived. It was noted that this project would need to happen in summer when trees are in full bloom. This project will be put on the June meeting agenda for discussion. Species List: Chad briefed the group on the need to update the species list of approved boulevard trees. Chad explained that currently the list is quite minimal and customers often request trees that aren't on the list. Chad said there are quite a number of other species that are acceptable and he feels that instead of looking at these requests on a case by case basis, we could as a group expands the species list. The group discussed a variety of species, availability, etc. Chad said he would also like to see the list provide additional information such as use and limitations, advantages, growth type, etc. Chad presented an example he had started working on a while back, which he had mimicked off of Missoula's list. Lisa will email this list out to members. Conversation among members included the possibility of including pictures of the trees, or links to websites providing pictures, such as the Arbor Day foundation. Chad asked the members to take a look at the list, provide input, and bring their suggestion and thoughts back to the group. It was noted this project will take some time and will be ongoing. When completed this list would be put on the website and made available upon request. Urban Forestry Management Plan: Discussion was held regarding the group putting together an urban forestry management plan. It was decided to put this project on hold until a Parks Superintendent is hired and can provide assistance and insight. When questioned by a member, Chad responded he could typically average 5 — 17 hours a week on urban forestry, although noted it can depend on what season it is. Chad explained he has people in the field that can handle forestry calls and site visits, however at times he handles them himself to keep his crew working on other projects. David said he will continue to research and share other cities management plans. Miscellaneous Business M1gCellaneolls David mentioned that if crews are pruning ash trees, workers should be checking them for the Emerald ash borer. Chad replied Parks crews are mainly concentrating on DED removals; however he will mention this to public works as they are doing some clearance pruning. Bette informed the group that Arbor Day should be held at Peterson School; however that is tentative until she talks to the principal. Should there be a problem with Peterson, Russell is next in line. Bette will be making the arrangements and getting back to the group. The group noted the important April calendar dates of. April 8t' meeting (to finalize plans for drive and Arbor Day), April 121h recycling drive, April 2 1 " Tree City USA/Arbor Day proclamation at council, April 251h Arbor Day Celebration. David brought to the attention of the group a new DNRC Montana School ReLeaf Grant Project. Lisa said she will notify the teacher at the Middle School who was the leader in the successful orchard contest and planting project. David told the group that Lance Isaak received a grant for an orchard at the Flathead Youth Home. David noted that any school could apply for the ReLeaf project. Discussion was held regarding the requirements of this grant project and possible assistance the group could provide with the required Arbor Day Celebration. David asked members to pass the word on the DNRC MT School ReLeaf Grant Project. Lisa informed the group that she had written Thank You cards on behalf of the Kalispell Parks and Recreation Department and Street Tree Committee to East Haven Baptist (picking up Christmas trees), DNRC (providing data collection services of David Jones and John Driessen) and Whitefish Parks and Recreation (loan of their Trimbles). Chad mentioned his brainstorming with coworker Val Hemsley, regarding getting kids back into the parks. Chad explained their thoughts about creating QR codes on items that participants could scan and get information from. Chad explained QR codes are fairly simple to make and could be linked back to the city website. Chad and Val have discussed codes on the tree plaques, the historical cannon, etc. that would possibly get the kids interested while providing some history and education. David mentioned he was a part of the tree plaque placements in Woodland Park when he was member of the American Society of Arborists. Andrea submitted a letter requesting reappointment, which Lisa will forward to the Mayor. Chad explained the council will be asking different boards to come speak and update them and there may be a request in the future. Staff informed members that they have an "Invitation for Bids — Landscaping and Tree Planting per Developer's Agreement" advertised. The next meeting was scheduled for March 11, 2014, 4 pm. The meeting adjourned at 5:04 pm. Minutes approved by the Street Tree Committee March 11, 2014