Memo/Categories ListTO: Facilities Plan Team FM: Fred Leist' I looked over the categories list that Doug compiled and I have noted on this list those categories that I think we will have `sub -categories' that we will have to contend with. Some ideas are listed below. How we work these into the database is up to you experts: Unit: List the separate structures on the site as example: 10A, 10B, 10C, etc. Principle Use: A — Office/Adm, B — Storage, C — Maintenance Shop, D — Museum Occupants/Staff: A — Business, B — City Employees, C — Seasonal Employees, and then you could have a combination of B-8, C-6 ( 8 full time employees and 6 seasonal employees that work in the facility. Department: See Attached Construction: Steel, Concrete, Wood Frame, etc. Level/Stories: One, Two, Three, Basements, etc. Condition: See Attached Deficiency Categories: In the main body of the page for each unit we will list deficiencies and give that deficiency a code do we can extract all the Code 1 (safety) deficiencies when we need to. Internet: What type of connections are available, ie., DSL, T1, Fiber, Cable, etc. Plumbing: None, Water Closets, Urinals, Sinks, Showers, etc. Rood Condition: Tile, Steel, Wood, Shingles, etc. Safety Inspection: Last safety Inspection Value: Appraised value, Taxable value, Market value, Original value, replacement value. We need to work these into the headings some way. Thanks for all your work on this project. I can see it coming together, but we are not in a big hurry, we do want to get it right the first time around and end up with a workable document people can use. ID: 1 REPLACEMENT: test SITE: test CONDITION: test Address: test REPAIR ESTIMATES: test assessor number: test - - - HEATING PLANT: test tract id: test ................................._........... AIR CONDITION: test UNIT: test NATURAL GAS: test PRINCIPLE USE: test ...................................... . TELEPHONE: test OCCUPANTS/STAFF: test ALARM SYSTEM: test DEPARTMENT: test INTERNET: test UNIT SF: test ELECTRIC: test EXTERIOR SF: test SPRINKLERED: test ADDIT�AC: test WINDOWS: test YEAR BUILT: test DOORS: test ORIGINAL COST: test PLUMBING: test CONSTRUCTION: test ROOF CONDITION: test f LEVELS/STORIES: test CATAGORIES & CODES TO BE USED ON FACILITY CONDITIONS INVENTORY DEPARTMENTS: AD Administration Facilities PW Public Works PR Parks and Recreation CC City Courts CA City Airport KP Police Department KF Fire Department GF City Owned (Leased to Others) CONDITION: A - Very good, replace in 20 years B - Good, replace in 10 years C - Fair, replace in 1 — 5 years D - Poor, replace in 1 year E - Not Functional F - Unsafe, evacuate DEFICIENCY CATEGORIES: 1 Safety 2 Damaged, Worn out 3 Codes or Standards Violations 4 Environmental Problems 5 Energy or Conservation Issues 6 Aesthetics 7 Building Improvements Needed