Ordinance 414 - Basement Pipe Casing290
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An ordinance providing that every building hereafter
erected in the City of Kalispell, Montana, where the base-
ment thereof is to be used for the storage of goods:or
merchandise of any description, shall be provided with
ground floor pipe casing to enable more prompt extinguish-
ment of basement fires, and providing a penalty.
SECTION 1,.Ground Floor Pipe Casings.
In order to enable the fire department of the City
of Kalispell to prcmptly reach and extinguish fires occur-
ing in the basements of buildings in said city, which
basements are to be used for the storage of goods or mer-
chandise, without the loss of valuable time in having to
out holes through wood and concrete floors to such base-
ments for the purpose of gaining access thereto, every
building hereafter erected in said city where the basement
thereof is to be used for the storage of goods or merchan-
dise of any description, shall be provided with ground
floor pipe -casing holes constructed in and through the
floor of the first story of such building extending down
to and even with the basement ceiling or bottom of floor
joists of such first story floor, so as to enable the ssid
fire department to put a water circulating nozzle through
for the prompt extinguishment of any fire occurring in any
such basement.
SECTION 2. How to be constructed.
Such ground floor pipe -casing holes shall be construct-
edIaccording to the plans therefor on file in the office
of the City Engineer and City Clerk in said city, and
shall be located and of such number as may be determined
upon by the chief of the fire department or his assistants.
SECTION 3. Storage of goods in basements.
No goods or merchandise of any description shall
be stored in any such basement in such mcnner as to
interfere with the proper working of the water circu-
lating nozzle used by said fire department which will
pass through any of such ground floor pipe-casin-. holes;
and no goods, merchandise, or other obstructions shall
be placed over the cover of any such ground floor
pipe -casing holes on the floor of the first story; and
all such covers must at all times be kept clear of all
obstructions, so as not to interfere with their prompt
use by said fire department in case of fire.
SECTION 4. Building Plans to be accepted, when.
No plans of any building hereafter to be erected
shall be accepted or approved by the building inspector
unless the pl-.n of the first floor thereof over a base-
ment which is to be used in storing goods or merchandise
of any description, shall show that the ground floor
pipe -casing holes have been provided for, which will
permit the said fire department to put a water circu-
lating nozzle through, and that the same are to be
constructed according to the plans therefore on file
in the office of the City Engineer and City Clerk.
SECTION 5. Penalty
Any violation of this ordinance shall be punish-
able by a fine of not to exceed Fifty Dollars or be
imprisoned for not to excr=ed no days or by both such
fine and imprisonment.
Any ordinance or part of ordinance in conflict herewith
is hereby repealed.
This ordinance shall be in full force and effect thirty
days from and after its passage and approval.
Passed by the "ity Council of the City of Kalispell,
' Montana, this 7th day of May, 1928.
A proved by the I.i<ayor of the City of Kalispell,
Montana, this 7th day of May, 1928.
Attest, C. E. Trekell
City Clerk.
State of Montana )
County of Flathead )
City of Kalispell ) ss
I, C. E. Trekell, Clerk of the City of Kalispell,
Montana, do Hereby certify that on the loth day of May,
1928, I posted a copy of the foregoing Ordinance in my office
and that the same remained posted for a period of five days
thereafter, and that the above is a full copy of the said
Ordinance as passed by the City Council.
Dated this 25th day of June, 1928.
Z Ity -U l rk.