12-12-13 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, December 12, 2013 Lower Level Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Jeff Clawson, Building Official Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Kevin LeClair, Senior Planner Wade Rademacher, Police Captain P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Mark Crowley, Construction Manager Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Rick Parker, Bldg. Dept. Inspector Rebekah Wargo, Asst. Civil Engineer Kathy Nelson, Recording Secretary GUESTS: James Freyholtz, Montana Department of Transportation HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: None. OLD BUSINESS: 10 Meridian Court — Wargo is still waiting for their drainage plan. Sportsman Ski Haus — The easement has been put onto the plat, and the County is processing it. Wargo needs the final acreage to finalize the impact fees. NEW BUSINESS: Ulta — 165 Treeline; new retail cosmetic store. This will be a 10,000 sq. ft. building. Sorensen asked everyone to review it for next week. If roof drainage needs to plug in in a certain way and how it ties into the system, now would be the time to look at that. We have requested they make sure all of the walls are lining up on the property lines, so Karen is putting something together regarding this. All the construction next to Cabela's will begin after the new year. The common parking lot and landscaping are already in. This will be on the agenda next week. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS — The Planning Board met on the Owl Corporation's revised proposed zone change for the West View Estates. They voted to recommend changing the RA-1 zoning to RA-2, but the request to change the R-3 to R-5 received a recommendation of denial based on the neighborhood concerns. If Mr. Owens wants to proceed, this will go to Council in January. The board then continued the meeting by working on the Growth Policy. OTHER BUSINESS: The Rock — across from Kalispell Regional Medical Center. The addition went through Architectural Review this week. They will be adding an additional office area with a large conference room for up to 200 people. Their full submittal has not been received as yet. Public Works received a submittal from them last week. They have some utility easements along the south property line that they will need to deal with. The parking numbers will need to be sorted out. There may be some connectivity issues. Ashley Heights — Fincher asked about who maintains underground stormwater, and Wargo responded that the developer is to maintain it. This was in regard to the park at Ashley Heights. Jentz noted for the committee that a 15-foot pedestrian right-of-way has a 10-foot bike path in the middle of it, but Turner put it in at the wrong point and the trail encroaches on lot 20 to the south by 15 feet. This path stops short of the Rails to Trails bike path that was put in after Ashley Heights was started. There is about 1,000 sq. ft. of land, the zoning is R-2, and the lots are exactly 9,600 sq. ft. We could grant an additionally wide easement to incorporate the path onto the lot, or we could ask him to move it back onto the easement by rebuilding it, or allow him to leave it there but require him to join it to the existing trail. It could be a 10-foot sidewalk. There is a big slope from his path to the existing trail. MDT would need to issue an encroachment permit to complete the trail so it will need to have a design. The width of the trail would be an opening in the sound wall. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m. 2