Ordinance 234 - Driving Over Hoses Prohibited143 ORDILiAliffE NO. 234. Pl,i CORDIIAIXE '10 PREVENT THE MIMI' ffl',Z DRIVI,','G EY r,1jTQ,M.BIj,Es nR OT11.1,M L1111CLEC UPOA AMER 11 WER 110P7,1 U[101. Ti.., FTR1,1,!,TS W! AVIMES OF TPE CITY Fq MIMI, XXORPT UAW C. PAMID111 THEMAIR, 1',KP To MMM AMATIME FOR TIM VIOLATIM TURECF. BE IT CMDARYD ICY TFE cntmci'� 'IF TUTE' CITY (11' KALIMIEML: Section 1, No person shall ride, drive, -,propel or take z.,-ny auto -- mobile, or other vehicle: over, across or i;,,,-)on zAny hose eider lying or Wing any of the mtreets or avenues of Vr:E_ Cit,, of Kalie,-pell, vnd used or beiaIt IF C, 1, _� u,-,ed by said City of its enp7o.yees, for sprinklii , , other ;,urposcs, except upon frooev p0wed over said hose, and provid- ed at a suitable place, upon snid Strects or Favenues For Un crosning of gaidl hose. Section 2, Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be punishud by v fine not exceeding-- T,,ree Eundred Dollars, or by imprisonement not exceeding ninety days, or by both such fine and imprisonment, Section 3, All Ordinances and parts K Ordinances in conflict he-evith nereby repenled, and thin ordhmnae sjj,**ll, toj,,.,:(' , , off e ct, and be in full force and erfect Lhirty dwys ,,.ftev its tm,nsa'��'�e ond approv'-'I. Passed and approved tinis 24th dr,,y of july, agil. City Clerk.