05/08/67 City Council MinutesREGULAR MEETING A regular meeting of the Kalispell City Council was held May 8, 1967, at 7:30 P.M. in the Council Chambers with Mayor Bjorneby presiding. All councilmen were present. The minutes of the meeting held on clay 1, 1967, were read and approved as read on motion of Councilman O'Brien. Seconded by Councilman McCormick and carried. Committee Reports: Safety - Councilman'Miron reported the Forest Service has made a re- quest for a crosswalk across North Main Street from the Forest Service Building to the Safeway Store. Councilman 111ron moved a letter be written to Mr. Purvis of the State Highway Department requesting permission to place a crosswalk across North Main Street (Highway 93) from the Forest Service Building to the Safeway Store. Seconded by Councilman *McCormick and carried. Councilman Miron reported semi -trailer trucks unloading at the B&B Store on 4th Avenue E.N. create a traffic hazard on 4th Avenue E.N. between Montana and Idaho Streets. The Safety Committee recommends that parking be restricted for 50 feet in front of the Arne Knudsen residence and 50 feet in front of the Clarence Levens residence. This would restrict parking on the East side of 4th Avenue E.N. 50 feet North and 50 feet South of Mont- ana Street, which is opposite the loading dock of the B&B Store. Councilman Miron moved the City Engineer be instructed to place signs restricting parking on the East side of 4th Avenue E.N. from Montana Street 50 feet North and from Montana Street 50 feet South. Seconded by Councilman Roche. Tie vote resulted. Mayor Bjorneby voted Nay and referred the matter back to the Committee. Library - Councilman O'Brien reported that the Library Committee met with the County Commissioners concerning the Library consolidation and car- ried to them some of the suggestions that were given by the City Library Board. These suggestions concerned personnel, hours and services that they wished to be continued when the Libraries are consolidated. Councilman O'Brien stated they had a good meeting with the County Commissioners, and it was generally felt that the library hours could not be established until the traffic pattern indicated what hours would be needed. It did not appear that there would be any problem in establishing hours, as they would estab- lish the hours to fit the need. Personnel was discussed with them and with the City Librarian, and the plans seemed to suit the Librarian. Her exact position with the new Library has not been determined; perhaps she would be Assistant Librarian. Councilman O'Brien asked for an expression of the Council as to their feeling in regard to the City levying 3 mills and using the money for cap- ital improvements. This would be the only levy within the City for library purposes and compares with the present levy of 2.9 mills. If the County levies 2� to 3 mills, this will raise enough :coney for the County to operate both units separately for a full year, plus it would leave $10,000.00 of County funds that could be put into the Capital Improvement fund. In checking with Marshall 'Murray, it seems quite certain that the City can spend its full levy for Capital Improvements. The capital funds available fro:i the City and the County, along with matching funds available, would result in a sufficient amount to meet the estimated cost of $76,000.00. Members of the Council indicated they were in favor of going ahead with arrangements for the consolidation of the libraries as outlined by Councilman O'Brien. Street & Curbs - Councilman Happ reported the Committee recommends curbs be ordered installed at the following locations: 5th Avenue West North between Idaho Street and Utah Street; 4th Avenue East North, finish to end; East side of 1000 block of 2nd Avenue West; rescind order to in- stall curbing in the 1200 block on 5th Avenue East, as protests were over 75%. Councilman Happ recommended Police Chief Waggener make a study of the traffic problem North of Conrad Bank to determine if it is possible to have a right or left turn lane, and to report back to the City Council. A letter has been received from Sterling Rygg requesting permission to use a trailer house as office space. Councilman Roberts moved Mr. Rygg be permitted to use the trailer strictly as office space. Seconded by Council- man Happ and carried. Councilman Happ moved adoption of Resolution No. 2621 - a resolution ordering the installation of concrete curbing on 5th Avenue West North be- tween Idaho Street and Utah Street; the installation of curbing on 5th Avenue East North; the installation of curbing to the 1000-block aridthe 1100 block of 2nd Avenue West. Seconded by Councilman Hensley, Roll Call Vote. All voted Aye. Councilman Happ moved adoption of Resolution No. 2622 - a resolution rescinding the order to install concrete curbing.on both sides of the 1200 block of 5th Avenue East. Seconded by Councilman Hensley. Roll Call Vote. All voted Aye. Finance - Councilman Hensley reported the Committee has directed that all City claim vouchers must be accompanied by invoices or statements or claim will not be approved for payment by the Finance Committee. All claims for April have been audited and approved for payment. Coun- cilman Hensley moved acceptance of the Finance Committee report. Seconded by Councilman Miron and carried. Street & Alley - Councilman Roberts reported the Committee recommends the City Engineer be authorized to rent a rubber -tire roller on a rental purchase plan and recommend that the City Engineer examine the machine to determine whether or not the used machine is in satisfactory condition prior' to rental. Councilman O'Brien moved the rental of the rubber tire roller on rental purchase be referred to the Street & Alley Committee with power to act. Seconded by Councilman Roche and carried. Water Department Remodeling - Councilman Roberts moved that as soon as specifications are received from the architect, that call for bids be auth- orized. Seconded by Councilman Roche and carried. Mayor Bjorneby reported that an anonymous gift of $300.00 has been.re- ceived for Park development. Councilman Roche moved a vote of appreciation to the anonymous donor. Seconded by Councilman Happ. Carried by unanimous vote. Airport - Councilman O'Brien reported the Airport Association has re- quested permission to purchase road oil on the City contract. Councilman O'Brien moved that, provided the city supplier is willing, the Airport Assoc- iation be permitted to purchase road oil on the City contract for the purpose of surfacing airport land, and the Airport Association is to pay for oil used by them. Seconded by Councilman Miron and carried. City Official Reports: City Clerk and City Treasurer - March Police Chief ,-Police Judge, City Engineer and Sanitarian - April Councilman Roberts moved acceptance of the City Official Reports. Second- ed by Councilman Roche and carried. Addressing the Council: Dr. Herman Ross, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Flathead Valley Community College, requested the Council consider the lease or rental of the Depot Park Building to the college. This was referred to the Park Committee. Swimming Pool - Councilman Roche discussed with the Council members, the remodeling needs of the swimming pool and the possible necessity of hiring an engineer to prepare detailed engineering plans for the remodeling. Councilman Roche reported that he had recently discussed the pool remodeling with Engineer Vern Smith and that the engineer's fee for a detailed plan would be 4% of the remodeling job or approximately $5,000.00. Councilman Roche felt that it would be wise to have an overall remodel- ing plan with -specifications. This would be better than trying to plan and remodel in a piece -meal fashion. The overall plan would give a more accurate picture of the total cost involved, and with specifications, bids could be called for for all or any part of the remodeling as funds were available. This was held in Committee. Fire Chief Tillson requested permission to call for bids for sale of a GMC fire truck with or without pump. Councilman Roche moved Fire Chief Tillson be authorized to call for bids for the sale of a GMC fire truck. Seconded by Councilman Happ and carried. 1 1 1 Fire Chief Tillson requested permission to be absent from the City and State for a 2-week period beginning ."ay 26th. Councilman riiron moved per- mission be granted to Fire Chief Tillson to be absent from the City and State for a 2-week period beginning ray 26th. Seconded by Councilman Hen- sley and carried. Police Chief Waggener requested the Council consider remodeling the City Jail and requested the Council members to examine jail facilities. This was referred to the Safety Committee. Correspondence: A letter was received from the :,'ontana Water Polluti®n Control advising of a meeting to be held in Helena May 16th. Mayor Bjorneby requested per- mission to attend the Water Pollution meeting in Helena May 16, 1967. Coun- cil members concurred that Mayor Bjorneby should attend this meeting. A letter was received from the State Board of Health requesting a schedule concerning planning and construction of a secondary sewage treat- ment plant. A letter from Fire Chief Tillson was read recommending confirmation of Duane Larson as firemen. Councilman Roche moved Duane Larson be con- firmed as fireman. Seconded by Councilman O'Brien and carried. A letter was received from Fire Chief Tillson recommending Eugene Thompson be appointed Fire 2arshall for the City of Kalispell. Councilman O'Brien moved Eugene Thompson be appointed Fire Marshall for the City of Kalispell. Seconded by Councilman riiron and carried. A letter was received from Local 256 Municipal Employees' Union re- questing the reopening of wage negotiations. This was referred to the Employment Committee. Bonds: Second -Hand Dealer C. L. Spilde City Official Bonds - Richard Mauzey Parking Meter Collection & Maintenance Frances Madler Ass't. Cashier Water Department Margaret Donaldson General Office Clerk Lydia Rosenau City Clerk's Assistant Councilman O'Brien moved approval of the bonds. Seconded by Council- man Roche and carried. Mayor Bjorneby made the following appointments: Frances Madler Ass't. Cashier Water Department Lydia Rosenau Citv Clerk's Assistant Margaret Donaldson General Office Clerk. Richard Pauzey Parking Meter Collections & Paintenance Councilman Roche :roved approval of the appointments. Seconded by Councilman Roberts and carried. Mayor Bjorneby made the following 3-year tern appointments: Insurance Board Chet Ellingson City -County Planning Board L. G. "Buz" Lund and Al riiron Police Commission Archie Paterson Councilman Roche moved approval of the Board and Commission appoint- ments. Seconded by Councilman Roberts and carried. Councilman Roche moved the City Engineer be authorized to call for bids for an air conditioner for the Council Chambers. Seconded by Councilman Riley and carried. Councilman Roche moved for adjournment. Seconded by Councilman O'Brien and carried. Read and approved as read this 6th day of June, 1967. Laurence G. Bjorno6vf. Mayor ATTEST- George _Wardslee, City )Clerk