07/17/78 City Council Minutes (Budget)344 ALL DAY BUDGET MEETING AND REVENUE SHARING HEARING MAYOR RAPP, ALL MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL AND FINANCE DIRECTOR SWANSON MET AT 9:30 A. M. MONDAY, JULY 17, 1978 IN THE COLT 44 ROOM AT THE OUTLAW INN. There were no citizens of the City of Kalispell present to propose or oppose Revenue Sharing Use for the new fiscal year. Council members adopted the following tentative expenditures for revenue sharing funds: Police Cars $12,450. New Shop 11,000. Parking Lot Payments 7,525. New City Hall 161,025. TOTAL 192,000. Department Heads met at intervals with the council to talk about increases or decreases in their respective budgets. FrancisBitney, member of the parking commission and Larry Gallagher, Professional Planner for the Kalispell Development Association, asked the council to set aside $20,000 from parking meter revenue for use for parking lots, matching grant, consultant and study fees for a HUD Grant. Council members will take the request under consideration. Members generally felt that $10,000 might be more realistic due to a tight budget. The meeting adjourned at 5:30 P. M. Minutes approved as amended on August 9, 1978. , Norma E. Happ, Mayo r ATTEST: Marjo ie Giereann, Acting City Clerk