07/23/73 City Council Preliminary Budget Minutes495 PRELIMINARY BUDGET MEETING THE KALISPELL CITY COUNCIL HELD THE PRELIMINARY BUDGET MEETING IN THE COMMUNITY ROOM OF THE CONRAD NATIONAL BANK AT 7:30 P. M., JULY 23, 1973. MAYOR BJORNEBY PRESIDED. ALL COUNCILMEN PRESENT. The minutes of the regular council meeting of July 16, 1973 were read. Councilman Miron moved approval of the minutes as read. Seconded by Councilman Happ. Carried. The minutes of the special meeting of July 19, 1973 were read. Councilman Happ moved approval of the minutes as read. Seconded by Councilman Sliter. Carried. ADDRESSING THE COUNCIL Dr. Larry Blake, President Flathead Valley Community College, spoke to the council regarding the concern of the college about the possible need to supply parking in compliance with the city parking ordinance regarding furnishing off-street parking In connection with the planned remodeling of the former Big Valley Dodge garage building. Dr. Blake said that a change of business was not required to supply additional parking in the central business district, but that a new facility would be required to comply. Is the change of use by the college a new facility or a change of business use? Dr. Blake further Wormed that the college was using this location on a temporary basis (6 to 10 years) until the construction of a campus north of town Is completed. Dr. Blake said that if the college is actually covered by the ordinance the college requests a variance from the requirements of the ordinance. It was agreed to arrange a meeting of the Street & Ailey committee of the city council - representatives of the Planning Board - members of the Parking Commission - and representatives of the college to meet sometime this week regarding the parking requirements for this college property. WAGE NEGOTIATIONS - A discussion was held with representatives of the police wage committee as to when a meeting could be arranged for the council committee (of the whole) to meet with police wage committee and their counsel. Monday noon, July 30th was suggested as a possible time. Bob Sevier of the police wage committee said that contact would have to be made with their legal counsel as to a time when counsel would be able to meet with the city council. An attempt to arrange a meeting would be made. Representatives of other city employees reported that they wished to delay their negotiations until the negotiations with the police department are completed. ADOPT PRELIMINARY BUDGET - Councilman Slater reported that the revisions in the budget during the meetings with department heads resulted in requiring a 62 mill levy which would raise $671,000.00 - the reduction of cash reserves of $53,587.00 - and anticipated revenues of $327,222.00 - a total budget of $1,052,808.00 of funds involved with tax levy. Councilman Sliter recommended that this budget be reduced by 4 mills between now and August 8th budget hearing - that departments heads find areas to cut their budgets during this time. Councilman Sliter recommended that the preliminary budget be adopted at 61 mills; 3 mill Equipment Reserve; 4 mill Fire Pension; 3 mill Police Pension; 1 mill PERS;- 50 mill General. Councilman Thomas moved adoption of Preliminary Budget of 61 mill All Purpose Levy, ' and directed the City Clerk to publish notice as required by law. Seconded by Councilman Miron. Carried. Councilman Thomas suggested that next year they start with department heads budgets in April or May. COMMITTEE REPORTS - Sewer & Water - Councilman Miron reported the committee met at noon today regarding the water lines to Gibson, Red Lion, and Gateway West. Councilman Miron ask Water Supt. Lauterjung to inform the Mayor and Council as to the water department recommendations for the water main requirements and locations for this area. 496 Supt. Iauterjung with the aid of map showed routes of the water line and stated the recommended sizes. Following discussion regarding inability to get agreement of parties involved, the matter was deferred. Councilman Miron ask Supt. lauterjung to find out from the public Service Commission the possibility of charging "hook- up charge" and the possibility of "rebates" to developers from future connections to the water main. Cats - - Councilman Happ reported that it has been reported that some person is trapping cats on the west side and caused irate concern from persons who have lost their pets. Proposed Local #547 Agreement - Councilman Daley recommended council and mayor look at sections 5, 8, and 19 of the proposed agreement with the Firefighters Local, as they might want to re- negotiate some -of these items. Future Negotiations - Councilman Thomas suggested that employees negotiate and operate under one contract - or they should negotiate separately under three contracts. MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS Beer and Liquor Applications - Stalemate, Inc. Bar Beer Liquor Councilman Miron moved the beer and liquor license applications of Stalemate, Inc. be approved. Seconded by Councilman Happ. Carried. No further business being presented, Mayor Bjorneby adjourned the meeting. Minutes read and approved August 8, 1973. 7