Resolution 436 - Assessment - SID 102w UA I �', BS' () L U'� � 10; �' L�, ,� �7 L':WAIK7 A !AX UPOT Ali, W OPECIIJ 1,111�1'�ZWJ7:1�_= DUYUCT PO. 102 V]'�� CITY 7 KA,' lf�PEIT, 0, 14FRI110 THE MOTS AD WPT�nS 10 Q- T':,", CITY IS-`,' 'OL'�7­11'1) ill'f T'I'Ll.] 111i'lly CI "Y C,,_,% — !T ��J?2 Section 1. Tharts ic hc"eby levied tu defray We costo z�,Id e,'OeM�Ic ii f ' i Lnpro-vo�,,aents rrie�,de ,jn,,� comtrwted in Ppecia', lrqprovc�nreot � strict No 102 of' tho City of Kalisilell, Hontaxul, in the res- olutionn and urdhnances of sold City, a t�-�x ,'ne cn*,.,i,,.�.,e �pr��,oe-r- ty included in the said District, the amouio, I.e) Puchi lot or pareel Loereof buing set opposite Uc dyncription YF Die property aw toe runae of tin ownur, sc fonavas, tu-wit- Discription o", 1.0t 11,,.-une ol" o­,,ner 1�0,tn,]. t�lxeo 0 c' 0 L'ot no. I j. T. sillix WVO? $11�65 2 K.TXo4Wesley 05.01 11 , W,,' I�elsori 35-07 li,q james Power 35.07 ll.g Anerilla McCanley 35-07 11.,C) fo 55-07 ling 55-07 1169 H J5.07 li.q 9 55.07 11,K) 20 35-07 ll,K I 1 55-07 11 , Q 12 55-07 11 . 09 Section 2. The said tax may be p,,i6 in three annua,-I in �Aovn sob 1'artn b�,�e firrt of vnLicr-j, in,­,t� llmenLs oecowe d�e Lmd wyVae iyon the filinr7 of this renNotion in the off- ice K We City Trensurer of' naid City nnd 11. beconle delinquent nfter the 3GUI dny of TDVwAer, 1912; a'nd t`�(_' shall thureafLer become due mV puyuble on '- �e first ei,�)y of �',,ctouer in each yet,r and deliarliAent on t,-�e r�o,,Ja of i,,.,i ench yevr. All of We above papmente; benr intmont at t.ne , -' G _�-, per annum after t,ie ',�Qtn M�y of l-"over"Iber, 1911 InItil �-n,� -!` nn,,; meat gGahwt nny partlaular piece of ywopert", _tjeco�ae,­� delini,�Uen'L,, Lhe i5ole tax against such- pygo.ow,ir pieep Paosed and vppr"cd View-- day Atleot: 0101, mayor. C.Ity clerlt�. State of L&Mana, Colinty of Fla,",,aead, SS City,of "alispell, I ?I.A,KeYidnll, Ci-,,,y C, 'r1l, at, the city of Kza_]izpell� do certj.f'�Y i ­ontana,, )n tw.--`� I cz:.,unicd -,,he f'oreM��n&' F�es,�lutiorl to ile postQ as reMOred in Or- di-mce No- 174 and th: L said resontion oo-.ted fo,,.', �� "") P r - ioil 01, f ilfc dayz,, and tl'n�t there have been no ckuyes or W twntbms mude therein since Hie parsago and t��er,�.of i�y tno Cowmil, nor j-j �_Lie reeord,,;­_,­, Lfler��Df. VRecorded herein o"d LhAs certif jcrte nmde thin day of 1()11, el Ci �y C ork.