07-03-13 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Wednesday, July 3, 2013 Lower Level Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Jeff Clawson, Building Official Dave Dedman, Fire Chief Tom Jentz, Acting Chairman Kevin LeClair, Senior Planner Wade Rademacher, Police Lieutenant Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary GUESTS: Justin Ahmann and Kim Larson from APEC Engineering. HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: None. OLD BUSINESS: School District 5 Central Kitchen — 205 Northwest Lane. This is a 5,400 sq. ft. single -story, kitchen -only building. The food will be delivered out to the various schools. Public Works was not present so this will be on the agenda for next week to discuss their issues. NEW BUSINESS: Depratu — Glacier Volkswagen — 11,000 sq. ft. building, non-sprinklered building to be placed on one of the 2 lots that the council approved through the zoning PUD process in March. The provided plans were discussed. They are still negotiating with MDOT regarding their accesses on Highway 93. Presently there are several accesses shown. There will be an on -site retention pond (bio-retention area). Drainage was discussed. The footprint was set by stormwater quality measures and can also handle peak flows. The addendum plan shows the change in where the water will be coming in. Sewer was also discussed. Larson is working on a landscape plan, but he is concerned with so many utilities along the boulevard that planting trees there will tear up the utility lines. There will be a bike path on Highway 93 and on Lower Valley Road. They will have a 20' Pylon lit sign, and a smaller one. Hydrant locations were discussed with Dedman. A Transportation Impact Study will be provided. An agreement will need to be made with Gardner regarding their adjoining property and their shared access. LeClair asked about the lighting details and about the location of their garbage containers. This will be going to Architectural Review on Tuesday, and will be on the Site Review Agenda again next week. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS — Nothing for the July meeting. Fred's Appliance —Final approvals went through the Council Meeting on July 1 st. This will be a 20,000 sq. ft. building, exiting out on United Drive and then to Highway 2. OTHER REPORTS: None. The meeting was adjourned at 10:30 a.m.