06-20-13 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, June 20, 2013 Lower Level Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Chad Fincher, Parks Superintendent Rick Parker, Bldg. Dept. Inspector Wade Rademacher, Police Lieutenant Rebekah Wargo, Asst. Civil Engineer P.J. Sorensen, Chairman Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: None. OLD BUSINESS: School District 5 Central Kitchen — 205 Northwest Lane. This is a 5,400 sq. ft. single -story, kitchen -only building. The food will be delivered out to the various schools. There are two parcels there, and the building appears to be straddling the two. The two parcels together would be approximately 210' x 430'. Sorensen has met with Tom Heinecke on this project, and they may do a property line adjustment. They could turn the property line and create a smaller parcel, and then have another remainder parcel that they could put something else on there. Public Works has requested sidewalks on both Three Mile Drive and Northwest Lane on the west side. Sorensen has discussed this with Heinecke as well. They are working on adding some stuff to the building to make it more architecturally pleasing. They still need to submit a Landscaping Plan. Their bid opening is the 25 h, but they are not trying to have the project open for this school year. NEW BUSINESS: None. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS — Nothing for the July meeting. Bright View Subdivision (Glacier Eye Clinic) — submitting for the August meeting. Pediatric Dental Clinic — A request for a B-1 Commercial Zone Change off of North Meridian (the old trailer court property) for a possible pediatric dental clinic is coming through, also for the August meeting. OTHER REPORTS: Prestige Assisted Living on Glenwood — Memory Care Addition — Revised drawings with the requested corrections are being sent to the Building Dept. They have eliminated the warming kitchen. Once Parker signs off on them they will be ready to issue their Building Permit. Wargo is still waiting for plan revisions regarding Public Works' issues, so the Building Permit will be held back until this is resolved. The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 a.m.