11-13-12 Street Tree MinutesKALISPELL STREET TREE COMMISSION MEETING HELD November 13, 2012 Present: Bette Albright, Andrea Davidson, Sean Conrad, Rebecca Bodnar, Marshall Dressel Chad Fincher and Lisa Simmer Next Meeting Date: Regular Meeting: December 11, 2012 — 4 p.m. Parks Department The meeting was called to order at 4:02 pm by Bette Albright. Agenda Topics: • New Business Introductions Ordinance Update • Miscellaneous Business Urban Forester Position Update New Business Introductions were made as the group welcomed new member Marshall Dressel. Tree Ordinance Update Lisa distributed copies of materials related to the City of Kalispell Tree ordinance update. Bette explained the process the group would attempt to follow at future meetings to work through the update. Bette stated she would run a tight ship with rules and regulations, to keep the process efficient. She informed the group she had brought a timer and would set it in 15 minute increments with the hopes of covering one section in the allotted time, allowing for 15 minutes at the end of the meeting for other tree business. The group made the following suggestions and proposed changes (underlined, bold, italics) to the working draft: Change all references of Shade Tree Commission and Street Tree Committee to Urban Forestry Committee, as the committee is or should be active in all publicly owned trees including the parks and green spaces and not limited to streets. Member Andrea Davidson asked for clarification if the term Urban Forest includes trees on private property. Staff stated the Urban Forest does include privately owned trees; however the City of Kalispell does not at this time have jurisdiction over how or what a citizen does with their trees. It was noted that Parks and Recreation staff are more than happy to information share and educate citizens regarding their privately owned trees. 2.01 Definitions Members agreed Chapter II — Definitions would be an ongoing work in progress throughout the entire update. DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION - The designated official for the City of Kalispell assigned to carry out the enforcement of this ordinance, or their designee. PUBLIC TREES -- All shade and ornamental trees growing on any Street boulevard of an public areas, or public right of ways. PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY — update to match landscaping ordinance definition The group held a great deal of discussion about the boulevard definition, however determined it was adequate. Lisa reminded the group she distributed a notes list that members can add their thoughts to and send back to her for compilation into one list or bring to the next meeting. Chapter III — Establishment of a Street Tree Committee 3.01 Street Tree Committee Members decided they wanted to change the establishment section to something consistent with other city boards. They would like to see simplified language regarding terms and language with provisions for removing someone from the board, if necessary. The board asked that Lisa seek the advice of the City Clerk and draft new wording for this section, more consistent and standardized with other city boards. Duties of Said "Street Tree Committee" The group discussed and decided to add their Mission Statement, however not their goals or objectives as they would be reviewing G&O's frequently and possibly changing them. Rebecca Bodnar reviewed changes she had made to this entire section, including such things as group purposes and meeting frequency. The group was in favor of them and it was decided that Rebecca would email all of her changes to Lisa who incorporate them into the next draft and they would review them at the next meeting. Miscellaneous Business Chad provided an update on the Kalispell Parks and Recreation forester position, noting that Rebecca filled in on the interview board for David Jones, as he was called away to work on the hurricane Sandy affected area. The interview board consisted of Mike Baker, Chad Fincher, Chad Smith, Rebecca Bodnar and Lisa Simmer. Four candidates were interviewed and were quickly whittled down to two. The interview board held a brief discussion and decided on one individual. Chad stated he had completed reference checks and the next step will be the criminal background check. He explained if that comes back clean the city will offer his the position and as long as the individual passes the final steps of drug and alcohol testing, he feels that by early December this person will be on board. Chad noted the individual is not currently ISA certified but had stated in the interview process he was confident he could pass the test within a week's time as he has been studying for it. Chad has ordered the ISA study manual as we have another individual on staff who wants to take the test. Additionally Chad noted that individuals were made aware during the interview process that they would be attending Street Tree board member meetings from time to time and working the recycling drives. Chad briefed members regarding two mature maple boulevard trees located at 601 1st Ave East. Flathead Electric has requested permission to remove the trees because they are encountering power lines. Chad stated he contacted FEC and explained to them that the Street Tree Committee is expressing they are more interested in working with utility companies on selective pruning instead of removing mature trees. Chad said he got a somewhat unreceptive response to the suggestion of selective pruning and simply stated their mandated pruning specifications of taking them down 10' and the city can deal with it or we can remove and do our typical procedure, which would be a cooperative effort of removal and replacement with slow growing tree at Flathead Electric's cost. Chad noted he talked to the property owner, as FEC had said they requested removal and the property owners said no they love their trees, however they are just afraid because they are growing into the lines. Chad noted this was the same property that removed a mature boulevard tree without city permission in the past, and he is handling this project with kid gloves. Chad said he did not feel like he could give FEC permission without talking to the Street Tree board as they have expressed interest. Additionally, he noted, with Dutch Elm disease a large number of huge dead mature trees are being removed throughout the town and it might be in the best interest of the urban forest not to remove viable maples if selective pruning is an option. Chad stated, as this project is not something that needs to be done tomorrow, he is going to continue to pursue selective pruning at this time, with the understanding that in five or six years there may be no choice but to remove them. Chad said he hopes to slow down FEC's mind thought on just removing first and foremost. Chad said he would put all the emails together and send to the board members for review and so they have a clear picture of what is happening. Rebecca stated that at some point when the group was not reviewing and working on the ordinance she would like to have a FEC employee come and meet the board members, brief the group on exactly what their requirements are and further open up the lines of communication. There was no other business and the meeting adjourned at 5:00 p.m.