12/05/06 Porrini/Final ReportFred and Connie Leisfiko From: "Phil or-ini" <phil rpa-hin,corn- To: <fleistiko@cePtuniteI.net> <ryan@rpa-kal.co >; < bra. ndon @ rpa-Ilia€.com> Seat: Tuesday, €esday, ecember 05, 2006 10:3 Subject: KCA- North End Surfacing - Final Report VVe are printing the Finial Report ,or the Kalispell City Airport - North End Surfacing Project today, Be on the lookou- for a package at City Hall. The contents will include: - copies of the F€nai Report, which includes the As -Built Drawings, ALP set, and a CD coped of the electronic plot hies, 1 - final invoice from RRPA for `i 1 . 40,33 vhi h completes our contracted arnount; The reports 1,vill be flagged for mu's.=iple Jim, Patrick and Fred Leistiko signatures. These signatures should be obtained now even though Federal fiends are not available and not being apppliod for, n the fu ure ;,,lien funds are available to Kalispell, this report, will document the work completed and will male it easier t-; apply for reimbursement. No guarantees. After the signatures are complete, keep one copy and the return four to oi.ir office. I'll distribute to the FAA, and our Kalispell office. Any word on an FAA response (ADO - Helena) to the Hilton Hotel lefrer? PhII;p P. Porrini @ Robert Peccla & Associates P,o. Box 5653, 825 uster.Avenue Helena, MT 59604 (4 6) 447-5 00 1 1 447-6036 fax (406) 4 9- 755 cell email; Phfftci!r a-ffffr,e0fn i JI'0 _ Lf .:.,6