09/12/08 RPA Meeting NotesKALISPELL CITY AIRPORT Meeting Notes September 12, 2008 RPA CONTRACT ITEMS: Task Order #8 — Topographic and Control Survey —100% Complete This Task Order was signed on July 31, 2007. RPA completed the items under this Task Order during the period between late August and early October 2007. An invoice was submitted to the City on 12/18/0'kvhich was paid. Task Order #9 — Preliminary Engineering — Approx 95% Complete This Task Order was signed onAugust 8, 2007. The work included was dependent on ire completion of Task Order #8. The primary purpose of the task was to - Establish Future Runway Position and Elevations; - Establish New Apron Configuration; - Establish Terminal Access Road Configuration; - Project Administration and Coordination of Topograplic and Legal Land Survey. These in turn provided information to more precisely evaluate the KGEZ towers and other airspace questions. It will also provide a basis for an Airport Layout Plan revision.Approximately 80% has been invoiced and received. + Future Airport Confr urg ation: This preliminary engineering effort resulted in an Airport Layout Plan which Gary Gates commented on earlier in the year. Revisions to the ALP have been made as a result of his comments There may be more refinements in the Ashley Creek area. + KGEZ Towers: Report submitted by Hatfield and Dawson in November 2007. The report essentially said the sites evaluated would result in a facility that is not equal to or better than the existing site. As a result of thj1he Sponsor embarked on another search for suitable sites. New sites are being evaluated by Hatfield and Dawson. Task Order #10 — Legal Land Survey — Approx 80% Complete This Task Order was also signed on August 8, 2007. Completion of this workwas dependent on the completion of Task Order #8 andsubstantial completion of Task Order #9 resulting in an airport configuration. The majority of this work has been completedand the result is reflected on the Exhibit A of the Airport Layout Plan. This work will serve as abasis for land acquisitions Individual exhibits have been generated for Fred's use in Land negotiations Remaining items include + Certificate of Survey: A Certificate of Survey with the new boundary line locations will be drafted and filed along v&any new easements. Page 1 of 4 + Set New Property Monuments: On completion of the land acquisition and agreed upon new property boundary lines. All pertinent monuments will be set, as well as any new easements subject to and/or together witlthe new property. + Land Acquisition Assistance: No formal contract has been setup with the City of Kalispell since Fred is coordinating with the appraisers and performing the negotiations. However, RPA has been supporting these efforts on an as needed basi Slightly over $6,000 has been accumulated is costs between June of 2007 and now. No invoicing to date. We would like to invoice this at the end of the year andeventually roll this into a Task Order for Land Acquisition when you get an AIP project underway. + KGEZ Tower Evaluations: Surveying and initial evaluation of the existing towers against the proposed airport airspace has been included in our Task Orders. However, we were requested to do some other work not included in our contractsuch as coordination with Hatfield and Dawson, andevaluating other tower sites. Only about $2,000has been accumulated is costs between November of 2007 and now. We would like to invoice this at the end of the year and eventually roll this into a Task Order forTower Mitigation when you get an AIP project underway. + Landfill Options: Activities on this assistance were detailedin a previous update. About $2,200 in costs were accumulated during October and November of 2007. We think this may be able to be included as an FAA eligible cost in a design Task Order in the future + Phase I Environmental: We help somewhat to coordinatea Phase I for the City parcel. Roger Nobel was contacted to complete aPhase I environmental of City property (old landfill area�outheast of the airport (Parcel 5G) A Document detailing the environmental risks of the areashould be generated Status of that report is unknown. RPA spent very little time on this effort. 1111h 1 MMiilIMN + Continued KGEZ Tower Assistance: We will provide drawings and evaluations as needed. + Continued Land Acquisition Assistance: A Task Order has not been drafted for this task yet However, RPA has requested and received aproperty owner search forthe parcels involved and have provided maps forAppraiser(s), Review Appraiser(s) and Negotiator(s). We will continue to assist as needed. Fred continues to coordinate appraisers and do the negotiating as opposed to a hireaVegotiator. At some point the appraisal people and the negotiator may need survey assistance for boundary adjustments, etc. We would anticipate that RPA would provide those services as well as assist the City with the required FAA documentation, grant administration, reports, etc. Nten the FAA starts to step in with an AIP for land. + Diamond Air Purchase: Need to investigate environmental status before buying the property (underground tanks.) Page 2 of 4 + Ashley Creek Modifications: Fred and Rick discussed the potential for Ashley creek modifiations in order to gain some realestate near the southwest corner of the proposed apron area. Some items to consider: 1) We will need to coordinate early with the Corp of Engineers for a 404 permit as thepversee drainages classified as "jurisdictional waters". There may be wetland sites that need to be consideredalong the stream too. 2) We will need to coordinate early with Montana Fish Wilfe and Parks for a 124SPA permit and 318 Authorization Ashley Creek is a perennial stream and work within or adjacent to the stream falls under the purview of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Montana Departments of Fish, Wildlife & Parks and Enuronmental Quality. Coordination and water quality related permits will be required from these agencies for work undertaken in the stream or on its banks. Ultimately for permitting purposes, we will need to specifically quantify impacts to the stream. Tlese impacts may include: - length of stream channel affected; - amount of channel lost versus what is replaced; - impacts to any riparian wetlands or adjacent wetland sites (wetland delineation may be needed); and - hydraulic impacts (any changes to stream velocity, Flooding, etc.) Depending on impacts, the Corps may require some type of mitigation to be done. The Corps 404 permitting process can be lengthy. We had a very simple parking lot project with minimal impcts to a wetland site take nearly 6 weeks between the time when we submitted the permit application and when we received permit approval. Other agencies are typically faster at issuing permits. 3) If federal funding is used for work associated with Asley Creek changes, there is an obligation to coordinate early with U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service -the federal agency responsible for ensuring compliance with the Endangered Species Actlists bull trout, grizzly bears, gray wolves, Canada lynx, and Spaldings campion (a threatened plant species) as occurring within Flathead County. There is an obligation to coordinate with the USFWS to identify the likelihood of encountering any of these species and to identify anypotential effects. The airport area does not provide habitat for grizzly bears, gray wolves, and Canada lynx and there no known occurrences of the plant species in the immediate Kalispell area. Ashley Creek falls within one of the recovery subunits for the Klamath River and Columbia River Populations of Bull Trout. According to online data from the Montana Fisheries Information System (MFISH), Ashley Creek does not contain bull trout; however, coordination (a letter discussing the proposed changes to Adiley Creek channel) should still be sent to the USFWS to make certain there are no potential issues with respect to bull trout (or any other species). The Corps of Engineers has an indirect obligation to ensure there is compliance with the Endangered Species Act. 4) City / County Floodplain Permit Showing that we are not making the Flooding situation any worse based on the new velocities, channel configuration Page 3 of 4 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP): Rick met with Gary Gates of the FAA with a draft CIP His main comments are summarized below: - For next year, (FY09) the FAA needs to know for sure if there will be a project by the end of Octobq 2008. Dave Stelling goes to Seatte in December to hash out the year's State Apportionment Allocation. It is very unlikely that youwill get any State Apportionment in2009; they are not planning on it at this point. You can however, do work with your Non -Primary Entitlements that are availablewhich is the funding source that has to be used fortower mitigation. - We will need to have good defendable justification for spending more that $650,000 since that was the original appraised value of the radio stalon. - Gary would like to think there is a good chatee to get some discretionary funding for the construction phase(s) of your project. - He recommended only showing $15M / yr in State Apportionment for theland acquisitions. - Gary emphasized the need to have an environmental assessment completed not only for the proposed tower location, but for the alternates too. Tle EA can presuppose the most favorable option. The EA needs to be linked to the airport development. It would essentially bean amendment to the existing one which could open the Airport up to public scrutiny. - Gary couldn't say, so Rick contacted Dave Stelling for a summary of the NonPrimary Entitlements. He said both Lewistown and Kalispell carriedover $300,000. IF both get their expected $150,000, you would each have $450,000 available. Lewistown owes Kalispell $30Q000 and so you could have as much as $750,000 available next year without borrowing from any other location. Airport Layout Plan (ALP): Gary Gates' comments were addressed on another revision to the ALP. A halfsized set was given to him to check against his comments. He will want at least 5 sets of full sized drawings to submit fot'airspacing�'. Six copies of sheet 1 have been delivered for signature. Two half sized sets are included for reference. Page 4 of 4 Robert r'ec as & Asssocrates no. Alp 625 Custer Avenue Helena Miantana {406) 447-5000 102Cooperative Vlay Sue 700 `Katspe ,Montana *(466) 752-5025 _ 65 East Broadway Belle Montana `(406).533-6770 Itv=rri Urn � Dn4 Face Trtal Fr`�f No- CLuantLy Uri$ Descripli- ,F"urasl ;Flgr res) -._ A-101 7 LS "biLzation (Shall nor exceed 5%) - -.. _.. $152,72486 11; - _.. A-102 1 LS Surveying and fate.-Testu3g _ $120,00000 A-103 40,17)w SY Pulverize Pavement r P-ace $1.00 A-1 C-4 ... 66,OM CY Unclassified Excvatlon and Embankment S4.9D A-107 :. 10,000 CY Topsoil Stripping,. Stockpiling, and Placing S9.0Ct , A 108 39,167 SY Subsurface Separation Fabric $2.00 .� -.. A109 39.167 BY - Flier Fabric - $1.50 t A 110 39,167 BY BX 1200 Geogrnd (fv m. of 26" of G, ave-1) $5.1)0 � $1 A 111 10,880 CY P-209 Crushed Aggregate BaseCourse (10 1nc11 Section) S35,(Xt $ A 112 17,407 CY RD. (16 inch Section) S28.D0 $a A 113 10000 LF Edge Drains $15.00 $1 A 114 34 EA Edge Drain C'.eanouts $700,01 $ A 115 12 €A Edge Drain Outlets $700.CD A 116 4 CA. Subsurface Drain Sumps... $34500.OD A `17 S4 7 TON Bituminous Prima Goat (MC-70)_ $750.00 A-118 6,922 TON Bituminous Surface Coarse $36.00 $a A-119 4846 TON Bituminous Material. Asphalt CemengPG W347 $600uo $¢ A-120 6,500 SF Runway Painting (1st Half --Rate Anp:icabvlt Sold White) A-121 5,500 SF Runway Painting -(2nd Full -Rate App-ication = Betid Whim) $1.10 A-122 20,000 SF Runway Painting (Full -Hate Application - Solid While). $1.20 b A-123 - 5DD SF Taxiway Painting (Fu-I-Rate Application - Sold Yellow) $1 510 A-124 300 ACRE Seeding, Ferti'izirng, & Mulchmg $1,70D.00 A=125 -A=126 11,00D LF 9' XIolnfe Fenco. - $15.00 ` $1 2 EA +T.Idle Fence Driveway Gate =24'Alde $2,50D.00 A 127 1 EA 16 Key Troll Vertical Pivot Access Gate -. S25,000.00 $ A 128 10.ODO LF Fence Removal & Stockpile._ - S2.00 $ A-129 I I.0.00 LF Trench rig for 2' or 4' PVC Duci - 24" Deep & " Deep S3.50 $ A 130 20,C11O LF VC 08 5kV L-l!I24 Gable (rate led in Duct $1,60 $ A 131 11,Dd10 LF 2- Sul. 40 PVC-DOCt'nstatferd as Direct Burial $3.50 $ A 132 260 LF 4` S:ch. 80 PVC Duct lnsta led as Direct Burial $13.00 A 133 6 €A L-867 24' Light Can & Ground Rod (Used as .Puncher;Box) $E00.00 A-134 8 EA L 861 MIRL, 24" High, Base Mourned, Clear Lens. L-830-1= Transformer, L-823 Connector - $525.00 Ground Rod fi_-551 M-RL 24' Fit Be- led 180' CI Y K. L L-830-i T l ,396.C•D $6,80�.0T3 A 1.S 40 EA B. . CONSTRUCT PARALLEL TAXIWAY AND CONNECTING STUB (North of Apron_) B-101 _ 1 LS Mobilization (Shall not exceed 5%) _ $21,325.82 _ $21,325.82 _ B-102 _ 1 LS Surveying and Materials Testing _ $10,000.00 $10.000.00 _ _B-103 1_ 16,127 CY Unclassified Ex_cvadon and Embankment $64,509.14 B-105 i 2,600 -4,978 CY Topsoil Stripping, _Stockpiling, and Placing _ _ _ _$4.00 $9.00 _ $18,000.00 B-106 I SY Subsurface Separation Fabric $2.00 $9,956.00 B-107 '.. 4,678 :Filter Fabric $L50 $7,467.00 B-106 4,978 SY BX 1200 Geogrid-(Min. of 26" of Gravel) _ $5.00 $24,890.00 B-109 1,383 CY P-209 Crushed Aggregate Base Course (10-Inch Section) $35.00 $48,405.00 B-110 2,212 :CY RDM.(16-Inch ,Section) _.. $28.00 $61,936.00 B-111 2,600 LF Edge Drains _ ,... -. $15.00 $39,000.00 _ B-112 10 EA Edge_Draln Oleanouts _ _ -... - -.... -- - - - $700.00 _---$700.00 $7,000.00 --$2,800.00 B-113 4 EA Edge Dram Curtails _ B-114 1 .IA Subsurface Drain_ Sumps - _ $3,500.00 $3,500.00 8-115 7.0 TON Bituminous Prime Coat.(MC-70) _ _ _ _ _ _ $750.00 _ $5,250.00 B-116 875 TON Bituminous Surface Coarse $36.00 $31,500.00 B-117 61.3 TON _ Bituminous Material, Asphalt CemengPG 64-34) ___.. _ $600.00 $36,M0.00 _ B-118 1 1,045 SF Taxiway Painting -(Full -Rate Application -Solid Yellow)_. _ $1.50 $1,567.50 B-119 5.0 ACRE Seeding, Fertilizing, & Mulching _ _ _ _ _ $1,700.00 _$8,506.60 B-120 50 LF Trenching for 2" or 4" PVC Duct - 24" Deep & 36" Deep $3.50 $175.00 _ B-121 150 LF 1/C #8 5kV L-824 Cable Installed in Duct _ _ $1.60 _ _ _ $240.00 B-122 50 LF 2" Sch. 40 PVC Duct Installed as Direct Burial _ $3.50 $175.00 B-123 160 LF 4" Soh. 80 PVC Duct Installed as Direct Burial $13.00 $2,340.00 B-124 4 L-861T MIRL, 24" High, Base Mounted, Blue Lens, L-830-1 Transformer, L-823 Connect $925.00 $3,700.00 :& Ground Rod -- o 8-125 1 EA L-858L Lighted "Taxiway Location" Sign and $3,500.00 $3,500.00 L-856R Lighted "Hold Sign,. "A 14-32" (Size 1, Style 2, Class 2, Mode 2) 8-126 2 EA L-858Y Lighted "Direction" Sign, A >". (Size 1, Style 2, Class 2, Mode 2) $3 500.00 $7,000.00 B-127 30 EA 24" High, Retroreftective Blue Taxiway Marker with Frangible Coupling & Mounting $200 00 $6,000.00 Stake B-128 I 8 EA _. In -Pavement Aluminum Duct Markers $125.00 $1 000.00 B. SUBTOTAL: $426 516.46 F:W,IRPORTS107006.0 KALISPELL%CIP\KALISPELL MASTER ESTIMATE SHEET Dmf TLS_ds 9/12/2008 C. CONSTRUCT APRON C-101 1 LS Mobilization (Shall not exceed 5%) $69.545.39 $69,545.39 C-102 1 LS Surveying and Materials Testing $40,000.00 $40,000.00 C-103 10,000 CY Unclassified Excvation and Embankment $4.00 $40,000.00 C-105 2,000 CY Topsoil Stripping, Stockpiling, and Placing $9.00 $18,000.00 C-106 24,611 SY Subsurface Separation Fabric $2.00 $49,222.00 C-107 24,611 SY Filter Fabric $1.50 $36,916,50 C-108 24,611 BY BX 1200 Geogrid (Min. of 26" of Gravel) $5.00 $123,055.00 C-109 6,836 CY P-209 Crushed Aggregate Base Course (10-Inch Section) $35.00 $239,260.00 C-110 10,938 CY RDM (16-Inch Section) $28.00 $306,264.00 C-111 1,700 LF Edge Drains $15.00 $25,500.00 C-112 6 EA Edge Drain Cleanouts $700.00 $4,200.00 C-113 4 EA Edge Drain Outfalls $700.00 $2,800.00 C-114 2 EA Subsurface Drain Sumps $3,500.00 $7,000.00 C-115 34.4 TON Bituminous Prime Coat (MC-70) $750.00 $25,800.00 C-116 4,415 TON Bituminous Surface Coarse $36.00 $158,940.00 C-117 309.1 TON Bituminous Material, Asphalt Cemenll 64-34) $600,00 $185,460.00 C-118 36 EA Tie -Down Anchors $750.00 $27,000.00 C-119 141.0 GAL Coal Tar Pitch Emulsion $45.00 $6,345.00 C-120 3,000 SF Taxiway Painting (Full -Rate Application - Solid Yellow) $1.50 $4,500.00 C-121 5.0 ACRE Seeding, Fertilizing, & Mulching $1,700.00 $8,500.00 C-122 500 LF Trenching for 2" or 4" PVC Duct - 24" Deep & 36" Deep $3.50 $1,750.00 C-123 1,000 LF 1/C #8 5kV L-824 Cable Installed in Duct $1.60 $1,600.00 C-124 500 LF 2" Sch. 40 PVC Duct Installed as Direct Burial $3.50 $1,750.00 C-125 20 EA L-853 24" High, Retroreflective Blue Taxiway Marker with Frangible Coupling & Mounting $200.00 $4,000,00 Stake C-126 1 EA L-858Y Lighted "Direction" Sin "RAMP->" Size 1 Style 2 Class 2 Mode 2 $3,500.00 $3 500.00 C. SUBTOTAL: $1,390,907.89 D. CONSTRUCT PARALLEL TAXIWAY AND CONNECTING STUB (South of Apron) D-101 1 LS Mobilization (Shall not exceed 5%) $43,097.53 $43,097.53 D-102 1 LS Surveying and Materials Testing $25,000.00 $25,000.00 D-103 108,000 CY Unclassified Excvation and Embankment $4.00 $432,000.00 D-105 10,000 CY Topsoil Stripping, Stockpiling, and Placing $9.00 $90,000.00 D-106 4,064 SY Subsurface Separation Fabric $2.00 $8,128.00 D-107 4,064 BY Filter Fabric $1.50 $6,096.00 D-108 4,064 BY BX 1200 Geogrid (Min. of 26" of Gravel) $5.00 $20,320.00 D-109 1,129 CY P-209 Crushed Aggregate Base Course (10-Inch Section) $35.00 $39,515.00 D-110 1,806 CY ROM (16-Inch Section) $28.00 $50,568.00 D-111 2,500 LF Edge Drains $15.00 $37,500.00 D-112 10 EA Edge Drain Cleanouts $700.00 $7,000.00 D-113 4 EA Edge Drain Outfalls $700.00 $2,800.00 D-114 1 EA Subsurface Drain Sumps $3,500.00 $3,500.00 D-115 5.7 TON Bituminous Prime Coat (MC-70) $750.00 $4,275.00 D-116 715 TON Bituminous Surface Coarse $36.00 $25,740.00 D-117 50.1 TON Bituminous Material, Asphalt CemenyPG 64-34) $600.00 $30,060.00 D-118 928 SF Taxiway Painting (Full -Rate Application - Solid Yellow) $1.50 $1,391.25 D-119 5.0 ACRE Seeding, Fertilizing, & Mulching $1,700.00 $8,500.00 D-120 50 LF Trenching for 2" or 4" PVC Duct - 24" Deep & 36" Deep $3.50 $175.00 D-121 150 LF 1/C #8 5kV L-824 Cable Installed in Duct $1.60 $240.00 D-122 50 LF 2" Sch. 40 PVC Duct Installed as Direct Burial $3.50 $175.00 D-123 90 LF 4" Sch. 80 PVC Duct Installed as Direct Burial $13.00 $1,170.00 D-124 4 EA L-861T MIRL, 24" High, Base Mounted, Blue Lens, L-830-1 Transformer, L-823 Connecto $925.00 $3,700.00 & Ground Rod D-125 1 EA L-858L Lighted "Taxiway Location" Sign and $3,500.00 $3,500.00 L-858R Lighted "Hold" Sign, "A 14-32" (Size 1, Style 2, Class 2, Mode 2) D-126 1 EA L-858Y Lighted "Direction" Sign, "A->" (Size 1, Style 2, Class 2, Mode 2) $3,500.00 $3,500.00 D-127 50 EA L-853 24" High, Retroreflective Blue Taxiway Marker with Frangible Coupling & Mounting $200.00 $10,000.00 Stake D-128 1 EA L-858Y Lighted "Direction" Sign, "RAMP-" (Size 1, Style 2, Class 2, Mode 2) $3,500.00 $3,500.00 D-129 4 EA In -Pavement Aluminum Duct Markers $125.00 $500.00 D. SUBTOTAL: $861,950.78 E. CONSTRUCT ACCESS ROAD & PARKING LOT E-101 1 LS Mobilization (Shall not exceed 5%) $28,529.00 $28,529.00 E-102 1 LS Surveying and Materials Testing $10,000.00 $10,000.00 E-103 10,000 CY Unclassified Excvation and Embankment $4.00 $40,000.00 E-105 2,000 CY Topsoil Stripping and Placing $4.00 $8,000.00 E-106 7,000 BY Subsurface. Separation Fabric $2.00 $14,000.00 E-107 7,000 SY Geogrid $5.00 $35,000.00 E-108 2,519 CY P-209 Crushed Aggregate Base Course $35.00 $88,165.00 E-109 7,556 CY P-154 Subbase Course $28.00 $211,568.00 E-110 9.8 TON Bituminous Prime Coat (MC-70) $750.00 $7,350.00 E-111 1,213 TON Bituminous Surface Coarse $36.00 $43,668.00 E-112 85.0 TON Bituminous Material, Asphalt CemengPG 64.34) $600.00 $51,000.00 E-113 2,000 LF Fence, Class A $7.00 $14,000.00 E-114 1 EA 24' Wide Gate $1,500.00 $1,500.00 E-115 2 EA 4' Wide Man Gate $300.00 $600.00 E-116 1,000 SF Painted Traffic Lines - Yellow $1.50 $1,500.00 E-117 2,000 SF Painted Traffic Lines - White $1.50 $3,000.00 E-118 5.0 ACRE Seeding, Fertilizing, & Mulching $1,700.00 $6,500.00 11 E-119 12 EA Roadwa Signs $350.00 $4 200.00 E. SUBTOTAL: $570 580.00 F. CONSTRUCT 10' WIDE GRAVEL SERVICE ROAD F-101 1 LS Mobilization (Shall not exceed 5%) $5,048.15 $5.048.15 F-102 1 LS Surveying and Materials Testing $2,000.00 $2,000.00 F-103 5.000 CY Unclassified Excvaton and Embankment $4.00 $20,000.00 F-104 5,000 CY Topsoil Stripping and Placing $4.00 $20,000.00 F-105 580 CY P-209 Crushed. Aggregate Base Course $15.00 $8,700.00 F-106 1,741 CY P-154 Subbase Course $15.00 $26,115.00 F-107 10.0 ACRE Seeding, Fertilizing, & Mulching $1,700.00 $17,000.00 F-108 6 EA Roadway Signs $350.00 $2100.00 F. SUBTOTAL: $100,963.15 TOTAL: $6,605,415.64 F:\41RPORTS\07006.0 KALISPELL\CIP\KALISPELL MASTER ESTIMATE SHEET Draft TLS.xIs 9/12/2008 N O O O v v n 0 o0 ov CO) oz cc�z co0ooc'-- 0 c -! G O N 0 OP co 9 0ou cO N- (O,s D m Y m y > z r 3 r 9 r m r O ,O v A A'`'NJ m me M; rmm cojG) —I > D 'v D' 'v Cf) D f A -n 3> o -n -n z r z 0 z m rn z M -,� _O �0 0 O v ItS �S , �v swim' 73a3: Wr o a A Cl)�''0 rn v� o x C -n °a `� o CD n �• CD 0 3 -t - a) C) m Z' x 0 0 ((0 0 -n m 0 €5 a z Q: a s U, p G o xS, a ' z z 6- 0 O C" 0 via � , CD b' oCD v CD -'m o' $i oUl (a 0 C) 0 CD 00 o o - y ca 0 C) o o C) CD cr, � . 0 0 0 � C)� Ch m Cl vi m y D W f9 Efl _ O t0 N CEO D C) A CD P Clch O— co O. (n p W 4A i-69 — `J (9i OD 0') D CD C)O (D C) (si (t's ''•d O C) D Co O Co C) O' O C) C) C) O O '... Im (Ti m lul W m w -4 Ul � O 1V CD 0) CD'. O W m N 01 ID C) c �o Q� rjj (D CD o CD n v v _ v v CD �c ti 0`C 0O N C (_D a N O p v * O rn c o •p � N V O Co C, * O O O (31 N O N CT