Engineers Opinion of Probable CostsRobert Peccia & Associates, Inc. 825 Custer Avenue * Helena * Montana * (406), 44 7-5000 102 Cooperative Way, Suite 300 * Kalispell * Montana * (406) 752-5025 65 East Broadway * Butte * Montana, * (40,6) 53,3-6770 Item No. Quantity Unit Unit Description Enginiee 's Estimate Jnit Price Total Price (Figures] (Figiures) PAVEMENT' MAINTENANCE OF NORT'HI END, SURFACING: - CONSTRUCTED IN 20016 A-101 111,502 LF Crack Preparation and SeWingi, $1 A2 $16,332,84 A-102 11,637 LF Major Crack Sealing $11.05 $18,088.85 A-103, 152 TON Bituminous Fog Seal (undiluted),, CSS1 -h $ 15.20, $21.04 A-104 342.6 GAL Coal Tar Slurry n$16.80, $5,755.68 A-105 5,91114 SF . . .. . . .... ........................... Taxiay Painting (Full Rate, Application - Solid Yellow $0.50 $21957.00 SUBTOTAL:, I&= Ad B. AUTOMATED WEATHER REPORTING EQUIPMENT B-1 01 1 EA Automat - ed Weather Reporting Equipment $95,000.00 $95,000.00 B-1 02 1 LS Maintenance and Services Not FAA Eligible) $10,000.00 $10,000.00 B. SUBTOTAL: $105,000.00 C. SNOW REMOVAL EQUIPMENT (SRE) BUILDING C- 1 bi 1 EA Construct --34"x 34'wood-framed, steel sided, heated building $140 000.00 $140,000.00 C. SUBTOTAL: $140,000.00 D. SNOW REMOVAL EQUIPMENT (SRE) - D-101 1 EA 8800 GVW, 300 Hp Snowplow Truck complete w/ Quick -Hitch, Interchangeable Plow & Sweeper $90,000.00 $90,00 D. SUBTOTAL: $90.000.-00� 11TOTAL: 1 $378,365.41 F:\AIRPORTS\07010.0 BIG SKY\AIP-010\BIDINFO\KALISPELL—MASTER ESTIMATE SHEET—Draft—TLS.xls.xls 9/12/2008 F1011a11 EacYia & AssOapaEes, cite: r- - 825 CulslarAw n-e Helena "Alb Eara ";408) 447 fi`=fw 7-7fail f62 raH}t6?a7n7a075i�.925 7atl-is-(408) 85 F-It uP8a S ad waay14 3A34a3r Unit Um Forme otal Price. Ra, Quantity t;M 0ssaip€aa froiirasl upigaiaa} A CONSTRUCT RUNWAY 14-32 A101._.. LS Meekest. (Shall nateassed 5%) -- - $162,724.86 $182,724,86 At102. 1 LS Su ying and Malodak Tossing -.. SIM rash 00 $120,000,00 1 AIM 40,000 SY Pulvereas Persistent linsea $1,00 S40,000.00 AA04.... ea.000 CY Undshuli6ed Exaualian end Embaikinerit.. R4.01 $2a4,004.00 € A1Q]... 10.0W Ca` Topeod Slnppmg, Stockpiling, and Placing. $900 $90,000.00 A-IOS.... 39,167 BY Su6ra su11aS ra=en P Fabric $200 $78,334.00 A1e�... 2g,157 SY Flter Fabric -. 5750 S58,750.50 A 110... 39,107 BY BX 12M GeugnS (Min of 2.614of Gmest):.. $5.00 $195.835.00 A-11 t... 10,860 CY 09 Cr P 2ushetl Aggregate Base. Course. (191nch S 3ibn) $35.00 $38%K0.00 A 112... `7,407 CY ROM (16-t i Slid.) $26A0 $487,396.00a A-113... :0,010 L£ Edge D a its $15.00 315CWO.Du A 114 34 EA Edge Drain Ctaawrds $7q.00 $23Boo.ca Z115 12 E4 Edge Drain Outlal-s - .. 870000 $8,490A0 A 115... 4 EA Subsurface Drain Sumps 43,50000 $14,000,C6 A-117 547 TON Blame its Prime Cast(MC-70j - 5757.001 S41,025,00 A118 S.922 TON Biams us Surfaoa0oarsa. $36.00 $241 A-119... 4046 TON B::.mineue Malaya[, Asphat C4-.(PG'_.64-34) $608,00 $290,7WA A 120 .. 6,500 SF R-aillf p n1mg (let Hal; -Ram Ap boa4en Solid Wine-) $1.00 SB,mit- 1 3 A 121 6,500 SF Runway Painting (2nd Fu l-Rake Appf,cal -Solid Mi.). .. SIT 'a $7.150.00 = A-122. 2+7.0W SF RurtixaYPainting (Fu l,Aas Apgf=caben-$sPd>{sgy P:c) $1.20 $24,005.(al- I A-123... 500 SF Taxtxay Painting (Full-Rt. Appl'r,.alkm-Sold Yeiiow) S1.50 $750.00 A124 300 ACR= Sending, Fm3ia0g.& Pduld6ng. $1,7(10.00 551.000.00 A=125 11.00 LF 9' Yr*dalifa Ferree $1500 $105,G00,C0€ A 126 - 2 EA VA dlia Fanrx i' : it Gate 24 Will. $2,500.00 S5,000.001 A-127 1 EA t6' Key Tral Ver lhal Peal Access Ga;g 5,E09, $2&000.00 'I" 1'isi c, Far. Renewal & St-lepira $2.00 220,g0.00 A-129.... 11,000 LF Tinandrng'ur2'or 4' PVC Duct- 24' Deep& 3W Deep. $350 $33,500.00 4120 M- 0 4 F 11C g8 Skif L-824 Cable Inateted in Duct. S1',.60 632,Oq.00 A-1311..... 11,000 LF 2 Sch- 40 PVC Dud Installed as Came Bunai $3.50 $38,509.00 A 132 280 LF 4-Scb. 80 PVC Duct Installed as Direct Burial. $13.00 $3,380.q.. A 133 6 E&. L89724" Light Can& wdusd Red (Usad'.a nsen B-) Seca.CA $3,600.00.. A-134 6 EA, L 661 MiRL, 24" Hlqli, Base Mounted,Geer Lanes, L�1 n Trasfummenn, L423 Coyae Ground Rod g825.C-8 $B,E00.45 = A-135, 40 EA.. L4l31 MiRL 24' H7g7, Base Mouniad, 160 Cegre s ClearYallow Lens, L-83fr1'.. T :alenner - La23 f_-:.�ctmE vmundR J S850.00 $3a,000.q_ _ A-136 - 4 EA L-861TMIRL 24" High, Baia Mounted. Biva Lens. Lfi00-1 Trans ormee, L-823 Cnnr,-__- &G1cur:d Rag 5925.00 $3,7MAD= A-1$7 1B EA. L-861E MIRL 24' High, Basin M -n=.ed, 180 Deryee Resiolmen Lars„ L-8347 Trartsf--, $925,00, $14ACO.00 L-823 Car --nectar & Ground Rod A-1'.38 1 EA L-6561 LgFted `Taxiway Locab ' Sign and LS:S R Lighted "Hold' Sign. A 14-32 More t, Stye 2, Class 2 'lode 2) $3.,Sq.OG $3 EOfL00 A=139 1 . FA L-858Y Llgf"ed M:adion" Sign, "A.1(Stec 1 Sty[a 2, Class 2, Mods 2) e3,50000 $3,500.00 A-140 2 EA L-681'Tw'a Bar' PAPI In selad with TYpe,1 Pull Bar,. $21),00000 $40 00`0.00 '' A-141 1 FA 9-Fool L-807 Eztemally Lighted Wntl Core $7.M-00 57,000.00 A-942 1 1-••_A Segmented Cwdi $22,000,00 $22,C-0D:f}3� A-143 . EA Electrical r ctr Building $15 g0.00 $15,000001 A-194. -; 1 'EA Iril New? 5kW L-828 Constant Current Regulate, with Ddyhlness Conkol'n €t pit.. €rrJcs e.re $93,f410.q., $t8,g0.00 A145... i EA InelallL-6.�A Radlc Canlrol Interface Far, $16.g0 q $45.00C1.6D A-246.... a EA in psi- Aluminum Cugt Mark- 3,128.00 i 51.0q.q A -SUBTOTAL: __ $3,25449P.3C B. CONSTRUCT PARALLEL TAXIWAY AND CONNECTING STUB (North of Apron) 8_101 1 LS Mobilization (Shall not exceed 5%) $21,325.82 $21,325,62 B-102 1 LS '.Suryeying_and Materials Testing _ _ $10,Oq.q $10,Oq.q _ B-103 18,127 ;CY Unclassified Exaction and Embankment $4.00 $64,509.14 B-105 2,000 CY Topsoil Stripping Stockpiling, and Placing _ $9.00 $18 000.00 13-106 4,978 BY Subsurface Separation Fabric - $2.00 $9,956.00 8-107 4978 Filter Fabric $1.50 $7,467.00 8-108 4978 SY BX 12q Cecgdd (Min. 0(28' of Grawap $5.00 $24,890.00 B-109 1 383 CY P-209 Crushed Aggregate Base Course (10-Inch Section) $35.00 $48,405.00 B-110 _.. 2212 CY ROM Section). $28.00 $61,936.00 8-111 2,e00 LF Etlge Drains _. _. $15.00 _ $39,00.00 &112 ...... 10 EA Edge Drain Cleenputs..... _ $7q.q $7,00.00 &113 4 EA _ Edge_Dram Outtalk $700.00 _ $2,800.00 &114 t EA Subsurface Drain Sumps $3,500.00 $3,50000 & TON 70 TON Bituminous Prima Coat (MG70) $750.00 $5,250.00 B-116__. 875 TON Bituminous Surface Coarse _ - $36C9 $31,59000 B117 613 TON Bituminous Material, Asphalt Cemenl(PG-64-34) _ $e00.00 $36,780.00 8-118 1.045 SF Taxiway Painting (Full -Rate Application - Sold Yellow) $150 $1567.50 B-119 5 0 ACRE _ _ Seeding, F mlizing, & Mulching - _ $1 700.00 $e 500.00 B-120 50 LF Trenching fo 2" or4 d PVC D -24' Deep A 36" Deep. $3.60 $175.00 B-121� 150 'LF 11C#85kV L-624 Cable l nebilled in Duct - - $1.60 _ $240A0 8-122 50 LF 2" Srh. 40 PVC Dud Installed as Direct Burial $3.50 $175.q B 123 180 LF _ _ 4 Sch. 80 PVC Dud Installed as Direct Burial _ $1 &00 _ $2 340.00 &124 q EA L-861T MIRL, 24" High, Base Mounted, Blue Lens, L530.1 Transformer, L-623 Connect $925.00 $3,700.00 '�& Ground Rod B-125 1 EA L-ML Lighted'Taidway Location Sign and $3,50000 $3,5q.00 L-MR Lighted'Hold" Sign A 14-32' (Size 1, Style 2, Class 2, Mode 2) B-126 2 EA __. L-858Y_Lighted Drecaon"Sig A "(Size i,Style 2, Class 2, Mods 2)_ $3,50000 $7000.00 8-127 30 FA L-85324" High, Retroregectiva Blue 7aziway Marker with Frangible Coupling &Mounting '.Stake $200.00 $6,000.00 &128 8 EA In -Pavement Aluminum Duct Markers $125.q $10q.00 B. SUBTOTAL:1 $428 51&48 F:%IRP0RTSIll7009.b KALISPFI-LClPu(ALISPELLMASTER ESTIMATE SHEET_Dmn_TLS.As 91IM008 C 10-1 1 LS M.biliza0on (Shall not exceed 5%) $69,545 39 $69545.39 C-102 1 LS Surveying and Materials Testing $40,00000 $40000.00 C 103 10=0 CY Unclassified Excvation and Embankment $4.00 $40000.00 C-105 2,000 CY Topsoil Stripping Stockpiling, and Placing $9.00 $18000.00 C-106 24,611 BY Subsurface Separation Fabdc $2.00 $49222.00 C-107 24,611 BY Filter Fabric $1.50 $36,916.50 C-108 24,611 BY SX 1200 Geognd(Min. of 26"of Gravel) $500 $123055.00 C-109 6,836 CY P-209CM5hed Aggregate Base Course(10-Inch Section) $35.00 $239:260.00 C-110 10938CY ROM (16-Inch Section) $28.00 $306,284.00 C-117 1,700 LF Edge Dmins $15.00 $25,500.00 C-112 5 EA Edge Drain Cleanouts $700.00 $4200.00 C-113 4 EA Edge Drain Out [is $700.00 $2,800.00 C-114 2 EA Subsurface Crain Sumps $3,50000 $7000.00 C-115 34.4 TON Bituminous Prime Coat (MC70) S750.00 $26:800X0 C-176 4,415 TON Bituminous Surface Coarse $36.00 $158,940.00 C-177 309.1 TON Bituminous Material, Asphalt CemengPG 64-34) $600.00 $185,460.00 C-118 36 EA Tie -Down Anchors $750.00 $27,000X0 C-119 141.0 GAL Coal Tar Pitch Emulsion $45.00 $6,345.00 C-120 3,000 SF Taxiway Painting Full Applicatlon-Saiid Yeilaw) $1,60 S4,500-00 C-121 5.0 ACRE Seeding, Fertilizing, & Mulching $1,700.00 $8,500.00 C-122 500 LF Trenching for 2" or 4" PVC Duct- 24" Deep & 36" Deep $3.50 $1750.00 C 123 1,000 LF 1/C #85kV L-824 Cable Installed in Dud $1.60 $1:600.00 C-124 500 LF 2" Sch. 40 PVC Dud Installed as Direct Buda] 53.50 $t,750.00 C-125 20 EA L-853 24" High, Retrorefledive Blue Taxiway Marker with Frangible Coupling & Mounting Stake $200.00 $4,00(f D. CONSTRUCT PARALLEL TAXIWAY AND CONNECTING STUB (South of Apron) 0-101 1 LS Mobilization (Shall not exceed 5%) 543,097.53 $43,097.53 D-102 1 LS Surveying and Materials Testing $25,000.00 $25,000.00 D-103 108,000 CY Unclassified E-tion and Embankment $4.00 $432,W000.00 D-105 10,000 CY Topsoil Stripping, Stockpiling, and Placing Sli 0l $90,0.00 D-106 4,064 BY Subsurface Separation Fabric $2.00 $8,128.00 D-107 4,064 BY Filter Fabric $1.50 $6,098.00 DA08 4.064 SY SX 1200 Geogdd (Min. of 26" of Gravep $5.00 $20320.00 D-109 1.129 CY P-209 Crushed Aggregate Base Course (10-Inch Section) $35.00 $39:515.00 D-110 1.806 CY RDM (16-Inch Section) $28.00 $50,568X0 D-111 2.600 LF Edge Drains $15.00 $37,500.00 D-112 10 EA Edge Drain Cleanouts $70000 $7,000.00 D-113 4 EA Edge Drain OutfalIs $70000 $2,800.00 D-114 1 FA Subsurface Drain Sumps $3,500:00 $3,500.00 D-115 5.7 TON Bituminous Prime Coat (MC-70) $750.00 $4,275.00 D-116 715 TON Bituminous Surface Coarse $36.00 $25,740.00 D-717 50.1 TON Bituminous Material, Asphalt Cemen(PG 64.34) $600.00 $30,060.00 D-118 928 SF Taxiway Painting (Full -Rate Application - Build Yellow) $1.50 $1,391.25 D-119 5.0 ACRE Seeding, Fertilizing, & Mulching $1,700.00 $8,500.00 D-120 50 LF Trenching far 2" or 4" PVC Duct - 24" Deep & W' Deep $3.50 $175.00 D-121 150 LF 11C ff8 5kV L-824 Cable Installed in Duct $1.60 $240.00 D-122 50 LF 2" Sch. 40 PVC Duct Installed as Direct Bunal $3.60 $175.00 D-123 90 LF 4" Sch. 80 PVC Duct Installed as Direct Burial $13.00 $1,170.00 D-124 4 FA L-861T MIRL, 24" High, Base Mounted, Blue Lens, L-830.1 Transformer, L-823 Connect & Ground Rod $925.00 $3,700.00 D-125 1 El) L-558L Lighted'Taxiway Location" Sign and L-858R Lighted "Hold" Sign, "A 14-32" (Size 1, Style 2, Class 2, Mode 2) $3,500.00 $3,500.00 DA26 1 EA L-858Y Lighted "Direction" Sign, "A->' (Size 1, Style 2, Class 2, Mode 2) $3.500.00 $3,500.00 D-127 50 EA L-85324" High, Retharefleclive Blue Taxiway Marker with Frangible Coupling & Mounting Stake $200 00 $10,000.00 D-128 1 EA L-85BY Lighted "Direction" Sign, "RAMP->" (Size 1, Style 2, Class 2, Mode 2) $3,500.00 $3,500.00 P129 4 EA In -Pavement Aluminum Duct Markers $125.00 $500.00 0. SUBTOTAL: $861,950.78 E. CONSTRUCT ACCESS ROAD & PARKING LOT E-101 1 LS Mobilization (Shall not exceed 5%) $28.529.00 $28,529.00 E-102 1 LS Surveying and Materials Testing $10.000.00 $10000.00 E-103 10,000 CY Unclassified Exowdion and Embankment $4.00 $40:000,00 E-105 2,000 CY Topsoil Stripping and Placing $4.00 $8,000.00 E-106 7,000 SY Subsurface Separation Fabric $2.00 $14,000,00 E-107 7,000 SY Geogrid $5.00 $35,000.00 E-108 2,510 CY P-209 Crushed Aggregate Base Course $35.00 $88,165.00 E-109 7,556 CY P-154 Subbase Course $28.00 $211,568.00 E-110 9.8 TON Bituminous Prime Coat (MC-70) $750.00 $7,350.00 E-111 1,213 TON Bituminous Surface Coarse $36.00 $43,568.00 E-112 85.0 TON Bituminous Material, Asphalt CemengPG 64-34) $600.00 $51,000.00 E-113 2,000 LF Fence, ClassA $7.00 $74,000.00 E-114 1 EA 24'W1de Gate $1,500,00 $1,500.00 E-115 2 EA 4' Woe Man Gate $300.00 $600.00 E-116 1,000 SF Painted Traffic Lines - Yellow 51.511 $1,500.00 E-117 2,000 SF Painted Traffic Lines- While $1.50 $3,000.00 E-118 5.0 ACRE Seeding, Fertilizing, &Mulching $1,700.00 s8,500.00 E-119 t2 EA =we Si ns $350.00 $42500.00 E. SUBTOTAL: $570,580,00 F. CON$TRUCT 10' WIDE GRAVEL SERVICE ROAD F-101 1 LS Mobil, 'on(Shall not exceed 5%) $5,048.15 $5,048.15 F-102 1 LS Surveying and Materials Testing $2,000.00 $2,000.00 F-103 5,000 CY Unclassified Exwatlon and Embankment $4.00 $20,000.00 F-104 5000 CY Topsoil Stripping and Placing $4.00 $20,000.00 F-105 580 CY P-209 Crushed Aggregate Base Course $15.00 $8,700.00 F-106 1741 CY P454 Subbase Course $15.00 $26,115.00 F-107 100 ACRE Seeding, Fedlzng,&Mulching $1,700.00 $17,000.00 F-108 6 EA Roa wa S ns S350.00 $2100.00 F. SUBTOTAL: $100 963.15 TOTAL: I $6,605,415.64 F:IAIRPORTSV7005.0 KALISPELLICIP-13PELL_MASTER ESTIMATE SHEET Dmf_TLS,Js WIV2008