06/08/05 Peccia/Updated ULP SetMessage To: Name: Firm/Agency: Address: City, State, Zip: Phone Number: Message From: Naune: Robert Peccia & Associates TRANSMITTAL LETTER Date: June 8, 2005 Project #: 0320.100 Attention: Gary Gates Regarding: Kalispell City Airport Gary Gates FAA — Airports District Office 2725 Skyway Drive, Suite 2 Helena, MT 59602-1213 449-5230 Phil Ponini Transmitted are the following items: Item No. Copies Descti tion 1 2 Updated ALP set — 11" x 17" 2 1 Form 7460 for the North End Surfacing Project FAAMPORTS\KALISPELL CITY-2003\NORTH END SURFACING\contadmin\comsp\050608gg_Form 7460&a1.tm.doc Remarks The local review has been completed on the updated ALP set for the Kalispell City Airport. It is now presented to show the proposed North End Surfacing Project which was bid last week and is expected to be constructed in July and August. Schellinger Construction was the apparent low bidder and will meet the established DBE goals. We can request FAA concurrence in the award, but since there are no obligated funds, I'm not sure if the standard procedure applies. Please let me know. City Council action on the Contract Award is expected on June 20`h. We have included the updated ALP set with the Notice of Proposed Construction (Form 746) that is being sent to the FAA in Renton regarding the North End Surfacing Project. cc. Fred Leistiko, Airport Manager *825 Custer Avenue* *Helena, MT 59601* * Phone 406-447-5000* * Fax 406-447-5036*