Invoice/Levengood Lawn CareKalispell, Mt s+0 - ••�•, Chris •s• 'a: 2334 Kalispell, Mt +.0 � , .• .: a �• � ii �- • • / /0 w ' ! . 1 1 • s - *'0 WORKINUTIUM This AGREEMENT is entered into between Karla Levengood (LEVENGOOD) of P.O. Box 2334, Kalispell, Montana 59903, and the City of Kalispell, Airport Department, P.O. Box 1997, Kalispell, Montana 59903. Therefore; LEVENGOOD agrees to provide the City Airport Department with a working farm tractor, with at least 50 horsepower capacity, and an experienced operator with knowledge of mower operations to mow grass and weeds at the City Airport. The operator will attach a City owned mower to the tractor and mow property described by the Airport Manager. The operator must wear an orange safety vest at all times when operating on or near an active taxiway or runway. The tractor emergency flashers must be on and operational at all times when near an active taxiway or runway. Operating aircraft will always have the right -away on the airport property. Tractor operator will always give way to taxiing aircraft as well as departure and landing aircraft. LEVENGOOD will be paid $45.00 (Forty -Five Dollars) per hour for the use of the tractor and the operator. The cost will be based on the tractor's hour meter and will be verified by the Airport Manager. All expenses related to the operation of the tractor will be paid by LEVENGOOD. All expenses related to the operation of the mower will be paid by the City. During the term of this agreement, LEVENGOOD agrees to indemnify and hold the City of Kalispell harmless from any and all claims, causes of action, court costs, legal fees or any other expenses resulting from the operation of its equipment on property owned by the City of Kalispell. In this connection, LEVENGOOD agrees to provide and maintain in full force a liability insurance policy with minimum liability limits of $500,000.00 for bodily injury or property damage. The insurance policy shall be issued by a company having not less than Best's A or A+ rating (or equivalent) and shall name the City as additional insured. LEVENGOOD shall deliver to the city copies of the policy evidencing the insurance or certificates of coverage from the insurance companies, which shall designate the company, the policy number, amount, and provisions of that policy. All policies shall contain a provision that such policies shall not be cancelled, terminate or materially and adversely modified without 30 days prior notice from the insurance company to the City of Kalispell. This agreement shall remain in affect until September 30, 2005 at which time it will become null and void. All invoices for work completed will be submitted to: City of Kalispell Airport Manager P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 All invoices will br.,paid within 30 days of submittal to the Airport Manager. I9-&5r � r � ��- y . ity of Ka ispell Date