North End Resurfacing/Change Order No. 111 ORDER NO.: One PROJECT TITLE: Kalispell City Airport — North End Surfacing PROJECT NO.: CONTRACT DATE: July 6, 2005 OWNER: City of Kalispell CONTRACTOR: Schellinger Construction Change Orders must be accompanied by an itemized cost breakdown. You are hereby requested to comply with the following changes from the Contract Documents. (Show separate costs for materials, 'labor, equipment, and miscellaneous. Show percent where applicable.) COST OF CHANGES ITEM DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES - ESTIMATED TOTAL NO. QUANTITIES & UNITS TOTAL COST MAT'LS. LABOR EQUIP. MISC. UNIT COST 1. Muck Excavation 3273 CY 6.35 20,763.55 2. 3. Fill Replacement Additional Subgrade Separation Fabric 3273 CY 3113 SY 2.15 0.95 7,036.95 2,957.35 These are estimated quantities, final quantities will be determined at the completion of repair efforts TOTAL COST - MATERIALS, LABOR, EQUIPMENT & MISC. OVERHEAD & PROFIT @ % GRAND TOTAL - THIS CHANGE ORDER 30,777.85 Original Contract Price Current Contract Price Adjusted by Previous Change Order Cost this Change Order (+ or -) New Contract Price including this Change Order CO - 1 $ 1,199,612.85 $ 0.00 $ 30,777.85 $1,230,390.70 Rev. 9100 The completion date as set forth in the Contract Documents shall be (unchanged, increased, decreased) by 91 7 calendar days. The date for completion of all work will be September 2, 2005 Description and Justification for Change: 1. See attached letter from Schellinger Construction (7/26/05) and Response Letter from RPA (7/28/05). Surety consent is required if the net increase exceeds 20% of the Original Contract Amount. 1' • The Surety hereby consents to the aforementioned Contract Change Order and agrees that its bond or bonds shall apply and extend to the Contract as thereby modified or amended per this Change Order. The Principal and the Surety further agree that on or after execution of this consent, the penalty of the applicable Performance Bonds or Bonds is hereby increased by $ (100% of the Change Order amount) and the penalty of the applicable Labor and Material Bond or Bonds is hereby increased by $ (100% so of the Change Order amount). COUNTERSIGNED BY MONTANA RESIDENT SURETY AGENT By: Seal Recommended by: /s/ Philip Porrini, P.E. July 28, 2005 Engineer Date r Accepted by: Contractor Date Approved by: v Owner Date 9 F:\AIRPORTS\KALISPELL CITY•2003\NORTH END SURFACING\contadmin\CO#1.DGC CO - 2 Rev. 9/00 July 28, 2005 Marc Blanden Schellinger Construction Company, Inc. P.O. Box 39 Columbia Falls, MT 59912 Re: Kalispell City Airport — Field Directive #2 for Subgrade Stabilization Marc: CIVIL TRANSPORTATION In response to your letter, received on July 26, 2005, and items discussed in the field on July 26, 2005, the following topics will be expanded upon ENVIRONMENTAL and explained in detail in this letter: ENGINEERS + Areas of Subgrade Removal and Replacement + Expected Depth of Subgrade Removal j + Additional Cost to the Project + Source of Replacement Material + Storage Location of Waste Material + Maximum Height of Clean Waste Fill Area Areas of Subgrade Removal and Replacement During the on -site meeting of July 26, 2005, Al Schellinger, Kyle Schellinger, Marc Blanden and I walked the site, determining the areas that needed to be repaired. Sections of Taxiways A, B, C, D and E were noted to have areas of pumping that were agreed upon to fix. It is estimated that 3,100 square yards have subgrade pumping that needs to be sub -excavated and repaired. The most affected area is Taxiway A, north of station 16+40 to station 10+00, along with four smaller isolated areas to the north. Two small areas at stations 11+25 and 12+50, along Taxiway A have already been repaired and will need no further attention. Taxiway B will be repaired from station 11+30 to 11+80. Taxiway C, station 12+40 to station 12+90 has already been sub -excavated and needs to be backfilled. At this time, there is standing water that is present in the excavation at Taxiway C and it needs to be removed before backfilling can occur. Taxiway D has 236 square yards of subgrade disturbance. Due to excessive scraper travel over this area causing much of the damage, Schellinger has agreed to fix this area at no additional cost to the owner. Taxiway E will be repaired from station 12+00 to station 12+90. Stabilization fabric will be used when needed at the base of the P.O. Box 5653 825 Custer Avenue excavation. The Engineer will determine from area to area if the fabric is g Helena, Montana 59601 needed. The contractor shall be paid for the fabric at the currently (406)447 5000 FAX (406)447-5036 submitted unit rice in the proposal. p p p Nww. rpa-hln.com Expected Depth of Sgrae Removal Taxiway A, north of station 16+40, is expected to take 3 feet of sub -excavation to successfully stabilize the subgrade. It is estimated that only 2 feet of excavation will be needed to repair the smaller isolated areas south of station 16+40. The excavations at Taxiways B, D, & E are estimated to take 3 feet of excavation. The depth of excavation will be monitored from area to area and will be adjusted as needed to achieve subgrade stability. Cut in place depths and areas will be measured and monitored frequently, by the engineer, to assure that removed quantities are accurately recorded. The, contractor will be paid per cubic yard for material removed and replaced' based upon the quantities measured from the cut. Due to changes in construction activities, the following adjusted unit prices have been provided by Schellinger Construction Co. on July 26, 2005 to perform the above described work: -Muck Excavation &. Haul: $6.35 per CY -Fill Replacement in Sub -excavated Areas: $2.15 per CY Subtotal $8.50 per CY -Additional Subgrade Separation Fabric $0.95 per S (as originally bid) -Additional Contract Time: 1 Day per 500 CY of Excavation Additional Cost to the Project It is estimated that 3,273 Cubic Yards of sub -excavation and replacement material will be required to successfully stabilize the subgrade, costing an additional $27.820 to the project. This estimation is highly dependent on the actual depths of the excavations. If fabric is used in all of the excavations, the total will be $30,778. Source of Replacement Material Since most if not all of the required unclassified excavation has occurred on the Apron, much of the usable replacement material has been stripped and moved to the on -site clean waste storage area near Airport Road. The contractor is to us the clean waste storage area as a source of replacement material, as needed, if he runs out of material from project cut locations. Material being taken out of the clean waste storage area will then be "double handled" and the price for doing so has been built into the unit prices listed above. Storage Location of Waste Material As material is removed from the sub -excavated areas, much of it is expected to be high in moisture content. The contractor is directed to use this material as embankment in the clean waste area and other nonstructural areas around the project that require fill. Material that is above optimum moisture content will be placed and allowed to dry. Material that is placed back in the clean waste area will be dried, if needed, and compacted to 95% of maximum lab dry density as determined by ASTM D698. All other waste material used as embankment under areas that area not to support a pavement section are to be compacted to 90% of maximum lab dry density as determined by ASTM D698. Maximum Height of Clean Waste Fill Area The height of the clean waste fill area located north of Diamond Aire and east of Airport Road, is to have a maximum elevation equal to the elevation of the Back of Curb (BOC) along the adjacent Airport Road. If the elevation of the clean waste fill area is projected to rise above the BOC elevation during the course of the planned earthwork, the engineer sowill direct the contractor to store material in another agreeable location. Change Order Number 1 The City of Kalispell has requested that the work for Muck Excavation and Fill Replacement be completed as a Change Order. Thus a separate document will be prepared and submitted for signatures so that the approval process is documented. If any questions require additional information or clarification please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Sincerely, ROBERT PECCIA & ASSOCIATES Brandon M. Theis, E.I. Engineering Designer El Schellinger Construction Co., Inc. P.O. BOX 39 COLUMBIA FALLS, IVIT 59912-0039 AL SCHELLINGER PHONE: t406i 892-2188 CLIFF SCHELLIINGER FAX: (4W 892-2187 GEORGE SCHMIDT Tuesday, July 25, 2005 Brandon Theis Robert Peccia & Associates P.O. Box 5100 Kalispell, MT 59903-5100 Re: Kalispell City Airport — North End Surfacing Improvements Subject: Unsuitable Sub -grade Material Mr. Theis, This letter is in regard to Field Order and Field Directive # 1, dated July 19, 2005. The original field order that was issued onsite stated that the sub -grade between approximately Station 11+00 and 12+50 on Taxiway "A" was pumping due to excessive sub -grade disturbance from the scraper traffic that was stripping topsoil in this area, and hauling excavation material to the designated waste area. Schellinger Construction was directed to avoid hauling across Taxiway "A" in these areas to prevent pumping of the sub -grade, and was noted that if any additional scraper traffic continued to cross through these areas that repairs required to the sub -grade material would be at the contractor's expense. Schellinger Construction agreed to avoid hauling through these areas to eliminate any additional damage to the sub -grade material. Schellinger Construction continued with the topsoil stripping for the building pads on both sides of Taxiway "E", as well as the alignment for Taxiway "E" and "D". While stripping the topsoil off of these areas additional pumping was beginning to occur in these areas as well. It was becoming very apparent that the sub -grade material was saturated with water and very unsuitable due to the high clay content in the material. In summary the soils on the North end of the project were pumping under light scraper traffic (stripping only), and these pumping areas were not due to "excessive sub -grade disturbance", but were unsuitable for any type of traffic load. Schellinger Construction was directed in the field by RPA to excavate out the areas that were pumping on Taxiway "A", and one at the intersection of Taxiway "A" and "C". The area of excavation at approximately Station 12+50 was 1497 SF and approximately 4' deep, equivalent to approximately 222 CY. It was apparent that the ground water level in this area was approximately 3' deep from the existing ground level, and that the soils at this level were very unstable due to the excessive moisture content in the clay type soils. Schellinger Construction placed stabilization fabric in the bottom of the excavation and was directed by RPA to haul native material from the excavation on the tie -down apron to replace the material that was removed. Over the next couple of days this area was static rolled with a smooth drum roller several times, and some elimination of the pumping was observed. Schellinger Construction was also directed to excavate out an area at approximately Station 11+25 that was 1144 SF and approximately 2.5' deep, equivalent to 106 CY. Fabric was also installed in this area and native dirt from the apron was placed and compacted. In addition Schellinger Construction was also directed to excavate an area at the intersection of Taxiway "A" and "C" which was 1500 SF and approximately 2.5' deep, equivalent to 139 CY. This area has not yet been filled in with native material, and it is very apparent that the ground water has risen in this area due to the water displacement caused by the compaction on Taxiway "A". All of the waste from these areas was stockpiled and spread out to dry adjacent to the areas of excavation, and was later hauled of by scrapers into the designated waste area. 11 11 Per our field meeting today with Brandon Theis (RPA), Al Schellinger, Kyle Schellinger, and myself of Schellinger Construction it was agreed upon in the field that RPA would be forth coming with a directive to subex out all of the areas that are apparently pumping under the paved road section, and that these areas would be filled with onsite native materials without a layer of stabilization fabric. Schellinger Construction is in agreement that these unstable areas need to be repaired in order to provide a stable sub -grade material that will not move under the gravel and asphalt section, and to have a hard enough surface to achieve the required 100% compaction required on the gravel and asphalt materials. It has been proven in the field that the existing sub -grade in these areas can be compacted to the requirement of 95%, but these areas continue to pump and move even under the weight of the smooth drum roller. If the sub -grade is excepted in this state it will be very difficult to achieve 100% compaction on the gravels, and the integrity of the asphalt is liable to deteriorate due to the movement of the underlying soils. Schellinger Construction has also been directed, per Field Directive #1 to not utilize vibratory compaction on the gravel or asphalt material in order to avoid disturbance of the sub -grade. It will be very difficult to achieve 100% compaction on these materials by static rolling only. It was not specified in the original contract specifications that vibratory compaction could not be utilized on this project. If vibratory compaction is not permitted, Schellinger Construction will be required to spend more time and effort by static rolling, and should be compensated for this additional time and effort if this becomes a requirement on the project. Following are our unit prices for the muck excavation and soil replacement that that will be required in the areas that are unsuitable as directed by Field Directive #1 and the forth coming directive from RPA. ® Pluck Excavation & haul $ 5.35 per CY ® Fill Replacement in Subexcavated Areas $ 2.15 per CY ® Additional Contract Time 1 ®ay per 500 CY of Excavation We due not agree that the original unit price of $ 5.50 per CY for excavation would be sufficient to cover the costs of the muck excavation and soil replacement. The unsuitable soils will have to be removed with an excavator, loaded into dump trucks, and hauled onsite. The incoming fill material will be stockpiled adjacent to the excavation with scrapers, but will have to be double handled and placed into the excavated areas with a dozer. This method of excavation is sufficiently different than excavating dirt with scrapers, placing it into an embankment, and leveling it with scrapers. It is our opinion that stabilization fabric should be utilized in the subex areas to provide some separation between the materials and to stabilize the base before placement of onsite native material. Schellinger Construction also recommends that some type of gravel material be imported and utilized as fill in the areas that are excavated. It is our opinion that replacing this unsuitable material with a similar onsite material will only temporarily repair the stability of the sub -grade. Schellinger Construction does not guarantee that the method of repair proposed by RPA will permanently repair this ongoing problem, and we will not be responsible for any additional repairs required if the proposed solution is unsuccessful. 1] Please provide us with a detailed directive of how you would like to proceed with this problem. timely response is requested in order to continue construction of this project. If you have any questions or require additional information please feel free to give me a call. Sincerely%�� Marc R. Slanden Project Manager Schellinger Construction Co., Inc.