06/14/10 Leistiko/Pricing DocumentFred Leistiko From: Fred Leistiko Sent: Monday, June 14, 2010 9:48 AM To: Jane Howington Subject: Stelling Engineers, Inc. pricing document for Grant Jane: I don't have any problem with Activity 1.0 and 2.0 of the pricing document. However, there is some questions about the PUBLIC OUTREACH PROGRAM they propose over the duration of the project. ® 1 think that five public meetings might be an overkill since there will be several more in the next (EA) phase. ® The Stakeholders and Landowners meetings will be held the same days as the public meetings, only in the afternoon so that Mitch Stelling can be involved when he travels over from Great Falls for the evening meetings. i Instead of starting another web site about the airport, we should publish the fact that we have our own site at the City, if they want to beef ours up with links to a Master Plan Update, a link to Documents, and a link to meetings with meeting notes included, we could save some on that. ® The web site can be updated by Stelling on all the links every month or so. ® 1 like the idea that Stelling will take a proactive approach with the Council, Stakeholders, and Landowners. Fred A. LeNt k Airport- Manager Cite Kalispell .. Box 1997 406-2150-3065 Fred Leistiko From: Jeff Walla [Jwalla@stellinginc.com] Sent: Wednesday, June 09, 2010 12:08 PM To: Fred Leistiko; Jane Howington Subject: FW: Kalispell City Airport Master Plan Update Attachments: 0043 KCA MP Consultant Hours.pdf Fred and Jane, Attached is the detailed fee estimate/planning cost breakdown. We (Sponsor and Consultant) need to agree on fee before sending off to the FAA for concurrence. Our total fee is $99,800 for the revised SOW. I have deliberately set our fee below $100,000 so we do not need to conduct an IFE (which takes time and costs additional money). We are prepared to live with this fee for the duration of the planning study; we cannot amend the planning grant. My initial fee for this work was approximately $110,000 prior to the additional requirements requested by the FAA. Key additions requested by the FAA include: 1) an update of the specific sites in the original Site Selection Study, and 2) new aerial photography of the airport. Ideally, our fee would be about $115,000 but for the sake of timing we have shaved off some cost to get this project under contract soon. Please review and let me know if you are OK with this estimate. Once I get your concurrence in fee, I will forward the estimate to the FAA and request their concurrence with fee. Then we can prepare and submit the grant application. -A� Thanks Jeff Walla, PE Stelling Engineers, Inc. phone: 406-755-8602 -----Original Message ----- From: Gary.Gates@faa.gov [mailto:Gary.Gates@faa.gov] Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2010 10:23 AM To: Jeff Walla Cc: Fred Leistiko (airport@kalispell.com); Jane Howington; Subject: RE: Kalispell City Airport Master Plan Update Jeff, 00 Mitch Stelling I do not have any further comment regarding the SOW and concur in the revised scope. We also recommend that the City/consultant contact GPI Airport staff and give them a heads up regarding the study and development alternatives that may include relocating S27 operations to GPI. Please provide our office a copy of the detailed planning cost estimate/task matrix when available. thanks, Gary M. Gates, P.E. Airport Engineer and Planner FAA, Helena Airports District Office 2725 Skyway Drive, Suite 2 p