07/11/11 FAA/Application for Payment 3_= Federal Aviation Administration Memorandum Date: July 11, 2011 From: Gary Gates, HLN-610 2725 Skyway Dr; Ste 2, Helena, MT 59602 (406) 449-5230 To: Accounts Payable Branch, AMZ-110 Subject: ACTION: Application for Payment Number: 3 Partial Kalispell City Airport Kalispell, MT Al Project No. 3-30-0043-003-2010 Grant Contract Number: DOT-FA10NM-2032 A scanned copy of FAA Form 5100-60 is submitted for payment. Based on the representation and certification contained in the payment request, I find the amount of $15,200 (shown on line 'b') to be an allowable project cost, not previously paid, and approved for payment. a. Accumulated previous payments......... $30,233.00 4. Amount approvedthis payment.......... F $15,200.00 c. Total accumulative payments .............. $45,433.00 d. Maximum grant amount ..................... e. Remaining balance ........................... Gary s, HLN-610 3 Enclosures cc: ANM-613 City of Kalispell Stelling Engineers, Jeff Walla $92,910.00 $47,477.00 OUTLAY REPORT AND REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS (see invmctions on back) OMB APPROVAL NO. 0348-0002 PAGE OF I 1 1 PAGES 1. TYPE OF REQUEST [ ] FINAL X ] PARTIAL 2. BASIS OF REQUEST [ X ] CASH ACCRUAL FEDERAL SPONSORING AGENCY AND ORGANIZATIONAL ELEMENT TO WHICH THIS REPORT IS SUBMITTED DOT -FAA 4, FEDERAL GRANT OR OTHER IDENTIFYING NUMBER ASSIGNED BY FEDERAL AGENCY DOT-FAIONM-2032 5. PARTIAL PAYMENT REQUEST NO. Three (3) EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER 81-6001281 7. RECIPIENT'S ACCOUNT NUMBS F OR IDENTIFYING NUMBER 3-30-0043-003-2010 PERIOD COVERED BY THIS REQUEST FROM (Month, day, year) 111812011 TO (Month, day, year) 612912011 RECIPIENT ORGANIZATION Una: City of Kalispell a. and Street: 201 1st Avenue East ty, State and Kalispell, MT 69901 P coda: 10. PAYEE (Where checlik is to be sent ff different than Item 9) Name, No. and Street: City, State and ZIP Code 11. STATUS OF FUNDS CLASSIFICATION TOTAL No. 1 N0.2 No, 3 Administrative expense $0.00 Preliminary expense $0.00 Land, structures, right-of-way $0.00 Architectural engineering basic fees 512,100.00 $19,725,00 $16,000.00 547,825.00 Other architectural engineering fee $Oko Project inspection fees $0.00 Land development WOO Relocation expense $0.00 Relocation payments to individuals and businesses $0.00 Demolition and removal $0.00 Construction and project improvement cost SO.00 Equipment SO.00 Miscellaneous cost $0,00 Total cumulative to data (sum offines a thru m) $12,100.00 519,725.00 516,000.00 $47,825.00 Deductions for program income SO.00 Nei cumulative to date (line n minus line p) $12,100.00 519,725.00 S16,000.00 $47,825,00 Federal share to date $45,433.00 Rehabilitation grants (100% reimbursement) $0.00 Total Federal share (sum of lines q and r) $45,433.00 Federal payments previously requested $30,233.00 Amount requested for reimbursement $15,200.00 Percentage of physical completion of project (Grant Amount $92,910.00) 48.9%