Airport Master Plan Kickoff MinutesTO: FRED LEISTIKO, AIRPORT MANAGER CITY OF KALISPELL RROM: JEFF WALLA, P.E. STELLING ENGINEERS, INC. A meeting was held at the Red Lion Hotel in Kalispell, Montana at 7:00 p.m. on September 22, 2010. The purpose of the meeting was to "kick-off"the public outreach program developed for the Kalispell City Airport Master Plan Update by presenting the planning process to the public and answer pertinent questions regarding the process. 1701- RLUIM; Presentation: The meeting was opened with introductions by Wade Elder with the City of Kalispell. The presentation began with the history of Stelling Engineers and an apology for the short notice of the meeting by Mitch Stelling. Jeff Walla continued with an overview of the project history of planning efforts at the airport, and a comprehensive discussion of the planning process anticipated for the Master Plan Update. A tentative project timeline was presented in conjunction with the scope of work of the Master Plan Update. A copy of the meeting agenda and the slideshow presentation is attached to these minutes. Public Questions: After the presentation, Jeff Walla and Mitch Stelling opened up the podium for public comment and questions regarding the City of Kalispell Airport Master Plan, Stelling requested that comments and questions be limited to the master planning process. Stelling further stated that questions or comments not pertinent to the master planning process or Stelling Engineers would not be addressed at this time. Specifically, Stelling established the following guidance for questions or comments: Z^'Pro.iccu-Active',Aii-pci-,g%0043 - Kalispell Cify\003-20110\Wnutes & MeetingsTublic Mectings',KickoffMeet'li.g 9-22-10kNiecting Min 9-22- 10 d-0- • Comments or questions pertaining to City policy or decisions or City matters and would not be responded to by the consultant at any time during the master planning process. • Comments or questions regarding prior planning recommendations or planning requirements would not be addressed until a later date, at which time the applicable planning activities are completed on this project. • Comments or questions regarding Federal or FAA requirements would not be addressed until after consultation with the applicable agency. if 017-17 -MOTT-1 rc-19-17 I L--SViS-r411r1J1 I"', eL meeting. Where applicable, the consultant's response follows the question or comment. �? t consultant made a digital audio recording of the public comment session and has saved t recording as part of the project record. The consultant has used the audio recording and the si I in sheet of the meeting to identify (in as much as possible) each speaker documented in the - minutes. Fred Hamill: Comments were made, but there were no specific questions asked. Gerlanne Robbins: Q: There was a very short notice on meeting when do you plan on re -having this meeting so the community can be well represented? A: We apologize for such short notice; future meetings will have 2 weeks advance notice. We VAII not be having this same meeting again. Q: Did you notify the city about the potential conflict of interest? (Stelling Engineers and FAA) A: There may be a perceived conflict of interest; but there is no conflict of interest with either Stelling or the FAA. Phil Guiffride: Q: Is there a possibility of a marriage between City of Kalispell Airport and Glacier International? Will Stelling Engineers look into It? A: No joining of the two airports is anticipated. It was later addressed that Glacier International Airport will be a considered alternate site, however. Randall Schumacher: Q: Will the study monitor how many planes take off and land at Glacier International Airport? A: No, we will not be doing anything with Glacier International. Peggy Lee Leckrone: 0: How many people benefit from the airport as we speak? A: We do not have this information at this time and therefore cannot answer this question. This will likely be addressed during the planning process. Page 2 of 5 ZAProject-ActiveUirpoM10043 - Kalispell Cityl,003-2010\Minutes &MeetinpTublic Meetings\Kickoff Meeting 9-22-I0WeeLing Min 9-22- t0.doc Mark Paulson: 0: How is I year of forecast data available for a meeting a few months from now? A: A preliminary forecast will be generated after 3-months worth of data is collected; the final forecast will be refined after all data is collected 9 months later. Burt Lenon: Q: Will the pilots/user survey ask for a preference of Glacier to City of Kalispell Airport? A: The survey has not been prepared yet. Survey questions are typically specific to the use of the airport being studied. The City would have to request that this type of question be Incorporated Into the survey. Q: Is the study going to be biased in an effort to create a long term project at the airport? A: No, because It is unethical to bias the study; and there is no liability for us if we don't have to do anything more than a study. A big job isn't necessarily a better job. TS Laurens: ♦ difference ► _ ► and B-11 aircraft? A: The B references the approach category and approach speed, the roman numeral is the design groL which references the wingspan and the tail height. The consultant did not have the specific date to address this question at the meeting. The following response has been added in follow-up to the question to include the specific data relative to the question: Approach Category` t"r less than 91 knots; Approach Category♦_e• greater than 91 knotsbut n• Design r fHeightt feet and Wingspan less than 49 Design GroupTail Height_ but r 1 feet and Wingspan 49 feet but _ feet Torn . Q: Is this study going to do any sort of quantification for exhaust fumes? ... and sound? ... and tax revenues? What are the anticipated costs for land acquisition? A: There is nothing included in the planning effort to monitor or study exhaust fumes. There will be a noise modeling study performed to establish sound contours from operations that occur on the airport. This noise study does not record noise levels that are being heard at residences. The financial plan included in the study will consider what current type of revenues the airport is generating through taxes, leases, and fees. Land acquisition needs will be addressed when alternatives have been developed. Q: What consideration is given to users or business owners that have money invested in land/hangars on airport property? A: This will likely be one of the criteria considered during the evaluation process and will be addressed at that time. There are likely legal considerations that will need to be a part of the evaluation process. Carl Feig: Page 3 of 5 Z:\Project-Active\Aixports\0043 - Kalispell City\003-2010\Minutes & Meetings\Public Meetings\Kickoff Meeting 9-22-10\Meeting Min 9-22- 10.doc Q: Who will pilots/user survey incorporate? A: It will include registered pilots from 5 or 6 counties in the vicinity of the airport. Eloise Hill: Q: How do you determine the criteria and weight variables to determine outcome? A: A formal process will be used to determine criteria and weights. At this time, we have not decided on who will be a part of the process. There will likely be a city appointed technical advisory committee that oversees process. The committee will likely include City Staff, airport users, and key stakeholders, ScottDavis: Q: Will the study be differentiating between the types of operations (landings, takeoffs, touch -and -goes)? is the study going to determine how many people are coming in to Kalispell to spend money and how much? Will the cameras be taking pictures of plane tail numbers? Will you be letting the people know what 39 assurances are? A: The study will not differentiate the type of operation performed. The critical information for planning purposes is the number of operations not the type. The cameras will photograph tail numbers and may help to determine if aircraft are locally based or are visiting from elsewhere. We will do our best to let public and city know and understand grant assurances. Q: Will there be a do nothing option? A: Yes. Steve Ecels: Q: Will you factor in a new business plan based off of direct management of the airport? Will you factor in legal considerations of the conditional use permit? When factoring economics, will you factor in the affect on the property values? A: City policy decision dictates airport management. Legal requirements regarding CUP will be part of the evaluation. Property values will need to be discussed to see if there is a feasible place to include in the study. It is likely that a study of property values would need to be performed by a specialty consultant. Ted Peterson: Q: Will Glacier International be considered as an alternative location for the airport? How will land acquisition be considered during the planning process and the potential for land acquisition? What is the plan for being reimbursed by the FAA for debt that has already been incurred from land acquisition and development at the airport? A: GPI will be considered as one of the alternate sites considered for site selection. On initial look, almost any alternative would have a need for land acquisition. Speck land needs will be developed with each alternative and, as part of the process, affected landowners will be met with. Additionally, land acquisition and the willingness of landowners to sell should be considered an evaluation criterion. The study will include both a non federally funded and a federally funded alternative. The Federally funded alternative would include a financial plan for Federal reimbursement of previously expended, eligible development costs and a time frame to repay that debt. A non -Federally funded alternative would obviously not include any reimbursement of debt. Page 4 of 5 ZAProject-Active\Airports10043 - Kalispell Cityk003-2010\Minutes & MeetingsTublic Meetings\1Cickoff Mating 9-22-10`,Meeting Min 9-22- 10.doc 0: Will there be an analysis performed using simulated jet engine sounds to see what effect does on community'? A: A Noise study could potentially be incorporated to take into account "what Ifs" Simulations are extremely costly and time consuming. There will have to be more discussion regarding whether a study like this Is feasible. Greg Goods: Q: Will you be looking at "highest and best use" of the property and the amount of revenue the airport generates be compared with alternatives assess otherlbest possible uses of airport land? is The study won't include an evaluation of "highest and best use" or alternative land uses. This Is beyond our area of expertise but is something the City may consider outside of the study. However, there will be a detailed look at the generation of airport revenue from based users at the airport. It is more difficult to project economic impact from itinerant users however. We may try to incorporate questions in the pilot survey that gauge the amount of indirect revenue generated by erant users (le hotels/restaurants). EFIRTOM �Ell Z:\Pro.icet-.ketive',,Aii-r,oil.3%0043 - Kalispell CitY603-2010,,Minutes &, MeetingsTublic Meetingq',KickoffMeedng 9-22-1 A4ectfiigJAin 9-22- 1 0AOC N, vl 1111111. Qj, ell city A'rpo S27 1. Welcome ■ Introductions ■ Key Contacts ■ Meeting Format ■ Background Kalispell [Itg Airport Master Plan Update "Kick -Off" Meeting Agenda 7:00 pm, Wednesday, September 22, 2010 Red Lion Hotel 20 North Main Street, Kalispell 2. Master Plan Process ■ What is an Airport Master Plan? ■ Master Plan Process ■ Key Planning Elements ■ Master Plan Update Schedule ■ Roles & Responsibilities 3. Available Planning Documents: ■ Master Plan Study by Morrison-Maierle, Inc. — August 1999 ■ Master Plan Amendment by Morrison-Maierle, Inc. — December 1999 ■ Site Selection Study by Robert Peccia & Associates — September 2001 ■ Environmental Assessment by Robert Peccia & Associates — December 2002 4. Available Resources: ■ City Airport Website: http://www.kalisgell.com/city airport/ ■ FAA Grant Assurances: http://mm.faa.gov/airports/­aip/grant assurances/ ■ MDT Aeronautics Division: http://www.mdt.mt.gov/aviationi ■ Useful FAA Advisory Circulars: TRIC URL Link Master Plans: http://www.faa.gov/airports/resources/advisorycirculars/index.cfm/go /document.information/documentNumber/150_5070-6B Airport Design: http://www.faa.gov/airports/resources/advisory_circulars/index.cfm/go /document.information/documentNumber/150-5300-13 Citizen Participation http://www.faa.gov/airports/resources/advisory gircularsfindex.cf n/go in Airport Planning: /document.information/documentNumber/150_5050-4 Airport System http://www.faa.gov/airports/resources/ac isor"irculars/index.cfm/go Planning Process /document.information/documentNumber/150_5070-7 G fD O V� u CL ,c C �30 �1% 70 N C cv'o Im � .0 ° 'a ., !If N �• N 3 CL N � N C a O r 3 Cr ? •t a G 7� m �If C) Shl H I N OD 4toAaLJ � w0 (A 3 A O2 m m 0 zil JbI tit 0 4 X Now r �Ll 0 c 0- CD 4 0 M cu 0 I .a CU c 0 _3 n• 0 0 r� 0 A 0 D OE m w 0 3 3 m m rt �*(D��p I I I (CDC rt -0 CD = p c) m 70 O O O —t T' Q N G Q � 3 r-P 00 -1 3 tom. 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