03/15/12 FAA/Application for Payment #5FRE:p - e ` r Federal ! Administration Memorandum Date: March 15, 2012 From: Gary Gates, HLN-610 2725 Skyway Dr; Ste 2, Helena, MT 59602 (406) 449-5230 To: Accounts Payable Branch, AMZ-110 Subject: ACTION: Application for Payment Number: 5 Partial Kalispell City Airport Kalispell, MT AIP Project No. 3-30-0043-003-2010 Grant Contract Number: DOT-FAIONM-2032 A scanned copy of FAA Form 5100-60 is submitted for payment. Based on the representation and certification contained in the payment request, I find the amount of $20,045 (shown on line V) to be an allowable project cost, not previously paid, and approved for payment. a. Accumulated previous payments......... $64,908.00 b. Amount approved this payment........... $20,045.00 c. Total accumulative payments .............. $84,953.00 d. Maximum grant amount. ....... ............ $92,910.00 e. Remaining balance ........................... $7,957.00 Gary tes, HLN-610 CITY Or- KALISPELL 1 Attachment 03/'23/12 3�@3 PN ras`' cc: ANM-613 City of Kalispell Stelling Engineers, Jeff Walla �ceaun f 4s)_2 -- 000 - 33i1a8-L�bl� Glacier Bank 2929-7082-5: Account Transactions FAA PLANNING GRT RECEIPT N0;P2190?4 AMOUNT FMN FA'A PLANNING Gr:T 20;045.00 PROJ33000430032010/CONTDOT-Ff IRM-2032 PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT AE TOTAL 20,045000 03/23/2012 Chea # 1(.9oPiI FAA TREAS 310 EDI MISC ACH Ent ry Memo Posted Today 0o, I 0 q 9.7 to iin a ;) ej -IV 5l'w,f I i h7 20,045.00 3-0?9 -12, C;� JTL.-iY REPORT AND REQUEST FOR REIMBURSEMENT OMB APPROVAL NO. 0348.0002 PAGE OF FOR CONSTRUCTION PROGRAMS 1 PAGES 1, TYPE OF REQUEST 2. BASIS OF REQUEST (SeeinGluclionaonbacy j 7 FINAL jXI PARTIAL X C ] CASH C ] ACCRUAL `iDERAL SPONSORING AGENCYAND ORGANIZATIONAL ELEMENT TO 4. FEDERAL GRANT OR OTHER 5. PARTIAL PAYMENT REQUEST NO. 41GH THIS REPOR71$ SUBMITTED IDENTIFYING NUMBER OOT-FAA ASSIGNED BY FEDERAL AGENCY Five (5) DOT•FAI C NM-2032 S. EMPLOYER IDENTIFICATION 7. RECIPIENT'S ACCOUNT NUMBEF PERIOD COVERED BY THIS REQUEST FROM tMonth, day, year) TO {Month, day, year) _ - NUMBER OR IDENTIFYING NUMBER 81-60D1281 3-30.0043.003-2010 1211712CII WJ2012 9. RECIPIENT ORGANIZATION 10. PAYEE (Where Check is lobe 4ent if different than ffem 9) Nemec City of Kalispell Name: No, and srmal: 201 1st Avenue East No. and Sin3eC City, State and Kalispell, MT 59901 City, state and ZIP Coda: Z;P Code: 11. STATUS OF FUNDS CLASSIFICATION TOTAL No. 1-3 No. 4 No, 5 a. Administrative expense $0_00 b. P 1[rninaryexpense $0.00 c- Land, structures, right-of-way $0.00 d, Architectural engineering basic fees $47,525.00 $20,500.00 $21,099.76 $89,424,76 e. Other architectural engineering fee $0,00 f. Project inspection fees $0.00 g. Land development $0,00 h, Relocation expense $0.00 L Relocation payments to individuals and businesses $0,00 ')emDlition and removal $0.00 .;. Construction and project improvement cost %00 1. Equipment 30,00 m. Miscellaneous cost $0,00 n. Total cumulative to data {sum oftines a fhru m) $47,825.00 $20,500.00 $21,099,76 $89,424.76 o. Deductions for program income p. Net cumulative to date (line n minus line o) $47,826.00 $20,500.00 $21,099.76 $89,424.76 q. Federal share to date $84,953.00 r. Rehabilitation grants (100% reimbursement) $0.00 s. Total Federal share (sum oftines q and r) $84,953.00 I. Federal payments previously requested $64,908.00 u. Amount requested for reimbursement $20,045.00 v. Percentage of physical completion of project (Grant Amount $92,910,00) 91.4% 12.CERTIFICATION SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICIAL DATE REPORTSUBMITED a. RECIPIENT �/l L i I 1 certify that to the best of my knowledge and - TYPEDO Eb44<MMDTITLE TELEPHONE rang roae,n�xc belief the billed costs or disbursements are in accordance with the terms of the project and that the reimbursement represents the Federal share Charles Harball (406) 753-7703 due which has not been previously requested and SIGNATURE OF AUTHORIZED CERTIFYING OFFICIAL DATE SIGNED that an inspection has been performed and all work is in accordance with the terms of the award. 318f2012 b. REPRESENTATIVE CERTIFYING TO LINE I TYPED OR PRINTED NAME AND TITLE TELEPHONE (A- a,—w. ' GIIQ EAM90.'e Jeff Walla, PE 406-765.8602 AU I nU KiZ-tu r V N LV t AL KtrKUUUD I IUN STANDARD FORrd 271 (Rev, 7,97) PREVIOUS EDITION USABLE Pro$400e0 by OMB CimularA-102 and A-110 271-103 Z:%Project-Act1veWrports10043- Kalispell Cityt003-2D1DiGrantstRFR's1RFR No 5f0043-003-2010 RFR No 5.xis