CCPU Insurance IndustryAviation Insurance The.Commer-cial:General;=Liability (CAL) Coverage Form=policy excludes Y�odrly 3uryor property damage,�resultmg,from the ownership, -maintenance, -or, Ouse ofaizcraft . Organizations that wish to insure their liability for aircraft liability exposures can purchase separate aircraft liability insurance. This coverage is usually provided in an aircraft insurance policy, which, like a commercial auto policy, can also be used to cover physical damage to insured aircraft. This chapter examines aircraft insurance and a specialized form of general liability insurance for airports, called airport liability insurance. Although airport liability insurance, like the COL form, normally excludes liability for the named insured's ownership, maintenance, or use of aircraft, it covers significant aircraft -related exposures and is therefore normally provided by the same insurers that underwrite aircraft hull and liability insurance. AIRCRAFT INSURANCE BACKGROUND Aircraft loss exposures are, for the most part, a combination of various types of exposures encountered in other endeavors. The insurance practices of the auto and marine fields apply to some degree to the aviation field as well. Marine insurance language, custom, and usage played a prominent role in the construction of early policies. After all, an aircraft was comparable to a boat more than to anything else; its medium was air instead of water, but it used a similar power plant and was subject to the same perils of weather as any seago- ing vessel. Even today, physical damage insurance on aircraft is referred to as 13.1