Various Complaints 2008-20101 7 Fred A. Leistiko, Airport Manager Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 5 903 elc h c () 758-77 2/(Cell) 250- 0 5/Fax - (6) 75 -7753 TO: Theresa White, Clerk of Records FM: Fred Leistiko, Airport Manager SUBJ: Kalispell City Airport Complaint Files In response to your request for a copy of the Complaint Files for the Kalispell City Airport, I have attached a copy of every email I could find in the airport archive files. I have no complaints that are pre-2008 that I could find. Please be aware that the airport routinely receives 2 or 3 phone messages per year that are left on the airport telephone number voice mail. These are hard to respond to because the callers normally do not leave their name or a number so I can call them back. If I suspect the aircraft might be from Kalispell City Airport, I will check it out. Each year I receive 2 or 3 messages about noisy aircraft that I have an opportunity to actually talk to an individual. In all cases where I talk to an individual who has a noise complaint, I ask them to please send me a written complaint for my files. Their response, most of the time, is that it is not worth taking the time to write it down since the occasion is so rare. I am always courteous to callers and I always follow up on complaints if they are timely. I also explain that calling me about an aircraft that was noisy a week after it happens is impossible for me to track down the culprit. The last two complaints I received this summer both involved aircraft in the West Valley area. I explain that GPI flight training school uses West Valley while we use South Valley off the north end of Flathead Lake for our training. That way we are not in each other's way. As you know, there are 168 hours in a seven day week and I work as the airport manager only 20 hours a week (1/2 time) and not all of that is at the airport. I have bills to pay and maintenance to schedule for the airport, plus all my mail and computer support is at City Hall. I would say that I am probably physically on the airport about 15 hours a week. The City can not afford to have me standing at the airport from 6:00 A.M. to 8:00 P.M. every day. I hope this information helps. From: Theresa White Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:53 PM To: Charlie Harball; Fred Leistiko Subject: FW: Airport From: Scott Scott [mailto:maxwellsnortsnort@hotmail.com] Sent: Thursday, September 09, 2010 3:46 PM To: Jane Howington; Theresa White; Scott Davis Subject: Airport Dear City Manager and Council Members, 09-09-2010 Again we are inquiring about our requests for public records/complaints sent and called into the city airport managers office about the City Airport over the last few years. It's been several months now and we still have not received the information that was requested, you have assured the council that you were working on it, and told us that it was on your desk. Also we have sent a number of letters/complaints to you and the council about noise complaints of Red Eagle Aviation, and requesting there removal from our City Airport Property. We still have not received any communications from the City on this issue/matter. Also the city residents are aware that they are no longer protected by the City Police department on any noise complaints they may have with the City airport. Does the City Manager and the Council feel that this is right that it denies the residents with this protection? Does the City not Respond to written correspondence with the residents of this city? This issue has been brought up many, many times at council meetings, the public wants action on this issue. Please address this matter. Scott Davis 448 5th. Avenue West Kalispell, Montana 59901 406-752-1523 Fred Leistiko From Scott Scott Sent: Wednesday, August 04, 2010 12:36 PM To: bidoa/ler65@hotmi| b rtie -__` __-` Teresa, Please make sure every member of the council receives a copy of this public letter Dear Mayor and City Council Members; HIS Now many of the residents of Kalispell want you our council to address the noise issue of Red Eagle Aviation out at OUR city owned and operated public airport. The Kalispell Police department refuses to act on any and all noise complaints corning from the City airport, the F.A.A. states that it is City Issue and that vwsmust remove the irritant. The residents of kalispell are not upset with the local pilots and out of town visitors (if any) that use our publicly owned airport. But the main problem is the lack of foresight of the past council to allow a aviation training facility to operate out of and over our city and residents. The continual landings and taking offs are a public nuisance and noise irritant of residents and local business operators. And we the residents want you the Council to put a stop to it. As we are aware that the lease agreement is not valid and is not legal. Please set this Upfor Council and Public discussion, you do not need a F.A.A. grant study todothis. Ifeel ifthe City ofKalispell wants tohave anairport within its city limits, any repetitious landing and take offs as Red Eagle Aviation does should be denied if the airport wants to remain at it's present location. F.A.A.has advised Red Eagle to fly neighborly and showed them a exit corridor to fly, but they do not comply, and our airport manager has not been successful in getting them to comply. So we feel that they have been given enough opportunity to cooperate and are unwilling to do so. We vm)u|d like the city council to make arrangement to start removing them for our city property. This issue with Red Eagle Aviation has been going on for a few years now. The residents of Kalispell have had enough. Public acknowledgement and response ofthis letter is expected. Fred Leistiko From: Scott Scott Sent: Wed /o: moce/mn65@normoxoom;marnenon u/uzen:@ouu/eauu/uzenuu/ mness.nom; I requested the Council to review and consider the merits of the F.A.A.grant study. Xs to my understanding that the council members that voted for the F.A.A. grant study will not consider reevaluating or reconsider such a vote. Being a resident and tax payer of this city I'm deeply sadden by such behavior and waist of our money. It also disturbs me that acknowledgement of this request was not even addressed. Many resident of this city are not pleased with your actions. And hopefully atelection time these actions ofyours will b8noted. Now many of the residents of Kalispell want you our council to address the noise issue of Red Eagle Aviation out at OUR city owned and operated public airport. The Kalispell Police department refuses to act on any and all noise complaints coming from the City airport, the F.A.A. states that it is City Issue and that vve must remove the irritant. The residents of kalispell are not upset with the local pilots and out of town visitors (if any) that use our publicly owned airport. But the main problem is the lack of foresight of the past council to allow a aviation training facility to operate out of and over our city and residents. The continual landings and taking offs are a public nuisance and noise irritant of residents and local business operators. And we the residents want you the Council to put stop to it. As we are aware that the lease agreement is not valid and is not legal. Please set this upfor Council and Public discussion, you d0 not need a F.A.A. grant study to do this. Ifeel Kthe City nfKalispell wants tuhave anairport within it's city limits, any repetitious landing and take offs ay Red Eagle Aviation does should be denied if the airport wants to remain at it's present location. F.A,A.has advised Red Eagle to fly neighborly and showed them a exit corridor to fly, but they do not comply, and our airport manager has not been successful in getting them to comply. So we feel that they have been given enough opportunity to cooperate and are unwilling to do so. We would like the city council to make arrangement to start removing them for our city property. This issue with Red Eagle Aviation has been going on for a few years now. The residents of Kalispell have had enough. Fred Leistiko Fromm: Theresa White Sent: Monday, August 092010801AM To: Duane Larson; Duane Larson; Jeff Zouner;Jim Atkinson; Jim Atkinson Ootkineon@flethead.mt.) Kai Gabriel; Randy Kenyon flobertHaffennan; robertt��montona�com�Tannmi�isher�Tim�|uaen�cVVovneGoverud .. . ^ Cc: Jane Howington;Charlie HarbaU; Fn»dLeiotiko Subject: FW: Eckels greeting/comment -----Original Message ----- From: Steve Eckels [mailto:eckeIs@ouitarmusicman.com] Sent: Sunday, August 08, 2010 0:59 AM To: Theresa White [c: Scott Scott Subject: EckeIs greeting/comment It's been a while. I've been meaning to write regarding the death of those kids in the recent airplane crash. In a parallel universe - there would have been an official at the airport overseeing flights (like the rangers at Glacier Pork). This official might have warned the kids that: l. The weather was hot and to use caution on quick changes of elevation 2. The plane was 43 years old and under a full load - what precautions to take. Would you let your kids take a 43 year old car into the wilderness? I still don't understand why there is no oversight (that I know of) at the airport - not the manger/ not the FBO,,,. As a shareholder, I am not comfortable letting our aviator guests travel without some friendly oversight/guidance. Could we pass a law to commemorate the death of these kids? The law would put restrictions on the age of planes flying over our town. 43 years old? Where were you 43 years ago when the plane was built? The other crash involved an old 'unker. Also, we pay to play golf, to use the pool, heck, aren't there regulations for the skateboard park? In my new neighborhood we have an association that chips in to pay to have the grass mowed and for oversight of covenants. .,.why are aviators given a free pass? A fee might pay the salary for a sky ranger to be on duty and prevent tragedies like the crash we recently had. Thanks and good luck. Steve Eckels 0 Fred Leistiko ScoftRkchardoo mmoom] Thursday,June 24'2O101:0QPK8 FredLeisdko FVV:Airpnort Here you go little fella! From: .cum [ma Uho:den zzon] Sent: Thursday, June 24,281O11,46AM To: Scott Richardson Sounds like it is turning into a witch hunt for Red Eagle Aviation... Looks as though we should resurrect that resolution. What isyour schedule next week — Tuesday orW/ed7T? Denise M. Smith Executive Director Flathead Business and Industry Association Kalispell, MT599O1 From: Scott Scott [niaUto:hotnnaU.con] Sent: Thursday, June 24/2O1O1U:S9AM To: bidra|ler65@h[tnlai|.com; bertlenon@h0tmoiicnm; vvayne—/ncn�ichae|@amat.com; zatm|ke��oanturyLe|.nat rn.paubon��bresnan.net mnarykxan;Vn��bresnan.ne�Minch_U5��hotmai|.00n); hamnnanquist12@yahoo.conn; hedh@bresnan.net; nobertt@nnoDtana.conn;fschrneter@centuryte|.nat kvv59903@centuryLe|.net; wisebunch@bnasnan.net; kenyon@cyberport.net; peggy|ee@nnarketvounart.conm;njdandis@yahoo.cunn;crystal |ynn sei|ar;pou|inemn@cyberport.net; m jocat@abouhnontano.nat;odnoauon@centurybs|.net;iaabeUe@montanaskv.corn; jprass@centuryte|.nat douise@gnnai|.com; susanneVconnor@centuryte|.net; roxiebrothens@oenturyte|.net vv. nn.; Scott Davis; phi|.cjpUc@vahoo.comn;jo-b|ake@bnesnan.neL; tom l_amith|in@hotmai|.conn; nntnockz@yohno.conm; |inda397@centuryte|.net;MaryeFlowers; job|ake@bresnan.net;eoke|s@Quitannusicman.com; joann_vitovec2003@yahoo.conn;nmori|ynrnrn@bresnan.netdieep@brasnan.net;wnncnnichae|@seonitno|.00nn; »grnike|son@gnnaiiconn; csopte|ean@dai|yinter|oke.o»m; phi|janig@yahoo.conn; kuh|pan@cyberpu±net; stokey@z600.conn; gundnuno@fusa.net; o RICKYBIA5; jerry; d Dawn-d Davis; iqdasco|i@netscape.net; nJim ]; Sandra Green; 833n0berts@hotnmai|.conn; beth nncdona|d; Shannon; nlikedavis; hnka|e@dai|yinter|ake.corn; dtesto@fmtheadbeaoon.00m;dan|vnnesmith@hotmai|.cnm;denise@0atheadbuuiness.00mn;jnni@rnedindata.com AIRPORT STUDY {}RINVESTIGATION? I'm not sold on doing any studies about this airport using F.A.A. grant money. All itisdoing is using more of taxpayers money to find other ways to use F.A.A. grant moneys (y4ona tax payers Money) to expand and develop this airport and remove it from our control. We have spent hundreds of thousands on studies already. The people of Kalispell do not want an expanded runway , nor do we want F.A.A. involvement in our airport as we don't want to be subjected to the 39 assurances they will put a pond us. What we need is a STUDY/INVESTIGATION, in how and why the City paid Red Eagle $774,000.00 ( 3/4 OF A MILLION DOLLARS) for such a small piece of land and then gave them a 20 year lease with two 5 year options to extend there lease, AND only a $1500.00 a month lease agreement ( you can't even rent a house for that ), WITH OUT THE COUNCILS APPROVAL AND VOTE, they are going to tell you that they made a resolution or ordinance to allow the management to do this, Wrong! It has to be the vote of the council, no where in that rule can be delegated to anyone else. But they won't tell you that they broke Montana Code Annotated 7-8-4201 by doing so. Our City Attorney, City Manager, City Airport manager, Mayor and Some Council Members were all in on this with Red Eagle Aviation and other lease holders out there ( you can see all there signatures on the contracts ). Our new City manager stated that the rules were broke, she almost signed one. I'm shocked to see our city attorneys signature on them, he know the laws! Let's do a study on who broke the laws first. I believe Red Eagle and our city airport manager was in on it because they knew if we were to get the F.A.A. grant to expand the runway they would be left out. BECAUSE of the 39 assurance state that there will be no through the fence business on the F.A.A. funded and run airport. I asked the City Manager, how did Red Eagle property come up for sale and why did we buy it? She said Oh, property just comes up for sale now and then and we bought it to improve our airport safety zone. $774K? For a small piece of land? Monks have 11 acres there for a lot less for sale, but city is not buying it. No answer. Now I'm being told we can't break the lease agreements or we will be sued by Red Eagle and others, I think the court should decide on who can sue who. People will start chirping like birds if they think they may see some jail time for doing some inside dealing and miss use of public funds. Maybe Red Eagle wants' to buy back there land and rip up there lease. Let's not get any deeper by doing more studies and continue to expand. Maybe we should talk about the Moneys of the land that Roseuars and Hilton sit on and the Armory deal and the dealing on the Radio Towers. And all the other land purchases the city has made out that way. And why did we spend 2. something million on land purchases when they knew they couldn't get the F.A.A. moneys to pay it back? Let's get "Progressive" "Let's make things right" "Let be Honest" It's our response ability to correct past city employees mistakes and wrong doings. And bring to justus people that abuse the system and us. Scott Davis 448 5th. Ave. West Kalispell , Montana 59901 406-752-1523 The New Busy think 9 to 5 is a cute idea. Combine multiple calendars with Hotmail. Get busy. Hotmail has tools for the New Busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox. Learn more. -, Leistiko From: Scott Scott [maxwellsnortsnort@hotmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, May 19, 2010 2:48 PM To: Fred Leistiko; Jane Howington; tammi@fisherlaw.org; councilmembers@kalispell.com Subject: Airport OPEN LETTER TO CITY AIRPORT MANAGER To: Mr. Leistiko, City Airport Manager. As you are aware or should be aware, that there are a lot of complaints being generated about the activities at our City Airport, concerning Aircraft noise over our schools and residents of this fine city. Most of the complaints are concerning the business of Red Eagle Aviation, and a few pilots that are not complying with F.A.A. recommendation of flight paths after taking off. Nor the concerns of the residents and warnings of the Kalispell Police Department. As of yet have I heard of no warnings or recommendations or statements to these people from you our City Airport Manager. We have a City noise ordnance, and being that this noise is coming from city owned property, it must be dealt with accordance to city law, our air space is under this law. I personally have been in contact with the Kalispell Police Department and the F.A.A. Flight Standards Division, and have raised concerns of this matter with the City Manager and The City Council. And nothing is being done about this, also the many News paper articles of people complaining of the aircraft noise. So I have been advised by the F.A.A. to collect all reports on this matter and send it to them and they will take care of this problem as it seems the City or your office will not. I know for a fact that you have been given complaints as far back as three years. So I'm requesting all documentation in your records of complaints sent to you and all reports of people that have called you on complaints of low flying aircraft, noise of aircraft, and concerns of aircraft flying over there homes and schools. These reports will be compiled with F.A.A and Sheriff and Police Reports and letters from residents of this city and made known to F.A.A. as to there request. These documents can be sent to me: Scott Davis at 448 5th. Avenue West, Kalispell ,Montana 59901 or please call ( 752-1523 or 212-8439) and I can come pick them up. The New Busy is not the old busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbox. Get started. ��Wll 12MUSIUKOOSIMM Now that summer is almost here, I would again like to bring up the issue of aircraft noise pollution. Last fall one of our Council Members stated that noise is not a problem and some of the comments "made his blood boil" and ""increased his blood pressure". I beg your pardon but noise is and will continue to be a problem for residents of south Kalispell. This issue is not going away and it will be an extremely derelict if the council chooses to ignore our rights to Mquiet enjoyment" of our properties. It seems the Council and the City of Kalispell have given consideration to Red Eagle Aviation, pilots from other towns, the business community of Kalispell, and now it would be nice if you could give the citizens of south Kalispell the same consideration and find a way to mitigate the droning noise of airplane engines circling overhead all day. It appears from the comments that have come in that the people would like to see the airport continue as a small municipal airport. They do not want an expansion. Many of the concerns had to do with Red Eagle Aviation Flight School. That is where most of the noise is generated. The Flight School is incompatible with residential living. Th-. Flight School needs to relocate to Glacier Park International Airport where they would be welcomed. As a side note, both my brother and sister-in-law are design engineers for Boeing Corporation with a combined 50-years experience. My sister-in-law works in Engine Analysis and is more than a little familiar with FAA requirements, etc. With regard to Kalispell"s wish to receive FAA reimbursement/funding, she encouraged me to protest because, as she says, ""This is a road you don't want to go down." We stand to lose all local control of issues such as noise and traffic. Fromm: ChadieHarbaU Sent: Thursday May2O 201010:36AM To: FradLeisUko Cc: Jane Howingbun;TammiFisher Subject: RE: Airport I have some recollection that Jane gave the directive that because Of the abusive behavior of Mr. Davis toward you, he was to direct all of his inquiries to her and not to you. I notice that he used the scattergun approach on this one. In the meantime, you might want to collect any of the documentation that you have regarding complaints you have received and we will find out if any FAA office is truly interested in receiving this documentation. It may be a little premature, but as Jeff Walla goes through his work, he will need this documentation aswell. From: Fred Leistiko To: Charlie Harball Subject: FW: Airport Charlie, your comments please. Fred A. Leistik0 4irportManager City ofKaUspeU P.O. Box1B97 406-250-3065 From: Scott Scott [nlaUto:nlaxvvelisnortsmort@hotmaUzon] Sent: Wednesday, May 19,2010Z:48Hq To: Fred LeisUko;Jane Hovvington; tannrni@fishedavv.ong;coumj|nnenobecS@ka|ispeU.00nn Subject: Airport To: Mr. Leistiko, City Airport Manager. As you are aware or should be aware, that there are a lot ofcomplaints being generated about the activities at our City Airport, concerning Aircraft noise over our schools and residents of this fine city. Most of the complaints are concerning the business of Red Eagle Aviation, and a few pilots that are not complying with F.A.A. recommendation of flight paths after taking off. Nor the concerns of the residents and warnings of the Kalispell Police Department. As of yet have I heard of no warnings or recommendations 0rstatements to these people from you our City Airport Manager. We have a City noise ordnance, and being that this noise is coming from city owned property, it must be dealt with accordance to city law, our air space is under this law. I personally have been in contact with the Kalispell Police Department and the F.A.A. Flight Standards Division, and have raised concerns of this matter with the City Manager and The City Council. And nothing is being done about this, also the many News paper articles of people complaining of the aircraft noise. So I have been advised by the F.A.A. to collect all reports on this matter and send it to them and they will take care of this problem as it seems the City or your office will not. I know for a fact that you have been given complaints as far back as three years. So I'm requesting all documentation in your records of complaints sent to you and all reports of people that have called you on complaints of low flying aircraft, noise of aircraft, and concerns of aircraft flying over there homes and schools. These reports will be compiled with F.A.A and Sheriff and Police Reports and letters from residenbi of this city and made known to F.A.A. as to there request. These documents can besent to me: Scott Davis at448 Sth. Avenue West, Kalispell /Montana 59901 or please call ( 752-1523 or 212-8439) and I can come pick them up. Fred Leistiko From: Jim Pierce |eaviadon.00nll Sent: April 20.2U107:42AM To: Freouaoono Cc: ii.00m Subject: RE: Planes Good Morning Guys, Itwould begreatly appreciated to the color and ortype ofhelicopter so|could educate them personally. Just for your informationtheneareon|ytwo"approved"routesthst|havebeenpushingfnrmtheSEand1he/areSVVofthetovvers and the other is straight in from the river, over the County shop and industrial area. | have noproblem talking 1nanyone eslong as|can know who itis. | have not had any opposition from any pilot when | speak tothem. Have a great day, Jim Pierce Red Eagle Aviation Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 4:32 PM To: tom read Cc: Jim@redeagleaviation.com Subject: RE: Planes We have a few aircraft coming in from the remote dirt and grass strips in the valley to park atthe City Airport until their landing field are dried upand not sosoft ormuddy. That accounts for some ofthe low flying small aircraft, 4sfor the helicopters, they are required to avoid the flow of fixed wing traffic unless they are staying in the traff is pattern for training. So, depending on the fixed wing traffic, the helicopters get out however and whenever they can. We encourage them to delay a few minutes instead of shooting out below the fixed wing traffic. VVewill trytoremind our crews and see ifvvecan get more cooperation. Thanks Fred AL Leistiko /Vrport;�an�Qer [ityofKalispell P.O.Box 1997 Kalispell, MT599O3 406-250-3065 Sent: Sunday, April 18, 2010 11:54 AM To: Fred Leistiko Subject: Planes Hi, we are again getting the low flying planes and an increasing number of helicopters. They are beginning to eclipse the good guys who go out of their way to be kind to us -to them I am very thankful. I i?m unsure as to why they seem to fly right over my house when heading easterly, but numerous people do. The good guys go around the towers and then go east The helicopters are doing it going out aswell as in. Thanks, Tom Read Hotnlei| has tools for the New Busy. Search, chat and e-mail from your inbon. Learn more, Fred 'Leistiko From: torn road ounl Sent: Sunday, February 28, 20106:55PM To: Fred Leistiko Subject: Sunday Evening 4avvetold the FAA, it is very hard to get atei| nunnber. Tonight beginning about 5:30, we had a guy shouting landings. l noticed he was louder than most who appeared to be flying around the tovvery. On watching him he had already made his turn and was heading north over the first tower, thus going right over all the houses. It started where I could see him out rnyfront window, but got progressively more directly overhead. This was an hour long performance, and the plane was a white Cessna with what appeared to be dark red stripes on the sides. Those who fly Around the towers are relatively quiet going both directions, unless one of them has a loud prop. Thanks, Torn Read Your E-mail and More On -the -Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. Sicin uo no . Fred Leistiko From: tom read icon] Sent: Monday, February 22.20108:44PM /o: FreoLe/suno Subject: RE: Low flights I sent a reply to Red Eagle too -just saying that not all people are out there raising hell. Many people are really good about flying around the towers and it is very much appreciated and noted that they are trying, Others it seems just can't bother to do the right thing and go where they want how they want and without concern about those trying to live here, The copter looked red to me, but I saw it flying away from me -could have been another color but looked red to me -had a v-type tail I think, and was not big like the Alert craft. At any rate I never ever begrudge those people flying over, they are only getting there as fast as they can. I can tell Alert coming a mile away, and this was a smaller craft than theirs. Don't mean to get crabby about it, but all it takes is one or 2 to wreck it for everybody. All we ask is a little common courtesy-1 never asked them to quit flying. Thanks Much! Tom Read From: fleistiko@kalispell.com To: trnyr@hotmail.com Subject: RE: Low flights I am sorry to hear that the low flying aircraft have disturbed your Sunday afternoon again. | will try tochase down the culprits if I can. I will start with forwarding this message to Red Eagle Aviation because there are only two red helicopters that come near the Kalispell City Airport. One isthe ALERT helicopter and the other one belongs toRed Eagle Aviation. |fthe ALERT helicopter iscoming infrom the south going tothe hospital itcomes right next tnthe City Airport. Airplanes should be climbing out and up as they leave the airport and should not be a problem. |f|remember correctly you live north of the KGEZ towers and we try to get our aircraft to go south of the towers as they climb out to avoid your place. { will see what | can come upwith. Thanks for your information. Fred A. Leistik Airport Manager City ofKalispell P.O.Box l997 Na|ispeU,MT59QO3 Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 5:12 PM To: Fred Leistiko Subject: Low flights Again we are getting more and more lower flying aircraft over our home. As I have repeatedly said, we must be on a due east course from the airport as they are flying the same direction each time -that is the ones who aren't flying landings. I have begun to believe with all the airport hubbub that this is deliberate. The last one so far today was a helicopter at app. 4:50 PM who couldn't have been a hundred feet over my house. It appeared to be red, but all I could see was the rear portion as it headed to the airport. I stayed away from all those protest meetings and have tried to be fair, but these so-called "fly -boys" are a bunch of selfish self centered so and so's anymore as far as I'm concerned. 5:08 PM, there went another I RIIIIIRIF Ili! I , 0 om @11 Fred Leistiko From: FredLeisUko Sent: Monday, February 22.201011:01AM Cc: JeneHmwington;'Jim@nedeooleeviotion.00no' Subject: RE: Low flights Um I am sorry to hear that the low flying aircraft have disturbed your Sunday afternoon again. ! will try tochase down the culprits if1can. | will start with forwarding this message toRed Eagle Aviation because there are only two red helicopters that come near the Kalispell City Airport. One is the ALERT helicopter and the other one belongs to Red Eagle Aviation. If the ALERT helicopter is coming in from the south going to the hospital it comes right next to the City Airport. Airplanes should be climbing out and up as they leave the airport and should not be a problem, if remember correctly you live north ofthe KGEZ towers and wetry toget our aircraft togo south ofthe towers osthey climb out to avoid your place. | will see what | can come up with. Thanks for your information. Fred A. Le|sBko Airport Manager City ofKalispell P,O. BoxI897 Kalispell, MT5g0O3 406-250-30,65 Sent: Sunday, February 21, 2010 5:12 PM To: Fred Leistiko Subject: Low flights Again we are getting more and more lower flying aircraft over our home. As I have repeatedly Said, we must be on a due east course from the airport as they are flying the same direction each time -that is the ones who aren't flying landings. I have begun to believe with all the airport hubbub that this is deliberate. The last one so far today was a helicopter at app. 4:50 PM who couldn't have been a hundred feet over my house. It appeared to be red, but all I could see was the rear portion as it headed to the airport. l stayed away from all those protest meetings and have tried to be fair, but these so-called "fly -boys" are bunch of selfish self centered go and so's anymore as far as I'm concerned. 5:08 P[VI, there went another plane. I guess any nice Sunday I can kiss off to allow these guys their little hobby. Isthis what vveget from the "city fathers'"decision tokeep that place going? lsay thanks for nothing. Tom Read Fred Leistiko From: Fred Leistiko Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2009 12:44 PM To: Denise Michel; Jane Howington Subject: RE: complaint on low flying plane Due tothe terrible weather inthe afternoon, vxehad very little flying. | did notice anolder twin engine aircraft take off north and turn northeast bound under very low visibility. | didn't recognize the aircraft amit was not one of our based aircraft. However, due to the low visibility the aircraft did not climb into the clouds so his noise level would have been louder than normal. I happened to be going out to the airport from City Hall about that time and saw the aircraft, but could not get anID. | was just south ofCity Hall onMain Street atthe time. Which would make itclose toher neighborhood when | saw it. Unfortunately it was about a 3 to 5 second event, but could have been louder than normal. Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City ofKalispell P.O,Box 1997 Kalispell, MT5gyO3 406-250-3065 From: Denise Michel To: Fred Leistiko; Jane Howington Subject: complaint on low flying plane Acitizen called at2:16tnlodge acomplaint. She stated that a very loud, low flying airplane flew over her house at 2:10 today and she is very unhappy. She islocated inthe 4O0block ufSthAve East. Noname was provided. She would like the Airport Manager to look into this issue. Thanks, Denise Fred Leistiko From: Terry Roe [terryroe@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, August 24, 2009 7:59 PM To: Fred Leistiko Subject: Re: Low flying aircraft Sunday morning Fred, Thanks for getting back to me. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to get a tail number. I was bleary-eyed from being woken up so early (6:45). This plane looked like a trainer. I saw it coming in from the south after an apparent refueling run, which it did a few times. It was flying very low, so the noise was quite excessive. It was difficult for me to see because I have some trees in the way. I will try to get a tail number the next time, though. Thanks for the apology even though it wasn't your fault. It's nice to know someone is thinking about and looking into this issue. m On Mon, Aug 24, 2009 at 6:50 PM, Fred Leistiko <fleistikoakalis Dell.co > wrote: Terry Roe: Your message was forwarded to me by the City Manager to investigate. I also heard the same aircraft circling the area NW of the City that morning. I checked with Red Eagle Aviation at the City Airport and they only had two flights on the schedule for Sunday and both where in the afternoon. As far as I can determine, this flight did not come from the City Airport. Therefore, it had to come from one of the other airports in the area. I know for a fact, because I have flown with a GPI Instructor, that GPI and others use the west practice area that comes as far south as the new High School. Unfortunately, the City does not have the resources to chase down all the low flying aircraft that come near the City limits. We do however, rely on citizens like yourself to get us a tail number, if possible, and I can locate the owner of the aircraft on the computer and have a discussion with them about noise abatement. I can assure you that the pilots based at the City Airport are very aware of our noise abatement procedures and try very hard to observe them. Unfortunately, takeoffs and landings are a different story all together. Without more data, all I can do is apologize for the idiot at the wheel of that aircraft. They give us all a bad name. Kindest regards, i-ed A. L lsfiko i'.0, Box 1997 40-250-3) 6-5 Fred Leistiko From: Dan Norderuld [dan@RPA-HLN.COM] Sent: Thursday, July 23, 2009 10:32 AM To: Fred Leistiko Cc: Rick Donaldson Subject: RE: FAA Airport Environmental Considerations Fred - There's certainly a historic aspect to the airport site. The cultural report done in 2002 didn't identify any residential or commercial structures on the airport or in the vicinity that were of historic age (at least 50 years old). The State Historic Preservation Office agreed with the findings of the cultural report --no impacts. One of Mr. Eckel's phone comments to me yesterday was that the airport causes "noise pollution" impacts in the historic districts established in Kalispell. I told him that this would likely be a very difficult thing to both analyze and prove. The historic districts in Kalispell were likely established to recognize concentrations of historic architectural structures or significant intact old neighborhoods in the community. While aircraft noise (and other sources of noise- Harleys with straight pipes!) are indirect effects, it would be a big stretch for anyone to prove that aircraft noise ai,ecrsely aKreets the "a%ds #r char2ettristics that were Ysei"# niminate .xaf inCyiival strwcUircs #r Iistriclic irf ttleen to the National Register of Historic Places. These historic sites and districts were established many years after the airport was developed. ME >>> "Fred Leistiko" <fIeisUko(f':bkali5pgIl.corn> 7/22/2009 9:08 PIVI >>> Thanks for copying me on this, The Kalispell City Airport has been in its current location for almost 80 years, wouldn't you consider that an historical site? Fred A, Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.0, Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 Sent: Wednesday, 3uly 22, 2009 4:08 PM To: eckels@guitarmusicman.com Cc: Rick Donaldson Subject: FAA Airport Environmental Considerations Mr. Eckels - The link below will take you to a publication produced by the FAA titled "Environmental Desk Reference for Airport Actions" (October 2007). This document addresses the environmental subject areas typically addressed in environmental reviews for airport projects. You will note that the subject areas cover various aspects of the human and natural environments. htti)://www.faa.aov/airDorts/environmental/environmental desk ref Please be aware that this FAA guidance supercedes the guidance that was in place at the time the Environmental Assessment for the Kalispell City Airport was prepared. As I mentioned to you during our conversation, the degree to which the environmental subjects are discussed and analyzed varies depending upon the scope of the airport project and the characteristics of the project area. - Since you had several concerns about the Public Hearing for the Environmental Assessment, I would direct you to review the contents of APPENDIX F in the Final Environmental Assessment for the Kalispell City Airport. This appendix includes evidence of legal notice for the public hearing, pre -hearing publicity in the Daily Interlake, a transcript of the public hearing and testimony offered, written comments received, and sign -in sheets showing some 20-25 people (not counting RPA staff or folks affiliated with the City Airport) attended the hearing. Thank you for your interest in this project. Dan Norderud Daniel M. Norderud. AICP 1 Environments! Studies Division fillanager ROBERT PECCIA & ASSOCIATES, INC. I P.O. Box 5653 1 Helena, MT 59604 406.447.5007 1406.447.5036 (fax) 1 ggn@_rka-hin.com hftD:I/tivww.roa-hin.com- The materials transmitted by this electronic mail are confidential, are only for the use of the intended recipient, and may be subject to applicable privileges. Any unauthorized dissemination, distribution, or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please immediately notify the sender and destroy all copies of the communication and any attachments. Fred Leistiko Fnmrn: Fred Leistko[fleisdko@ka|i U.com) Sent: Wednesday,July 22,20009:21PK8 To: 'tom read' Subject RE:oropduster Tom: You will probably be happy to know that we plan to move the runway a 1000 feet south when we build the new one. Also, the NGEZtowers will have toberemoved before vvecan dmthat. This should beapermanent solution tothe noise over your house. Fred A. Le|s8lro Airport Manager City ofKalispell P,U. BoxI�Q7 Kalispell, MTG99O3 406-250-3065 From: tom read [nlaUko:trnyr@hotnlai|.Com] Sent. Monday, July 20, 2006:47PM To:floistiko@koUspeU.com Subject: RE: crooduStar Thanks for your efforts! I watched that guy fly just to the north of me and he was far lower than most aircraft flying out. He went right over my house quite early and just as low. Made fewer flights than las,i year so far. The folks flying around the towers have by and large been doing a good job -very little to gripe about! I live at 29 Lower Valley Rd., or about a block and a half from the 93/Willow Glen jct., and must be exactly due east of where planes lift off, as when they avoid the towers, they fly right over my house, headed that way. Thanks Again! FrOrn:Meisdko@ka|ispeU.corn To: hotmai|.corn Subject: RE: 000duster Date: Sun, 19]u| 2009 21:19:26-0600 I have not seen the cropcluster yet. 1 will try to catch him this week when he lands to refuel. If I remember correctly, you live inthe lower valley area, right? | will try toget him tofly the pattern other aircraft dowhen hetakes off to the south. Fred �Leistiko Airport Manager City ofKalispell P.O.Box 1gQ7 KaUslrjeU,MT5819O� Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 8:07 AM Mr. Leistiko, the very same plane has returned, and is doing what it did last year, flying low over and over again beginning at an early hour. I complained to the FAA last year, who claimed they would have a word with the company, which if they did, was not heeded. They should not be granted permission to use the airport if they can't operate in a safe and decent manner, Tom Read • From: fleiSdko@ka|ispeU.uurn •To: trnyr@hotmai|.corn •Subiect: RE: crooduster • Date: Fri, 22 Aug 2008 16:18:20 -OGOO » >Torn: » » If and when he comes back next year and you see him flying, call me and I • will get his number for you to ce|| the FAA. He does have to come back to • the airport to refuel. That's the |avv of flight, take -off is optional, but • landing ismandatory. � • Fred A. LeiE±iko • Airport Manager • City ofKalispell • P.O. Box1997 • Kalispell, MT599Q3 •4O6-25O-3O6S � • -----Origina| Message----- • From: torn read [rnai|to:trnyr@hotrnai|.cnnn] • Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 I:OZ PM • To: Fred Leistiko • Subject: RE: cropduster � � • This guy wasn't even flying 500 feet over the homes here -as he did last year • too. When itshakes your house and you can snne|| insecticide there is • definite height problem. The FAA told rn8 that they have no jurisdiction for • the city airport and that any complaints have tobefiled with you. • Otherwise if this guy or any other is doing something careless I am to get O • tail number and turn it in to them for possible action. Very hard to get a • tail number when all you see is the bottom of his plane at 100 miles per • hour. I drove over to the airport to try to get one and could not get dose • enough. They obviously feel safe in doing this every year. Thanks > -------_'-----------------------_------ >> Fn}rn:MeisUko@ka|ispe||.corn >> To: trnyr@hotrnai|.corn >> Subject: RE: crnpduSter >> Dote: Thu, 21 Aug 2008 10:57;44 -0600 x>Tom: >> The crop duster, Campbell Aviation from Dutton, Montana is here every year »> under contract with Cenex to do aerial spraying. He pays a cornnnarcio| fee >> to use the public airport the same as everyone e|se. I have control of > him >> on the airport, but once he leaves the runway he is under FAA rules. I >hava >> discussed our noise abatement procedures with him every year he arrives. >He >>isnot allowed to fly over opopulated area below 1,000 feet, except for >x take -off and landing. The State Aviation Department has an aerial >> applicators association that you might contact and complain to. The FAA »may >>baable towarn him, ifyou have proof ofhis low flying topresent to »tharn. >> I don't chase aircraft after they leave the airport. >> Campbell Aviation has left for the season, but will return next year for a > 2 >> or weak period. >> Fred A. Leistiko >> Airport Manager >> City ofKalispell >> P.O. Box1997 »> Kalispell, MT5q9U3 >>4O6-25O-3065 �x >> -----Drigine| Message----- »> From: tom read [rnai|to:trnyr@hotmai|.comm] >> Sent: Saturday, August 16, 2008 9:52AM >> To: airport@ka|ispe||.Cono >> Subject: cropduster >» [)ear Sir, the activities of the onopduster who headquarters at the south >end >>ofthe airport need bobereviewed. Last year and now this year he starts >> out at the crack of dawn and flies about half as high as anyone else >conling »> out ofthe city airport. Hegoes right over our and other neighborhoods >> with that full load of bug killer. If we have a window open it has a > strong >> chemical odor, and he is very |Vud. There aaanns to be little if any >> consideration for those of us who have to hear him and srne|| him -and he »> knows as well as anyone he does not have tofly this way. He could easily >> go around the towers asso many others have started to do, oratthe vary >> least 8y twice as high as he is. If that thing ditched over these houses >> it would be m tragedy as well as a disaster for those of us living >here -and >> itisavoidable. I hesitate to get the guy's number and turn him in to >Lhe >> FAA, but I will if need be. Please make some changes concerning his >> activities. Saturday 9:51AMThanks, Tom Read >> See what people are saying about Windows Live. Check out featured posts. >>http://wwvv.vvindows|ive.conn/connect?ocid=TXT_T7\GLM_VVL_cnnnect2_O83OD8 � � > See what people are saying about Windows Live. Check out featured posts. >http://wvvvv.vvindovva|ive.comn/connect?ocid=T%T_TA{]LM_VVL_connect2_U82OU8 � � � p a !R m - III 1 11 1 MIS � � M From: Jim Pierce U Sent: Wednesday,July22 20097:50AM To: FredbaisUho Subject: Steve Eckels James R. Pierce on In Red Eagle Aviati,�,J From: Red Eagle Aviation [mailto:info@redeagleaviation.com-, Sent: Tuesday, July 21, 2009 9:24 AM Subject: Website Feedback Form Below is the result of the Website Feedback Form form. It was submitted Name: Eckels to Jim Pierce E-mail: eckeIs@Quitarmusicman.cmm Tail Number: ba Visit Date: na Comments: Hi Jim Thank you for reducing the noise over KaIlspell's historic district this summer' I notice an improvement from last year. Would you please pass along this info to other pilots who may be interested' Enclosed: ---[itv council comments --- Flight recommendations from Washington FAA If there is anything I can do to help the aviation community, please let me know. Best wishes, Steve Eckels Steve Eckels City Council Comment Re: noise from the City Airport and Private Flight School Comments are addressed to the council and to the citizens of Kalispell regarding noise from the city airport. 1 Correct the record: According to the news paper report of last weeks council meeting it was stated that by Jim Atkinson that the FAA meters and monitors noise. According to Paul Hurlbert at the FAA Flight Standards office in Helena, the FAA does not monitor altitude and noise from the Kalispell City Airport. Kalispell City Airport is classified by the FAA as an uncontrolled airfield. Although there are rules for pilots above a certain altitude, there is no monitoring, control or enforcement. Although the airport is a public airport, the main source of noise has been from the private flight school. According to the FAA, the city holds the authority to regulate flight paths and noise, on and off the 8round. Enforcement falls to city attorney' city court and police department. The city can regulate flight school business as a type of zoning regulation. I feel it is time for the city to step up and take seriously the protection of the residents and the schools in downtown Kalispell. Many of the historic homes of downtown Kalispell were here before the airport was. According to the FAA the flight school may operate from Glacier Airport. According to the air traffic control at Glacier Airport, training flights are welcome and encouraged. This would be one way to solve the problem of noise over the city. The citizens of Kalispell are protected from noise by city code 19-10 Disturbance of the Peace. Citizens interested in asserting their rights can obtain a Kalispell Police Department Witness Statement. Citizens are encouraged to document as much information as possible including the times of the disturbance, and if possible the color of the plane and the plane identification number. Witness statements should be turned in to the police department. The police department will first issue a warning to the aviators. If the disturbance continues, court action would he the next consideration. Further, there is no monitoring or log information in regards to take offs and landing. For example if you went down to the airport at 5:00 and asked for a list of the flight activity, names' times, etc, there would be no information available. In summary: There is no monitoring of altitude and noise. The city could regulate noise and flight paths. The main source of noise is from a private flight school. Moving operations to Glacier Airport would solve the noise problems. This is in response to your telephone inquiry regarding General Aviation aircraft generating noise operating to and from 527. The airport currently operates using left-hand traffic patterns to runways 13 and 31. One simple solution is to modify the runway traffic pattern operations. Runway 31can maintain its left hand traffic pattern with a minor change for departures. Since aircraft departing runway 31 are operating at full power over the city causing noise problems, a natural solution is to request the airport manager to post a change for pilots to the effect " Departing Runway 31-For Noise Z Abatement Purposes, after take off, climb to 200-300 ft and turn left to a heading of 220 degrees to avoid overflight of the city". For Runway 13, departure/takeoffs to the southeast do not create noise problems. However, landings do create a noise problem. Therefore, because of this, the traffic pattern for 13 could be changed to a right-hand pattern to minimize any overflight of the city. In summation. A new right hand pattern for runway 13, and a normal left hand pattern for 31 with a defined takeoff and departure procedure. Z hope that these recommendations help' General Aviation desires to be a friend to all not involved in aviation. Thank you for your interest in aviation and aviation safety. Stephen D. Isaacs Aviation Safety Inspector -Operations General Aviation & Commercial Division Commercial Operations Branch, AFS-820 Washington, DC 20591 202-267-7413 I Fred Leistiko From: torn read [trnyr@hotmail.com] Sent: Monday, July 20, 2009 6:47 PM To: fleistiko@kalispell.com Subject: RE: croladuster Thanks for your efforts! I watched that guy fly just to the north of ma and he was far lower than most aircraft flying out. He went right over my house quite early and just as low. Made fewer flights than last year so far. The folks flying around the towers have by and large been doing a goodjob-verylittle to gripe about! I live at 29 Lower Valley Rd., or about a block and a half from the 93/VVi||ovv Glen jct., and must beexactly due east of where planes lift off, as when they avoid the towers, they fly right over my house, headed that way. Thanks Again! From: fleistiko@kalispell.com To: trnyr@hotmail.com Subject: RE: croladuster I have not seen the cropduster yet. I will try to catch him this week when he lands to refluel, If I remember correctly, you live inthe lower valley area, right? I will try to get him to fly the pattern other aircraft do when he takes off to the south. Fred A, Leistiko Airport Manager �byofKaUU sp� P-O.Box 1997 KaUspeU,NIT 599O3 4066-250-3065 From: tom read [mailto:trnyr@hotmail.com] Sent: Saturday, July 18, 2009 8:07 AM To: fleistiko@kalispell.com Subject: RE: croladuster Mr. Leisdko, the very same plane has returned, and is doing what it did last year, flying |ovv over and over again beginning at an early hour. I complained tothe FAA last year, who claimed they would have word with the company, which if they did, was not heeded. They should not be granted permission to use the airport if they can't operate in a safe and decent manner. Tom Read • From: fleisbko@ka|ispeU.conl •To: trnyr@hntmoi|.corn • Subject: RE: CnJoduster • Date: Fri, 22Aug 2008 16:18:20 -0600 � >Torn: � • If and when he comes back next year and you see him flying, call me and I • will get his number for you to call the FAA. He does have to come back to • the airport to refuel. That's the law of flight, take -off is optional, but • landing is mandatory. > Fred A. Leistiko > Airport Manager > City ofKalispell > P.O.Box 1997 > Kalispell, MT599O3 >4O6-25O-3O65 >----- Original Message --- > From: tom read [rnai|to:trnyr@hotnnai/.corn] > Sant: Friday, August 22, 2008 2:02 PM >To: Fred Laistiko > Subject/ RE: cropduster � � > This guy wasn't even flying 5OOfeet over the homes here -as he did last year > too. When itshakes your house and you can snne|| insecticide there is > definite height problem. The FAA told me that they have no jurisdiction for > the city airport and that any complaints have to be filed with you. > Otherwise if this guy or any other is doing something careless I am to get a > tail number and turn itint0them for possible action. Very hard toget a > tail number when all you See is the bottom of his plane at 100 noi|as per > hour. I drove over tothe airport to try to get one and could not get close > enough. They obviously feel safe in doing this every year. Thanks > ---------------------------------------- >> From: fleistiko@kalispell.com »> TO: trnyr@hOtnnai/.Corn »> Subject: RE: cropduster »> Date: Thu, 21Aug 2008 10:57:44-0600 >>Tomm: >> The crop duster, Campbell Aviation from Dutton, Montana is here every year >> under contract with Cenex to d0 aerial spraying. He pays a cnrnnnerUa| fee >> to use the public airport the same as everyone else. I have control of > him >> on the airport, but once he leaves the runway he is under FAA rules. I >have >> discussed our noise abatement procedures with him every year hearrives. >He >> is not allowed tofly over a populated area below 1,000 feet, except for >> take -off and landing. The State Aviation Department has an aerial >> applicators association that you might contact and complain to. The FAA >nney >> be able bowarn him, if you have proof ofhis low flying to present to > them. >> I don't chase aircraft after they leave the airport. >> Connpba|| Aviation has left for the season, but will return next year for a >2 >> or ] week period. »> Fred A. LeisUko >> Airport Manager >> City of Kalispell >> P.O. Box 1997 >> Kalispell, MT 59903 >>4O0-Z5O-3OG5 >> -----Origina| Meosage----- >> From: tom read [rnaiUo:trnyr@)hutrnaiiconn] >> Sent: Saturday, August 16, 20089:52AM >>To: airport@ka|iSpEd|.cunn >> Subject: cmoduster >> Dear Sir, the activities ofthe cnoodusterwho headquarters atthe south >eno >>ofthe airport need tobereviewed. Last year and now this year he starts >> out at the crack of dawn and flies about half as high as anyone else > corning >> out of the city airport. He goes right over our and other neighborhoods >> with that full load of bug killer. If we have a window open it has a » strong >> chemical odor, and heisvery loud. There seems tobelittle ifany >> consideration for those of us who have to hear him and Snne|| him -and he >» knows as well as anyone he does not have tofly this way. He could easily >> go around the towers dsso many others have started to do, oratthe very >> least fly twice as high as he is. If that thing ditched over these houses >> it would be a tragedy as well as a disaster for those of us living > here -and >> it is avoidable. I hesitate to get the guy's number and turn him in to >th8 >> FAA, but will if need be. Please make some changes concerning his >> activities. Saturday 9:S1Ay4Thanks, Tom Read »> See what people are saying about Windows Live. Check out featured posts. >>http://www.vvindoxvs|ive.conn/connect?ndd=TXT`TAGLM_VVL_cnnnect2_O82O08 � � • See what people are saying about Windows Live. Check out featured posts. •http://wvvvv.windovvs|ive.n0rn/conneCt?odd=TXT_TAGLM_VVL—ConnoctZ_O83OU8 � » � NEW mobile HVLDnai|. Optimized for YOUR phone. Click here. EHngnn brings you maps, menus, and reviews organized in one place. TilLUhOqy�. ]