***10/11/10 Davis201 First AvcuumEua Kalispell, MT 59901 (406)758'7756 K8essagesandattachmentssenttoorfnom1hiae'ma||eccountpertairingtoCitybudnesmaybeconsideredpublicorpriva1e records depending on the message content. The City is often required by law to provide public records to individuals requesting them. The City is also required by law to protect private, confidential information. This message is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please notify the sender immediately, do not forward the message toanyone, and delete all copies. Thank you. From: Fred Leistiko Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 10:48 AM To: Theresa White Subject: RE: Airplane Complaint For the record, | contacted Red Eagle aviation, inperson, immediately after receiving your infomnationfrom Mr. Davis. Red Eagle informed me that it was a very slow day, the last red and white aircraft they saw departed the City Airport was at11:OQA.M.onthe day mfthe Davis complaint about alow flying aircraft at1:55P.M.sothe aircraft was not from our airport that vveknow of. It seems that I saw sorne nice low level pictures of the new highway construction project on the front page of the Daily Interlake, and maybe someone was flying that aircraft low enough to be seen by Mr. Davis. Hemight ask them where the aircraft was from. Also, Mr. Osborn from the FAA called Red Eagle and they gave him the same information as I got. Fred A.LeisUk0 ,Airport Manager P.O.Box 19c;17 Ka|iSp-0,MT_59903 l06-2150-3065 From: Theresa White Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 10:25 AM To: Fred Leistiko Subject: FW: Airplane Complaint � Messages and attachments sent toorfrom this e-mail account Pertaining toCity business may beconsidered public or private records depending on the message content, The City is often required by law to provide public records toindividuals requesting them. The Cityis also required by law to protect private, confidential information. This message is intended for the use of the individual or entity named above. if you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please notify the sender immediately, do not forward the message toanyone, and delete all copies, Thank you. From: Theresa White Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2010 2:40 PM Fred Lelstiko From: Theresa White Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 1:57 PM To: Fred Leistiko Subject: FW: Airplane Complaint Attachments: image001.gif Theresa White City Clerk 201 First Avenue East Kalispell, MT 5990t (406) 758-7-156 www1alispell.corn Messages and attachments sent to or from this e-mail account pertaining to City business may be considered public or private records depending on the message content. The City is often required by law to provide public records to individuals requesting them. The City is also required by law to protect private, confidential information. This message is intended for the use of the 'Individual or entity named above. If you are not the intended recipient of this transmission, please notify the sender immediately, do not forward the message to anyone, and delete all copies. Thank you, From: Scott Davis [mailtD:maxwelisnortsnort@live.com] Sent. Monday, October 11, 2010 11:33 AM To: Theresa White Subject: RE: Airplane Complaint Mr. Leistiko, Red Eagle Aviation is not be forth right with information they are giving you, and you know that. That low flying Plane landed at our City Airport at 1:56 pm. May I recommend you review all flight records of aircraft at Red Eagle Aviation, it should not be any trouble as in there own words: It was a very Slow Day. I and my with went to the airport ( Red Eagle ) at 2:10 pm and that low flying plane was sitting there. And the pictures of the construction was taken days before. So do your job and find the pilot of that plane who is in endangering the residents of kalispell, before they kill more people. Scott Davis 448 5th. Ave.W. Kalispell, Montana 59901 406-752-1523 From: twhite@kalispell.com To: maxwelisnortsnort@live.com Date: Mon, 11 Oct 2010 09:49:19 -0700 Subject: FW: Airplane Complaint Complaint response. UieresaIllhite City Clerk Fred Lelstiko Reply to all Concerned: 10-07-10 from maxwelisnortsnort ItisMyPolicy asairport manager to respond to all legitimate complaints as soon as I am able to respond. Since |work he/f-t|rneforthe[ityAirporiitisquiteoftenthat|amno¢ab|etonaspVndunti|thenextday.|tisa|sotruethet|donnt respond to all complaints such as, "The airport should be moved", or "The airport has too many load airplanes an it", or "| cannot breath frumthe fumes from the airplane exhausts" These are complaints that | cannot respond to. Also, | cannot|nveytigatesmrnethingvvithou1"facts",|ikethemakeormode|ufanaircraft,orthetai|nunnberoftheaircraft,or the exact time ofanincident does help some. The FAA will not respond without atail number, sit least. |tiodifficult tu accuse someone ofanincident without positive ID. That iswhy the numbers are solarge on the sides of the aircraft, so they can beread easily from 2OO~to3OO'away. | can normally read then from 5OO'to6Q0'atthe airport. !did receive acall from the City Clerk atabout 2:15 P.K8.orso, on 1O/O7/1Uregarding acomplaint ofa low flying red�yhiteaircraft around the High School et1:5OP.K | said that | would check itout immediately and | went overto Red Eagle Aviation toinvestigate. Upon arrival | asked tosee their Flight Schedule and Flight Training Logs. As always, Red Eagle Aviation was professional and responsive when I ask for information. After reviewing their logs and schedules | asked where their red/white Cessna trainer was. The response was that itwas inthe maintenance hangar having work done unit. | asked how long ithad been inthere and they said, two days. | asked where their red/white Cessna 2OG charter aircraft was, and the response was that it left that morning at 11:00 A.M. for a charter and would return this afternoon. I asked about any other aircraft in the area, and the response was that it was a quiet day with not much going on. Shortly after I left Red Eagle, they called me and said the FAA had contacted them about alow flying aircraft and that they had given the FAA the same information they gave me. | asked the person form Red Eagle ifthey had any ideas and they responded that it could be from one of the other airports in the valley. What puzzles nnethe most isthat ifthere was anaircraft 50sbavetheHigh School, there would bemore than one person calling someone about the noise. The City only received the one call. 0 Fred A. Lelsttiko Ah-rion. Manaoer C;lv of KaHscell P.0, Box 1997 K, -I's MT 59903 406-2150-306-51 W - of the paint job and the way the numbering was. W RRz=,lv Pl_ tlff M -W 1_59MAA, ANN' recently asked for copies of complaints turned into him and not one of mine were there. Only out in the county complaints from one guy. We complain to the city manager, she thints we are on a Witch hunt and that we think that they are EVIL. We complain to the city council and a few of them just nod there heads and do nothing and the others look the other way or mock the people of this city. Ifs time for a big change, call your council members and tell them, don't be letting them tell you. Call the City manage tell her, don't let her give some double talk about Witch Hunts or Evil people. Tell Councilman Larsen that there's more than five people complaining about the airport. Call Lestiko tell him to do his job and find that pilot and turn him into t F.A.A.. Scott Davis 4K8 5th. Ave. W. gli� 'Aill, �w