02/10/11 EckelsFred Lelstilko i From: Scoff Richardson [scoff@pagenw.com] Sent: Friday, February 11, 2011 7:16 PM To: Fred Leistiko Subject: Here is something for you. Fred, The following is a brief e-mail exchange that I have had with Steve. I am sending this to you FYI. See you soon! Scott Steve, Sorry, I are out of town on vacation. I will not comment on the Stelling work or anything related to the airport unless I comment publicly or within a confined group of airport supporters. In the past, I have said things to people involved with "Quiet Skies" and have had my statements misquoted or twisted. I no longer trust those people. I hope things are well with you. Regards! Scott -----Original Message ----- From: Steve Eckels [mailto:eckels(@guitarmusicman.comI Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2011 9:00 PM To: Scott Richardson Subject: Steve Eckels Hi Scott How are you. I hope the season finds you well. I don't know if you have seen the air traffic pattern published by Stelling. I have studied it, and it looks like the traffic for training flights (my major concern) should be turning about three blocks south of my old house and FHS. I would guess this pattern is a bit "tight" and would take some getting used to for pilots. I dropped off a copy this document down at the airport, but was wondering if you thought there might be other pilots interested in seeing it. If so, please forward it along. In any case, I was thinking of you as my go -to guy for level headed conversation and help. Although I now live in Glacier Commons on the north sid., I am still trying to sell my other house and would like to be able to tell interested buyers that most pilots follow the published pattern. Here is the Stelling document: http://www.kalispell.comZdownloadsZairporttrafficpattern.pdf q Thanks and let me know how you're doir,-,j EME300