2012 Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of ReceiptsFuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CitySenioaVa|oon 200238082 Kalispell Airport January-12 Aviation Jet carrier Origin I Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name Product Date recv Bol Gross Gallon7s CSV Kalispell Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgan 1/3/2012 8344 2000 CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jet 1/4/2012 04794 1200 CSV NaUapoU Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgaa 1/24/2012 8346 2000 CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jot 1/13/2012 65400 1001 Total Gallons 0201 0.06 TOTAL 372.06 City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 Note: January- 2 Mail copy of this form with check. CITY OF ---- ���� �3fPIN CASH JAN0EL TX RECEIPT18581 AM0UkO rnoo Jnn FUEL /x 372.06 AIR4 PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT CK 58818 372 06 ___TOTAL 372^06 Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CityServiceValcon 200239082 Kalispell Airport February-12 Aviation / Jet Carrier Origin I Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name -T Product Date recv Bol # Gross Gallons CSV Billings Kalispell Red eagle Conoco CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco =C M C-� rn —4 M —I "I-, r"TI z- LI) I ryl -1 M co:;Q xr a nz. <-- 1— 2j to ir Co rn 'Ll I'0 =, I"U 3=} =EE ro= CD � —1 tm Vendor: 4100 Avgas 2/15/2012 61035 2800 Jet 2/15/2012 67330 1000 Note: February-12 Mail copy of this form with check. Total Gallons 3800 0.06 TOTAL 228.00 G/L Account 2319-00 City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 GL TOTAL 228.00 Fuel Tax Detail Schedule ofReceipts CitySarvicwVo|omn 200230082 Kalispell Airport March-12 Aviation /Jet Carrier Origin I Destination Purchaser Seller's Name Product Date recv CSV Kalispell Kalispell Red eagle Conoco CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgaa 3/0C2012 8348 3000 Total Gallons 4000 0.06 TOTAL 240.00 City ofKalispell pgBox i997 Kalispell, MT 59901 Note: March42 Mail copy of this form with check. CITY OF HUPPELL 04/16/12 12:33 PM casih MAR CITY SERVICE VAL . RECEIPT NO:A219391 AMOUNT FMSD MAR CITY SERVICE VAL 240.00 AIR4 PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT CK 59718' 248.00 TOTAL 240.00 ________________ Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CityServiceValcon Kalispell Airport 200239082 April-12 Aviation / Jet Carrier Origin I Destination I Purchaser seller's Name Product Date recv Bol # Gross Gallons CSV Kalispell Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 4/12/2012 8350 2000 CSV Kalispell Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 4/25/2012 8354 2000 CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jet 4/26/2012 72069 1000 CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jet 4/27/2012 72156 1000 Total Gallons 6000 0.06 TOTAL 360.00 G/L Account 2319-00 GL TOTAL 360.00 Vendor: 4100 City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 CITY OF ?,'.i. _ISPELI Note: April-12 O5/111/1c 11.53 Ait rash CITYBERUG'ALCON Mail copy of this form with check. RECEIPT H.AE1'3EEa4 AN010-1 FED E:ITYSERVALCIM '60.00 AIR4 i IUMEN RECEHIED IilT'U'llT ci, 591,6 6G_=.EO TOTAL 36e1.0® 0 Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CityServiceValcon 200239082 1 Kalispell Airport May-12 Aviation I Jet '%arrier Origin I Destination Wier's Name Date recv Bol # columbia pacific Seattle Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 5/9/2012 721867 5000 CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jet 5/31/2012 74542 1000 Total Gallons 6000 0.06 TOTAL 360.00 GIL Account 2319-00 Vendor: 4100 City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, WIT 59901 Note: May-12 Mail copy of this form with check. GL TOTAL CHEW UPILUM."MM 3ECEIPT » P21,9981 RISD CUSEU Yq1LLH1'H!1M1,4r "IF, 0, E C CiPilEiNT FTY,"D, qT 6@25A 74�?" TCjTPj Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CityServiceValcon 200239082 Kalispell Airport June-12 Aviation / Jet Carrier Origin I Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name -T Product Date recv Bol # Gross Gallons CSV kalispell Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 6/15/2012 8358 3000 CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jet 6/19/2012 75902 1000 Total Gallons 4000 0.06 TOTAL 240.00 IeNql�* I 1�1.; rl City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 Note: June-12 Mail copy of this form with check. [elm