2011 Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of ReceiptsFuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CityServiceValcon 200239082 Kalispell Airport January-11 Aviation /Jet Carrier Origin I Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name Product Date recv Bol # FGross Gallons CSV Missoula Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco Jed 1/20/2011 39000 1001 CSV Kalispell Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco Avgas 1/17/2011 8307 2000 Vendor: 4100 Note: January41 Mail copy of this form with check. Total Gallons 3881 0.08 TOTAL 180.06 City mfKalispell POBox 18D7 Kalispell, MT 59801 GL TOTAL 180.06 NO�D213616 FMSB JAN FUEL �3/CITY�� 180.06 AIK4 PA��NT R�EIV[D ANQUHT CK 533l l80.06 Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CitySmn/iceVa(omn 200239082 Kalispell Airport February-1 1 Aviation /Jet Carrier Origin I Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name -T Product Date recv Bol # Gross CSV Billings Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgus 2/9/2011 40139 2002 CGV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jet 2/10/2011 40887 1008 Total Gallons 3002 0.00 TOTAL 180.12 City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 Note: Febmmory-11 Mail copy ofthis form with check. Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CitySen/ioeVslcmn 200239082 Kalispell Airport March-11 Aviation Jet Carrier Origin I Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name Product Date recv Bol Gross Gallons C8V Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jet 3/7/2011 42510 1000 CGV Kalispell Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgee 3/10/2011 8311 3000 CGV Kalispell Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgao 3/4V2011 8300 1000 Vendor: 4100 Note: March-11 Total Gallons 5008 0.06 TOTAL 300.00 City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 n i i z 1< n., 1 t fn G 1 0 (D t i t7 I M 0 i N n O O i r i H n i z � ; c In i C � 1 PII i 0 i D m c� v� l 0 L7 ! Ul y CG m i 1 I i C7 i H 1 � CITY JF IKkLISRE j 51t'/i C.44 r'M CAST; ! C i Z IRPOU Fiat I A-XH i 4 i ECEIPT NG.,R2148aWt A3rOUHT f'S,U AIh;ACF'T FIiFL ?AXi:�' 3t:,5'wiC iR4 i Hihitiii iiEl,t HE'D i i'. 4'4 r' 14 LE N- & .tl ¢ zw.ilam Ez CS"I ------------------ m1 Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CityServiceValcon Kalispell Airport 200239082 April-11 Aviation / Jet Carrier origin I Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name Product Date recv Bol # Gross Gallons CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jet 4/5/2011 44443 1001 CSV Kalispell Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 4/14/2011 8313 3000 CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jet 4/25/2011 45778 1001 CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jet 4/29/2011 46061 1001 Vendor: 4100 Note: April-11 Mail copy of this form with check. Total Gallons 6003 TOTAL G/L Account 2319-00 City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 GL TOTAL 0.06 360.18 360.18 Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CityServiceValcon 200239082 Kalispell Airport May-1 1 Aviation /Jet Carrier Origin I Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name Product Date recv Bol# Gross Gallons CSV Kalispell Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgan 5/5/2011 8320 3000 CGV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jed 5/25/2011 47850 1000 CSV Billings Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgao 5/20/2011 45400 2801 Vendor: 4100 Note: May-1 1 Mail copy of this form with check. Total Gallons 0801 0.08 TOTAL 408.06 City mfKalispell PQBox 1BS7 Kalispell, MT 59901 CITY OF KALISPELL 06/15/ 1 12:56 PM cash CITYSERV/MAY0EL TX RECEIPT AMOUNT FMSD CITYSERV/MAY FUEL TX 408.06 AIK4 PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT CK 55146 408.06 TOTAL 408.06 Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CityServiceValcon 200239082 Kalispell Airport June-11 Aviation / Jet Carrier origin I Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name Product Date recv Bol # Gross Gallons CSV Billings Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 6/23/2011 46813 1000 CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jet 6/28/2011 50312 2000 CSV Kalispell Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 6/29/2011 8322 1170 CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jet 6/30/2011 50465 1001 CSV Kalispell Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 6/29/2011 8323 3002 Total Gallons 8173 TOTAL G/L Account 2319-00 GL TOTAL Vendor: 4100 City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 Note: June-11 Mail copy of this form with check. Kgt� el tab FY11 0.06 490.38 490.38 i U i ca z', M Q p o J 1_V U Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CityServiceValcon 200239082 Kalispell Airport July-11 Aviation I Jet Carrier Origin I Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name Product Date recv Bol # Gross Gallons CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jet 7/12/2011 51498 1999 CSV Billings Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 7/18/2011 48472 2501 CSV Kalispell Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 7/26/2011 8327 4000 CSV Billings Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 7/8/2011 47775 4002 Vendor: 4100 Note: July-11 Mail copy of this form with check. Total Gallons 12502 0.06 TOTAL 750.12 G/L Account 2319-00 City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, NIT 59901 GL TOTAL 750.12 istrl r OF HLISPELI_ rtlR W4YPIEN E {{ REi~.t-i VED A750.12 I1Eyltls�i' #'K Cti}.LLJ 750. t 2 Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CityServiceValcon 200239082 Kalispell Airport July-11 Aviation / Jet Carrier Origin I Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name Product Date recv Bol # Gross Gallons CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jet 7/12/2011 51498 1999 CSV Billings Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 7/18/2011 48472 2501 CSV Kalispell Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 7/26/2011 8327 4000 CSV Billings Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 7/8/2011 47775 4002 Vendor: 4100 Note: July-11 Mail copy of this form with check. Total Gallons 12502 0.06 TOTAL 750.12 G/L Account 2319-00 City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 GL TOTAL 750.12 ' + RE •. SID �7 pfly111:NT EHj.4U) 1iTr ,N- T Irk RiL 75,0, i _._ ._.._ ...t Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CityServiceValcon 200239082 Kalispell Airport August-11 Aviation / Jet Carrier Origin Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name Product Date recv Bol # Gross Gallons CSV `Billings Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 8/5/2011 49741 6902 CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jet 8/9/2011 53917 5001 CSV Billings Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 8/25/2011 51084 2002 CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jet 8/30/2011 55678 4000 Gm Petroleum Billings Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 8/31/2011 51451 2400 Vendor: 4100 Note: August-11 Mail copy of this form with check. Total Gallons 20305 0.06 TOTAL 1218.30 G/L Account 2319-00 City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 GL TOTAL 1218.30 0 (D ------------------------------- 00 1024 0010a Ina i M 92699 0 (D INflowu a3AI333N 11,13j?- W< 6 ll 0 00 NO3111A N3SAIIJ/d3S aSWMiJ n INnowu 9ZOLT300N IdI333N N031UA d3SA113/d3S 0 qSP3 Wd VO'2T TT)�l/ T Z 113dSlIUM JO WO 0 M M cn ;o an 0 C: 4.- 1 M M C—)) Lo Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CityServiceValcon 200239082 Kalispell Airport September-11 Aviation I Jet Carrier Origin Destination Purchaser Seller's Name Product Date reev Bol # Gross Gallons CSV Billings Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 9/7/2011, 51848 4000 CSV Kalispell Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 9/23/2011 8334 3000 Vendor: 4100 Note: September-1 I Mail copy of this form with check. Total Gallons 7000 0.06 TOTAL 420.00 GIL Account 2319-00 City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 GLTOTAL 420.00 CITY OF KALISPELL 10/11/11 12;04 PM cash SEP/CITYSER VALCON RECEIPT 1,100217078 AMOUNT FMSD SEP/CITYSER VALCON 420.00 AIR4 �RYME A# CEIVED AMOUNT -------------------------- IN: so C?1 C=a co t Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CityServiceValcon 200239082 October-11 Aviation /Jet Kalispell Airport Carrier Origin Destination Purchaser Seller's Name Product j Date recv Bol # i Gross Gallons CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jet 10/4/2011( 58350 1000 1171 CSV Kalispell Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 10/14/2011 8338 1000 CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jet 10/24/2011 10/25/2011 60003 54995 3002 CSV Billings Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas Vendor: 4100 Note: October-11 Mail copy of this form with check. Total Gallons 6173 TOTAL G/L Account 2319-00 City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 GL TOTAL 0.06 370.38 370.38 CITY OF 11/15/11 11:55 AIMSPELLCASH CITY SERV/OCT RECEIPT NO:A217530 FMSD CITY SERV/OCT AMOUNT AIR4 376,3$ PAYMENT RECEIVED CK 57464 AMOUNT AMAMOUNT .38 -----TOTAL----- 370.38 Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CitySmrvioeVo|oon 200239082 Kalispell Airport November-11 Aviation /Jet Carrier �inj— Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name CV Bol # Gross Gallons] CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jet 11/11/2U11 81425 009 CGV Kalispell Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 11/23/2011 8341 2000 CSV Missoula Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Jot 11/28/2011 02470 1000 Total Gallons 3000 0.06 TOTAL 239.94 City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 iii Mail copy of this form with check. CITY OF KALISPELL 12/15/11 3:41 PM —Ca5b CITYSERV VALC/HOV RECEIPT NO:0217831 AMOUNT FMSD ClTYSERV VALC/NOV 239 94 AIR4 ^ PAYMENT RECEIVED CK 57�8 AMOUNT TOTAL ------------- P39.94 n c I �+ '"' m IIJ Z I c 0 r0 1 O <D � I H m 0 m m n O O H /r n k I Z 1D I I k-i Q I M 1 0 ! i d D W i a r 1 m rn ! * i * f i I i ! I rO 1 O rO r ! 6+ I Ul � I ! ! I I d j H I to in 1 O I -! I I ! ! I 0 �- i m U'i ry ! Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CityServiceValcon 200239082 Kalispell Airport December-11 Aviation / Jet Carrier Origin I Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name Product Date recv Bol # Gross Gallons CSV Kalispell Kalispell Red eagle Conoco Avgas 12/8/2012 8342 2000 a Vendor: 4100 Note: December-11 Mail copy of this form with check. Total Gallons 2000 0.06 TOTAL 120.00 G/L Account 2319-00 City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 GL TOTAL 120.00 CITY OF Y,ALISPELL 01/19/12 4.38 PM GASH DEC CITYSERV VALCOM RECEIPT 1,180218239 AMOUNT FMSD DEC CITYSERV VALCOM 120.00 AIR4 PAYMENT RECEIVED AMOUNT CK 58371 120.00 TOTAL 120.00