2010 Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of ReceiptsFuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CitySmrvioeValcmn 200238082 Kalispell Airport Juna-10 Aviation /Jet Carrier origin I Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name Product Date reev Bol# Grojs7—Ga-I-Io-n7s I CSV Kalispell Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco AvQan 6/15/2010 8272 4000 C8V Missoula Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco JET 0/28/2010 23815 3001 Vendor: 4100 Total Gallons 7001 086 TOTAL 420.06 City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 Note: J =une-1 0 Mail copy mfthis form with check. A -A GLTOTAL I TY OF 11:07 AM CASH CITY SERVICE VALC8N HCE-P'T 118 rr"I-60 Q|T SEKVICE VALCQN JUNE FUEL TAXES z D 0 1 u I 00 i | i ' Fuel Tax Detail Schedule ofReceipts CitySmrvioeVa|con / 200238082 Ks|[apm|l Airport July-18 Aviation /Jed Carrier Origin Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name CSV Kalispell Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco Avgas 7/1/2010 8275 4000 Ankrum Billings | Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco /4vgas 7/13/2010 28720 4001 CGV Kalispell Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco AvgaG 7/20/2010 8270 1078 CGV Ke|iope||/ Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco Avgau 7/26/2010 8277 4800 C8V Great F ||cKa|ispe|| Red Eagle Conoco Jed 7/26/2010 44908 1000 CSV Missoula � Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco Jet 7/20/2010 20011 1000 ' Total Gallons 15070 0.06 TOTAL 904.74 City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 Note: Jub-10 Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CityServiceValcon 200239082 Kalispell Airport Augumt-10 Aviation /Jet Carrier Origin I Destination I Purchc ler's Name Product Date recv Bol # Gross Gallons CSV Kalispell Kalispell Red Eagle 'Conmm Avgas 8/10/2010 8283 4000 CGV K8i000u|n Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco Jed 8/18/2010 28507 1000 CSV Missoula Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco Jet 8/21/2010 28791 2001 CGV Kalispell Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco Avgao 8/25/2010 8285 4000 Total Gallons 11001 0.08 TOTAL 660.06 G/LAmomomt 2319-00 City mfKalispell P0Box 1987 Kalispell, MT 58901 Note: August-ff Mail copy of this form with check. CI���J�Bl d���5/18 10:40 AM cush CITY SERVICE VALCON KLCEIPT NO:A212045 �0UNT FMSD �ITY SERV{C[ VALCON 66&.0! air4 PAYMEHT CEIVED AMOUMY CK 51�2 66�.06 Fuel Tax Detail Schedule ofReceipts CityServiceValcon 200239082 Kalispell Airport Septennbep10 Aviation /Jmt Carrier Origin I Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name Product CV BoI# G�o7ss �Gallon�s C8V Kalispell Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco Avgea 0/3/2010 8290 3000 CSV Missoula Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco Jet 0/3/2010 20015 1000 CSV Kalispell Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco Axgas 9/18/2010 8291 4000 Total Gallons 8000 0,06 TOTAL 480.00 GLT0TAL 48000 Note: September-11 Mail copy of this form with check. Fuel Tax Detail Schedule ofReceipts CDySmnrooVammm 200239082 Kalispell Airport` Ootmbar~10 Aviation /Jet Carrier Origin I Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name Product cv Bol # Gr7,7s7s77G7a7117on7sj CSV K8iomnu|o Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco Jot 10/4/2010 32453 1000 CSV Missoula Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco Jed 10/6/2010 32549 1001 CSV Kalispell Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco /4/gao 10/5/2010 8297 4000 CSV Missoula Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco Avgas 10/26/2010 34885 4001 Total Gallons 10002 086 TOTAL 600.12 GLTO7AL 600.13 Vendor: 4100 City mfKalispell PO Bum1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 CITY OF KALISPELL Note: Ooimbep10 11/16/10 7:26 AM CASH CITYSERV VAL/OCT Mail copy of this form with check. RECEIPT W�A212&59 �0UNT FMSD ClTYS[RV VAL/OCT 600.12 AIR4 P0YMEN RECEIVED UNT CK 52075 ��-.12 |OTAL 60g.12 __________ Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CityServiceValcon 200239082 Kalispell Airport Nmvennber-10 Aviation /Jet Carrier Origin I Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name Product Date recv Bol # Gross Gallons CSV K4ioonu|a Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco Jet 11/12/2010 35348 1000 Vendor 4108 Note: Novembmr40 Mail copy of this form with check. Total Gallons 1008 0.06 TOTAL 60.00 City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 GLTQTAL 60.00 Fuel Tax Detail Schedule of Receipts CityServiceValcon 200239082 Kalispell Airport December-1 0 Aviation / Jet Carrier origin I Destination I Purchaser Seller's Name Product Date recy Bol # Gross CSV Missoula Kalispell Red Eagle Conoco Jet 12/15/2011 37451 1000 —icnm cn� ��ej M r1i XIX!- r-- 17- i j ---i AI r_—: :Z: sz., '73 raj MI m-i—, Vendor: 4100 Note: December -I 0 Mail copy of this form with check. Total Gallons 1000 0.06 TOTAL 60.00 G/L Account 2319-00 City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59901 1111111111M. t