Various Airport Comments (2010)Theresa White Yage 1 of 7 From: Gardner Auction Newsletter [newsletter@gardnerauction.com] Sent: Monday, February 08, 2010 9:37 AM To: Theresa White rum g Tag - st" Ta Ok" 02/08/10 Mayor Fischer and Members of City Council, We are writing this letter to show our support for the expansion of Kalispell City Airport. We have watched the debate go on for some time, at first believing that all involved wanted a win/win situation, but that does not seem to be the case now. We sincerely believe that an expanded airport with a longer runway will address the two major concerns of noise and safety. Many will say that we have a financial interest in seeing the airport expanded and therefore should not be heard, but let us explain that financial interest. Our family has invested millions of dollars in the south end of Kalispell, owning a variety of properties from Four Corners south to the former Kalispell Livestock Auction including 70+ acres recently annexed into the City limits. The airport and its planned expansion have always been a positive factor in our plans and acquisitions, not a detriment. We view the City airport as a great asset to the City of Kalispell. We have had and continue to have customers that fly in to the city airport to either attend one of our auctions, look at RV's, or other business ventures. Also, from the residential view point, I lived on the corner of Airport Rd and 18th St. W. for a number of years. The Airport, of course, was there when I bought the house and when I sold it. I did not consider it to ever be a negative factor in my purchase of the property, using it as a residence, or when I sold it. We, along with many business and land owners, strongly support the idea of an expanded airport and the possibilities and benefits that come along with the expansion. Thank you for your time and effort in serving the City of Kalispell. Todd Gardner ?/8/2010 rage i of Theresa White From: Will Stene [will@steneaviation.com] Sent: Saturday, February 06, 2010 7:37 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell City Airport Kalispell City Council Members It has come to my attention that discussions have been taking place between citizen groups outspoken in a negative fashion towards the Kalispell City airport and the Kalispell City Council. It also sounds like comments are being made with forbearance of the actual facts. I would like to take this opportunity to assist in voicing the viewpoint of the pilot community as a fellow pilot and residence of the greater flathead community. Kalispell should consider it fortunate to have the airport resource it does. It provides pilots like myself an invaluable resource for accessing community resources; hotels, stores, shopping. We actively take advantage of those resources. The airport has hosted fly -ins and aircraft type club events that have brought significant additional revenue to the airport and businesses of the community. We've personally contributed to this in fuel and shopping. This is the only airport that offers all of this without the security restriction of a commercially served airport. Your airport has been used as a commerce access point and recreation access point for aviators for a long time. To discontinue that service and remove this asset with the ideal airport location you have would be a disservice to pilots and the businesses of your community. Please take these comments thoughtfully and work towards improving an asset and not destroy it. Willie Stene Polson MT (406)883-6743 2/8/2010 s aru I VI I Theresa White From: JEANNE MACPHERSON Demacpherson@msn.com] Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 6:46 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell City Airport Dear City Council Members: I am writing in support of the Kalispell City Airport. I am a general aviation pilot and flight instructor residing in Helena, MT. My husband and I fly into and out of S27 for business and personal flights in the Kalispell area. We feel that Kalispell City Airport is incredible asset to the northwest community and to our state. Pilots can easily access all that the Kalispell area has to offer from Kalispell City Airport. We support the proposed improvements at the Kalispell City Airport. We are asking that you, please, support the continued existence of Kalispell's City Airport and the proposed improvements. Best Regards, Jeanne E MacPherson PO Box 6561 Helena, MT 59604 (406)443-2179 jec� Ma.c4-h e4-so-w, Ma War FUg4ir imtructor Mou WU,6s ALrdarw, U.c� FU,ghtl wbtructww "My soul is in the sky". - william shakespeare 2/8/2010 s Ur s, b vt Theresa White From: William Gallea [billgallea@hotmail.com] Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 4:37 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell City Airport Improvments Dear City Council Members: I am writing in support of the Kalispell City Airport and the proposed improvements. I am a private pilot residing in Helena, MT. My wife and I fly into and out of S27 as our first choice whenever business or personal matters arise in the Kalispell area. We feel your City Airport is a huge asset to your community, offering safe and convenient access to Kalispell's many amenities. I am in total support of the proposed improvements at the airport. I believe that lengthening and re -aligning the runway will make an already safe airport even safer. These changes, plus raising the pattern altitude, should also reduce the 'noise footprint' and lessen any negative impacts of air traffic on nearby neighborhoods. Please support not only the continued existence of Kalispell's City Airport, but also the proposed improvements, and keep S27 the major factor in Kalispell's vitality that it is today. Sincerely, William S. Gallea, MD 2210 Lime Kiln Road Helena, MT 59601 2/8/2010 a arL, 1 Vl 1 Theresa White From: David Mercer [david_mercer@pfranch. org] Sent: Friday, February 05, 2010 3:52 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell City Airport S27 comments Dear City Council, Thank you for your time and service to the community. I recently heard about a group whose goal is to shut down the Kalispell City Airport S27. Let me say, that as a pilot who uses this airport, it is a bad idea. The following are some reasons why I believe it detrimental: 1. There have been times due to scheduling, events, repair, and weather, when flying out of Kalispell City Airport has been a wonderful benefit. If this airport did not exist, pilots would have very limited options when presented with circumstances such as these. 2. The airport serves many different people groups represented in not only the city of Kalispell, but also Flathead County. From business owners to executives, from emergency medical flights to mail carriers such as Fed Ex and UPS, this airport serves the community. 3. This airport also means jobs to our valley. No only does the airport provide jobs directly associated with flight operations, but jobs which may be hard to identify such as construction, maintenance, fuel and other such supportive services. 4. Lastly, for visiting pilots, Kalispell City Airport S27 is near key businesses which is very convenient and brings revenue to the city. This airport is a part of our community, is operating in the black and is a great benefit. Please consider listening to pilots and those who benefit from and are affiliated with the airport and its related services before making a decision based on a single viewpoint. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, David Mercer, pilot and S27 supporter. 2/8/2010 _.,Svsva Theresa White From: Garth [gecarrier@verizon.net] Seat: Friday, February 05, 2010 12:30 PM To: Theresa White Subject: KALISPELL MUNICIPAL AIRPORT TO THE KALISPELL CITY COUNCIL, I HAVE A GREAT CONCERN OVER THE POSSIBILITY OF THE CLOSURE OF THE KALISPELL MUNICIPAL AIRPORT. AS A FREQUENT VISITOR TO THE AIRPORT FROM CALIFORNIA I WOULD NOT COME INTO KALISPELL USING GLACIER. YOUR BEAUTIFUL MUNICIPAL AIRPORT IS JUST WHAT THE GENERAL AVIATION PUBLIC NEEDS IN YOUR AREA. WE USE THE MOTEL, ELKS LODGE, SCOTTIES RESTAURANT, THE FLUFF AND FOLD LAUNDRY AND OF COARSE THE MARKET RIGHT NEXT DOOR TO THE AIRPORT. I HAVE NOTHING AGAINST GLACIER EXCEPT IT IS TOO FAR OUT OF TOWN WHERE WE WOULD NEED TO RENT A CAR TO DO OUR SHOPPING, FOOD AND LAUNDRY. WE ALSO WOULD NEED TO FLY IN THE TRAFFIC AREA OF THE COMMERCIAL FLIGHTS COMING INTO GLACIER WHICH CAN BE A SAFETY ISSUE. OUR COUNTRIES SMALL AIRPORTS ARE A VITAL LINK TO THE U.S. TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM, CREATING JOBS, PILOTS SPENDING MONEY IN THE AREA, CREATING ADDITIONAL BUSINESS TO AN AREA AND EMERGENCY ACCESS IN CASE OF A DISASTER. I WOULD HOPE THE COUNCIL WILL CONSIDER ALL THE IMPACTS ON THE AREA WITH THE CLOSING OF SUCH A FINE AIRPORT. GARTH E. CARRIER SANTA YNEZ, CA. 2/8/2010 Dear City Council: Over the past months I've read the back and forth arguments for and against lengthening the runway at the Kalispell City Airport, and though I'm a private pilot, I didn't become involved because I was ambivalent about the upgrade. I love the city airport the way it is, but could appreciate the increased safety and noise abatement of a 1,000' longer runway, I was ok either way. Then just recently and coincidently, I had a friendly conversation with one of the opponents of the airport upgrade and heard the depth of their opposition, including closing the airport. Now this person was a gentleman with me and not overly activist, but even though he seemed genuinely interested in wanting to know my views of the airport, and why the city airport is important to me, I could see there was a lack of understanding or under appreciation of our private pilot culture, and even the non flying public who are still dreaming about flying someday. I believe he is greatly underestimating the adverse effect closing the flight school and especially the airport would have on our local flying population, as well as those young dreamers of the sky who live in Kalispell. I'd like to make four points about the city airport. The city airport has been in it's location for a long time, since the 1920s. Kalispell has grown up with this airport in its midst in a way that seems a comfortable fit of small town and casual aviation that seems very Montana. Glacier International on the other hand is very large and impersonal airport very much suited to the heightened security, restricted access and commercial aviation it is designed for. It is open to general aviation, but completely lacks the charm, ambiance and practical openness of a small town airport such as the "city" airport. With Glacier International Airport, I have a hard time imagining kids on their bicycles riding right up to a guy washing his airplane and starting a conversation which leads to that kids first flight as I have seen happen at a small airport, or back country campers driving right up to an airplane to drop off all their gear. 2. Extending the runway 1000' as has been proposed will greatly increase safety and quiet the skies. If the opponents of this airport upgrade truly analyzed the proposal, they would see that this proposal is actually an answer to their prayers. Moving the take off starting point 1,000 feet further south allows aircraft to lift off 1,000' farther away from homes and businesses at the north end of the airport, turn away from these homes and climb higher before leaving the airport airspace thus avoiding flying over the city. You probably have noticed that planes are very quiet, with the engine throttled back during decent, so those planes in the landing pattern that would still fly over Kalispell are not a problem. Safety wise if there were an engine failure on take off, which is an extremely rare event, the extra 1,000' is an extra safety margin to get the plane back on the ground within the longer runway. 3. Beyond the obvious boost to the local economy this construction project would provide, there is a perpetual economic gain due to the magic combination of a very well placed airport with hotels, restaurants and other services in close proximity, within a greater area of unbelievable wilderness recreation opportunities. The city airport is perfectly situated for visiting pilots to come right into Kalispell, stay at the Hilton or Aero Inn, buy lunch within walking distance of their plane, rent a car and check out Valley attractions. I know from talking to visiting pilots, that our City airport is considered a gem, and is actually quite rare in that aspect compared to almost every other small airport around the country, believe me, we get way more than our share of pilot vacationer visits. 4. Having an airplane rental, flight school and refueling site at the city airport is convenient and important. I know that I am not the only pilot within the Flathead Valley who can't afford to buy an airplane, but loves to fly and rent one when I can. Personally I much prefer taking lessons and going through my annual flight reviews in the more casual setting of the city airport, it is close at hand, easy parking and a short walk. It is also a good place for even non pilots that are still fascinated with flying to grab a local hamburger, drive over to the FBO and eat lunch at one of their picnic tables while watching small craft come and go. Please don't close this gem of an airport, there are way too many positive reasons to keep it and improve it. Sincerely, John Robinson 1159 LaBrant Ridge Kalispell, MT 59901 (406) 249-4146 Montana Department of Transportation Jim Lynch Director S-1-9ynu.vlth pride 2701 Prospect Avenue Brian Schweitzer, Governor PO Box 201001 Helena MT 59620-1001 February 4, 2010 Tammi Fisher, Mayor Kalispell City Council City of Kalispell PO Box 1997 Kalispell MT 59901 Subject: Kalispell City Airport Dear Mayor Fisher and Council Members: General aviation plays an important role to the financial vitality to Montana communities. In these times of economic difficulty, airports are crucial to the viability of on -airport and off - airport businesses located near an airport. The Montana Department of Transportation (MDT) recently completed an independent economic impact study that measured the economic benefits associated with 121 airports in Montana, including the Kalispell City Airport. As a leader in the field, the contractor completed the study under the approved national guidelines set forth by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The complete study and individual information for your airport can be viewed at: http://mdt.mt.gov/aviation/ In 2008, the Kalispell City airport had eight aviation -related tenants on the airport that supported over 96 employees. A small general aviation airport in close proximity to a city serves an entirely different client than a large commercial service airport located outside of a city. The location of the Kalispell City airport is a reason the airport remains one of the busiest general aviation airports in the state. The Glacier Park International airport does not and because of its location cannot offer those same preferred conveniences. The future of the Kalispell City Airport is an important local issue for you and the council to consider. I welcome an invitation to meet with you to discuss MDT's economic impact study and to provide information on the importance of general aviation as it affects the community of Kalispell. "sincerely;; Ji/m Lynch copies: Debbie Alke, Aeronautics Division Administrator Director's Office An Equal Opportunity Employer web Page: www.mdt.mt.gov Phone: (406) 444-6201 Rood Report: (800) 226-7623 or 511 Fax: (406) 444-7643 TTY: (800) 335-7592 From: Steve Eckels [eckels@guitarmusicman.com] Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 5:20 PM To: Jane Howington Cc: Theresa White Subject: Greetings from Steve Eckels Hi Jane I hope by now you have had a chance to read the study group findings and press release. When it comes to the meeting on Monday, there will be so many things to discuss, I would humbly suggest that one guiding principal would be to "follow the law". As you have learned by now, the Airport: 1) does not have a conditional use permit 2) is not eligible for a grandfather exemption 3) will not be able to obtain a permit, because it does not "serve and protect the public health, safety and welfare" This may simplify the process, because it probably needs to be shut down immediately in order to comply with the law. Wouldn't it be a relief to return to the business of governing rather than running an airport? You probably would need to hire someone to "mop up" after the legal mess with that has been created. In any event, good luck and thanks for your careful attention to detail. Sincerely, Steve I agG 1 ul 1 Therese White From: msfaul [msfaui@montanasky.us] Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 11:01 AM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell City Airport Greetings, I am writing to express my opinion and concerns on the Kalispell City Airport situation. It is apparent that there is an agenda being promoted by a vocal minority in the community due to the fact that several years ago when the operations and air traffic at S27 was documented by the FAA to be much higher than now, we were not hearing from this group. So what has changed? The noise is less than previously. The actions involving the airport improvement are the main factors that have changed. This group has chosen to refer to the improvements as airport " expansion", which is the factor concerning uniformed citizens. The improvements laid out would go a long way to alleviate the concerns of the opponents as well as enhance the operations of the airport. Briefly I will state why the improvements and viability of Kalispell City Airport (referred to as S27) are needed: - Location: S27's proximity to Kalispell is a large part of it's popularity with visitors and businesses. I have been told by visitors the main reason they fly in is due to the fact that they can land here and walk to several hotels and restaurants, as well as shop downtown Kalispell. Also keep in mind that when business people, as well as past governors and legislators come to Kalispell, they have preferred to land at Kalispell City Airport. Many businesses benefit from the airport due to the location, from visitors as well as employees of airport businesses. Also, the majority of back -country hikers, hunters, fishermen and rafters would take their business to Missoula if the City Airport was not here due to the fact of logistics and access compared to Glacier. -S27 is considered to be one of the safest airports in the state, if not the safest considering activity density. Improvements would make it even more so by longer runway, visual approach guidance, safety zones and education of users. -Many taxpaying and voting people would loose their jobs if the airport were moved or closed, as well as the loss of future employment opportunities to local residents due to successful businesses on the airport and construction opportunities. - Runway re -alignment as well as lengthening will alleviate a large portion of perceived noise complaints due to flight pattern changes. If those concerned would actually look at the safety and noise situations of many other cities with airports in their midst's, it would be realized that the concerns of safety are not a factor. Look at Merrill Field, Anchorage,AK, the busiest GA airport in North. Amer., for instance. Dead center in the middle of a large community and blocks from mainstreet, where the majority of training aircraft operate, as well as charter businesses, with an excellent safety record. Please consider the historical, as well as the future benefits of Kalispell City Airport in decision process. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Skip Faulkner 2/5/2010 - --Cl- - -- From: Josh L. [loudone69@hotmai1.com] Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 11:12 PM To: Theresa White Subject: kalispell city airport Dear Council Member, I am sending this letter in regards to the City Airport, as a private plane owner, and also as a current A&P mechanic employed at Red Eagle Aviation, in the belief that the airport is a valuable asset to the community that should remain in its current location. I started my aviation career 12 years ago in this valley learning and getting my private license. I have logged over 225 hours of flying going in and out of Kalispell city airport. I have enjoyed the use of the city airport for its convenience and its accessibility, for me, family, and friends. Also for its encouragement for young people to explore the opportunities that aviation has to offer, that the larger airport Glacier Park International cannot provide. Also since I work and derive my income from the Kalispell City Airport, were we as mechanics can provide a level of service to the flying community that is more personal convenient and suited toward the small aviation community than its counterpart at Glacier. The economic impact on the aviation community would make it impossible for private owners like myself to own and operate an airplane without the existence of the Kalispell airport. I feel improvements to the current airport will make the difference for added safety, Noise abatement, and at a very small cost. While improving its curb appeal will make it more attractive for visitors to come and support local businesses that make up the town of Kalispell. Sincerely, Josh Louden 820 Lower Valley Rd. Kalispell, MT 59901 Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft's powerful SPAM protection. Si.g_n..._u.p_,_na.w_,. 2/5/2010 Theresa White From: bruce louden [bhlouden@hotmail.com] Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 10:22 PM To: Theresa White Subject: kalispell city airport Dear Council Members, I am writing regarding the City Airport, as a private plane owner who believes the airport has great value and needs to remain in its present location. My son, Josh, and I own a small Cessna 172 together, which is based out of the city airport. We go flying in it, weather permitting every couple of weeks. Here are some reasons we feel the airport is a great asset to the city right where it is. 1) Access to aircraft, fueling facilities etc. can be done without prior security screening. 2) It is very convenient to use, being situated next to Kalispell shopping, motels, etc. 3) Moving the airport would not only be extremely expensive, if a suitable location were available, but would cause great financial hardship on businesses, pilots, hangar owners, etc. already located on the airport, both in loss of business as well as costs involved in moving etc. 4) We don't feel safety is an issue at the present location, given the accident record over all the years of operation, and upgrading the present facility would make it still safer. Other airports in Montana (ie. Billings, Helena, Great Falls, Missoula) have patterns over the city with good safety records. 5) Regarding the noise, the planes mostly fly a pattern falling close to our residence also and it is barely noticeable to us. Realigning the runway and traffic patterns would help some on this front. There are just some of the reasons we believe the city airport should remain where it is, as a valuable asset to the city. Sincerely, Bruce and Janice Louden 820 Lower Valley Rd. Kalispell, MT 59901 Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. 2/5/2010 Kalispell City Council Members RE: Kalispell City Airport Dear Honorable Mayor Fisher and Kalispell City Council Members: My name is Serena Pierce, my husband and I own Red Eagle Aviation. I am not a Pilot so I can't speak to any of the technical questions. But what I would like to speak to is my involvement in this community over the last 30 years, my decision to purchase a business located at the Kalispell City Airport and some of the contributions we make to the City of Kalispell and the community we live in. In 1980 my family moved to the Flathead Valley and over the years have owned and operated businesses in Kalispell, Bigfork, Columbia Falls and Whitefish. My husband and I have been married for over 20 years. He is a 3`d generation native of the Flathead Valley. I have worked in the Flathead Valley selling real estate for 27 years. My husband built roads for a company based out of Kalispell for 25 years. One thing I have always appreciated about living here is the sense of community. It doesn't matter what "town" you live in, we all are part of the Flathead Valley. My husband became a pilot in 1999 and since then we have had the opportunity to travel throughout the State and Country by air. We have visited many Airports and many FB®'s. When we travel, we look through the guides and purposely choose the smaller airports with the best proximity to services. When we purchased Red Eagle it was important to us to have a friendly, well staffed, customer oriented business. It was also important to us and always has been important to find ways to give back to the community. In 2008 we purchased Red Eagle Aviation. In our first year we paid close to $400,000 in salaries and employed 19 people throughout the year. And we are just one business on the airport. The businesses at the Airport are vital to the City of Kalispell and the community of the Flathead Valley. The Kalispell City Airport Economic Impact Study nicely outlines the economic and qualitative benefits of the Kalispell City Airport. In addition to the salaries and wages that we pay, we have donated much back to the community in other ways. We have given gift certificates and free rides to be donated to the Flathead High School and Glacier High School, Stillwater Christian School, and many more in the community as well as several after school programs. We have donated to ALERT and Angel Flight. We have hosted several of the local schools and Boy Scout clubs who bring the young kids over to seethe airport and aircraft. We have given days of free flights to Young Eagles. These things we do because we feel it is important to give back to the community. But also Aviation plays an important role in our community and world. It is a mode of transportation but also it is a stepping stone to Medical care, Search and Rescue, Fire and Emergency services, Federal and Military Service to name a few. We currently enjoy an 80 year old Veteran who comes to the Airport everyday just to be near the planes and aircraft. In our flight school we have had young kids, women, men and senior citizens. Some come for hobby and pleasure, others for business and many as a start to a career. We purchased a business that has been a going concern at the Airport for 46 plus years. Nothing is new about what we do and at one time there were even 2 flight schools and Aviation Company's on the field. The Kalispell City Airport and the businesses that have been and are based there are all a part of the rich history of the Flathead Valley. The Airport has always been about the community that it services and has had numerical benefits, both economically and qualitatively. All one needs to do is to look through the past newspaper articles to see that Kalispell City Airport has always been important to the community. "The first major ►.. of the airport was the realignment and lengthening of the runway in 1966. This was done by the contributions of the Kalispell Airport Association, many businesses and Individuals around the valley. The Jaycees started a "Runway Fund Drive" seeking one-time donations for the improvement project. Acquisition of additional property was the first problem. Many yards of material were needed and Doug Wise, who owned a pit just south of the airport, donated the entire amount needed. "(Daily Interlake ) At the time we purchased our business at the airport, all of the public records showed a history and consistency of support and progression from the City Council. Funds have been allocated and spent; there had been studies and environmental assessments, meetings and proper public comment time. The "tower issue" was the only bump in the road toward moving forward with upgrading the Airport and bringing it to current safety specifications. Never did we think that, at a time when we really need to focus on building business and surviving these difficult economic times, we would be forced to expend all this time and energy defending an airport that was built by the community in 1929, a business that has been around since the mid 1960's and one that serves a vital role to Kalispell, the Flathead Valley and the State of Montana. It is unfortunate that a small minority have caused such uproar. There are annoyances in any neighborhood whether it is by site or sound. We must learn to tolerate one another and especially in these difficult times we need to work together to continue to provide jobs and economic stability to our communities. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Serena Pierce � a6u 1 Vl 1 Theresa White From: Paul's Email [pcmerrill@verizon.net] Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 4:20 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell Airport Dear City Council, We live in Long Beach, California. Two of our sons live in Montana. One in Kalispell and one in Whitefish. We are in favor of keeping your wonderful airport. It is our way of connecting with our sons and grandwhildren. It also seems that it would be very bad for the business and the economy in the Kalispell area if it were closed. It really has hurt the Long Beach economy by just limiting the number of flights in and out of our city airport and, by the way, all planes take off and land over the city. With the growth of your city we would think this to be a very important asset. You have a beautiful airport... keep it andf you will find the airplanes becoming quieter in years to come. Sincerely, Lorie and Paul Merrill 1074 Palo Verde Ave. Long Beach, CA 90815 2/5/2010 Theresa White From: Blacktail Mountain [skiing@blacktailmountain.com] Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 3:37 PM To: Theresa White Subject: City Airport My name is Dave Bright. I am writing in support of Kalispell City Airport. I live at 524 2nd Avenue East. I learned to fly at Stockhill Aviation over 30 years ago and have been employed as a pilot full time and part time at the airport ever since. The Mayor and council need to be reminded that in these times jobs are critical, any jobs. Downtown Kalispell has been losing business to malls and outlying development for years now. Running off more business would be idiotic. David A. Bright 524 2nd Avenue East Kalispell 2/5/2010 February 4, 2010 The Honorable Mayor Tammi Fisher Kalispell City Council Members 502 2nd Ave. East Kalispell, MT 59901 Dear Mayor Fisher and Council Members: I have been watching the progress of the Medical Marijuana issue here in our city. I don't object to a properly regulated source of the drug for those in chronic pain, but I find the idea that a store front selling the drug across the street from our beautiful Woodland Park and close to an elementary school abhorrent. What sort of message does THAT send to our young people and citizens in general? If we do not have any regulations in place to prohibit such a location, why not? And couldn't we follow the example of Whitefish in slowing the process with a 6 month moratorium allowing the issue to be dealt with rationally without undue time pressure? Or read The Daily Interlake's article in today's issue about Great Falls' 3 month moratorium on selling or growing medical marijuana. That would be a good guideline for Kalispell. Billings put a ban on any new shops for 6 months. All this would indicate that care needs to be taken in allowing selling and/or growing of medical marijuana, and not only because of the location of such businesses. I urge you to take time to address this issue in a calm, proactive manner so the City of Kalispell is able to control the location and possible harmful effects this type of business could promote within the City. Sincerely, Fay Wolf 615 7`h St. East Kalispell, MT 59901 755-4842 I agc 1 Vl G Theresa White From: Mark Sanderson [mark@marksanderson.com] Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 10:48 AM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell City Airport Good Morning City Council Members, My name is Mark Sanderson and I'm writing to you in support of the Kalispell City Airport. I am an airplane owner and am a lessee of one of the hangers located on the west side of the airport One of the reasons that my family and I moved to Montana was the willingness of Montana citizens to respect the rights and legal activities of its residents. As I read the local media reports of the statements made by the group that is opposed to the airports very existence, I don't see that willingness of respect to others. What I read and hear is that if "it isn't our way than it's no way" — a typical "Not In My Backyard" position. The airport community has taken the local groups concerns to heart and made adjustments and conciliations to the local group such as training flight hours, departure and approach routes when possible, etc. However, the local group refuses to even discuss the ongoing existence of the airport. We all have Rights. I am a resident of Bigfork, not Kalispell, but the fact that my airplane is hangered at City Airport requires me to visit the Kalispell area more frequently than I would normally, which translates into more of my dollars spent at local businesses in the airport area — Red Eagle Aviation, The Blue Canyon restaurant at the Hilton, Rosauers, McKenzie River Pizza, etc. (and of course my hanger rent to the city) As we all know, in these times small businesses and government need all the customer traffic they can get. Not only does City Airport contribute to the community tax base and businesses both on the airport and nearby, but its existence also encompasses the items listed below. Location ---------- Near businesses, restaurants and hotels in town Safety ------------- Upgrading is a key point to improving safety (VAST, lengthening, safety zones, width) Noise -------------- Realignment of the runway and traffic patterns will lessen the noise footprint Financial --------- The impact of closing or moving the airport to local businesses, The costs to the City to close the airport Employment ---- Current employment from the businesses on the airport, future employment opportunities from these businesses, the employment from the construction of the improvements. Public Service ---Young Eagles, Emergency Medical, Mail/Fed Ex and UPS Access ----------- Access to the parking areas and aircraft without prior security screening (Rafting trips, Fly -ins, Young Eagles, Gliders, Camping) I'm sure you already have reviewed the information at this website, but in your deliberations, I recommend that the facts iterated at this site be kept in mind — http://kalis_pellcityairport.com Thank you for your time and your wisdom. \lark Sanderson 406-212-8500 2/4/2010 rage ,i or . Theresa White From: Eric Bellings [ebell ings@gmai1.com] Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 10:16 AM To: Theresa White Subject: airport To the City Council, My name is Eric Bellings and I am a pilot for Red Eagle Aviation. The city airport is a valuable assets to this community and is used by many people across northwestern Montana. It brings in pilots from all over the world and allows the community the enjoyment of the valley and surrounding area. The airport has been a fixture in the community for a very long time and with some improvement can continue to be a fixture for the future. Flying is extremely safe and is enjoyed by many of the areas residents. With the airports location pilots fly -in just to grab a burger or go down town to buy a few things. With aviation being some what affordable it can be enjoyed by almost anyone if they are willing to put the time in. It's not a rich man's activity! With the airports location outside of Glacier Park International airspace and away from the big airport people can enjoy the benefits of an airport without the stress and congestion. With some modifications to the city airport noise, safety and use will only improve and make most people happier. Airports will always have people complaining and accusations will be made. It's a problem every airport has and I hope that with modifications to the airport even the people that complain will be happier. Sincerely, Eric Bellings 2/4/2010 a ar,%, 1 Vi 1 Theresa White From: Chris Walters [Chris.Walters@hilton.com] Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 10:02 AM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell City Airport Kalispell City Council, I am writing to you on behalf of the Hilton Garden Inn in that we solely support the expansion of the current city airport for a variety of reasons. It's important to understand the impact the city airport has on our business today, simply put there is no negative impact whatsoever. You would think that if noise and safety was a problem for our business our guests would let us know. Since we opened our doors mid year 2007 we have not had any noise complaints from our guests in fact we have guests who enjoy seeing the different types of aircraft that come and go through the city airport from helicopters, to gliders and airplanes of all sorts. The airport provides a unique experience for our guests and is welcomed as such. As it relates financially the airport offers business not only to us but the surrounding area. Expanding the airport to allow more travel, safer travel and the ability to grow will only benefit our business which in turn benefits the City of Kalispell and its residents. We understand the concerns within the community and hope that overall the benefit of expansion will be seen, after all who better to give a testimonial on noise and safety than a hotel that shares a parking lot with the City Airport. Respectfully, Chris Walters General Manager Hilton Garden Inn - Kalispell 1840 US Highway 93 Kalispell, MT 59901 P: (406) 758 - 2570 F: (406) 756 - 4505 w`vw.kalispe"I i.com This transmission is not a digital or electronic signature and cannot be used to form, document, or authenticate a contract. Hilton and its affiliates accept no liability arising in connection with this transmission. < . 2009 Hilton worldwide Proprietary and Confidential 2/4/2010 A Us%, 1 VA Theresa White From: Leldon Locke [leldon_locke@msn.com] Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 8:02 AM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell City Airport To Whom It May Concern: I am disappointed and sad that the Kalispell city council is considering closing Kalispell City Airport. This airport is an important aviation infrastructure asset and closing it would be short-sighted and foolish. I've personally flown into both S27 and Glacier International in my single engine airplane on multiple vacation trips. S27 is by far the better airport for my needs and mission. It's convenient location and walking distance to businesses, restaurants and hotels makes it the preferred airport for me. In fact, if S27 is closed, my next trip to that area, will probably result in bypassing Kalispell all together and take my consumer dollars elsewhere. Professionally yours, Leldon Locke D.V.M. Sherman, Tx Private pilot 2/3/10 Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now. 2/4/2010 ---a-_-__ Theresa White From: Barbara Hicks [barbhicks24@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 4:17 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell City Airport I am a local pilot. When we first moved to Kalispell 10 years ago, Kalispell City Airport was part of my life. I would like to encourage you to keep this airport open. If you close it, you will lose more jobs. In this economy, we need all the jobs we have. I am a female pilot. The aviation community is made up of good, very friendly, moral people. This is a good industry for our area. It puts good attitudes into students taking lessons: it keeps them out of trouble and gives them a chance to see if they want to make flying their career. Glacier gets so busy sometimes that Kalispell City is a good alternate place to fly into. The restaurants and motels near Kalispell City are very convenient. Glacier has neither a restaurant (outside the airport) or a motel nearby. Only a few of the airports I have flown into in MT, OR, AZ, ID, AK, UT, WA, and others have airports with restaurants AND motels on site. This makes Kalispell City Airport unique. This helps bring in revenue for businesses. Please keep Kalispell City Airport open. Barb Hicks barbhicksMey, mail.com 417 Sky Ranch Lane Kalispell, MT, 59901 2/4/2010 i From: Isaac Anderson [isaac@andersonmasonryinc.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 4:47 PM To: Theresa White Subject: In support of the Kalispell City Airport Kalispell City Council Members, I am writing to you as a supporter of the Kalispell City Airport. With all of the controversy over the proposed Kalispell City Airport expansion these days, I would like to comment on a few topics concerning these issues. I am currently a pilot whom has received his license several months ago. My lessons were received from Red Eagle Aviation. The city airport was very convenient for taking lessons in the morning or afternoon with little or no driving time. The purpose of getting this license was for personnel and business reasons. The location of the city airport is ideal for convenience and practicality reasons for myself. I currently reside on 5th Ave. East within minutes of the airport. Living this close to the airport means that we are near or under the traffic pattern for the airplanes landing. The noise of the aircrafts does not bother us. We moved in knowing that there was an airport nearby and airplane noise in the area. The noise of the everyday car, truck and motorcycle traffic is considerably noisier than the aircrafts above. Location: The city airport has many advantages over the larger Glacier airport. The location of the city airport is near several hotels, restaurants and businesses. Most of these are within walking distance of the airport. With tourism as it is in the valley, an airport in town attracts people to make this a stopping point for many people on vacation or work. As we were able to see this summer with the forest fires above Lakeside. There were two large fire fighting helicopters that were able to set up a base within minutes of these fires. These crews were able to support the locals by purchasing fuel, food as well as a place to stay within walking distance of their equipment. This is just one example of many that comes to mind, when thinking how the City Airport benefits the community. With these amenities as close to the airport as they are many people find it easier and cost effective to land at the City Airport than the larger Glacier Airport. Whether it is day use or overnight use the Kalispell City Airport is convenient for everyone. Noise/Safety: With as much time, money and effort as the city of Kalispell has put forth towards this airport to maintain safety already, It would seem that by expanding the runway south and lengthening it would increase safety for pilots and citizens. As well as shorten the flight pattern over residences. This expansion would decrease the noise level by shortening the pattern and increase the height of the air traffic above the local residences. With a longer runway this would give the pilots a better chance of landing safely should something go wrong. The City of Kalispell has already invested at the current location of the airport, It would seem that expanding it would benefit the citizens, businesses, as well as the pilots. If you were to compare Kalispell to Billings, Helena, Spokane or even Glacier you will see that the airport was constructed out of town but the community has since moved around it. Many of these people who complain about the airport were aware of it when they moved in to their homes. As I was aware, as I moved into my current residence on the east side of town. There is a considerable amount talk among citizens opposing the airport, as well as many local citizens and pilots that are for making a safer place for those using the airport. The fact is when I rent an airplane or purchase fuel, or receive mechanic services the money stays in the community. This spending happens with many of the people who frequent our city airport while passing through our valley. The City airport is an asset to the community and will Hopefully continue to stay at its current location for the future new, young or old aviators. As a pilot in this valley I am all for expanding this airport at its current location, for the benefit of the local economy and to benefit the pilots in making safe landings and takeoffs. Thanks for your time, Isaac Anderson 7/9 5 M,4ve �. 2/4/2010 Theresa White From: Marilyn [marlewis@mcn.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 4:59 PM To: Theresa White Subject: kalispell city airport Kalispell City Council Members, I am sending this message urging you to do everythng in your power to continue the services your Kalispell City Airport provides to aviation. I have spent several days at this airport, while my aircraft was requiring servicing. My aircraft was also painted at a facility at the Kalispell City Airport, where we spent thousands of dollars, not only in aircraft work, but we stayed at the motels close by, ate in your restaurants and purchased parts, equipment and aviation fuel. We even rented a car and drove the "Going -to -the -Sun" Highway. We have also been known to haul fresh cherries back to central Montana. Your Kalispell City Airport also provides one of the most valuable assets to everybody, emergency medical services. If you save one life it will be worth every cent you will ever spend at this airport. We have to look at it this way. Will you save the life of a council member or a child or a mother or a father? You have to continue to provide these services to the aviation community. You can be proud of your Kalispell City Airport as it is one of the best in the Northwest. I urge you again to keep this airport going. Sincerely, Jim Lewis Past Chairman of the Lewistown Municipal Airport Board 1014 Ware Road Lewistown, Montana 59457 Phone #1-350-9739 From: Shirley Velk [svelk4310s@mcn.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 5:29 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Keep S27 Kalispell City Airport is a great convenience forgeneral aviation pilots that fly smaller aircraft that do not want to be involved with the "heavy iron "fast commercial planes This airport is very important to us for fueling, maintenance, flight training, hangar facilities, parking. Please ------ keep S27 on the charts Thank you for your careful consideration. Sincerely, Shirley Velk, Pilot and Aircraft owner 2/4/2010 Therese White From: Paul Ayotte [paulayotte@centurytel.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 6:21 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Airport Greetings, Just a thought to share with you. In my years of Management, Law Enforcement, and Psychology work, I've been involved with many motivated people with underlying reasons to pursue their causes. I have to ask, exactly what is the motivation of the quiet skies group that would so make them believe that their cause is more beneficial to the Kalispell community, and especially the community immediately in the vicinity of the airport, that would better serve Kalispell, than what currently exists? As I believe one would benefit to look at all angles of a situation, I can't help but wonder what relationships, if any, in the quiet skies group, would receive motivation from Mr. Stokes. Just a thought. I sincerely hope that you, as a governing body, carefully consider the economic consequences of your decisions and I hope that all your actions have positive results. Remember also what Kalispell stands to reap economically for the little financial investment that is asked of you, compared to the financial investment the FAA is willing to put into our community. Sincerely, Paul Ayotte Private Pilot and a payer of rent for a Kalispell City Airport hangar. 2/4/2010 Theresa White From: Tim Linn [tim.linn@hotmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 6:32 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell City Airport {S27} Kalispell City Mayor & Council, I have been flying in & out of Kalispell City Airport {S27} since the mid 1970's. It is close to down town businesses, motels & lodging. It employees numerous Kalispell people! The major air carrier airports in Montana, Billings, Bozeman, Missoula, Helena & Great Falls have airplanes flying over the communities, or subdivisions on the approach & departing traffic corridors. Safety is as important at each of those communities as it is at Kalispell City Airport! Kalispell City Airport was there long before most of the citizens mumbling about noise bought their homes. Maybe all flight in & out of the Flathead should be grounded including Glacier International, along with the logging trucks, semi trucks hauling food, medical supplies & trains??? They also make noise & create a Safety Issue to some one! This is not the Ist attempt to close City Airport, I urge you not to do so! Respectfully, Tim Linn Commercial Rated Pilot 1307 South Church St. Bozeman, Montana 59715 Member Montana Pilots Association Your E-mail and More On -the -Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. Sign up now. 2/4/2010 Theresa White From: Charles Ballo fcballo@nctv.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 10:03 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Airport I am a pilot living and home based in Sandpoint, Idaho. You can't use the fact that the airport is in the city. There are many cities that were formed Because they are near the airport. LAX is a good example. I fly and often have guests, fly to Kalispell for lunch. Your city has much to offer. It would be a crime to let this airport be closed for the voices of a few. Listen to the people, you represent them too.... Thank you Charles Ballo Sandpoint, ID. 2/4/2010 Theresa White From: Tom and Jill Welch [tomtana@bresnan.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 4:03 PM To: Theresa White Dear city council members, We would just like to voice my opinion that the work on the city airport should go forward as planned.!We believe it is a great thing for th city of Kalispell. Thank you Tom and Jill Welch,Digfork 2/3/2010 Theresa White From: Chuck Manning [chuck.manning@gmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 10:24 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell City Airport Attachments: Kalispell City Airport.doc Mayor Fisher and Council, I have attached comments concerning the Kalispell City Airport upgrade. Thank you, Chuck Manning Home: 389 Point Caroline Rd. P.O. Box 784 Lakeside, MT 59922 <chuck.mannina c amail.com> 406-844-3369 (h) 406-253-8661 (c) Work: Flathead High School 644 4th Ave. West Kalispell, MT 59901 <mannin2c(@sd5.k12.mt.us> 406-751-3491(w) 2/4/2010 Theresa White From: Ry Keller [forestkeller@montanasky.us] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 10:49 PM To: Theresa White Subject: City Airport Dear Council Members, I wanted to let you know that I am in support of the improvements planned for the Kalispell city airport. I learned to fly at this airport and feel it is a great asset to our community. I believe the improvements including the runway realignment and extension will improve safety and reduce the noise over residential areas. I also feel the employment that will be created by the money spent on this project will help the local economy. The airport is self sufficient and would only bring in more money for the city after the improvements have been made. Our EAA Chapter 102 has been fortunate to host our free flights for kids 8 to 18 called Young Eagles at Kalispell City Airport. In the last two years we have introduced general aviation to over 160 kids. Every one had a smile on their face when they returned from their first fight experience. Kalispell City Airport is perfectly suited to these types of actives that would not be as viable at GPI with its commercial traffic and tight security limiting access. I have friends and clients from all over the U.S. that land at Kalispell City Airport and enjoy the activities that Kalispell and the Valley have to offer. They like the location and the small town feeling of landing at this local airport. Please consider the history that this airport has and the try to visualize the future that it can have. Thank you, Ry Keller 2/4/2010 Theresa "IfThite From: Darrell Christofferson [darrell.kg7modjc@gmail.comj Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 11:39 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell City Airport Dear City Council Members, I am writing today in support of the proposed upgrade of the Kalispell City airport. I am the President of Flathead Flyers LLC, a small flying club with one Cessna 172 based at Kalispell City, and I have been a FAA licensed Commercial pilot since 1970. 1 am also a Kalispell native, in fact a 5th generation Flathead resident. The Kalispell City airport is a very valuable asset to the city of Kalispell and the community in general in many ways. Historically, it has produced a number of great benefits to everyone in the community, the best example being the Alert air ambulance service we have at Kalispell regional hospital. Although the air ambulance service now has a hanger at the hospital, it was begun at Kalispell City airport. There are a number of businesses that use the city airport and of course some of them have a small staff of personnel providing services, therefore jobs for people in Kalispell Also, quite a number of general aviation aircraft utilize Kalispell City throughout the year, mostly in the summer months, because of its great convenience to the city itself, including hotels/motels, food services, etc., Did you know that last year approx. 35 Doctors (MD) visited Kalispell during various times to attend conferences in medicine at KRMC? Also, I must mention the opportunities for young and old alike to participate and learn about aviation at Kalispell City ... the airport is so accessible. The USA needs young people to become pilots, and it starts with a lesson at your local airport. Did you know that Bill Boeing learned to fly from an instructor who was from Polson? Just think what Boeing does for this country today!! I have attended the first "scoping" meeting on the airport upgrade and was surprised to hear some of the complaints, especially by the "Quiet Skies" people. I say surprised because I was amazed that many of them had many mythical ideas about the airport and aviation in general. Some of them thought that everyone on the airport board is a pilot .... which is not true. Some of them believe that just "rich guys" have airplanes..... we have 10 members in the Flathead Flyers .... none of them are "rich", most of us have average incomes and typical homes, and believe it or not, have to work for a living!! Also, the subject of "quiet" was aired ..... just exactly what are the decibel levels when a small aircraft is taking off .... no one seemed to know or understand any of that. I heard an interesting true story about a person complaining about the noisy airplanes, and when a pilot came by this persons house to observe first hand how much noise the aircraft were making, he found the complainant had to shut off his lawn mower do he could "show" how much noise the aircraft were making. Although this sounds like a funny story, the fact is that the level of sounds from an aircraft passing overhead is quite low, probably a lot less than a lawn mower or the neighbor kids boom box in his car, not to even mention that Harley cruising main in the summer. With respect to safety..... pilots are some of the most conscientious people I know. They do a complete inspection of the aircraft everytime they get ready to go flying and the aircraft itself must pass rigorous FAA inspections a minimum of yearly and for aircraft used for training, a 100 hour inspection is also required in addition to the annual. In spite of a focus on safety, I would be remiss to say that accidents never happen ..... but the rate at which they happen is extremely low ... one can count on one hand the number of accidents in the last 10 years near the city airport.. The accident rate for cars and motorcycles in and around the airport is many times higher. Finally, I must say that to close the airport would be totally the wrong thing to do. Quite a number of people would lose their jobs, a dozen or so businesses would have to just close, and the loss of revenue to the community would have quite a negative impact. At a time when our overall economy is not very good, it would be a big loss to the community to close the airport. Furthermore, I believe the FAA is willing to fund an upgrade (or at least help with one) ..... this is just what we need in our community at this time .... jobs. People could be put to work on building a new, longer, re -oriented runway, and other improvements that have been proposed. These upgrades would enhance safety, make our airport more attractive to visitors, move the noise envelope away from the city center. I have read a study by the Montana Department of Transportation that Kalispell City airport probably brings in several million dollars in revenue to the area, we would be foolish to close the airport at this time, especially because of a small group of citizens who really don't have the facts to support their complaints. And I have to add, if you move to Kalispell and buy property near the airport, you might just hear an occasional aircraft fly over. The upgrade would not entice jet traffic either .... a 4000 foot runway is too short and really unsafe for jets of almost all categories, but a longer runway would make small aircraft operation better in many ways. I urge the Council to move ahead with the airport upgrade, its best for the community and our city. Darrell J. Christofferson President, Flathead Flyers, LLC rage i or Theresa White From: Dennis Lacy [dmlacy@gmail.comj Sent: Thursday, February 04, 2010 12:42 AM To: Theresa White; Jim Pierce Subject: S27/Kalispell City Airpark Dear Distinguished City Council Members, My name is Dennis S. Lacy. I am a young pilot that has been learning to fly at our city airport. I have the privilege of serving our local EAA Chapter (Experimental Aircraft Assoc.) as Young Eagles Coordinator. This is a program where kids 8-17 from our valley get to come to our city airport and go for a free flight with a local pilot. This program has introduced well over 1.5 million kids to the joy of flight since it's inception and Kalispell City Airpark has played an important roll for our local youth. I have sent up over 150 kids in just two sessions since taking over the position. 10 of those kids are working on aviation projects and scholarships via Flathead Youth Aviation with a career in aviation in mind. Many kids go on to some form of aviation career from experiences like the Young Eagles. Our airport is the only one within 50 plus miles that is suited for this kind of needed access by our local youth. The future airline pilots and mail pilots that would be from our community depend on this little airport. It is where we all get our flight lessons from. Glacier does not have a flight school at this time per Joe Fossett the FBO Mgr at Glacier Jet Ctr. One cannot even get onto GPI without TSA badge and background check. (Our kids do not need to go through these steps just for a plane ride.) So where else do they go if this airport were to go away. I believe the City Council members should be able to answer this question as it pertains to the future of this great community and anyone thinking that aviation, is going away from our future is being just plain unrealistic. These decisions have huge ripple effects on our future generations as far as aviation is concerned. My common sense thoughts around the "IMPROVEMENTS" to the airport are this: Lengthening, widening and moving the runway further south improves the safety of the pilots/passengers and the vast majority of those on the ground. It also lessens the noise footprint of air traffic over the southwestern end of town. Please tell me how many residents that bought or rent in that area of town were oblivious to the fact that an airport was nearby when they moved in? Since 1929. So any enhancements that improve my safety margin as a pilot and keep those on the ground a little safer than they already are, is liability concern (for all parties) wisely addressed. And again noise levels would hopefully also be mitigated by the realignment of the runway. I thank you for your time and I will pray that common sense prevails with a win -win outcome. Yours in Flight and Friendship, 3ennis Steven Lacy iupport Young Aviators by visiting: Ittp:1/flatileadyouthaviation org/ ,/4/2010 Theresa White Prom- Joe Kuberka Ooe_kuberka@msn.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 3:27 PM To: Theresa White Subject: City Airport I have received a message you are considering closing the Kalispell city airport. I own a business that provides tours to pilots around the west. Kalispell is one of my stops for the Montana tour. I easy access to the town and airport are one of the reasons for these stops. If you close this airport - I will look for another town for my stops. Joe Kuberka Blue Goose Aviation/America Air Tours 2/3/2010 From: wendy anderson [valleyex@cyberport.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 3:12 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell City Airport Kalispell City Council Members, I would like to comment on the possibility of the closure of the airport. I completed my private pilots training out of the city airport. During training, we often went to Glacier Airport to familiarize ourselves with a little busier airport, communicating with a tower and so on. The only nerve racking experience I had duriing all my training was at the Glacier Airport. Although this event ended without any mishap, it could have ended very messy! Glacier is not as busy as alot of other airports, but it is busy enough to have some close calls with the jets and the small aircraft. I currently fly out of the city airport, hangar my airplane there, and spend quite a few dollars at the facitility. I personally feel the airport environment there is very safe, and will just become safer with the improvements they wish to accomplish. I prefer the city airport because of its location. I can run have lunch at a variety of places, grab something at the grocery store if I need it. I do not fly to other airports that are located further out of town because of the inconvenience of a rental car or taxi. This airport has been around a long time, alot longer than the subdivisions surrounding it, there have been very few accidents at the airport. If it was such a unsafe area, why did the city allow the subdivisions to be built so close to it? We all knew it was there. I feel if you allow this airport to close, you will be setting a precidence for all the other people who move in here from out of state, or are residents here now, to start wining and complaining about other business's they do not like and try and get them shut down or moved rather than themselves deciding to live at another location. How safe is Scotty's? A busy bar located right along the main highway, serving alcohol to people who are going to get right out on that highway and drive? And who is going to foot the bill for closing the airport? Thank you for your time. Larry Anderson ?/3/2010 From: Wendy [wmttreas@cyberport.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 3:34 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell City Airport City Council Members, I would like to comment on the closure of the city airport. I am not a pilot, but often a passenger on a small plane. I was born and raised in the flathead, and have always enjoyed the city airport. I feel alot of the complaints of noise from people about the airport is really silly, as I've said, I fly out of there alot as a passenger and I have heard far noisier vehicles than the airplanes. Not only the vehicles, but motorcycles, the loud music coming from the vehicles and so on. I often wonder if the people doing the complaining are native Flathead residents, or people who have moved into the area from larger cities to get away from those sounds. If so, maybe they should have picked another location to purchase a home. As for the safety, we have had very few accidents around the airport involving small planes. Besides, you are not going to keep the small planes from flying above those areas anyhow, and I have noticed different planes such as BigSky flying over the city as well. Or, how about the jets? I have also been a passenger on them and flew in on approach to Glacier over Smith Lake and on directly of FVCC to land at Glacier. They are all flying over a part of the city! Kalispell City Airport is very conveniently located. It could not be better located. It is close to hotels, restaurants, the grocery store, convenience stores. They all profit from the airport as well. People come in to be flown into the back country for rafting, hiking or hunting, and they always need something. It is easy and convenient to run to Rosaurs to grab a last minute item, or to one of the restaurants for a meal before they go. When my friends and I fly to different cities, we only fly into the ones that are convenient to downtown, I can see alot of people avoiding this town if they have to resort to Glacier. It is too far out and they have to either rent a car for a few hours or take a taxi, so they will just continue on rather than stop and fuel up and have a bite of lunch somewhere. And, they will still be flying over the city! Another factor is the security. It is always a hassle to go out to Glacier. You have to go through too much security to get anywhere, and that becomes a hassle. Kalispell has lost clot of job opportunities in the last couple of years with the mills closing and alot of other business's, do we really want to put more people out of work? Another thing I will never understand, these people who live close to the airport, they had to be aware it was there before they chose to live close by or purchase a home in the area. Did they consider the airport then? I don't recall it being a huge concern before all the subdivisions were built up around it. Lets remember, the airport was already there before these subdivisions I feel it would be a mistake to close the airport, I think it is a historical part of the city as well as a source of income by making it convenient for people to stop in and spend some money, and it does provide some employment that is so badly needed at this time. Thank you, Wendy Anderson Kalispell 2/3/2010 From: Aaron Alme [aaronalme@hotmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 1:50 PM To: Theresa White Subject: support for S27 Dear City Council Members, I am writing this letter in support of the improvements to our Kalispell City Airport S27. As a surgeon, my clinic utilizes S27 to expand our clinical coverage. This results in more patients being referred to our office in Kalispell, as well as generation of additional surgeries. Patients in satellite communities such as Libby have the option of seeking care in Spokane; our satellite allows Libby residents to receive clinical and surgical care in Kalispell. My office employs 30 professionals, including physicians, nurses, and technicians. The surgical volume directly supports Kalispell Regional Medical Center and HealthCenter Northwest, two of Kalispell's largest employers. S27 also provides convenient transportation to meet with colleagues and attend educational conferences throughout the northwest. Improving the safety of S27 with a longer, wider runway, installing VASI lighting, and increasing the safety zones are changes that everyone can support. The current location is very favorable to Kalispell businesses and employers, and will help support further economic development. As a small business owner, a proud member of the Kalispell community, and a physician interested in providing surgical and clinical care to patients in northwest Montana, I urge you to support expansion of S27. Our airport is a great resource to our community, and will continue to help generate economic development and provide great jobs in our community. Sincerely, Aaron M Alme, M.D. Glacier Eye Clinic 160 Heritage Way Kalispell MT 59901 Your E-mail and More On -the -Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. Sign_._u.p_now._ 2/3/2010 s5 & 421 Aviation Way Frederick, Maryland 21701 AMT. 301-695.2000 F. 301695 2375 www.aopa.org January 28, 2010 The Honorable Tammi Fisher Mayor 502 Second Avenue East Kalispell, Montana 59901 Dear Mayor Fisher: The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association (AOPA) represents the general aviation interests of more than 415,000 members, more than two-thirds of the nation's pilots, including 2,600 members in the State of Montana. AOPA is committed to ensuring the future viability and economic development of general aviation airports and their facilities as a vital part of a state and national transportation system. We understand that there is some local debate over the possibility of locating a new airport near Kalispell to replace the existing airport and that there has been some opposition to accepting new federal funds at the current airport to facilitate necessary improvements. On behalf of our members we are writing to join the local pilots and the members of the Montana Pilots Association in encouraging the continued operation of Kalispell City Airport. We believe that the city should seriously consider accepting the airport improvement grant funds available from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to continue improving the safety and economical viability of the airport. We would suggest that the current location adds great value to the local economy and provides a public service to the community through the emergency medical operations. Safety —Kalispell City Airport has a tremendous safety record with only one fatal accident in the last 15 years. In addition to this exemplary record, the open space surrounding the airport not only is important to airport safety, but provides the community with more than 70 acres of open green. space. Upgrading the airport will increase safety at Kalispell. Noise —AOPA, encourages pilots to be good neighbors and fly friendly. Voluntary noise abatement procedures can easily be adapted to minimize the impact of aircraft operations on surrounding communities. Pilots always support being good neighbors. In addition, modern day aircraft incorporate numerous means of mitigating noise and air pollution. Financial —Not only does the Kalispell airport operate in the black, but it provides for 359 jobs in the community. As you are aware, the Enterprise Fund does not accept money from the public and generates its revenue from the users through commercial fees, land leases and fuel taxes. Kalispell City Airport is a model of how all general aviation airports should operate. We encourage the City Council to take into consideration the true asset the airport is to the entire community during its February 81h hearing. I will be in Montana for the Montana Aviation Conference and would like to take an opportunity to come visit with you personally in Kalispell the week of March 1. I will follow-up with a call to your office to set that up, or if you have any questions, please feel free to contact me directly at 301-695-2201. ySincely, ole n rrector of Advocacy cc: /Jim Alkingon, Council Member Kari Gabriel, Council Member Robert. Hafferman, Council Member Randy Kenyon, Council Member Tim Kiuesr'ier, Council Member M. Duane Larson, Council Member Jeff Zauner, Council Member Wayne Saverud, Council Member Jane Howington, City Manager AIRCRAFT OWNERS AND PILOTS ASSOCIATION Theeesa White From: James B. Reid aimreid@centurytel.net] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 12:38 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell City Airport Dear city council, I want to tell you why I am in support of improving the city airport in its current location. I live just south of the airport under the main departure path for the airport. I have worked at or around this airport for 34 years so I have gained some knowledge of what type of people use the airport. The majority are everyday people like you or I, who enjoy flying. One of the things that most cities value highly is whatever it has that attracts visitors. Our city airport is just that. Not only does it attract visitors but it actually makes enough income to be self supporting. Besides being self supporting, by bringing visitors here, it helps support local restaurants, motels and stores, all city tax payers who benefit from having the city airport nearby. The airport location is what makes this airport so popular. Finding an airport where you can actually walk to motels, restaurants or stores is rare. The city airport IS a destination. As a means to improve safety and lessen the impact of noise for the city, as part of the improvements, moving the runway to the south and the realignment will help with both. So I am NOT for leaving the airport as it is now. The added safety benefits are important to the airport and to the city. With the FAA and State grants, the actual cost to the city would be extremely low. Today there are a number of people whose employment is dependent on the airport and where it is. Some could move to a new location but some jobs would be lost. Closing the airport would cost the city many dollars by having to buy back the leases for business and hangers that still have years to run on the leases. I don't think the city could afford it and it's probably far more than the cost of the improvements. Our valley does have another fine airport in Glacier Park International. However this airport is not a destination like city airport is. People who fly there must then decide which of several places to go next, Kalispell is only one choice for them. The city of Kalispell is a wonderful place and in its airport Kalispell has a gem, I suggest you keep it and cherish it. James Reid jimreid@centurytel.net 2/3/2010 Theresa White From: ART LILLIS [heyrt@hotmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 11:28 AM To: Theresa White; flathead.hangar@gmail.com Subject: Kalispell City Airport Dear City Council Members. I has come to my attention that the Kalispell City airport is being considered for closure. As and active user of your airport I would consider it a serious error to close an asset to the community of this nature. I travel a long way to enjoy all that Montana has to offer to the backcountry pilot and outdoor enthusiast. This airport in particular allows me the superior services I require for this effort. Its proximity to local hotels , stores and restaurant facilities are excellent and allow me to support the community in addition to the ease of access to your beautiful country. This airport is self-supporting and only an economic asset to the community not a taxpayer burden. It is additionally a true gem to the pilot enthusiast in your part of Montana. To negatively impact the local employment , negatively impact the local businesses economies with a closure of this nature is truly inexcusable. Please take these elements seriously , work to improve this valuable asset , not destroy it. Thank you for your consideration. Art Lillis Anchorage Alaska (907) 440 0086 Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection. Sian up now. 2/3/2010 T eiresa White From: Steven Moss [mossie4@hotmail.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 11:27 AM To: Theresa White Subject: City Airport February 1, 2010 Kalispell City Council RE: Kalispell City Airport I have provided you this letter to show my support for the continuing operations of the Kalispell City Airport. In addition I also would like to voice my support for the implementation of the proposed safety measures including the extension and realignment of the runway. I have reviewed the information that has been made available to the public as a result of the recent debates surrounding this issue including the televised meetings of the City Council. Although I feel that most of the issues raised by the opponents to the airport have been adequately addressed, I will offer these thoughts after considering the concerns raised by those challenging the renovation of the airport. I find it surprising that the residents that live in close proximity to the airport have expressed concerns with both the noise and safety of the aircraft utilizing the airport. I am confident that most of the individuals that reside in the area either purchased or built or purchased their homes after the establishment of the airport in 1929. Therefore, they were aware of the potential noise issues and safety concerns at the time they chose to reside next to the airport. Many individuals have expressed that the property should be utilized in some other fashion even suggesting a ferris wheel. It seems that an important step in this process would be to have an appraisal of the real estate that makes up the city airport and the proposed expansion area. As part of any appraisal process, the appraiser is entrusted to determine the "highest and best" use for the property. My assumption is that, based on the physical location of the property and in light of current and anticipated economic conditions, the current use of the property is already being utilized as it should be. In addition, this would cause the displacement of businesses currently located at the City Airport and the surrounding businesses that benefit from the traffic generated by the operations of the airport. My final point is that I have heard numerous individuals suggest that the operations of the City airport should be relocated to Glacier Park International airport. I would like to ask if anybody has spoken to those that control the operations of GPI? Does that airport have the capability to handle the additional aircraft traffic, storage and servicing that is currently handled at the City Airport. Do they have hangar space available at a similar rate for the business that will be displaced by the closure of the airport? Do they have facilities for an additional flight training facility that will need to be relocated? As a resident of Kalispell and a private pilot that had the privilege of learning how to fly with Red Eagle Aviation, I ompletely disagree with the closure of and/or the relocation of the city airport. I am in complete support of the realignment of the runway and the proposed improved safety measures. [ thank you for the opportunity to provide you with this letter of support of the City Airport. Sincerely, Steven L. Moss 36 Northern Lights Blvd Kalispell, MT 59901 Z/3/2010 February 2, 2010 To Whom It May Concern: ® The Kalispell City Airport is a longtime revenue producing asset for the area. According to an estimate by the State of Montana, the airport brings a $24 million economic boost to the local economy. ® Closure of the airport would require the city of Kalispell to pay off existing agreements/contracts thus costing the Kalispell taxpayers directly and immediately. ® From my perspective as a pilot, issues in the plan are addressed which will significantly reduce or eliminate current safety and noise issues. ® in any effort for change, there is always a vocal group that will oppose regardless of benefits. ® The time for positive change is at hand. But inaction will amount to a costly lost ® 1 applaud Kalispell's and the FAA's efforts to make the airport safer for both pilots and residents at no cost to the local taxpayers. This seems to me to be a win -win situation. ® Kalispell has a great city airport. Let it thrive! Respectfully submitted, Donald L. Ste inson, Colonel US NG Ret. Bigfork, MT (/ Theresa White From: Bob Snyder [tobi1554@yahoo.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 9:56 AM To: Theresa White Dear Sirs My name is Robert Snyder, I own and operate an aviation company called Mission Mountain Flying Services LLC. I feel compelled to write this letter concerning the controversy surrounding the Kalispell City Airport. As a contractor to the Forest Service I have many job related flights into the city airport. During the summer my contract sometimes requires me to work out of kalispell for as many as three weeks. With Motels and restaurants and the great Rosauers so close to the city air port it is the hands down place to go for small operators. many of my friends that also have aviation work in kalispell use city because it is less of a hassle than Glacier International, plus the fuel is cheaper at city. Concerning the noise at city we if we are being unnecessarily loud. we are quickly reminded that there are things we should be thinking about when operating around cities such as taking off away from town and keeping our planes as quite as possible. I just thought I needed to let you know my feelings on this subject. I think loosing the city airport would be a great loss for the city and for many operators like myself Robert P Snyder Mission Mountain Flying Services LLC 2/3/2010 Theresa White From: cartererick@comcast.net Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 9:47 AM To: Theresa White Subject: Airport Dear Kalispell City Council, The last two years I have made a trip to Montana each summer, to fish in your pristine waters of the south fork Flathead river. Each time I have flown my 32 year old airplane into the Kalispell airport, for a stop before we entered the backcountry. Each trip I have spent over $500 in fuel, food, supplies, and fishing licenses in your city. I realize that is small peanuts in your arena, but the convenience and hospitality of your airport and city, make it a must stop on every trip to Montana. I urge you to take a close look at the economic statement your airport creates, and I feel closing it would be a detriment to your fine city. Thank you for your time. PS. I live in Oregon and regularly fish the McKenzie River. It is another pristine river that you should see, although with a different view due to its location. Erick Carter cartererick@comcast.net 2/3/2010 Theresa White From: Michael Frizzell [MichaelFrizzeligtriad.rr.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 9:43 AM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell Airport Hello Kalispell City Council; I am an aviation enthusiast who lives in North Carolina, and frequently visits Montana. I have been coming to Kalispell since 2001, for the fishing, and to hone my pilot skills. Whenever I am in the area I utilize the businesses located at the Kalispell city airport. It has come to my attention that there is a group lobbying to close the airport. I can honestly say, that if this airport were to close or move, my colleagues and I will probably be less likely to return to the area. We choose S27 because of it's convenient location, and proximity to the businesses and services I require on my stays. I have heard that this opposition group raise the issue that it is unsafe to have an airport in town, and Kalispell is the only city with this kind of airport. This too me is a non issue. My own home airport is less than a mile from downtown Winston-Salem, NC, which has a population density of over 1,600 people per square mile. As I travel the country I routinely land at airports located in the middle of a population center. Most notable are San Diego, CA; Columbia, SC; Atlantic City, NJ; New Orleans Lakefront, LA; and Houston Executive, TX. Another issue this group has raised is noise. I live directly under the departure end of the main runway of the Winston-Salem airport. This airport averages 145 aircraft operations a day, including large jets. I rarely even notice the aircraft noise. From my personal experience in Kalispell, the motorcycles and modified trucks seem to be much noisier than any aircraft in town. Cordially; Michael D. Frizzell Cooperative Benefits & Financial Services, LLC 5550 Overlook Circle Winston-Salem, NC 27105 Office 336.406.4075 Fax 336.744.8265 MichaelPTeamCBFS.com www.TeamCBFS.com 2/3/2010 Theresa White From: Daniel Brown [dna_brown@yahoo.com] Sent: Wednesday, February 03, 2010 12:52 AM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell City Airport Dear Council Members, I wish to express my shock and disappointment that the council is actually considering the closure of Kalispell City Airport. I believe closing it would be a grave mistake, and would have far-reaching negative effects, namely adversely affecting the local economy. I no longer reside in Kalispell, but lived there for many years and visit often. I am in my early forties, and employed as an educator in Conrad, MT. Two years ago I achieved a lifelong dream by earning my private pilot certificate, and now own my own aircraft. I put myself through college working at Rosauers when it was at its former location - 1500 South Main - right on the FINAL LEG of the landing pattern to Kalispell City Airport. For YEARS I carried groceries to customer's vehicles as a courtesy clerk - and never heard the "din" of aircraft as described by the "Quiet Skies" advocates. Due to prevailing winds, the majority of aircraft flying over the city are ARRIVING rather than departing, and as such, are at low engine power settings - creating very little noise. Additionally, the runway re -alignment proposals would further reduce or abate any noise issues that concerned residents might have. One doesn't choose a home near railroad tracks only to complain later about the sounds that trains make! Eighty years ago, Kalispell City Airport was built on the outskirts of town. "Town", as it were, has grown out around that which was already established. Closing Kalispell City Airport does not seem a viable option for the growth of the area. Currently, Kalispell City Airport operates in the BLACK - entirely funded by it's own activities. Closing it would COST the taxpayers money! Closing it would eliminate JOBS! Shall we petition to have the train tracks relocated as well? Having an healthy airport that proximity to town brings many benefits to the local economy besides the jobs it provides. There is a matter of convenience at Kalispell City Airport that can not be said for Glacier International. So much is right within walking distance: Restaurants, hotels, shopping, entertainment! The City airport is a much more direct portal to Flathead Lake for untold visitors. The loss of business for that part of town would be staggering. Personally, I find Kalispell City Airport a much "friendlier" airport to fly in to. Given the choice, I prefer arrivals at Kalispell City. I can't help but wonder how many other pilots share my sentiment. I also wonder how much commerce the communities of Columbia Falls and Whitefish might absorb should pilots like me no longer have the option of flying in to Kalispell City. What a shame. Sincerely, Daniel Brown, Conrad Educator FAA certified Private Pilot Montana Pilot's Association Member Former Kalispell Resident 107 North Maryland Conrad, MT 59425 2/3/2010 Theresa White From: janelle gentryDazzedjanelle@acrossmontana.net] Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 10:30 PM To: Theresa White Cc: Darrell Christofferson Subject: the city airports importance Dear City Council Members I am writing to address the issue of the proposed improvements for the City Airport. I am a student pilot and belong to the Flathead Flyers Club. I also live on 948 7th Ave East which is directly under the landing pattern for the city airport. I am the owner operator of Janelli's Deli and have a vested interest in our community. I truly hope you see the value of the wonderful airport we have in our town. The improvements proposed would increase the safety and be an added value to this fine facility. I understand that even though the FAA would be supplying the majority of the funds for these improvement that would still be some expense to the city. I firmly believe that this would be a worthy expense and that the benefits from the improvements justify the cost. This airport will never be used for high traffic and or have jets come blasting in. That is why it is such a great asset. It provides opportunity for the "local" folks to learn to fly, a place where other Montana pilots can bring their families and guests to visit our community. Don't we want to support both the business that surround the airport and the people who have invested their time and money in it already. I hope that you will look at the facts and not be swayed by loud misinformed people. I hope that you will consider that the city airport offers training and opportunity for future pilots that may not be able to afford some of the programs offered at our Glacier International airport facility. I once again ask you to support the proposed improvement to the city airport. I believe that it is a wise investment that will reward the city with increased tourism. Sincerely, Janelle Gentry 2/3/2010 Theresa White From: Charles Cooper [coopcw@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 4:57 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell City Airport Hello, My name is Charlie Cooper and I'm currently an employee at Red Eagle Aviation. I understand the current debate over the city airport here in Kalispell and would like for you to understand my point of view. I grew up in Polson, MT and came to find myself living Kalispell trying to make a career flying helicopters. I started flight training with Red Eagle in the winter of 2007, and have currently been working there since the summer of 2008. Through my experiences at Red Eagle Aviation as flight student, and an employee; I have found that the Kalispell City Airport is one of the most friendly airports around. Not many of these smaller airports offer the services that we do; some of which include a rather nice courtesy car, fuel truck, heated hangers for overnight stays, and not to mention the Hotels and nice restaurants within walking distance. Through my short employment as a line serviceman, I found that the majority of the pilots coming from out of town come to the city airport for those exact reasons plus a couple more which would include the fact that the kalispell city airport is close to downtown kalispell and some pilots dont like the tight security or the control tower at Glacier Park International. Not only would the closure of the city airport effect the business on the field, it would also effect Scottys, Rousaurs, Mackenzie River Pizza, Julies Cafe (we tend to send a lot of people there for breakfast), Budget Rental, The Hilton, Aero Inn, Motel 6, and TONS of other small businesses in the southern part of Kalispell. During these economic times, Wouldn't the City of Kalispell like to see money brought into the city, and not sent out towards Glacier Park International? The expansion and re -alignment of the runway at Kalispell City Airport would be a major improvement. Not only would the realignment of the runway help bring the air traffic away from the city center, it would keep the helicopter traffic away from the waste water treatment plant as well as giving additional space between the runway and the businesses along hwy 93. The length of the runway would also be a major improvement, having a longer runway could bring the opportunity of larger aircraft (not commercial jets) into the southern part of Kalispell. These larger aircraft could bring up to 8-10 people with each plane; which in turn would bring that much more money into the southern part of Kalispell. There is this particular instance where this exact case happened my first summer working at Red Eagle. This pilot flew a king air (medium twin engine airplane) into the city airport by himself, He had to drop off his passengers at Glacier International due to the company policy which stated he could not land with that much weight onto a runway that short. This pilot wanted to keep the plane at the city airport because he would be staying at the Hilton and wanted to keep an eye on the plane while the family went on a vacationing trip. When the family wanted to leave, he had to meet the family at Glacier International because our runway would not allow him to take off with the weight he had on board. I told this gentlemen about the possible expansion of the runway and he couldn't understand why it hadn't happened yet. He said with that extra length that the new runway would have, it would have been a length at which the company policy would have allowed him to land and take off at the city airport with the family. I hope I explained this story well enough. After I talked with this pilot for awhile, I asked myself "how many times a month does this situation come up." With the economy the way it is, with businesses suffering, I believe the expansion alone will help bring revenue to the city of Kalispell. As for the noise, and the group called "quiet skies." I believe that the realignment and length of the new runway would help exponentially. Not only would the length help planes take off well beyond the city, it would change the traffic pattern so the planes and helicopters would not be over any residential part of the city. At Red Eagle Aviation we have tried our best to try to make the skies quieter, we have changed our practice areas, changed our routes to get away from the city, changed our training days at the city airport, and we have also tried to use the international airport as much as possible. Red Eagle Aviation is not directly responsible for the "noise problem", there are many other planes and people that take off and land at the city airport. Some of which are necessary like alpine air, ups, and fed -ex have used our runway when the international airport was closed. Along with these other companies, its always nice to see that ALERT 2/3/2010 comes once in awhile to use the runway to practice procedures. Not only would the expansion and realignment of the runway help make the airport safer for both the aircraft and the residents of Kalispell, it would also offer more revenue for the city of Kalispell as well as being a good alternative just in case Glacier International is not available. Thank you for your time, and I hope this helps with your decision for the futurf of the Kalispell City Airport. Charlie Cooper Flight Instructor - Red Eagle Aviation 2/3/2010 i' eresa White From: paige@redeagleaviation.com Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 2:52 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell City Airport Hello, My name is Paige Pitz, I have been an employee of Red Eagle Aviation for Three and a half years. I have gone through training and worked hard to get my private helicopter license through Red Eagle Aviation. There are many reasons why Kalispell City Airport is beneficial to this valley. These are just some that stand out to me. This airport has always had a very friendly feel to it. People come down just to sit on the grass and watch the planes and helicopters go by. There are a lot of pilots who fly in from out of town and land at Kalispell City to avoid the busy commercial traffic at Glacier International. It's convenient for pilots to fly in, tie their plane down and literally walk wherever they need to go. I meet hundreds of people every summer that fly in for vacations. The summer of 2009 Glacier International had both of their runways closed for about one week while they were doing some construction work on them. FedEx and other mail services were still able to deliver because the planes flew into Kalispell City otherwise they would have been down that week. I think it's good to have an emergency back up airport. Knowing how long this airport has been here and been a part of the valley (and our lives) I can't imagine the valley without it. Thank you - Paige Pitz Red Eagle Aviation 1880 Hwy 93 S Kalispell, MT 59901 From: bhartley@westernbuiIdingcenter.com Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 3:14 PM To: Theresa White Subject: CITY AIRPORT Dear Kalispell City Council Members, I would like to voice my opinion over the debate concerning the future of the Kalispell City Airport. I am a pilot who learned to fly by spending many dollars and hours at the Kalispell City Airport. I would like to further my flying in the future with added ratings which means more dollars spent at the city airport. The airport is a very important part of the community and the city of Kalispell. I would like to list a few of the benefits offered to the city. Financial benefit to business is probably at the top of the list. There are hotels, restaurant, and of course the aircraft service and training businesses that all contribute to the city of Kalispell though tax revenue and jobs. An expansion of the airport can potentially also expand tax revenue by attracting new businesses. Without the airport these business would be hurt and jobs would be lost. Upgrading the airport would also offer some great new safety features that would get air traffic in and out of the airport more quietly and safer. Removing the airport is not answer when it come to safety. You wouldn't consider removing roads to make automobile traffic safer. So an upgrade to the airport would be the best option for the community when it comes to safety. Some more minor reasons would be services such as medical flights, freight, training and education, plus it has been a part of Kalispell for decades. It would be a real loss to see the airport removed. Please consider upgrading and expanding the Kalispell City Airport. Thank You for time and reading this. Brent Hartley 892-4934 Brent Hartley Western Building Center (406)212-5094 -7- "q,.Z, M 7'0 Ar Eve -Ay vl�ezx fizz C1IA7 pl2r�0�51- ,,-'5 1-5- ,VV7- 7�Vl: 3-1 7- 01 7-Y I-1,15',OAY -7a-14e7A:7&- 7-74 r- C-- altC-05 �Z- 77;lr-g-ione7- 7t-7 CU67t�Alf5� .:5' Zooe- V f CZ S1 fccr-,� A 'o v 7"dinownyo Qi's 41AI A w, ° r N $- i 77-f `x yy - -- L 9$5- V C71 Vic, 0 Honorable Tammi fisher, Mayor City Council City of Kalispell 201 15t Avenue E. Kalispell, MT 59901 Re: Kalispell City Airport and Quiet skies Committee Dear Mayor Fisher and Council Members, I am writing this letter to set the record straight on public statements made by members of the Quiet Skies Committee at the City Council Workshop session on January 11, 2010. 1 have had an Opportunity to review the audio transcript the January 11t" workshop and feel obligated to respond to Some of the things stated during the public comment period. Mr. Scott Davis and Mr. Steve Eckels With the Quiet Skies Committee made several inaccurate statements to the Council regarding Telephone conversations between myself and Jeff Walla with Stelling Engineers and between myself On Steve Eckels. I was initially contacted by Mr. Steve Eckles to speak to the City of Kalispell on the topic of Operations at the Polson Airport. I was originally under the impression that this was a public meeting Sanctioned by the City of Kalispell and that City Council members would be in attendance. On January 11t" a local Pilot from Poison brought in an article from the Daily Interlake that the meeting I was to be speaking at was being conducted by a group called Quiet Skies Committee. After reading the article, I received a phone call from a person from the Daily Interlake informing me what type of meeting this was to be, And who was behind the meeting, Mr. Jeff Walla of Stelling Engineers, Inc. Mr. Walla also informed me that the meeting was not a City Council meeting but was being coordinated by the Quiet Skies Committee. At no time to Mr. Walla recommends, advice, or direct me not attend or speak at this meeting. By the time Mr. Walla called me, I had already changed my mind to speak at this meeting. As the Airport Manager at Polson Airport, I am pro -aviation and did not want to get involved with a group that was generally opposed to aviation. I am intendgg on attepding the City Council meeting on February 1, 2010 and will be more than happy to answernt direcJVquestions regarding either of these conversations. l ,r Sincerely, Vince Janison Airport Manager, Polson Airport I would like to respectfully comment on the proposal to mth ove e Kalispell City Airport. I have used this airport several times, and I used it because of it's location to the city. Otherwise, I would have gone to GPI, if I had to go to Kalispell at all. I believe there is a very important need for both airports, but if the city airport is moved, the closer one would loose it's convenience. I have used the city airport both for business and just pleasure flights and hope you will realize the importance of this airport at its present location to your in it UOT-12MMARMSS ADKINS TRUCKING 1205 Ashley Drive R. T. AdkinsCement Ph. (406) 758-2641 Kalispell, MT 59901 Home Ph. (406) 755-6287 January 29, 2010 City of Kalisepll P.O. Box 1997 Kalispe-1, Montana 59903 To: Mayor Fisher and Members of Council My name is R.T.'Adkins. I leariL.d to fly Kalispell City Airport in 1977. I am a private pilot with tail wheel and oed plane ciidvrsmCnt. I purchased my first airplane, a supercub, in August of 1979 and flew'_Lt until 1986 when I bought a 1965 Cessna 180. I have been a mountain search pilot for 30 years __nu also flown hundreds of young Eagles over the years. I am 100% for keeping the ai-poLt at Kalisepll City and for the expansion if there is no condemnation of eminet domain. I kept my first airrlaae outside until I purchased the Cessna 180 in April of 1986. At that time I rentcd a hanger from Billmayer until present. I think the fence was a waste of money as gates are -left open on the West side 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. A few years ago a snowcat ran through tue uack of my hanger and it was lucky my airplane wasn't damaged. I applaud all the time, efforL an- �xperti_e you have donated. I live halfway between the Airport and Hart hill on Ashley Drive. Most _f traffic, eithering entering or departing 31 is visable or heard from my living room windowwh,L:h d�es`t bother me at all. Respectfully, R.T. Adkins 1205 Ashley Drive Kalispc.Ll, MvuLatta 59901 KA%A1n1z 'A U ew med ii� a Prair 1* e h&x;V&A7Kd Kraft Specialties To: - city of Kalis From: Loren Smith Fax: (406) 758-7758 Pages: I Phone: (406) 758-7701 Date, 1/29/10 Re: XafispeH City Airport Comments CC: Dear City Council Members, 1500 5 P, Street South Great Falls, MT 59405 Toll Free: 877-727-3192 rox: 40&727,3239 www,pkscablns,com The Kalispell City Aii-port is a great asset to the City of Kalispell. I fly to Kalispell several times a year for business, I always use the Kalispell City Airport. On rare occasions, I'll use the County Airport and, again, it is always with reluctance. The City Airport is much more convenient and, more importantly, considerably more user friendly. Airports such as the Kalispell City Airport are seeing a resurgent throughout the United States. Reason: A lot of it has to do with government regulatory and things called "TSA". However, in addition to that, there is a greater usefulness now afforded by current general aviation aircraft; thanks to the marvelous CPS navigation system and overall reliability and equipment iu small aircr-aft. As mentioned, I regularly fly to the Kalispell City Airport for business and I always use the City Airport. I am not alone in the desire to use the City Airport. I have numerous acquaintances who feel and do the same as 1; namely using the Kalispell City Airport. I've been flying since 1963 and have been regularly using the airplane in our business since 1977. The Kalispell City Airport is truly an asset to the City of Kalispell. If I may be of any help or if you have any questions, give me a a]. Sincerely yours, Loren Smith ldr a From: Zack Anderson [zack@andersonmason ryinc.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 8:23 AM To: Theresa White Cc: Ian Anderson; Isaac Anderson; Scott Harrison Subject: Kalispell City Airport -Pro Airport Upgrade Council Members, I'm writing to you as a supporter of the City Airport. It is my observation that you are taking a lot of information from many different individuals concerning the airport. I have three areas that I want to provide my views on. Before I get into details I will tell you a little about myself. I was born in the "Old" Kalispell Regional Hospital in 1973, I'm 36 years old. I currently reside in Bigfork, Montana, where I went to kindergarten through 12th grade. I graduated from Montana State University(Bozeman) in 1996 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Construction Engineering Technology. I am a third generation Journeymen Bricklayer and Masonry Contractor. I am a husband and father of two kids. I hold a private pilot certificate which I earned in 1991 from Strand Aviation at the Kalispell City Airport. Since then I have added a Glider rating, an instrument rating and a Multi -Engine rating to my license. Private Pilot Privileges allow me to use my license for personal and business use only, which translates to "not for compensation" flights only. I have ownership in a single engine airplane(Cessna 206) and a twin engine airplane(Beech Baron) both of which are based at the City Airport and are kept in hangers that we own and have signed fifteen year leases with the City of Kalispell. We use both of these airplanes for business of which we employ roughly five to ten people that live inside of the City. I also am the President of the Glacier Eagles Soaring Club that is currently based on the City Airport. I have been a member of this club since its inception in 1990. Over the years I have spent countless hours volunteering my time for several "Fathers Day" Glider ride days as a tow pilot and as a club member. I have seen people get out of that glider for the first flight of their life. The Kalispell City Airport is where this took place. My wife is also a pilot whom recently passed her Private Pilot check ride after receiving instruction from Red Eagle Aviation in 2009. My first Point/Question is this: 1)Do I need to live inside the Kalispell City Limits in order to have my voice heard regarding the City Airport? NO! In order to vote on a measure that is put on the city ballot, Yes, I must live inside the city limits. I would like to point out how much we(Mount Cleveland development LLC.-Zack Anderson, Ian Anderson, Scott Harrison) pay in leases and property taxes to the City of Kalispell for the hangers we own. In 2008-2009, we paid $920.00 in leases and $6,807.00 in taxes to the City of Kalispell. Some have been quoted saying "the airport is for the rich and famous". I say, it is for the people who own businesses and pay the majority of the Taxes, that the City needs to be able to exist. If one uses the logic that only City Residences should have any say or vote to influence the Kalispell City Council then why don't they say that since Cars and Trucks make noise as they drive down the City Streets, that all of the streets should be closed completely due to noise and Safety Concerns? Airplanes have been using the City's Airport for % of a century bringing supplies, sick people and outside business people to the City for years. You need to remember, these people and these flights have helped make the City of Kalispell prosperous then and now. They may not have been a resident of the City, but they sure spent money here and brought commerce to the City. As you grow in your decision about what is the right decision regarding the Airport consider this; If the City was to exist on the taxes collected from the City Residents alone, who long would the City be in Business? I ask you to listen to the Business owners and Property owners(Me) in your City, as well as the few "Opponents" of the airport. The noise from the airplanes using this airport has only decreased in the years since it was first used. The individuals who are opposed to the Airport are simply ignoring the fact that the airport was there long before they were there. 2)ls the current Kalispell City Airport Safe? NO! The current Kalispell City Airport is a liability to the City unless the proposed upgrades are completed immediately. I currently make four take -offs and landings per week at this airport and find it very much unsafe. In the past I have observed pilots making 2/2/2010 hazardous maneuvers to avoid a collision with the 200 foot tall towers. These towers need to be removed prior to this next summer when we are again flying the glider. The towers pose a serious threat to the safety of Both the tow plane pilot and the glider pilot during the critical time shortly after takeoff to the south. Also, It is a huge safety concern of mine as pilot in command of my airplane, to spend the lengthy amount of time over the City while flying the approach to land to the south. The way the runway is aligned, I am forced to fly low and slow over the city in order to land without risking running off the end of the short runway. The proposed re -alignment and the lengthening will resolve both of these concerns. I ask you to please move forward with the badly needed upgrades that are proposed prior to the unfortunate chance that an airplane does have an accident and we lose innocent lives on the ground and in the air. These upgrades will decrease the City's Liability. 3)Should the Airport be Relocated? NO! The unhappy people who have chosen to purchase property/live near the Airport need to relocate. The Airport is comparable to Woodland park. It is used by everyone who chooses to use it. The City Airport is a Public Airport and thus everyone has the right to choose whether they want to use it or not use it. I don't use Woodland Park but at the same time I have no interest in seeing it closed or relocated. If some individuals think that the Airport property should be used for something else such as a Ferris Wheel, wouldn't one of those fit nicely in Woodland Park? This Airport is very similar to the airports in Great Falls, Helena, Missoula, Billings and Spokane. They all were originally built in a field far outside the city. The cities eventually built out to the Airport and surrounded the Airport property. If the Airport is relocated, what makes you think that the neighboring property owners in the fields far from the city are going to want an airport placed next to them and be happy about it? They chose to live in the country so they didn't have to live next to an Airport. The opponents of this Airport upgrade chose to live in the city, NEAR, the airport. It appears to me that now they want to have the luxury of City amenities, and have a Country standard of living. They are crying to you to solve their dilemma, but they chose to live in the city, the airport was chosen to be where it is long before these folks were here. I suggest that you consider the total cost to the City if the airport was to be moved. Buying out existing leases, paying for new hangers to be built and paying for new infrastructure to the new airport just to name a few. if closing the Airport or leaving it the way it is happens to be your choice, would you also consider closing or relocating the Center Mall? The mall is a enterprising establishment, but a Ferris Wheel would sure work there as well. The Airport is a necessity to the City in the same context as the Mall and Woodland Park. The Airport not only needs to stay it needs to be made safer! In summary, I see four options: Leave the Airport as it is, Close it, Upgrade it or Relocate it. If left as it is, the clock is ticking and without upgrades, someone is going to lose their life. Close it and you lose a profitable enterprise in the City. Upgrade it and lives will be saved and the city has an enterprising asset. Relocate it and you are going to be paying out huge amounts of money and losing an asset to the City. Please, make the safe decision and support the proposed realignment and upgrades immediately before someone gets killed or injured due to the unsafe conditions present at this time. There is no need for anymore environmental studies, they have been done redundantly and all point in the same direction. Thanks for your time and I look forward to your good and prompt judgment regarding this important matter. I would like to request acknowledgement of this letter by each council member. Please feel free to contact me if you have any question or comments. Regards, Zack Anderson Anderson Masonry Inc. President/Project Manager 7393 Highway 35 Bigfork, MT 59911 (406) 837-7730 Fax (406) 837-7731 email: zack_@andersonmasonryinc.com 2/2/2010 From: KENNETH MORROW [morrowkl@msn.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 12:18 AM To: Theresa White; flathead.hangar@gmail.com Subject: KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT S27 DEAR KALISPELL CITY COUNCIL IN REGARDS TO THE CLOSING OF THE KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT S27, I SUGGEST THAT THE CITY LOOK AT WHAT A GREAT ASSET S27 IS TO THE CITY OF KALISPELL. IT OFFERS GREAT ACCESS TO THE CITY FOR AVIATORS COMING TO KALISPELL, WALKING DISTANTS TO MOTELS, CONVENTION AREAS, RESTAURANTS, FUEL, FBO'S FOR REPAIR OR MAINTENANCE, RENT A CARS AND ETC.. IN JULY OF 1995 THE INTERNATIONAL CESSNA 170 ASSOCIATION HOSTED A AIRCRAFT CONVENTION IN KALISPELL AT THE CITY AIRPORT S27. I WAS THE CHAIRMAN OF THE CONVENTION THAT YEAR, IT WAS A 3 YEAR PLANNING PROCESS, WE HAD MEETINGS IN KALISPELL 2 OR 3 TIMES A YEAR PLANNING FOR THIS CONVENTION. WE MET WITH THE MOTEL MANAGERS IN THE AREA TO RESERVE ROOMS, FBO'S ON FUEL, MAINTENANCE AND AIRCRAFT SUPPORT, RESTAURANTS OPERATORS, ELK'S, T- SHIRT SHOP OPERATORS, SET UP A BANK ACCOUNT AT ONE OF THE LOCAL BANKS, SET UP TOURS WITH THE PEOPLE AT GLACIER PARK AND AT THE SKI AREA, TALKED WITH DOWN TOWN STORE MANAGERS AND TOLD THEM WHAT TO EXPECT FOR ONE WEEK IN JULY OF 1995. THE PLANNING OF THE CONVENTION INCLUDED PEOLLE FROM YOUR OWN CITY OF KALISPELL, MYSELF AND STAFF FROM NAMPA AND BOISE IDAHO AND MEMBERS FROM CALGARY, CANADA. WE SELECTED KALISPELL CITY S27 FOR THE 1995 CONVENTION BECAUSE IT GAVE GENERAL AVIATION AND OUR MEMBERS EASY ACCESS TO A AIRPORT THAT WAS IN CLOSE PROXIMITY TO CITY SERVICES AND LODGING. THIS CONVENTION BROUGHT TO THE CITY OF KALISPELL, 125 GENERAL AVIATION AIRCRAFT, 265 PLUS MEMBERS, APPROXIMATELY $750,000.00 OR MORE, IN THE SEVEN (7) DAY OR ONE (1) WEEK PERIOD, TO KALISPELL AND ITS BUSINESS'S. OUR MEMBERS HAD A WONDERFUL TIME, THE CITY OF KALISPELL PEOPLE TREATED US VERY NICE, INVITED US BACK AND TO THIS DAY MEMBERS STILL TALK ABOUT THE 1995 KALISPELL CONVENTION. BY THE WAY THE CONVENTION COMMITTEE DONATED BETWEEN $1500.00 AND $2000.00 TO THE KALISPELL MONTANA PILOTS ASSOCIATION CHAPTER TO HELP PAY FOR AND INSTALL STROBE LIGHTS ON THE RADIO TOWER AT THE SOUTH END OF THE FIELD. I BELIEVE THAT YOU, THE MEMBERS OF THE COUNCIL SHOULD TAKE A GOOD CLOSE HARD LOOK AT THE CITY AIRPORT S27, FOR THE VALUE IT HAS TO OFFER THE CITY OF KALISPELL IN REVENUE THAT IT CAN GENERATE, ALONG WITH BEING A TREMENDOUS ASSET TO THE CITY AND TO GENERAL AVIATION. I'VE FLOWN INTO KALISPELL MANY TIMES AND THERE IS NO OTHER AIRPORT IN THE NORTHWEST THAT IT COMPARES TO, AS FAR AS BEING CLOSE IN, WITH SURROUNDED CONVENIENCES. SO PLEASE RECONSIDER, AND TAKE ANOTHER CLOSE LOOK AT THIS ASSET BEFORE YOU THE CITY COUNCIL DECIDE TO CLOSE IT AND CAVE INTO THE REAL ESTATE PEOPLE AND DEVELOPERS. I OWN PROPERTY IN ANCHORAGE ALASKA AND THE CITY AIRPORT OF MERRILL FIELD, IN DOWN TOWN ANCHORAGE IS A GENERAL AVIATION AIRPORT AND ITS A TREMENDOUS ASSET TO THE CITY, JUST LIKE S27 COULD BE. THANKYOU FOR TAKING THE TIME TO READ THIS, PLEASE GIVE IT SOME THOUGHT. SINCERELY KENNETH L MORROW 1616 LAKE LOWELL AVE NAMPA IDAHO 83686-8102 208-466-1793 [ AM THE IDAHO REP. # 3219 FOR THE INTERNATIONAL CESSNS 170 ASSOCIATION AND A MEMBER OF THE IDAHO AVIATION ASSOCIATION 2/2/2010 From: Wrhebert@aol.com Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 8:10 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Re: Kalispell City Airport Kalispell City Council, Kalispell City airport (S27) is a valuable asset to Western Montana's business and aviation community. This airport should not be removed and should be developed further. Regards Wayne Hebert N180WD 406-370-4114 Montana Pilots Association wrhebert@aol.com 2/2/2010 y From: Carmine Mowbray [clarity@cyberport.net] Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 5:59 PM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell City Airport Greetings Kalispell City Council members: I am a Montana resident and have flown for business and pleasure ever since receiving my private pilot certificate in 1977. 1 own two commercial real estate parcels in Kalispell. Many times over the past 33 years I have used the Kalispell City airport facility; as well as Glacier International Airport. Both facilities provide necessary services, and serve differing needs in the region. Redundancy is a positive asset in terms of safety, logistics, and economics. Understandably, there are those opposing the facility. In response to similar situations where aviation facilities are located in close proximity to commercial and residential development, the Montana Pilots Association has published a pilots' Code of Ethics to minimize inconvenience to those on the ground. It goes without saying that the airport pre -dates the residential and commercial development in the vicinity. It seems unfair to suggest a viable, established community asset such as an airport, be burdened with the threat of closure or re -location. I wholeheartedly support the ongoing availability of the Kalispell City airport. Thank you for this opportunity to comment. Carmine Mowbray 38334 Pinewood Drive Mailing address: PO Box 1202 Polson, Montana 883-4677 Theresa White From: Jensen, Brandon [HDS] [brandon.jensen@hdsupply.com] Sent: Monday, February 01, 2010 3:50 PM To: Theresa White Subject: City Airport Dear City Council, Good afternoon. I just want to address a couple of points on behalf of the City Airport. The most important point I would make is that all these issues have came up before in the past. It is apparent that the past City Councils and City Managers have always worked toward protecting this invaluable asset. Why would we even consider going backwards on all the hard work that the people before us fought for. There are always going to be people that want to stop progress. Thank goodness that most of us are looking for ways to grow and improve Kalispell. The small group of people (Quiet Skies) stress that safety and noise are there main concern. If that is so we all have a lot in common. We have a chance to receive the money from the FAA to get this taken care of. With today's economy, we have a chance to create work in the valley and protect jobs... that is a nc brainier. I know that a few busy bodies are not going to be able to hold up progress forever. More and more are traveling via air. The future is aviation with large/small business and tourism. We can improve the airport with little out of pocket and all reap the rewards. Thanks for your time. Brandon Jensen Branch Manager HD Supply Waterworks Br# 592 Kalispell, MT. Office # 406-755-9242 Fax # 406-755-9247 Cell # 406-250-7576 2/2/2010 Theresa White From: Dan Guest [specialized 747@yahoo.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 8:51 AM To: Theresa White Subject: Kalispell city airport I am writing on behalf of the kalispell city airport and efforts of the "quiet sky group" to close down Kalispell city. I have been flying since 2006 and most of my flights are to kalispell to visit family. I love the location of kalispell city as it is, for me, close to my family there. the concern that the airport is noisy is silly considering that for one, most of the houses in the area were built long after the airport was already there, so the people that built them and live there were obviously not too concerned about the noise. I think that the airport is definitely a boon to the surrounding businesses as well. when ever I fly in there I always stop at the grocery store and get some food. I have also stopped in at the restaurants near by and had dinner there as well. as for the point that it is "dangerous" and "the only airport with traffic landing and departing over a city", well they have not been paying any attention when they get on a passenger plane and travel from any city in the country. AIRPORTS ARE BUILT NEAR CITIES, this is not a new thing, it is practical to have an airport located close to the industry of a city(which kalispell city is),it is not uncommon, and in my opinion, it is in fact safer in many ways, to fly rather than drive. I think it would be a mistake to close this airport based on the opinion of any one small group of people. please consider the positive impact this airport has on the local community. Daniel Guest 2/2/2010 Theresa White From: Gary Matson [gjmatson@montana.com] Send: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 11:26 AM To: Theresa White Cc: 'Wade Cebulski' Subject: City Airport To the Kalispell City Council: As a private pilot based in Missoula, I recognize the significant role of the Kalispell City Airport in the life of your local community. The location of the airport is within easy walking distance of fly -in visitors eager to share the food, lodging, and commerce of the city. My wife and I come to Kalispell a number of times each year for these purposes alone. None of these services are available at Glacier Park Airport without visitors' obtaining a rental car. Red Eagle Aviation, located on the City Airport, is a full service facility offering local employment opportunities for aviation mechanics, instructors, management, and clerical staff. They provide friendly service, much appreciated by locals and visitors alike. Airport buildings and facilities provide welcome employment opportunities for maintenance and building contractors. The most frequently used departure to the south from the Airport is mostly over non-residential properties, thus further minimizing noise already low because of the small size of the aircraft most frequently using the Airport. At times of emergency, when minutes count, the City Airport is several minutes closer than Glacier Park Airport. I respectfully urge the Council to fully consider in its discussions the unique and important assets the Airport brings to the City. Thank you for this opportunity to comment. Gary Matson Box 308 Milltown MT 59851 2/2/2010 Theresa White From: Trevor Schaefer [trevor@mteagles.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 12:04 PM To: Theresa White Subject: kalispell city airport City Council, Please include me on the list of STRONG SUPPORTERS to the modernization, expansion and preservation of our city airport. Trevor Schaefer Lakeside 2/2/2010 Theresa White From: Lisa Lee [diamondr@centurytel.net] Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 1:31 PM To: Theresa White Subject: City Airport Hi Theresa, Please send my following thoughts along to the Mayor and the Council regarding the City Airport. In 2009 1 was surprised to hear that residents who have knowingly built and/or bought homes around the airport were expressing their views that the City Airport was a nusiance to them. While I understand that some find the sounds of aircraft bothersome, I do not know where a city resident would go to avoid the sounds of motorized transportation. I was further disturbed to have received a message from a friend in Kalispell to inform me of current happenings regarding the airport. I am traveling and have been out of the valley since December so while I am not abreast of all new developements I certainly would like to have my voice heard. I own and operate a guest ranch at Spotted Bear in the Flathead National Forest. I find the City Airport indispensable for a number of reasons. 1. 1 utilize the services of Red Eagle Aviation to transport my clients to the Spotted Bear Airstrip. Whether it's due to road closures, time savings measures or simply sightseeing, this is a service that my clients rely upon. I do realize that FCA is only several miles away but frankly, my clients don't want the hassle of the "big" airport. 2. 1 often need the services of Red Eagle to fly me into Spotted Bear to open the lodge in the spring & bring in supplies. 3. 1 have friends that hangar their aircraft there and they often help me by taking me and/or supplies into my business on just a few hours notice. The City Airport provides me with flexible, fast and service a place where folks can land and borrow a car for a few hours travelers just stopping for fuel can walk to restaurants and a grocery store great customer service from folks that actual know your name Free Parking -even for extended periods an easy way for my hunting clients to come to the lodge in May when the East Side Reservior Rd is gated and the West Side Rd is still snowed in PLEASE don't take away this quiet and often overlooked treasure. There are many of us that use this facility. Most folks don't know how popular this is airport because it is out-of-the-way in the eyes of most residents. They don't hear or see any of the daily activity like they would at FCA. My clients, friends and I really can't think of a more convenient place to have an airport that eliminates the need to deal with the larger commercial establishments. Sorry to be so windy but I'm truly concerned about this. Lisa Schreier Lee 2/2/2010 Theresa White From: Jordan White [fcso730@gmail.com] Sent: Tuesday, February 02, 2010 9:46 AM To: Theresa White Subject: City airport Greetings, I am writing to offer my support for your continued vigilance with regard to the airport project. I am a strong supporter of the airport and its benefits to our community. I am a licensed pilot and fly out of the city airport. Before I became pilot, I regularly flew out of the airport for search and rescue operations as the county search rescue coordinator. I have also flown for law enforcement operations with the aid of US Customs Air Branch. The proximity of the airport to our network of public service entities makes it much more reasonable to transport flight crew members and equipment back and forth between the aircraft and the agencies that may be involved for mission planning and deployment. Aviation can save lives when seconds and minutes count - proximity can be critical! I love the small town feel of our airport and the benefits of folks being able fly into the area to enjoy this feeling. I know you all have a lot of responsibility with regard to this process, but I hope the best interests of the public as a whole can be met. Respectfully, Jordan White Z/2/2010