Dawson/Budgetary Estimateb agc i va 1 _• and Connie Leistiko From: "Benjamin Dawson" <dawson@hatdaw.com> To: "Fred and Connie Leistiko" <fleistiko@centu rytel. net> Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2009 3:04 PM Attach: Itemization of AM Site Development Costs.xls; Itemization of AM Site Development Costs.pdf; Itemization of AM Site Development Costs.wb3 Subject: Budgetary Estimate Fred Here is a list of the items that may or will be required to relocate KGEZ, exclusive of the cost of real estate itself. Some of these items may turn out to be unnecessary, and some may end up being minimal cost, much lower than my worst case. The real solid hardware items - building, towers, transmission lines, antenna feed system hardware, tower erection - are all pretty firm based on discussion with vendors. It would be considerably cheaper, of course, if some of his existing hardware were to be moved over. I did assume that he will re -use his transmitter(s) but the same could be done with the antenna feed system hardware, for example, which would reduce the cost by more than $100k. I don't remember what I gave you for a ballpark estimate earlier, but this is quite a bit more solid as a "not to exceed" estimate. I have sent it as a pdf, as well as in two different spread sheet formats so you can manipulate it or leave out items that I may have included but which the city won't be responsible for like survey work. Let me know if you need more detail. 1/27/2009 Mwe Initial site land survey $2,500.00 Engineering analysis of site suitability $4,000.00 Antenna system design $8,000.00 FCC application for CP engineering $4,500.00 Est. legal costs for CP application $2,500.00 Site prep (land clearing, grading, etc) $12,000.00 Site survey for facility layout $4,000.00 Land use application, including environmental $10,000.00 Equipment building design and building permit application $5,000.00 Equipment building construction, including AC & class 2 $100,000.00 Tower specification and design $5,000.00 Tower manufacture $70,000.00 Tower erection and ground system install $76,000.00 Ground system materials $20,000.00 Antenna feed system design $4,000.00 Antenna feed system manufacture $115,000.00 Transmission lines and sample system lines $3,400.00 Electronic equipment install, including feed system $31,000.00 Antenna system adjustment and commissioning $12,000.00 Engineering analysis for license application $2,000.00 Est. legal costs for license application $2,500.00 TOTAL $493,400.00 Fred Leistiko From: Charlie HorbaU[chrbaU@ka| ioon] Sent 9:43AM /o: airport@kalispell.com Subject: FW: KGEZ towers From: Dan C\Johns [maUto: Sent: Thursday, January 29,2OO95:34PM To: Charlie HarbaU Cc: Jim Heim Subject: KGEZ towers Thank you for taking the time, along with Fred, tomeet and discuss theCity's thoughts with respect to relocating the KGEZradio towers. It is my understanding that I am to receive a copy of the Jim Kelley appraisal, which I will share with my client. Two important questions whose answers will assist the Board in its deliberations are the following: 1.What will the cost betothe District for assuming the Danford option. | understand that the City will construct the radio towers and related improvement (e.g. access roads, electronics building), and that an easement on the property permitting the towers will reduce the ultimate purchase price of $300,000.00. What iethe City proposing aathe value of the easement and corresponding reduction inpurchase price. Aoyou can appreciate, the District has aresponsibility ho its rate payers that must beconsidered. 2. The District has an irrigation pivot on its land where a portion of the underground copper array will be located. The pivot includes atrailing boom that irrigates the corners ofits property. Toaccomplish this there iso'\mine"located underground that follows the path ofthe pivot and signals the trail boom. That wire will overlap the copper array. The District needs professional assurance that the copper array will not adversely effect the operation of its pivot and the trailing boom. Welook forward to the CNty'sresponses to these items. Please call oremail if you have questions. Dan Crowley Fleck P.O.Box 75Q.Kalispell, K8T59SO3 Fred Leistiko Fromm: FnedLeistho Sent: Monday, February 02, 200911:57AM To: .uonn' Cc: 'CnanxeHaroox' Subject: RE: KGEZ towers To answer your questions, | have contacted Jim Kelley and he will give you access to all appraisals on the Danford property and the easement appraisals on all the property surrounding the towers. Your question onthe option cost ismore nfaquid pro quo. You help usmove this forward and you can have the option. However, you will need to act on the option before we get final decision on whether we will be actually building the towers of not. The market value ofthe prospective Permanent easements are asfollows: Tract 2(west side) 2.63acres $141000 Tract (east side) 2.63 acres $I4`000 Tower sites on Danford tract �S{llD}D Total for Lakeside SWD $78,000 The question on the irrigation pivot is a technical one that needs to be answered by our broadcast engineers. | understood that the underground wires where only on the corners to flip out the extensions to water the corners. The tower undergrounds will be centered in the middle of the east boundary of the pivoted tract. | would have toknow the location of the wires from the edge of the property line and the arc they are buried on. Then | can point this out tothe broadcast engineers to find out how we could rectify the situation or determine if we have a problem or not. Fred A. Le|stflko `ir0or�K8anager fty of Kalispell P,O,Box 1AQ7 Kalispell, K8T5Q9O3 From:Charlie HarbaU[ma0o:ch rbaN@|zcom] Sent: Friday, January 3O, 20099:43AM To: airport@ka|h;oel|.00m From,:,Dan D. Johns [magto:djohns@crowleyfleck.com] Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 5:34 PM To: Charlie Harball Thank you for taking the time, along with Fred, to meet and discuss the City's thoughts with respect to relocating the KGEZ radio towers. It is my understanding that I am to receive a copy of the Jim Kelley appraisal, which I will share with my client. Two important questions whose answers will assist the Board in its deliberations are the following: 1. What will the cost be to the District for assuming the Danford option. I understand that the City will construct the radio towers and related improvement (e.g. access roads, electronics building), and that an easement on the property permitting the towers will reduce the ultimate purchase price of $300,000.00. What is the City proposing as the value of the easement and corresponding reduction in purchase price. As you can appreciate, the District has a responsibility to its rate payers that must be considered. 2. The District has an irrigation pivot on its land where a portion of the underground copper array will be located. The pivot includes a trailing boom that irrigates the corners of its property. To accomplish this there is a "wire" located underground that follows the path of the pivot and signals the trail boom. That wire will overlap the copper array. The District needs professional assurance that the copper array will not adversely effect the operation of its pivot and the trailing boom. We look forward to the City's responses to these items. Please call or email if you have questions. Daniel D. Johns ..Crowley Fleck P. O. Box Kalispell, MT 59903 (406) 751-3268, fax (406) 752-5108 diohns(_crowleyfleck.com Fred Leistiko From: Fred and Connie LaisUho .net Sent: Friday, January 30, 2009 10:44 PM To: airport@kalispell.com Subject: RmCost estimates for KGB ----- Original Message ----- From: "Benjamin Dawson" «dawson@hatdaw.cmn» To: "Fred and Connie Leistiko^ xfIeistiko@centuryteI.net» Sent: Friday, January 38, 2009 11:23 AM Subject: Cost estimates for KGEZ » Fred > One of the contractors who frequently installs facilities of the sort that x would be needed says that it's very difficult to cone up with a ballpark > estimate for the installation labor, and it's very dependent on the timely » schedule of the other tasks. He says that it might be good to bump up the » installation labor cost (5th from the last line in my spreadsheet) to as > much as $75K. That would bring the total to $537^400. � > There are so darn many unknowns, and that together with the fact that > you're dealing with a recalcitrant character like Stokes makes any > estimate pretty tough! He, of course, will tell you that everything > needs to be gold-plated to match what he has, even though what he has is > just one level above junk to begin with, and is not well maintained to > boot. » x Regards, x » Ben �