Leistiko/Complaint AreasJim: Here are the complaint areas that are most commonly used by the three people who have been coming before City Council at almost every meeting to complain about the airport for the past year and a half. • The airport has "student pilots" flying over our City and that is unsafe. They should stop training flights at the airport. People who are learning to fly, or who have learned to fly at the airport need to come to a Council meeting and tell the Council how safe it is, especially with a certified Instructor pilot aboard who will not allow things to get outside the safety envelope. • Steve Eckels, Scott Davis and Mary Iverson are the three people who have come to the City Council regularly to complain about the annoying aircraft sounds and want the City to pass an ordinance making it a crime to disturb their peace and tranquility. They say the Montana Constitution PREAMBLE guarantees them "quiet beauty". The Constitution also says in the next line, "equality of opportunity and to secure the blessings of liberty for this and future generations". We have the right to improve our education and opportunities by learning to fly and hopefully get an aviation iob in the future. Mr. Eckels is an instructor of students at the high school, surely he doesn't deny someone the opportunity to better themselves by learning to fly. Fly is a part of our vast transportation system. • Repetitive flights, take -offs and landings, are annoying and should be stopped. These people fail to realize that if you do not maintain your proficiency you become unsafe. All pilots must continually train to maintain their proficiency, especially take -offs and landings both day and night. It is not only required for the safety of the pilots and their passengers, it is required by the FAA. Pilots must take proficiency check rides on a regular basis. Denying them the right to train and maintain proficiency would be absurd. • Pilots from Red Eagle Aviation buzz my house in retaliation for my complaining about noise. Have some pilots answer this one. These people will only be satisfied with closing the airport. • The new proposed noise and sound level ordinance the City is considering is to address equipment such as sound amplification equipment like a radio, tape player, musical instruments, and other sound making devices that produces, reproduces, or amplifies sound. These people want to include airplanes that fly over the City. The main problem is that it is unenforceable. How do you chase down the pilot and issue a citation. These three people don't speak for the rest of the 15,000 residence of the City of Kalispell. • The three people who came to the last council meeting stated that they were called by Councilman Hafferman to alert them of the workshop, and that they should come down and register their complaints. • If people don't like airplanes, nothing will satisfy them except the elimination of aviation. • They do not care about the businesses and employees of the airport. They say that it is just for a bunch of rich people, a select few. • There are a lot of annoying sounds in a neighborhood, the 10 seconds that an airplane spends over a house is nothing. • Two City Councilmen said that they don't like airplanes and airports personally, so they will never vote for anything to improve or expand the airport. That is their "personal opinion" and should be kept to themselves. They have a closed mind, when it comes to the airport. That is unfortunate for the people of Kalispell because they are not representing the citizens, only their own views.