Gates/Noise Complaint at Kalispell CityFred Leistiko From: Sent: To: surpo Subject: Fw: ACTION: Noise complainted Kalispell CUx-fonxarded by MikeCnader Fred, I spoke with Mr. Scott regarding his complaint etc. I advised that Kalispell City airport is currently not federally obligated and is maintained and financially supported by the City. As such it is not federally obligated, however we would recommend that the City protect the airport and environs through compatible land use planning. A federally funded airport such as GPI is required to allow all aircraft that can be accommodated at the airport, at the discretion of the pilot. Most of his questions were related to the planning and environmental process that would be required prior to any development of the airport. I advised that there would be an update to the 2002 EA and that this would include public involvement etc. He indicated that he is not opposed to the airport as it currently operates but is concerned about any expansion and the potential for larger aircraft. Gary M. Gates, P.E. Airport Engineer and Planner FAA, Helena Airports District Office 2725 Skyway Drive, Suite 2 Helena, MT 59502 ----- Forwarded by Gary Gates/ANM/FAA on 00/28/2009 03:07 PM ----- Dave SteIIing/ANM/FAA A0M-HLN-ADO, To Helena/ MT Gary Gates/A0N/FA4@FAA cc 08/17/2009 08:46 Subject AM ACTION: Noise complaint at Kalispell City - forwarded by Mike [rader Gary - Please review complaint and take necessary action. Dave Stelling, Manager Let's discuss. 1 Helena Airports District Office (406) 449-5271 ----- Forwarded by Dave StelIinQ/ANM/FAA on 00/17/2009 08:44 AM ----- Mike [rader/4NM/FAA 4NM-628, Safety To & Standards Dave Stelling/ANM/FA4@FA4 cc 8iII Watson/ANM/ 98/I5/2009 05:42 Subject AM Fw: Question/Comment about Airports - Northwest Mountain Region Section of FAA.gov Dave, Mike Crader Airports Division Northwest Mountain Region Federal Aviation Administration 1601 Lind Avenue, S.W., Suite 315 Renton, WA 98057-3356 ----- Forwarded by Mike [rader/A0M/F44 on 08/15/2009 04:41 4M ----- ------------ > From: | /______^ >________________________________________-____- -----------------------| |maxweIIsnortsnort@hotmaiI.com »------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- ------------ x To: | |-------> >_____________________________________________ ------------------------| >_____________________________________________ 2 |-------> Date: | |------> >___________________-______-__________-________- ------------------------| |08/l4/3009 05:10 PM ' >------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- ------------ > Subject: | |------> »------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------| |Uuestinn/[omment about Airports - Northwest Mountain Region Section of FAA.gov »------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------- | . This email was sent through the Federal Aviation Administration's public website. You have been contacted via an email link on the following page: Message: ___________ We would like some information about how to stop aircraft from flying into and out of our city airport between the hours of !0:00 pm and 7:00 am. The noise is a nuisance, and is interfering with the comfortable enjoyment of life and property by the entire community and neighborhood. The city of Kalispell's new Proposed New Noise Ordinance left the Airport out. Mr. Donald Scott Davis 448 5th. ave. west Kalispell, Montana 59901 406-752-1523 ]