Davis QuestionsCity manager, Mayor 1 want to know who told the Council that F.A.A. regulates noise? When they don't! Chief of Police Roger Nassit Who told the police officers that our noise ordinance doesn't apply to aircraft, when it does? City Attorney Who is seeking to undo our noise ordinance (city code 19-10) without stating the real reason, which is to relinquish airport control to the federal Government? Mayor, Chief Nassit Who has told the city council that our noise ordinance (city code 19-10) won't stand up to a Supreme Court Challenge, thereby usurping the authority of the court? Mayor, Council members Why are you circumventing the public on these matters of the expansion of the airport? We demand public hearing on this matter according to the law. We believe there should be a public investigation to the source of this misinformation. The public has the right to the facts and the truth in all matters of the city Government. win(iows live r-loimaii rrinL lvlessuge 1"ci.�j' c G 01 G Mayor, City manager, City Attorney and Council members, you have the obligation to inform the residents and tax payers of the negative effects of expanding the city airport and turning it over to a Government agency. There should be continued public hearings and meetings informing the public on the 39 specific items, or assurances demanded by the F.A.A. Give the people the right to know and vote if they can live with them or not. Call it what it is, not an "Airport Sponsor" Tell the people it's 14 pages of government control over them and our airport. Because of all the information and misinformation that has come to light to the general public, this airport expansion and the restriction of F.A.A. involvement needs to be brought back to the people of Kalispell for hearings and a vote. We the people of Kalispell call for a halt of anymore activity by any form of this city Government, on issues of the expansion or land or property acquisitions, (i.e.: KGEZ Towers) by the city of Kalispell. Mayor, Council Members, City Manager, you are all invited to Wednesday night public meeting at the Old High School, to share and shed light on these issues with the people, the residents, the tax payers. 77 5-- 1 7- Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now.