Big Sky SealcoatingKALISPELL, MONTANA 257-3878 fax bsboys@centurytel.net A COMPANY OF BLACK, INC BILL TO PHONE 250-3065 FAX 755-5231 KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT FRED LEISTIKO DATE 8/17/2009 P.O. BOX 1997 KALISPELL, MT 59903-1997 ACCOUNT# CITYAIRPORT DESCRIPTION OF WORK DONE AMOUNT for paint striping 5600 If of 4" line & seal coating & paint striping 7 "hold short 4,400.00 strips" �1 THANK YOU FOR YOUR BUSINESS! TOTAL $4,400.00 TERMS - accounts not paid within 30 days following the date of the invoice will be past due and charged of 1.5% per monthe (18% per annum), PAYMENT FROM DETACH-PAYSTUBAND ENCLOSE WITH YOUR PAYMENT- THANKS. ----------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL DUE $4,400.00 KALISPELL CITY AIRPORT FRED LEISTIKO P.O. BOX 1997 KALISPELL, MT 59903-1997 SEND PAYMENT TO: BIG SKY SEAL COATING AMOUNT 1157 PRAIRIE VIEW RD ENCLOSED KALISPELL, MT 59901 BIG SKY SEALCOATING 752=1 129 KALISPELL, MONTANA SUBMITS PROPOSAL TO: WORK PROPOSAL MAILING ADDRESS: 1157 PRAIRIE VIEW RD. KALISPELL, MT 59901 752-1129 — office 253-7584 — cell 257-3878 — fax bsboys(aD-centurvtel.net www.bigskysealcoating.com KALISPELL CITY AIR STRIP FRED LEISTIKO 250-3065 P.O. BOX 1997 airporkl!!)kalispell.com KALISPELL, MT 69901 755-2376 — JIM PIERCE 755-5231 fax We do hereby submit estimates for. 1- Paint stripe 5600 If of 4" line and 7 — "hold short strips" (areas to be seal coated prior to painting) in yellow traffic paint as per discussed with Fred Leistiko. 2- COSTS = $4400.00 NOTE - This proposal may be withdrawn by us, H not accepted within _ days, Payment is due upon completion of work, unless of erwnse arranged. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: 8/5/2009 Please sign & date this proposal or a copy of this proposal upon acceptance. ACCEPTED BY: SIGNATURE TITLE DATE LICENSED, INSURED, MT CONTRACTOR # 13665, A COMPANY OF BLACK INC. BIG SKY SEALCOATING� 752=1 129 KALISPELL, MONTANA SUBMITS PROPOSAL TO: KALISPELL CITY AIR STRIP P.O. BOX 1997 KALISPELL, MT 59901 We do hereby submit estimates for. WORK PROPOSAL MAILING ADDRESS: 1157 PRAIRIE VIEW RD. KALISPELL, MT 59901 752-1129 — office 253-7584 — cell 267-3878 — fax bsboys(a)_centurytel.net www.bigskVsealcoating.com FRED LEISTIKO 260-3065 airport(@kalispell.com 755-2376 — JIM PIERCE 755-5231 fax 1- Paint stripe 5600 I.f. of 4" line and 7 — "hold short strips" (areas to be seal coated prior to painting) in yellow traffic paint as per discussed with Fred Leistiko. 2- COSTS = $4400.00 NOTE - This proposal may be withdrawn by us, if not accepted within 30 days. Payment is due upon completion of work, unless otherwise arranged. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE: 8/5/2009 Please sign & date this proposal or a copy of this proposal upon acceptance. ACCEPTED BY: SIGNATURE TITLE LICENSED, INSURED, MT CONTRACTOR # 13665, A COMPANY OF BLACK INC. Fred Leistiko From: Katharine Thompson |ispeicono Sent: og .net;ruUnooat@montanaskynetPeter Subject: Airport Advisory Council August Meeting The Kalispell City Airport will hold an Airport Advisory Board meeting on Wednesday, August 26., 2009 from 3 to 5 pm at the first floor conference room located in City Hall at 201-1st Avenue East, Kalispell. Agenda to include Chairman Richardson's comments on City Council meetings an Airport Manager's update. Also note: The City of Kalispell will hold an open house meeting on the South Kalispell Airport Redevelopment Plan on Wednesday, August 12, 2009 at the City Council Chambers located in City Hall Comvnit� Development Manager ..'�— '^--rell — zo| |ctAvenoe Fast M7-f99o| For more information please call Fred Leistiko 1 NMI. 1 tag 41z- 4Z) 4-4 t � 1 PROTECTING YOUR PAVEMENT • KALISPELL, MONTANA SUBMITS PROPOSAL TO: KALISPELL CITY AIR STRIP KALISPELL, MT 59901 We do hereby submit estimates for: WORK PROPOSAL MAILING ADDRESS: 1157 PRAIRIE VIEW RD. KALISPELL, MT 59901 752-1129 -- office 253-7584 — cell 257-3878 — fax bsboys@centurytei.not www.biciskysealcoatina.com FRED LEISTIKO 755-2376 — JIM PIERCE 755-5231 fax 1- Paint stripe 5600 I.f. of 4" line and 7 — 40'x8" lines in yellow traffic paint as per discussed with Jim Pierce. 2- Barricading for traffic control provided by Big Sky Seal Coating. 3-. COST 4)406 t ,cam Please sign & date this proposal or a copy of this proposal upon acceptance. ACCEPTED BY: RE TtT E �ENSED, INSURED, MT CONTRACTOR # 13665, A COMPANY OF BLACK INC. Z0/Z0 39V8 9NI1V00-1d3SAAS9I6 BZBEIGZ90V 61:ST 600Z/6Z/L0 i f t � 1 PROTECTING YOUR PAVEMENT • KALISPELL, MONTANA 1157 PRAIRIE VIEW RD KALISPELL, MT 59901 752-1129 (office) 263-7584 (cell) 257-3878 (fax) baboystfoenturytel.net To: KALISPELL CITYAIR STRIP From: BRAD RATH13UN Fax: 755-5231 Pages: 2 Phone: 755-2376 Data: 7/29/2009 Re: STRIPING BID GC: JIM PIERCE @ EAGLE AVIATION ❑ Urgent ❑ For Review ❑ Please Comment ❑ Please Reply ❑ Please Recycle • Hi — here is the proposal you requested. If you have any questions or need more information — please contact us. Thanks. Brad Rathbun Big Sky Seal Coating Z0/I0 39dd 9NI1d001d3SAAS9I9 8L8ELSZ90b 6L:ST 600Z/6Z/L0 LJ�Li�\".J' Ll1J STRIPING & MANUFACTURING INC. June 24, 2009 Kalispell City Airport Fred Leistiko PO Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 335 ORcxAxn LANE P.O. Box 1622 BILLINGS, MONTANA 59103-1622 (406) 248-2463 • FAx (406) 248-2497 As warm weather approaches it is time to start thinking about highway, street, and runway maintenance and safety. Arrow Striping offers a complete line of pavement markings including airport markings, road and street centerline and edge line markings, as well as cross walk and school crossing markings. We have a variety of marking products available for your needs including latex paint, epoxy paint, and several plastic marking products. We would welcome the opportunity to provide you with information or assistance with your pavement marking needs. Please give us a call at (406) 248-2463 and we will be happy to visit with you about the various products that are available. We look forward to working with you. Sincere ,' Dennis McCarthy Estimator Arrow Striping & Mfg., 014,0 -14 vie 'M,`mUBV &H,"mfmimix PO BOX 1238 * LOLO MONTANA 59847 * PHONE 4061273-4M * FAX 4061273-4639 TO: City of Kalispell Airport ATTN: Fred Leistiko RE: City of Kalispell Airport Please consider Promark's quotation for the pavement striping and marking of the above project. Item No. Item Description Units Price Total Price -- Mobilization 1.00 LS 675.00 $ 675.00 -- Restripe existing 4-inch taxiway lines Taxiway hold bars 5100.00 LF 525.00 SF 0.35 3.07 $ 1,785.00 $ 1,611.75 Total Bid Items 1.75 Above bid is based on the following conditions: • Promark, Inc. is a WBE/DBE certified firm. • Prices include one (1) mobilization. • Striping prices do not include preparation, cleaning or brooming of surfaces and layout for control points of lines. ■ Prices include one percent (1%) GRT. • Delays or layout of control points shall be charged an hourly rate of $535.00 per crew. ■ Prices are based upon plans and specifications provided. Change orders, alterations of quantities or scope of work may result in price adjustments. • Work cannot be guaranteed unless performed at specified minimum temperatures. • If performance bond required, please add 1.875% or a minimum $200.00. • We require seven (7) days notice so that we may better serve you. Thanks for allowing us to quote you. We look forward to providing you quality work on this contract. MK Rogers 29 Jul-09 Merritt K. Rogers, President Date For after-hours contact, please call (406) 544-1956.