Leistiko/Reference Tower Locations— —tl— a -- Fred and Connie Leistiko From: "Fred Leistiko" <Leistiko@kalispell.com> To: "'Fred and Connie Leistiko"' <Leistiko@centurytel.net> Sent: Monday, October 27, 2008 10:22 AM Subject: [SPAM]RE: [Fwd: Reference Tower Locations on the 20 Acre Site]] I= Thanks for the information. I will go to work on the additional space needed to the north to make it happen. I was just trying to get it straight in my mind about the spacing before I went out to visit the landowner to the north. Fred A. Leistiko Airport Manager City of Kalispell P.O. Box 1997 Kalispell, MT 59903 406-250-3065 -----Original Message ----- From: Fred and Connie Leistiko [mailto:fleistiko@centurytel.net] Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 10:47 PM To: airport c(kalell.com Subject: Fw: [Fwd: Reference Tower Locations on the 20 Acre Site]] ----- Original Message ----- From: "Benjamin Dawson" <dawson c,hatdaw.co > To: "Fred and Connie Leistiko" <fleistiko@canto tel.net> Sent: Friday, October 24, 2008 11:00 AM Subject: [Fwd: [Fwd: Reference Tower Locations on the 20 Acre Site]] > Fred > Re your questions which Bob asked me to answer as I am back from DC: > 1. Essentially, the towers have to be moved as a pair with the same > spacing and orientation. So I suppose you could move them due south > another 50 feet or so, and that way the southwest tower would be right > at the edge of the property. The truncation of the ground system to > the north would be by 310 feet, which would reduce the area by about > 40%, and that's a pretty significant reduction, so we'd have to study > its effects. You would be able to get all three guy wires for the NE > tower on the property, however, although it might require the guy anchor > distances to be reduced down to 50-60% with a consequent runup in cost > of the towers. > 2. If the orientation of the towers were changed, the nighttime > protection requirements cannot be met with the present 1 kW power, and 10/28/2008 - --a- - --- - > it's possible that such a change would result in service deficiency over > the city, resulting in noncompliance with the FCC requirements. We > looked at this pretty carefully, and it's clear that although we might > get away with a slight change in orientation or spacing - a degree or so > or a few feet - there wouldn't be any real benefit. > We have not looked at any possibility of alternate designs that might > function to meet the requirements, because they would be significantly > more complicated - meaning they would require more towers - probably at > least 4 total, and such "expanded" arrays might actually increase rather > than decrease the real estate requirements. > Regards, > ben >-------- Original Message -------- > Subject: [Fwd: Reference Tower Locations on the 20 Acre Site] > Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 09:22:18 -0700 > From: Bob Allen <EdIIei*,bh Ldaw_coni> > To: dE, `on;(TaIia-id tw,com <da son i,.Il, da `,` ni> > > Has this proposed tower move already been taken care of? Fred sent this > to me because my name is on the drawing...... 10/28/2008