Dawson/Reference Tower LocationsFred Leistiko From: Fred and Connie Leistko mteoeO Sent: Friday, October 24.2OO81Ox47PM To: airport@ko|kspoU.cono SRm[Fwd:Reference Tower Locations onthe 2OAcre S Attachments: Reference Tower Locations on the 20 Acre Site.eml (3.52 KB) --- Original Message --- From: "Benjamin Dawson" xd atdau'comx To: "Fred and Connie Leis±iko^ «fIeistiko@centuryteI.net» Sent: Friday, October 34, 2008 11:00 4M Subject: [Fwd; [Fwd: Reference Tower Locations on the 20 Acre Site]] x Fred x Re your questions which Bob asked me to answer as Z am back from 0[: > 1. Essentially, the towers have to be moved as a pair with the same x spacing and orientation. So Z suppose you could move them due south > another 50 feet or so, and that way the southwest tower would be right > at the edge of the property. The truncation of the ground system to > the north would be by 310 feet, which would reduce the area by about » 40%» and that's a pretty significant reduction, so we'd have to study » its effects. You would be able to get all three guy wires for the NE > tower on the property, however, although it might require the guy anchor » distances to be reduced down to 50-60% with a consequent runup in cost x of the towers. � » 2. If the orientation of the towers were changed, the nighttime » protection requirements cannot be met with the present l kW power, and x it's possible that such a change would result in service deficiency over > the city" resulting in noncompliance with the F[[ requirements. We > looked at this pretty carefully, and it's clear that although we might » get away with a slight change in orientation or spacing - a degree or so > or a few feet - there wouldn't be any real benefit. » » We have not looked at any possibility of alternate designs that might » function to meet the requirements" because they would be significantly > more complicated - meaning they would require more towers - probably at » least 4 total, and such "expanded" arrays might actually increase rather » than decrease the real estate requirements. � x Regards, > ben » » � > -------- Original Message -------- > Subject: [Fwd: Reference Tower Locations on the 20 Acre Site] » Date: Fri, 24 Oct 2008 09:22:18 -0700 » From: Bob Allen «allen@hatdaw.cmn» » To: dawson@hatdew'com xdewson@hatdaw'com» » � 1 -• Leistiko From: Fred and Connie Leistiko [fleistiko@centurytel.net] Sent: Tuesday, October 21, 2006 11:34 AM To: bobby@hatdaw.com Subject: Reference Tower Locations on the 20 Acre Site L3+17 Is it possible to move the NE tower further SE to minimize the affects on the property to the North. We do not have an easement on the Northern property yet. Also, could you tell me what affect it would have if we were not to be exactly on the 060 degree azmuth. Say, could we be off that by 15 or 20 degrees. Fred A. Leistiko, Mgr. Kalispell City Airport