Young Eagles Rally Special Event Permit (2009)%-Ity Ul Ullbpvll Parade/Special Event Permit Request Application Date C 30 - 0 The following information is requested so that we may give your request immediate consideration and to allow us to assist you in planning for a safe and orderly event. SPONSORING ORGANIZATION EA A X 12j� -r, F /j T,1�, CA-102- 2 CONTACT PERSON WORK PHONE A26- z253 HOME PHONE 11P(2 - 2-�,3 0341)-' RLI-Irm-i'L The parade sponsor must furnish the following to the Kalispell City Attorney's Office. 1. A certificate of insurance in the amount of I Qnillion dollars. 2. The City of Kalispell must be named Jiti Ily insured on the policy. ak<� City Attorney approved PLANNING YOUR PARADE DATE OF PARADE/EVENT le9-10 DAY OF WEEK 31qf-UIZ-4� Z START TIME 0 19-,11-7 EST. FINISH TIME � -'00 1P114 PARADE/EVENT THEME (celebration, protest, anniversary, etc. - describe) 15 6`17 TYPE OF PARTICIPANTS (floats, on foot, mixed - describe) FZ-.�WE /2-11265 CIT ROUTE OF PARADE/LOCATION OF EVENT I�EO 64� A�1114-TIz2,LJ IcW,;7 C-2 (including origination and termination) NO CANDY OR OBJECTS MAY BE THROWN TO SPECTATORS The sponsor will ensure that participants do not ride on floats with their legs hanging over the side. The sponsor will brief participants to maintain a safe and constant interval during the parade. This will help prevent the "accordion effect" which results in gaps in the parade procession. UNUSUAL ENTRIES/SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS (STREETS CLOSED, ETC.) WHAT ARRANGEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE TO CLEANUP AFTERWARD? cff- /4k' 0 C� L-Elr(j teP DOES STATE HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT REQUIRE NOTIFICATION? —/'J 0 HAS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT BEEN ADVISED? (YES/NO) WHO? Public Works Department Approved: Ambulance/Fire Department Approved: Sergeant of Shift Additional Help FW7 7 �11 = Notified OLff IIIA m m a at,L O,a44--o�) -/L) PE E Ol D, It- v v 07pz),- AA-O-- ov� b-lA