Eckels/Air SafetySeptember 9, 2008 To: Derek Amos Patrick Macquarrie FFA Flight Standards Dear Derek: As you know, based on our conversations, I am a bit alarmed at the lack of empirical evidence the FAA has regarding aircraft altitude or decibels. Tou should know that our local police department refers flight complaints to the FAA. If the FAA is unable to actually monitor and enforce regulations, we should consider having the police referrals go somewhere else such as the city council. I will list what I think is necessary to insure safety. 1. The police model - The FAA does unannounced altitude and decibel monitoring usi the necessary equipment to insure compliance. 3. The current FAA model appears to rely on anecdotal interviews with aviators. I am respectfully requesting documentation of such interviews or other actions whatsoever that the FAA undertakes in monitoring altitude and decibels for the Kalispell Airport. Since, resources are limited, one way to improve aircraft monitoring would be to inform citizens on how to gather evidence. I am respectfully requesting a brochure or document outlining tips for photographing aircraft, and the specific criteria that the FAA requires for photographic evidence. As I understand it based on our phone conversations, current criteria is fuzzy, as is the altitude regulations. The brochure that you produce entitled "A Citizen's Guide to Aircraft Monitoring and Photography" would be advertised on your web site. Perhaps we could use the press release format to get the word out. This is one way to get citizens involved in the process. My impression at the moment is that the FAA currently does not have the resources to monitor aircraft using scientific enforcement instruments. If I am wrong, please let me know. Short of being able to provide factual safety assurance, perhaps aircraft should be diverted to a safer location until such time that the FAA could empirically prove that regulations are being met. In the meantime I will make my contribution to aircraft safety by photographing airplan] when I am sitting outside. With winter coming and my being in school there will be litt opportunity to participate until next spring/summer. After receiving your reply I hope be in a better position to lobby the legislature for f1mding and laws that you may fmd helpful in meeting our mutual goal of safety. Sincerely Steve Eckels