Webb/Surplus Quick Response UnitTransmission Report —2009 10:38:58 Transmit Header Text 58-7758 Local Name 1 Line 1 Local Name 2 Line 2 This document: Confirmed (reduced sample and details below) Document size: 8.5 "x11 " City of Kalispell Pon Office Box 1997 - KINW11, Monim SM-1997 Tnlephooe (405) 759-7761 F" - 006) 758.7758 January 28,2009 Flelena Airport Authority Helena, MT Re: Surplus Quick Response Unit — CFR$l 1986 Ford F-350 XL Dear Board Chairman: The City of Kalispell would be extremely happy to receive this pieOe of surplus equipment. We could put this equipment to work at our city airport, which has no units at this time. The City of Kalispell will maintain and garage the unit at all times. Thank you for your generosity. Sincerely, �� Webb Interim City Manager Total Pages Scanned : 1 Total Pages Confirmed : 1 No. Job Remote Station Start Time I Duration Pages Line Mode I Job Type Results 001 1569 14064492340 10:38:03 01-27-2009 00:00:22 1l1 11 IEC IHS ICP14400 Abbreviations: HS: Host send PL: Polled local MP: Mailbox print TU: Terminated by user HR: Host receive PR: Polled remote CP: Completed TS: Terminated by system G3: Group 3 WS: Waiting send MS: Mailbox save FA: Fail RP: Report EC: Error Correct City of Kalispell Post Office Box 1997 - Kalispell, Montana 59903-1997 Telephone (406) 758-7701 Fax - (406) 758-7758 January 28, 2009 Helena Airport Authority Helena, MT Re: Surplus Quick Response Unit — CFR#1 1986 Ford F-350 XL Dear Board Chairman: The City of Kalispell would be extremely happy to receive this piece of surplus equipment. We could put this equipment to work at our city airport, which has no units at this time. The City of Kalispell will maintain and garage the unit at all times. Thank you for your generosity. Sincerely, *rt4We*b---" Interim City Manager Surplus Truck is up for Grabs The Helena Airport Authority has declared a 1985 Quick Response Truck as surplus and would like to donate it to a small Montana airport. The Helena airport will require a letter from the receiving airport that they will maintain and ara e the truc c appropriately. -'leis truck was purchased new in 1985. It is an F-350 Ford XL, 4 speed, 9370 miles, dual wheels, dual battery, code 3 siren system/light bar, bumper turret, ground sweeps, twin amber lights on rear, 200 gallon water, 20 gallon foam, 350 pounds of dry chemical, 2 hose reels, one for water and or foam and one for dry chemical. Interested airports, please contact either Ron Hartman or Jeff Wadekamper at (406) 442-2842. 7� T -TSA -Proposes Rule that Targets General AOPA is asking the aviation community to make its voice heard with comments on the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) proposed rule that targets general aviation. The TSA has released its Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) entitled Large Aircraft Security Program (LASP). AOPA members have made it clear in a survey and in comments to the Association that they are concerned by the attempt to make GA aircraft over 12,500 pounds flown under Part 91 comply with the same security requirements as commercial carriers. This proposal includes a number of initiatives: flight crew member criminal history record checks, watch list matching of passengers, checking passengers and baggage for dangerous weapons and biennial third party audits of each aircraft operator. In summary, the proposed rule represents an unprecedented intrusion on general aviation because it would apply commercial standards to GA operations. AOPA also is concerned about the proposal because the TSA has provided no justification for setting the aircraft weight requirement at 12,500 pounds. The Association fears it could expand to all sizes of GA aircraft. Equally alarming is a requirement that aircraft operators use and pay for third -party auditors to perform. a government function. The TSA will be holding a series of public meetings to hear how the proposed rule will impact GA. The meetings - which will begin at 9 a.m. local time (with registration starting at 8 a.m.) - will be held at the following locations: Burbank, Calif., Jan. 23, 2009: Burbank Airport Marriot Hotel & Convention Center, 2500 North Hollywood Way; Houston, Texas, Jan. 28, 2009: Hilton Houston Hotel -North Greenspoint Conference Center, 12400 Greenspoint Drive. Hearings have already been conducted in White Plains, Atlanta and Chicago. Each speaker- will be allowed three minutes to explain to TSA the impact of this rule. A representative from AOPA will be attending each meeting to discuss this proposal with members. Your voice can make a difference, show up and explain to TSA just how the proposed LASP will impact your flying., If you cannot attend, it is still important that you make your voice heard by submitting comments to the official docket. For more information on the proposed rule or to find out how to submit your comments, visit the AOPA member action center at http:// x"vw. aopa. or,/advocacy/gasecuri tv//. aditt-4.4 a . da_� 40 , I [9g� — 4