Lukasik/Montana Furniture Gallery10/05f2006 11:06 4068371068 MARTEN CONSTRUCTION PAGE 03 MNEEIRS MORRISM suWVOM 60- PLANNERS lot WIENIVS AiMMERLE,m 124 WFERV STAGE ROAO - WX 9057 - KAUSPELl MT 5M4-1057- 40G-752,2218 FAX: (V5Z2391 An EmPloyce-Oulned Company AMV41 Mr. Steve Suenz _Martel Construction 305 Montana Highway 35 Bigfork, MT 59911 Re: Montana Furniture Gallery and FAR Part 77'Protected Surface 1552.042-040-0410 1 The purpose of this letter is to address and summarize issues related to the City of Kalispell airport and the new Montana Furniture Galleries building located in the Daley Fields subdivision. The existing airport currently 'utilizes a primary surface with a total width of 250 feet wide, centered along the centerline of the main runway. Outside of this primary surface, there is a 7:1 horizontal/vertical apron where building construction is restricted. The proposed Montana Furniture building is located approximately 300 feet from this runway centerline. This will allow for a top of building elevation to be 25 feet above the elevation of the existing runway, which Is at 2935.95, giving a top of building of 2960.95. However, there are plans to upgrade the airport and realign the location of the runway. This upgrade, when completed will result in a primary surface of 500 feet wide, centered on the new runway. The new runway will be located a minimum of 440 feet away from the proposed Montana Furniture building. This will. allow for a top. of building elevation to be approximately 2963.06. It is important to note this elevation assumes the new runway will be at the same elevation as the existing runway. It is very flat out there, and we do not anticipate it changing much'. With the current top of building elevation of 2957.16 proposed. we should be underneath the primary surface in both the existing and proposed scenarios, I spoke with the City of Kalispell Building Department today, and they have stated they have been ordered not to issue any building or foundation permits for any development around the airport at this time. They are waiting on confirmation from the FAA prior to pressing forward. They have a substantial grant application before the FAA right now for construction of this new runway, and do not want to jeopardize its status by building inside a proposed primary surface. "Providing resources in partnership with clients to achieve their goals" 10/05/2006 11:06 406837106e MARTEN CONSTRUCTION PAGE 02 but I should not expect a response ,for. 3 — 4 weeks- Due to the impending weather and our short construction time frame for this project, this is tinne we cannot afford to lose. I sincerely request that in lieu of a full building permit, the Building Department issue us a permit to install the building foundation and site improvements, and allow us to proceed as planned. This way, we should be able to get a determination form the FAA before the building is erected., and not lose our precious building time. Please let me know if a.foundatiwi. peji nit can be issued by Tuesday, October 10. 1 can be reached by calling 837-1063, or my cell # is 253-0594. Regards, Mar. te1 Construction, Steve Buenz., Project Manager Attachment: M-M letter 10-5-06 Cc: Greg Metzger, File 10/05/2006 11:06 4068371068 MARTEL CONSTRUCTION PAGE 04 Sincerely, f9 Greg Lukasik, PE Project Engineer Cc: Tony Feilzer, MMI Paul Siderlus, A&E Architects PJ Sorensen, City of Kalispell