Enterprise Fund BudgetREVENUE FUND AIRPORT FUND 1 i• t• i 1 1 5160-000-343062-000 Commercial Fees 5,500 9,000 9,000 5160-000-343063-000 Tie -Down Fees 1,500 3,000 3,000 5160-000-343069-000 Hangar Leases -0- 10,000 12,000 5160-000-343071-000 Hangar Site Leases 12,500 7,000 10,000 5160-000-343101-000 FBO Lease 21,000 20,400 19,000 5160-000-343102-000 Ground Leases -0- 10,000 10,000 5160-000-343200-000 Utility Rebates 3,000 3,000 3,000 5160-000-343620-000 Fuel Tax 5,000 5,000 5,000 5160-000-371010-000 Investment Earnings 10,000 10,000 12,000 TOTAL REVENUE 58,500 77,400 83,000 5160-430-430310-110 Salaries 21,114 27,776 28,609 5160-430-430310-153 Health Insurance 1,698 3,712 3,800 5160-430-430310-155 Retirement 1,224 816 1,000 5160-430-430310-210 Office Supplies 300 300 300 5160-430-430310-312 Postage 150 150 150 5160-430-430310-320 Printing 150 150 150 5160-430-430310-335 Dues & Registrations 300 300 300 5160-430-430310-341 Electrical Service 1,200 1,500 1,800 5160-430-430310-345 Telephone & Internet 900 900 1,000 5160-430-430310-354 Contract Services - General 1,500 12,500 10,000 5160-430-430310-355 Contract Services - Mowing 4,000 3,500 4,000 5160-430-430310-356 Contract Services - Snow 4,000 4,000 4,000 5160-430-430310-360 Repairs & Maintenance 2,000 5,000 6,000 5160-430-430310-362 Equipment Maintenance 1,000 1,000 1,000 5160-430-430310-367 Maintenance by Public Works 2,500 2,500 3,000 5160-430-430310-370 Maintenance by Parks Dept. 2,500 2,500 3,000 5160-430-430310-373 Travel & Conferences 1,800 1,800 2,000 5160-430-430310-380 Airport Signage 2,400 1,400 1,200 5160-430-430310-510 Property & Liability Ins. 6,000 7,652 7,000 5160-430-430310-522 Administrative Transfers 395 1,707 1,800 5160-430-430310-528 Data Processing 1,310 1,331 1,350 5160-430-430310-532 Rentals 2,400 2,400 2,500 5160-430-430310-820 Depreciation 10,000 5,000 5,000 5160-430-430310-830 Runway Preservation Program -0- -0- 10,000 TOTAL EXPENSES 66,842 87,594 98,959 4185 FAA Revenue Non -Primary Entitlements Due 600,000 Reimbursements Due City of Kalispell 2,612,500 TOTAL CONSTRUCTION REVENUE 3,212,500 1. The Airport is ready to go forward with mitigation of the KGEZ Towers by relocation, remote site, or building a new array to replace existing towers. The estimated cost should not exceed $300,000 to remote or build an array of shorter towers. Relocation would cost upwards of $800,000. 2. The Airport has non -primary entitlements due from the FAA in the amount of $150,000 per year startin_�N in FY 2005, FY 2006, FY 2007, FY 2008. Beginning in FY 2009 we will loose the FY 05 entitlements because you can only go back four years to pick up entitlements. a. An AIP Grant for reimbursement of $1,420,000 spent on improvements during Phase I of the Airport Improvement Plan. This grant is eligible for reimbursable at 95% of the Cities costs. 4. At the request of the FAA Airport District Office in Helena, Montana, the Airport is preparing a new Airport Layout Plan. This was requested by the FAA due to the rapid growth of development on and around the airport. The last ALP was completed in 1999 and revised in 2003. The new ALP should be completed by May. 5. Two new hangars are proposed for this summer. A large 180' by 75' Triple door hangar is proposed by Todd Berg and Associates. DNRC is proposing a 100' by 60' hangar for their helicopters and fixed wing fire crew aircraft. This hangar will also be used by other State of Montana agencies such as FP, MHP, MDOT. 02/26/07 CITY OF KALISPELL Page 1 AIRPORT ENTERPRISE FUND FUND REVENUE AIRPORT FUND ACTUAL YTD BUDGET REMAINING % ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- AIRPORT REVENUE 5160-000-343062-000 COMMERCIAL FEES 7,215 9,000 1,785 20% 5160-000-343063-000 TIE DOWN FEES 1,646 3,000 1,354 45% 5160-000-343069-000 HANGER LEASES 23,725 17,000 6,725- -40% 5160-000-343101-000 FBO LEASE -RED EAGLE AVIATION 12,426 20,400 7,974 39% 5160-000-343102-000 GROUND LEASES 3,000 10,000 7,000 7096 5160-000-343200-000 UTILITY REBATES 0 3,000 3,000 10096 5160-000-343620-000 FUEL TAX 3,396 5,000 1,604 32% 5160-000-371010-000 INVESTMENT EARNINGS 25,631 10,000 15,631- -156% TOTAL REVENUE ---------- 77,040 ---------- 77,400 ---------- 360 ------ 0% OPERATING EXPENSES 5160-430-430310-110 SALARIES 14,984 27,776 12,792 46% 5160-430-430310-153 HEALTH INSURANCE 1,856 3,712 1,856 50% 5160-430-430310-155 RETIREMENT 937 816 121- -15% 5160-430-430310-210 OFFICE SUPPLIES 15 300 285 95% 5160-430-430310-312 POSTAGE 92 150 58 38% 5160-430-430310-320 PRINTING 113 150 37 24% 5160-430-430310-335 MEMBERSHIP & DUES 120 0 120- 0% 5160-430-430310-341 ELECTRICITY 993 1,500 507 34% 5160-430-430310-345 TELEPHONE 579 900 321 36% 5160-430-430310-354 CONTRACT SERVICES 5,806 12,500 6,694 54% 5160-430-430310-355 CONTRACT SERVICES -MOWING 1,764 3,500 1,736 50% 5160-430-430310-356 CONTRACT SERVICES -SNOW REMOVAL 1,463 4,000 2,538 63% 5160-430-430310-360 REPAIRS & MAINTENANCE 511 5,000 4,489 90% 5160-430-430310-362 EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 35 1,000 965 96% 5160-430-430310-367 MAINTENANCE BY PUBLIC WORKS 1,496 2,500 1,004 4096 5160-430-430310-370 MAINTENANCE BY PARKS DEPT. 386 2,500 2,114 85% 5160-430-430310-373 TRAVEL 1,472 1,800 328 18% 5160-430-430310-380 SIGNAGE 103 1,400 1,297 93% 5160-430-430310-510 PROPERTY INSURANCE 6,554 7,652 1,098 14% 5160-430-430310-522 ADMINISTRATIVE TRANSFER 1,138 1,707 569 33% 5160-430-430310-528 DATA PROCESSING 776 1,331 555 42% 5160-430-430310-532 RENTAL 300 2,400 2,100 88% 5160-430-430310-820 DEPRECIATION 0 5,000 5,000 100% 5160-430-430310-950 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS 11,740 205,300 193,560 94% TOTAL AIRPORT OPERATIONS ---------- ---------- 53,234 ---------- 292,894 ------ 239,660 82% 4185 AIRPORT CONSTRUCTION TOTAL CONSTRUCTION REVENUE CONSTRUCTION EXPENSES TOTAL CONSTRUCTION EXPENSE 0 0 0 0% ---------- -------------------- ------ 0 0 0 0% 67% Yr Complete