07-15-10 Site Review MinutesSITE DEVELOPMENT REVIEW COMMITTEE SUMMARY Thursday, July 15, 2010 Lower Level Main Conference Room 201 First Avenue East ATTENDING: Paul Burnham, Asst. City Engineer Jeff Clawson, Building Official Sean Conrad, Senior Planner Dan Diehl, Fire Chief Tom Jentz, Planning & Building Director Kathy Kuhlin, Recording Secretary GUESTS: Jim Atkinson, Eagle Transit and James Freyholtz, MDT. HEAR THE PUBLIC: None. PERFORMANCE BOND REMINDERS: None. OLD BUSINESS: ASI, (Van Ee Apartments) — 420 Grandview Drive — They still haven't submitted their Payment in Lieu of Taxes Agreement. They are still getting stormwater put together. They are resolving some waterline easement and other easement issues. Waterline that goes into that property and there was no easement. The City will provide an easement. Bresnan Communications has a problem with this. They said they have a Franchise Agreement that allows them to put their lines anywhere they want and they don't need an easement. Burnham stated we explained to them that that is not the intent of a Franchise Agreement and that you still need an easement across private property. Morrison-Maierle is working with Bresnan to get this resolved. Once this is resolved, they're going to put on the revised Certificate of Survey the easement for the waterline and the walking path through there. The developer takes the water across the property, and the City will need, at some point, to pick up that water on Grandview and take it to the north and make a connection so we will have better flows through there. Diehl stated there is some great water in there if we could get it looped. NEW BUSINESS: Landscape Ordinance — Conrad stated we have been putting together a Boulevard Ordinance to address landscaping, grass, maintenance, etc. in the boulevards. The Parks Department is going to take what we did here and incorporate that into a Landscape Ordinance that they're working on. This is scheduled for the September Planning Board meeting and then go to Council probably a month or so after that, along with the Boulevard Ordinance. Mike Baker will have a draft for us next week. Discussion was held regarding parking in the boulevard. PLANNING OFFICE ITEMS: Nothing for the August meeting. OTHER REPORTS: Annexation request for Triple W Equipment. MDOT is buying their drain field so they need to be able to hook up to City sewer, so that ten acre site is going to come into the City. We will also have Flathead Beverage coming in for an annexation request in order to hook up to City sewer. MDOT will be paying for both of their impact fees as their drain field was in the right-of-way that MDOT purchased for the bypass. Flathead Beverage will also be hooking up to City water. Faith Covenant Church — 611 Third Avenue East — The parking lot will be paved, striped, and have more setbacks with some landscaping. They will put in two driveways, and will be moving two boulevard trees (Parks Dept. will move the trees). Zoning is fine with this. The alley will be paved by the City with 10' of asphalt within the next two weeks. The meeting was adjourned at 10:35 a.m.